Guardian Angel Watching Over Me Quotes

The concept of guardian angels is something that’s been with us for ages. What are our guardian angels, and how did they come to be?

Guardian angels are believed by some to be supernatural beings that guard, guide, and influence humans. These invisible creatures are said to serve as intermediaries between humans and their divine creator. They also act as agents of fate and intermediary spirits that intercede in the affairs of humans from higher planes of existence.

They are believed to be spiritual beings sent from God to protect us. They watch over us from the moment of our birth until the moment we die and are always ready to lend a helping hand.

It is said that everyone has guardian angels. They surround us and are there for each of us, just waiting for a way to help. Each angel works on specific tasks ranging from the mundane to the miraculous.

If you attest to that and want quotes about guardian angels watching over you, let’s see the best guardian angel watching over me quotes below. Browse through the quotes.

Some things in life are simply meant to be. No matter how hard we fight, or how hard we try, some things will always be out of our control. But I do not worry, my Guardian Angel is always here. He watches over me and protects me no matter what.

1. Guardian angels are watching over me, sent to me from up above. My guardian angel watches over me, and I know he’ll never let me go.

2. Trust that I’ll be taken care of as I grow into the next exciting chapter of my life. A Guardian angel is always watching over me.

3. I am not alone – I have a guardian angel watching over me.

4. I can fall asleep knowing that my guardian angel is watching over me. My guardian angel is always watching over me.

5. When the world seems dark, and life seems hard, we have guardian angels watching over us.

6. When things are out of our control, we have to trust that a guardian angel is watching over us.

7. Guardian Angel watching over me, keeps the light from above shining down on my soul always.

8. Guardian Angel watching over me, with the eye of an eagle. Always there by my side whenever I’m in trouble. Always keeps me safe and secure.

9. My Guardian Angel has looked over me since I was born. The guardian angel is always watching over me.

10. My guardian angel is always there to protect me from harm. When my guardian angel saw that I was in trouble, she flew to my rescue.

11. My Gardian Angel is always there when I need her, just a prayer away.

12. I will never be afraid to speak up, My Guardian Angel is always watching over me. We all need a guardian angel watching over us.

13. I’m lucky to have a guardian angel watching over me and keeping me safe on the road.

14. I have a guardian angel, I see my guardian angel, he follows me where ever I go. Watching over me and all my loved ones, as always.

15. I am surrounded by a shield of guardian angels, and God is always watching over me.

16. There is someone who watches over me, and that’s why I am not afraid. Angel watching over me, always.

17. My guardian angel is always with me. She helps me cross the street, protect me from traffic and warns me of impending danger.

18. Guardian angels are always there for us. I’m not alone. My guardian angel is with me, watching over me wherever I go.

19. My guardian Angel will keep me safe and protected at all times.

20. My guardian angel is always with me. From the moment I wake up and through the day, she’s there.

21. No matter where I go, no matter what I do, no matter who I’m with, my guardian Angel will be there protecting me from above.

22. Even when we feel like we’re going at it alone, angels are always watching over us.

23. My guardian angel watches over me and guides my path.

24. Guardian angels can be found wherever you are. They’re watching over you and guiding your way, even if you don’t see them.

25. When all seems dark, it’s a guardian angel that keeps you safe.

26. Guardian Angel is always there to shield me from negative energies around me.

27. Guardian Angels have been protecting us from the day we were born until the day we die.

28. I have a Guardian Angel watching over me, keeping me safe and sound wherever I go.

29. Somebody up there likes you. Guardian Angel is always watching over you.

30. When life’s challenges seem too much to bear, I reflect on the safety a guardian angel provides.

31. There always seems to be someone watching over me. Just when I’m about to give up, He gives me a reason to continue.

32. Guardian angels are sent to protect and guide, just like the ones my parents have always been to me.

33. Someone once said, “Angels are happiest when they’re helping others.” The love and support of family, friends, and guardian angels are the most powerful force on earth.

34. When I was born, an angel got its wings. From the sky, a Guardian Angel looking over me and my family; I’m feeling blessed.

35. When I was young and innocent, I had a guardian angel. When I became a man and started living my life this guardian angel saved me from trouble more times than she chastised me for getting into it.

36. There is an angel watching over me. I pray there will always be.

37. A guardian angel watches over you. Whether you call on them or not, they will surely keep an eye out for you.

38. We’re all under the watchful eye of a guardian angel, but sometimes it’s nice to know you’re not alone.

39. Guardian Angel watching over me, Guardian Angel watching over you, Guardian Angel watching over us all.

40. Protection and love from all angles. Guardian Angel watches over me.

41. I have a Guardian Angel who watches over me. I am protected and loved.

42. The best moments in life are the ones that catch you unawares, but with a guardian angel watching over me I’m never surprised.

