Gun Names for Dogs: Set Your Sights on the Ideal Name.

Gun names for dogs are rare, but it doesn’t make them any less amazing. All of the names on our lists are excellent choices for both males and females.

Think creatively, outside the box, and pick something unique for your dog.

Gun Names for Dogs

Get inspired to name your dog in relation to your favorite gun manufacturer.

1. Beretta

A distinctive moniker for a female hunting dog has been created by an Italian gun manufacturer.

2. Kimber

This company makes guns in America.

3. Colt

Since the 1800s, this firearms manufacturer has produced armaments for the country.

4. Gauge

A gauge is a unit used to evaluate a weapon’s barrel diameter. Additionally, it’s a strong and ferocious dog name.

5. Nelli

Shotguns made by this renowned Italian firearms company are widely utilized by law enforcement, the military, and civilians.

6. Remington 

The Remington Arms Company is a leading American manufacturer of ammunition.

7. Sauer 

A German firearms manufacturer.

8. Smith

Massachusetts-based Smith & Wesson produces ammunition and firearms.

9. Wesson 

Smith & Wesson is a firearm and ammunition manufacturer in Massachusetts.

10. Ruger

High-quality weapons are produced by the Ruger company.

11. Winchester

A well-known American maker of repeating weapons is Winchester Arms Company.


Gun Names for Dogs Inspired by Gun Parts and Ammunitions

Look at this list of the coolest names if you’re seeking a fierce dog name.

12. Glock

A pistol

13. Tank

An excellent moniker for a hunting dog is a tank gun.

14. Magnum

This is a gun.

15. Musket

Looking for a dog name that is totally cool? A muzzle-loaded firearm is a musket.

16. Derringer

This handgun is stealthy but strong.

17. Bullet

Here’s the kill shot! Both male and female hunting dogs can have names like this.

18. Hammer

Part of a weapon that converts stored-up energy to fire a projectile.

19. Trigger

Take the plunge!

20. Powder

Gun powder creates an explosion that propels the bullet and makes a perfect hunting dog name.

21. Gunner

A term for someone who operates a cannon.

Best Gun Names for Dogs

Look through this list to see if there is a suitable name on it for your new dog.

22. Finch

They aren’t hunters but have an adorable name!

23. Fox

Foxes are quick and athletic, great qualities for a hunting dog.

24. Buck

A buck is the male of antlered animals that are commonly hunted.

25. Drake

Duck hunting is a popular hobby.

26. Justice

Hunting dogs are famous for being righteous and strong.

27. King

This regal name is perfect for hunting dogs.

28. Legend

This is a unique and fun name for your confident hunting dog.

29. Hawk

Hawks are agile and robust hunters.

30. Lynx

A medium-sized wild cat.

31. Beast

Inspires strength and courage.

32. Blitz

This military term serves as a unique hunting dog name.


33. Bolt 

A good hunting dog is speedy and athletic.

34. Brutus

Tough and Hilarious.

35. Max

This name is a popular choice for male dogs.

36. Outlaw

Outlaw is a bold choice and a rebellious name for dogs.

37. Diesel

Diesel gives an intense flare of toughness and rebellion.

38. General

If your dog is athletic and commanding, this is an ideal name.

39. Jag

A tough name for a hunting dog.

40. Cabela 

This store is a mecca for hunters.

41. Tiger 

Tiger is a tough and strong animal.

42. Wolf 

A wolf is a tough canine hunter.

43. Dash

Apt for hunting dogs that are fast and agile.

44. Mack

Mack is a tough and tenacious name.

45. Maverick

An eccentric or maverick is someone who takes an independent stance.

46. Porter

This is a cool hunting dog name.

47. Rex 

This is a classic hunting dog name.

48. Shiloh 

This name is the quintessential dog name.

49. Spike

This name is cute, lovable, and tough at the same time!

50. Scooter

A cool and stylish hunting dog name.

