Grateful Wife Quotes – Motivation and Love

When you think of a grateful wife, you probably picture a person who often praises her husband. But don’t forget that she also needs to be thankful for all the things he does. She is the woman who is the best companion and a faithful friend to her husband. The woman that gives him comfort, love, respect and care.

When you’re married, it’s nice to have gratitude as your support base. Without gratitude, you don’t have a lot to build on. And without a foundation, you have nothing to build on.

Certain things in your life simply make you feel grateful. You can’t wait to tell others about it and you’re always pointing out all of the good things that have happened to you while someone else is complaining.

Ladies, you want your husband to know how grateful you are for him. But sometimes saying thank you can be hard. Well, I’ve got a list of the best grateful wife quotes to help say thank you with more love and excitement in your voice.

I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life, and I have such a heart for giving gratitude. So often, we take things for granted. But being a grateful wife makes me the best person I can be.

1. Thank you for being a good husband. I know you work hard and are away from home for long hours. It really means a lot to me when you give me flowers just because or tell me that you love me. I’m a grateful wife!

2. Thank you for being such a good husband. I know work is hard and often busy. It’s wonderful when you think of me and do things for me just because you feel like it. And thank you for being my friend, my lover, and my best friend.

3. Thank you for being a good husband. I know it can be hard to make time for me when you’re working so much, but it means the world to me that you still manage to get home in the evenings and make an effort for our relationship. I’m grateful, and I’m proud to spend my life with you.

4. Being a grateful wife isn’t just about giving thanks, it’s about being thankful for all the little things.

5. Being a grateful wife isn’t about being perfect. It’s about not trying to be perfect but being willing to improve every day.

6. Thank you for the flowers; they always brighten my day! It is so nice to come home to a clean house. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help around the house. You make me a grateful wife.

7. Being a grateful wife is not just about sending thank you cards but also about practising gratitude every day.

8. Thank you for doing so much and never complaining. You’re always helping out with the kids, cooking dinner, cleaning up the house… I know behind every great man, there is a great woman. I’m a grateful wife.

9. Being a grateful wife is about more than just being thankful for the things you have. It’s about living with gratitude in a world that often doesn’t practice it.

10. Being a grateful wife is about appreciating the things you have every day and treating your husband how he deserves.

11. Being a grateful wife means you are constantly seeking to improve yourself and others.

12. If I had a dollar for every time you do something around the house, I’d be rich! You are one of the most selfless people I’ve met, and I can’t thank you enough.

13. Being a grateful wife doesn’t mean you can see all of your flaws. It doesn’t mean you’re never disappointed or that you never have bad thoughts.

14. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for always being there, for being home when I get back, for cooking me dinner and for being there to listen. I can’t even imagine what my life would be like without you, so thank you.

15. I have always wanted to be a grateful wife. I’m grateful for all of the little things that my husband does for me every single day. He cleans up after dinner and doesn’t expect me to do it. And he says please and thank you. I love you, honey!

16. Thank you for giving me a wonderful life. I am grateful you are my husband. With you, I’m a grateful wife.

17. Thank you for being the best husband in the world. With you, I’m a grateful wife. You’re a great listener, and you try to give me everything I need. It means a lot to have a husband like you by my side!

18. With you, I’m a grateful wife. Thank you for being such a good husband. I know it is not easy to be married to a wife like me, but you always seem to come through. Your cooking is superb, and your many talents make me want to come home all the time.

19. Thank you for making me a wife. I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. You inspire me to be a better person, and I love it when we spend time together.

20. Thank you for not giving up on us. Thank you for always being positive and making me laugh. Thank you for working so hard to provide for our family. I’m a grateful wife, my love.

21. With you, I’m a grateful wife. Thank you for being so thoughtful, supportive, and caring. You are my world, and I can’t imagine one without you. Thank you for being my perfect match in this life – a man of high character and integrity.

22. My husband was kind enough to make me breakfast this morning. I am a very lucky woman! With him, I’m a grateful wife.

23. I’m a grateful wife and want to let you know. You might not always hear it, but thank you for doing your part as a husband. It takes hard work to be a good partner, and I’m thankful you do your part in our marriage.

24. I’m a grateful wife. I feel like I have been given the most amazing life, an amazing husband and amazing children. Sometimes I can’t believe how good it is to be a mother and wife.