43. Your guardian angel is always watching over you, even if you don’t know it. Trust that this spirit is there to protect and console you.

44. Guardian angel watching over me, sharing the love that I give.

45. I have a guardian angel. She watches over me, every second of my life.

46. My guardian angel is always near to watch over me.

47. Guardian angels are always with us, helping us with our problems and guiding us through our tough times.

48. I’ve got a Guardian Angel watching over me. So I’m never alone. I’m never afraid. Because I know someone’s always there.

49. I know I’ll never go out on my own Because I’ve got a guardian angel watching over me.

50. I have a guardian angel who looks over me and protects me from danger.

51. When the days are long and hard, I feel a little guardian angel watching over me.

52. You’re never alone. Guardian angels are around you in all directions, watching over you.

53. You’re lucky if you have a guardian angel who protects you from all the hardships of life.

54. We are all given a guardian angel to watch over us. They are there during the good and bad times.

55. Guardian Angel always watching over me and guiding my way, with you, I can do anything. Thank you for never letting me down.

56. You have a guardian angel watching over you. They protect, guide and love you.

57. Some days it just takes a guardian angel to have your back.

58. Guardian angels protect our hearts, they give a special meaning to life. They make us need less to be happy.

59. Guardian angels are all around us, they guide us through our lives. We just need to believe in them.

60. Guardian angels are always there to watch over me. Guardian angels are with me always. I look up, smile and enjoy the view.

61. I’m ready to take on the world. This guardian angel will look after me—I know she’ll protect me from all the things I can’t see coming.

62. A guardian angel is never far away. I have a guardian angel and I don’t fall.

63. Do good for yourself, your family, and the world. But always know that you have a guardian angel watching over you.

64. There’s an angel watching over me and the rest of us.

65. Guardian angels are all around me, looking out for my safety and well-being.

66. Another day, another beautiful place. I just want to take a moment to thank my guardian angel for watching over me.

67. Every time I see a bird, I wonder if it’s my guardian angel.

68. I have a guardian angel that watches over me and tells me that I could do whatever I set my mind to.

69. The Guardian Angel of my business is looking over me, protecting me and making sure that everything falls into place.

70. Guardian angels are all around us. They give us guidance and protection throughout life.

71. A guardian angel watches over me. He is my guardian and to keep me safe from any harm.

72. Every time a loved one is in danger, my guardian angel rushes to their side. It amazes me how fast they can travel.

73. Guardian Angels are being sent from heaven to protect me at all times.

74. I have a guardian angel and a personal spirit guide.

75. Guardian Angel watching over me, whenever you are near, where ever I may be.

76. Guardian angel, always watching over me, you’ll never let me fall.

77. My guardian angel watches over me, improving my performance in life. And that makes me a winner.

78. If you have a guardian angel, then you are truly blessed. My guardian angel is always with me when I need them the most.

79. My guardian angel watches over me as I sleep.

80. Guardian Angel is watching over me. I feel so safe with him by my side.

81. You are my guardian angel who watches over me and makes life beautiful.

82. I’ve got my guardian angel looking over me. And She is the cutest ever!

83. Guardian Angel is always around, protecting me from harm.

84. Guardian angels are always there for us. We just have to be aware of their presence as they protect and guide us through life.

85. I’ve got my Guardian Angel watching over me so I’m good to go.

86. My guardian angel watches over me and guides me through life. I don’t know where I’d be without her.

87. I have a guardian angel watching over me. I am always under his protection.

88. With my guardian angel watching over me, I can’t help but be optimistic about my future.

89. My guardian angel is always watching over me. I’m covered, protected and always watched over.

90. Me and my guardian angel are deeply connected. I’ve got a protector who’ll walk with me through this entire journey.

91. I’m never alone. I have my guardian angel to protect and guide me.

92. Guardian angel watching over me, I’m ready for a new tomorrow.

93. Guardian Angel, I don’t have to face the world alone. Thank you for being my protection from harm.

94. There are angels among us, watching over us and guiding us through this life.

95. Knowing that someone always has your back, even when you can’t see them. Guardian Angel watches over me.

96. Guardian angel is watching over me. Being there when I need him the most.

97. Guardian angel is always watching over me. My guardian angel watches over my body and guides me to a safe path so that I can be free from all harm at any time and anywhere.

98. Guardian angels are a constant presence in our lives, watching over us from the moment we’re born.

99. We are all born with guardian angels that protect us from danger, help us in times of need and comfort us when we’re scared.

100. I have a guardian angel and he’s looking over me. Guardian angels are all around me, watching over the ones I love and care for.

As has been said that guardian angels are there to protect us, be there for us and guide us in our time of need, your guardian angels stay with you always, a blessing that many times goes unnoticed.

These quotes about guardian angels watching over you will always remind you to be kinder, to appreciate the small things and to use your time wisely. I hope you got what you wanted when you went through them

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