Ground Water Potentials of the Nanka Sands around Nanka-Oko and its Environs, Anambra State

Ground Water Potentials of the Nanka Sands around Nanka-Oko and its Environs, Anambra State.

Table of Contents


Investigations were carried out for groundwater potentials and hydro-geochemical characteristics of the Nanka-Oko area and environs, southeastern, Nigeria.

The areas are underlain by the Nanka Sands Formation. Data from 14 vertical electrical soundings were interpreted using computer aided techniques (IPI2win software).

A total of 16 borehole groundwater samples, were also analyzed for their physiochemical and biological properties with the aim of assessing their characteristics and quality for domestic and agricultural purposes.

The results of the interpretation of the geophysical data show that the area is characterized by variable subsurface layering ranging from six layers to eight layers.

Lithologic logs, geoelectric sections and static water levels data reveal that the area is characterized by two aquifer horizons (upper and lower) and two aquifer types (confined and unconfined).

Based on the estimated hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity and specific yield, two groundwater potentials zones (low and high) were defined.

Results also show that the order of magnitude of the ionic species of groundwater of the area is > Na+> Ca2+>> Cl> Mg2+>> Fe2-/3-.  Only  among the major ions (, Cl,,Ca2+,Mg2+ and Na+) shows a pronounced difference in concentrations from the two aquifer types.

The chemical composition of the groundwater is controlled mainly by weathering processes with little contribution from dilution processes.

Table of Contents

Title page




Table of content

List of Figures

List of Tables


1.2 Objectives

1.3 Location of the study area

1.4 Climate and Physiography

1.5 Geology and Hydrogeology

1.6 Literature Review


2.1 Geo-electrical Investigation

2.2 Geologic Log

2.3 Hydro-chemical Investigations

2.4 Data Analysis


3.1Geo-electrical Characterization

  • Aquifers Characteristics and Parameters
  • Evaluation of Groundwater Potentials
  • Hydrochemistry


4.0       Conclusions



1.1 Background of Study

The Nanka Sandstone has proven to be a prolific aquifer with intriguing hydraulic and challenging geotechnical properties.

The characteristic nature of the sandstone continues to attract the interest of researchers in the fields of hydrogeology, geotechnical engineering, and environmental geology among others for obvious reasons.

Dozens of works have been done on the Nanka Sandstone in recent times, but none so far has holistically treated all the challenges posed by this litho unit as each work has concentrated on a particular/peculiar challenge.

In general, increased urbanization with its attendant increase in demand for potable water for domestic and agricultural purposes has increased interest in the study area.

With the presence of Federal Polytechnic at Oko, and a perennial expanding Ekwuluobia Market for example, more groundwater exploration has become necessary.

Thisresearch project reports the groundwater potentialsof the Nanka Sands using vertical electrical soundings (VES), geologic logs of boreholesand hydrochemical data of the groundwater.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives of this study were to determine the groundwater potentials as well as the hydrochemical characteristics of the aquifers in the study area.

1.3       Location of the study area

The study area (Nanka-Oko and environs) lies within latitudes 6000’ and 6008’North, and longitude 7000’ and 7008’ East. Some of the towns include Nanka, Ekwuluobia, Oko, Obeledu and Agulu.


Bhattacharya P.K. and Patra H.P. (1968) Direct current Geoelectric Sounding Principles and Interpretation: Elssterdam135p

Chukwurah S. (1992). BasicTechnologyofBoreholeMacmillan Nigeria 12p.

Davies SN, Dewiest RJM (1966) Hydrogeology. Wiley, New York 436p

Dobrin M.B. (1960). Introduction to Geophysical. 3rd EditionMcGraw Hill Book  Company (2&7): 569-582.

Dorbrin M.B. (1976): “Introductiontogeophysicalprospecting” New York.Hill Book Company. UK. (62): 298 – 350.

EPA (2005) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater21st edition EPA/600/R-94/173

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