25. I’m a very grateful wife who is glad she married her husband. I wanted to show him how thankful I am for him by writing this short yet sweet love note. I hope the best for my husband and want to let him know that he is lucky to have me.

26. You are such a wonderful partner, and you are so great to be around. I am very grateful for having you in my life and having my own family with you. Every day when I wake up, it feels like there is light shining on my face and a special song playing in my heart. You are amazing!

27. I’m a grateful wife! I am grateful for my husband and the love he gives me. He is my rock and my best friend, and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone but him.

28. I’m a grateful wife. I try to remember to give my husband sincere appreciation and encouragement every day.

29. Thank you for being a wonderful husband. You are always thoughtful and generous in so many ways. I feel very grateful every day to have you as my husband.

30. I am so grateful to have you as my husband. Thank you for all the times that you compliment me and said thank you. Thank you for the way you treat others, and thank you for being my best friend.

31. With you, I’m a grateful wife. Thank you for being the best husband ever. Funny, kind and giving you are everything I ever wanted in a husband. Sometimes I think you don’t get enough credit for how great you are and that saddens me because I know no one deserves it more than you. Thank you for all that you do for our family and for me.

32. With you, I’m a grateful wife. Thank you for being a great husband. I always thought it was a lot of pressure to be married, but you’ve made my life so much easier. Thank you for doing the dishes every night and taking out the trash without me asking. I love when we can talk about our days, laugh and enjoy our time together!

33. Thank you for being the best husband. Even though we haven’t been together for very long, I know this is forever. You are supportive, kind, and generous. With you, I’m such a grateful wife.

34. I am so grateful for the emotional connection that we have to each other, and for your willingness to have a second chance at finding love. With you, I’m such a grateful wife.

35. Thank you for the way you take care of our house and for being so supportive of my mother-in-law when she needs help. I’m very grateful for your love, patience and understanding. You are an amazing husband. With you, I’m a grateful wife.

36. Thank you for being a good husband. I am very grateful to have met you, married you, and have the life we have today. With you, I’m a grateful wife.

37. Thank you for being a wonderful husband to me. When I was a little girl, I never imagined that I would have found someone who would truly love and support me at this point in my life. With you, I’m a grateful wife.

38. I’m a grateful wife. I try to remember giving my husband sincere appreciation and encouragement daily.

39. I’m so grateful for my husband’s love, faithfulness, and patience. He encourages me with every step.

40. I am thankful to be married to my husband. He has worked hard to make many sacrifices to give me a happy and joyful life. I am grateful every day.

41. I am forever grateful for my husband who supports me as I become my very best self. With him, I’m a grateful wife.

42. I’m a grateful wife because my husband is so good to me. He’s thoughtful and kind, and he never lets me lift a finger. I am truly blessed by his love and support.

43. I’m a grateful wife because my husband is the best man I know. He’s caring, dedicated and always puts me first.

44. I’m a grateful wife to my husband who never expected me to be the one holding all these surprises.

45. I’m a grateful wife because my husband makes me feel so loved and appreciated.

46. I’m a grateful wife to my husband for his support and love.

47. I am so grateful for my husband. He’s always there, even when I don’t see him. And he makes sure that I feel special and loved.

48. I’m a grateful wife because God has blessed me with so much. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. May you be filled with as much joy, love, and peace as God has given me!

49. I’m a thankful wife because my husband puts so much effort into our marriage and we have been happily married for 30 years.

50. I’ve never been so grateful for my husband, for the way he makes me feel like a queen. I’m so happy to be his wife!

51. There’s nothing like being a wife to inspire me to be better, stronger and more grateful for everything I have.

52. I’m grateful to be married to my husband and life’s journey has taught me so much.

53. I’m a grateful wife. I have been so blessed with this man and our family. I feel so lucky to lead a life filled with love and laughter.

54. I’m a grateful wife for the things my husband does for me. You’re an amazing husband and I love you.

55. I’m a grateful wife because he’s so good to me.

56. I’m a grateful wife for every walk, nap, stoplight and meal together.

57. I am a grateful wife, grateful mom and so thankful to have the husband I do.

58. I’m grateful for my husband. He’s so patient, kind, and supportive. I love you!

59. Grateful for my husband, who has never let me down.

60. I’m grateful for my husband, his love, his support, and the beauty of our love story.

61. I’m so grateful for my husband, who calls me at midnight when he needs help with the kids. I’m grateful for his unconditional love and support. I’m so grateful to have a home filled with laughter and love.

