Happy 19th Birthday Wishes and Messages for Best of Friends

Birthdays are special days in the lives of every human. Even more so in the lives of our loved ones especially when it’s a best friend’s 19th birthday.

Sometimes, you don’t have to spend millions to make your friend merry on their birthday. Some simple birthday wishes will make their day awesome.

It’s your best friend’s 19th birthday, right? Celebrate them with some lovely words that will further strengthen your friendship in life.

That being said, below are sweet happy 19th birthday wishes and messages for best of friends to make the birthday of your dear friend even more memorable.

Spread the love to your bestie and make their day special.

Everyone appreciates being celebrated on one’s special day. It’s your dear Friend’s Birthday and you can make it blissful by using and sending these best birthday messages to a dear friend.

1. Happy 19th birthday to wonder and beauty. A lady of many virtues and even more achievements. May the new year bring for you all that you desire and even much more. Have a wonderful year. Cheers!

2. If I ever had some other way to communicate my wishes, I would use it. But since I don’t, accept my words instead. You have been a rock, support, and encourager when I needed it. I may not have as many friends, but I have you, and for that I’m glad. Thank you for being my best friend. May you always find love and fulfilment wherever you turn. Happy birthday to a beloved friend.

3. To an achiever, to a person of few words but great impact, to a humanitarian, to a caring yet purposeful personality, to stories of greatness yet to be told, I say a hearty happy 19th birthday to you.

4. Three times I have erased what I should write to you. Not because it was insincere, but because I had nothing to really quantify my wishes on this day. But I want you to know that on this day when everyone is outdoing themselves to have the memorable wish yet, all I can wish for you is that the best moment you have ever experienced in your life will be the least joyful moment you have ever experienced. Happy 19th birthday to a lovely person.

5. Hommie, if humans came in pairs from different mothers, you and I would be a pair. Long years of friendship and sharing our lives with each other have taught me in more lifetimes to come, I would choose you as a friend twenty times over. Thanks for being a wonderful person. Happy 19th birthday!

6. Hey buddy, this is a day to remember the blessing that was born on the earth- you! Here’s wishing you a lifetime of joy and happiness. Happy birthday!

7. Hey partner-in-crime, we’re gonna get arrested someday, so enjoy your day, knowing that. Thanks for being there all the time, no matter how much I screw up. I love you, dear. Happy 19th birthday!

8. Cheers to a wonderful mentor and friend, have a day filled with positivity and laughter. Happy 19th birthday!

9. I remember the first time I saw you; I didn’t like you. I still don’t; I LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday to my personal sunshine.
Signed, your personal rain cloud.

10. One day five years later, I will paste whatever picture I take of you today; better pray it’s good. Happy Birthday, darling.

11. A friend and brother once told me never to give up on myself no matter how many people gave up on me. I had no one else to turn to for support and encouragement but you, and you made my life worth it. Thank you for being a rock and a pillar of strength through hard times, God bless you, my friend.

12. Happy Birthday, Bestie! You better behave, I know all your secrets! I’ll do my best to make this day memorable for you. Live long, prosper, and get married soon, please.

13. Bro! we’ve got each other’s back, and somehow despite beef, we’ve stayed friends. I respect your ability to get back up after a hard blow. May that always continue to stay with you. I’m honoured to be your best man, thanks for asking! Happy birthday!

14. You’re the only person I know who actually hates cake, so tell me what to get you for your birthday. Happy Birthday, Vintage fashionista.

15. Life does move pretty fast. But you are faster. You never let a single thing get past your notice. I love how you live in the moment and get everybody in the mood for food with your cooking. Have a beautiful 19th birthday.

16. Thank God for making you see another year. It is my prayer that all the years of your life will continually be fruitful and blessed. Happy Birthday.

17. Here’s to one special person with even more special qualities. Here’s wishing you the best of the years. May nothing ever be strong enough to keep you from realising your dreams. Have a great year.

18. Long life and prosperity wishes are nothing without a life of purpose. Here’s to a purposeful life with great exploits.

19. Birthdays are the only days we can say we love you without being too weird. Well, Happy birthday to you. I love you dearly.

20. May the freshness that comes with every new year be yours this anniversary and always. Happy Anniversary. Happy 19th birthday, love.

21. Fairer than all the suns I have seen are the trails of goodness you leave in your wake when you touch a life. Even fairer will be the trail of blessedness sprinkled throughout your life. Happy birthday to a world changer.