51. Spartan

A society in ancient Greece that conquered Athens in the Peloponnesian War.

52. Rambo

This is an iconic, and tough Sylvester Stallone character.

53. Rebel

Great name for kick-butt, rebellious pups.

54. Rocky

The strong boxer is played by Sylvester Stallone.

55. Rogue

A rebellious, unique name.

56. Ryder

A strong and fashionable moniker.

57. Sarge

This is a tough and commanding name for your furry friend.

58. Walker

The Walker Texas Ranger!

Gun Names of Dogs Inspired By Mythology

Check out these myth-related names befitting your dog.

59. Athena

Athena was skilled in both hunting and military planning. She was renowned for her tenacity, sage advice, and athletic prowess.

60. Apollo

Apollo, a god, excelled at everything as well. He was very good at archery.

61. Xena

Greek mythology had Xena as its warrior heroine.

62. Zeus

This makes an ideal hunting dog name!

63. Artemis

In ancient Greek mythology, Artemis was the goddess of war.

64. Hercules 

Hercules, who is half god and half man, is renowned for his tremendous strength. This is a magnificent and distinctive dog name!

65. Orion 

Zeus assigned the hunter Orion the constellation of Orion in the heavens.

66. Olympia 

In order to glorify Zeus, the Greeks of antiquity staged a Celtic celebration. The term “Olympics” was created as a result of the event, which was held in Olympia.

67. Nyx

Greek mythology’s Nyx, the goddess of the night, is a shadowy character.


What is a Good Name for a Gun Dog?

1. Beast.

2. Blitz.

3. General.

4. Rambo.

5. Wolverine.

6. Athena.

7. Bolt.

8. Duke.

What is a Unique Name for a Dog?

1. Arrow.

2. Ash.

3. Atlas.

4. Bixby.

5. Busy.

6. Cinder.

7. Happy.

8. Harper.

What are Some Warrior Dog Names?

1. Oscar: Hebrew, translates to “divine strength”

2. Takeo: Japanese, translates to “warrior, strong like bamboo”

3. Remo: Greek, translates to “the strong one”

4. Ekon: African, translates to “strong”

5. Maude: German, translates to “mighty battler”

6. Audie: English, translates to “noble strength”

What is an Alpha Dog Name?

1. Banshee.

2. Beast.

3. Bruiser.

4. Bruno.

5. Brutus.

6. Boss

7. Scar

8. Devil.

What are Some Gangster Dog Names?

1. Bonnie: Bonnie & Clyde, are a famous bank-robbing couple.

2. Bugsy: Bugsy Siegel was a gangster who help develop Las Vegas.

3. Butch: Butch Cassidy, a famous train & bank robber.

4. Capone: Al Capone was the boss of the Chicago mob.

5. Clyde: Bonnie & Clyde.

What is the Coolest Dog Name?

1. Flint

2. Harley

3. Dingo

4. Sable

5. Lucky

6. Pepsi

7. Shades

What Name Means Fearless?

1. Anfelisa: This name is of Turkish origin and means “fearless.”

2. Audenzia: This name is of Sicilian and Italian origin which means “one who dares” or “one is who is fearless.”

3. Basilah: Of Arabic origin and means “brave” and “fearless.”

4. Binsa: This unique name is of Nepali origin which means “a woman who is fearless.”

What are Slang Names for a Gun?

1. Shooter (slang)

2. Piece (slang)

3. Rod (slang)

4. Heater (US, slang)

What is a Hunting Dog Name?

1. Rocky

2. Maggie.

3. Nala.

4. Teddy.

5. Finn.

6. Scout.

7. Willow.

8. Moose

What are Some Hunting Names?

1. Blaze.

2. Chase.

3. Hunter.

4. Ranger.

5. Scout.

6. Davy.

7. Shadow.

8. Trapper

It’s crucial to have a reliable companion by your side, whether you’re a hunter or you just enjoy being outside. Why not give your  partner a memorable name?

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