62. Grateful to my husband for his unconditional love, guidance and support.

63. Grateful to have my husband by my side, to be able to do what I love and to wake up every morning with him by my side. I love you, big boy!!!

64. I am grateful for the love of my life who has been with me every step of this journey. Thank you.

65. Grateful to have the best man in the world by my side.

66. I’m a grateful wife. My husband thinks I’m the best thing since sliced bread!

67. I’m a grateful wife because I can celebrate my husband finding the perfect foundation for our wedding reception today.

68. I’m a grateful wife because of these three things: my husband, the Lord, and the grace of God.

69. I’m a grateful wife because my husband is always willing to lend a hand and go above and beyond.

70. I am a grateful wife because my husband makes me smile every day of the year.

71. I’m a thankful wife because God has found me a good one.

72. Grateful wife – a wife’s job is to put up with her husband’s nonsense because it is all part of the package and she loves him.

73. Grateful for my husband’s love and support, which always inspires me to be a better woman. I’m grateful for all the things that he does for me — like cooking for me and making sure I have enough to eat!

74. I’m a grateful wife for all the love, support and encouragement that my man brings to our family.

75. I’m a grateful wife who keeps love in mind whenever she looks in the mirror.

76. I’m a grateful wife who thinks of each day as a new opportunity to show my husband appreciation.

77. I’m a grateful wife who makes time to give back to others and make others smile.

78. I’m a grateful wife who inspires her Husband to be the best person he can be in our everyday life together.

79. I’m a grateful wife because my husband gives me the best gifts on my birthday and every special occasion.

80. I am a grateful wife because I have an amazing husband.

81. I’m a thankful wife. I thank my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ every day for this wonderful man who loves me with his whole heart.

82. Thank you God for this beautiful life and for making it more than wonderful. I am a grateful wife and mother that appreciates the little things in life and treasure my time with my husband.

83. I am so grateful for my husband. He’s always there, even when I don’t see him. And he makes sure that I feel special and loved.

84. I’m a grateful wife because I get to spend every moment with my husband and family.

85. I’m a grateful wife! I’m so thankful for my husband and all he does for me. He’s an incredible man and I’m lucky to have him as my partner in life.

86. I’m a grateful wife and mom. I am thankful for my loving husband and family, friends, job, health, smiley face emoji, positive mindset and many more.

87. I’m a grateful wife because my husband buys me really good shoes.

88. I’m a grateful wife. I have a wonderful husband, a home and a family. What else do I need?

89. I am a grateful wife. Every day I am thankful for my husband and our family. I am also thankful for the things we don’t have, but I know He has a plan and purpose for my life…in this moment of uncertainty, don’t quit. Keep going!

90. For every stroll, snooze, stoplight, and supper we have shared, I am a thankful wife.

91. I’m a grateful wife because you’re the best husband.

92. I’m a grateful wife for knowing my husband because I know that he is a good man. He does a lot of things for me and our family, but the thing that I appreciate most about him is that he keeps me grounded.

93. We don’t always know what is around the corner, but we can be sure that there is one thing in life more important than anything else: being a grateful wife.

94. I am a grateful wife because we have it all. And I feel lucky to have the life I have and be surrounded by the people I love.

95. I am a grateful wife for my husband’s willingness to put in the effort, for his ability to find extraordinary ways to surprise me, and for his skill at keeping my appreciation up.

96. It feels so good to be a grateful wife. Happy wife, happy life.

97. I am a grateful wife to my husband. I am thankful that he is a soul mate and feels this way about me without fail. I love you and I am so blessed to be with you!

98. This is my grateful wife moment. I’m thankful to my husband who put up with me listening to this song all last night.

99. I’m thankful for the gift of my husband, his wonderful smile and his ability to keep me laughing.

100. I’m thankful for my husband’s support, the freedom to pursue my passions, and the opportunity to do so every day. I cherish you, big boy!

I hope you enjoyed these grateful wife quotes above. Let me know what you think of this post in the comment section, will you? Thank you for reading, please share this post with your loved ones before you go.

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