22. I have seen the compassion on your face when you stoop to give a little one love and encouragement. Your welcoming nature is proof that angels still walk the earth. Happy 19th birthday, dear friend.

23. To the Man who makes things literally happen, I cannot thank you enough for saving my skin over the past few years. My wish for you is that this new year brings much more than just an increase in age. May the odds forever be in your favour. CHEERS!

24. We fight half the time and almost tear each other’s hair out the other half. But there will always be the moment where we both tear anyone who stands in our way apart. And that’s the fun part about being friends with you. Thanks for always having my back, buddy. May the years be good for you.

25. Friends come and go, and distance separates friendships, but somehow, we’ve managed to stay together and that makes meaning to me. You represent everything good in my life and for that I’m grateful. So, on this day, I say thanks to you. Happy birthday, dearest friend.

26. The years have come and gone and we have managed to be there virtually every moment of each other’s lives. Thank you for every tear we shed together, every laugh we unsuccessfully tried to hide, the secrets we will go to our graves knowing. I’m grateful for all the little things. And the really big ones. Happy 19th birthday, dear!

27. I finally got to see you with Gray hair, but I never expected you’d look this good. I love that your life has become everything you said it’d be, and even more. Happy birthday, may you always achieve even more.

28. No other person has ever been able to cope with my baggage. But somehow, you seem to take it all in good stride and chew me up about it later. The more I know you the more I want to beg you to stay in my life. I love and appreciate you deeply. Please make sure you’re always around.

29. One of these days, you’re going to wake up and discover that all your hard work paid off. And it will feel good. Keep up the hard work and that will soon become a reality. Happy birthday, workaholic.

30. Very many people have tried to come between you and your books. It never worked. I’m making it a personal mission to take you away from those books. I know how much you love them, so, well celebrate it at a bookstore.

31. I’m amazed at how hard it is to find true friendship, and even more amazed that I got lucky. I’m lucky to have found true friendship in you. I cannot be more grateful to you. I hope this new year is as beautiful for you as it is for me.

32. The world is waiting for you to set it on fire with your ambitions. May your dreams take you places. Happy 19th birthday!

33. I loved you for who you were when I first met you. I love you even more for the person you are becoming. There’s no stopping you! Here’s to a great year filled with even greater dreams.

34. Close your eyes and make a wish. That’s my wish for you this new year. Cheers!

35. You are a source of joy and laughter to many people. Your effervescence brings out the brightness in everyone you come in contact with. Happy birthday, sunshine.

36. No other person in the world deserves a truly happy birthday like you. So make the most of the day and have a wonderful life! Cheers.

37. Life has been one crazy ride for you and you have had lots of fun while at it. Never stop making lemonades out of those lemons, champion. Happy 19th birthday.

38. You have given so much from what the earth has blessed you with. Your voice has been a source of strength to many. Here is wishing you great happiness and a joy that never ends even though your birthday is just 24 hours.

39. Forget about the wrinkles to come, let your short hair down and have that awesome day you’ve always talked about but never had. Have a wonderful day.

40. No matter the circumstances life has put you in, I have always watched you take it up, live through it, and bring others out at the same time, somehow managing not to get swallowed up in it. Happy birthday, superwoman.

41. Life is hard, birthdays look like the days to take a break from life and relax. Don’t “hustle” today, just chill! Happy birthday, mate!

42. Words are really too inadequate to convey my wishes, but silence isn’t any better. So, happy 19th birthday, dear friend, may the years be kind to you. I love you!

43. I’m so sorry I cannot be physically present for your birthday, but my thoughts and good wishes are always with you. Have a great day dear.

44. I can always count on you for a shoulder to lean on, so here’s my shoulder- as a birthday present. It’s not much, but I’m just grateful for every time I had you to lean on. Happy birthday.

45. To the only person who laughs at my jokes, my personal cheerleader, you’ll always have me to cheer you on through your daredevil activities. Happy 19th birthday, my darling.

46. May you always be master over life’s waves. You’ve never given a thought to naysayers. And you probably never will. Have a lovely day. Keep riding those waves.

47. May your life blossom into a beauty that will cause others to wonder at you. Blessings on your birthday, dear friend.

49. So, it is the day of your birth. May the odds forever be in your favour and the world at your feet. Here’s to a king/queen.

50. It’s your birthday crazy person. The only day you’re allowed to be your craziest. Go ahead and shock me. Happy 19th birthday.

51. On your Birthday, I wish you the strength to live at one last dream, one last time, and touch at least one more life. