Guaranty Trust Bank Internet & Mobile Banking Guide

– GT Bank Internet & Mobile Banking –

Guaranty Trust Bank is a proud brand of Africa’s global bank featuring the SME bank hub, internet, mobile banking, and lots more for the benefit of their customers. Today, I will be dealing with internet banking for personal and business accounts.

I know you may wonder what the internet banking is all about, see, this is a platform put together by GTbank for all its users to get access to their accounts using their PC at their convenience

This is made possible even without having to go to the bank, especially in the case where no bank is nearby or where their network is out of service.

Yea, you can also access online banking by following the following rules but before you do so, you need to identify if your account is a

personal or business account so as not to have any problems on the way.


Guidelines for Accessing Internet Bank Using a Personal Account

a. Visit

b. Go to the link where you see internet banking.

c. You will be requested to enter your initial user id which is usually 10 digits long.

d. On logging in for the first time, you will be required to choose an alphanumeric user id of your choice.

e. Login code is generated by the security token code.

f. Security answer is very sensitive

g. You will need to generate a payee code to complete your payment.

h. Do not use special characters like _)(*(&^? etc. when making payments.

Guidelines for Accessing Internet Banking Using a Business Account

a. Visit

b. Click on the internet banking link

c. Enter your Customer Id ( a unique alphanumeric number common to all customers or users).

d. User ID which is common to specific users

For first-time login, the user is required to enter the following:

a. Answer to a security question

b. Security question: user can change the displayed question to any question of his choice

c. Date of birth.

For subsequent users, you will be required to log in to the security answer you entered before.

a. Security answer

b. The login code is generated by the security token code.

Note: you are hereby informed to ignore any call or mail requesting your internet banking login and password. These are the works of fraudsters. Beware!


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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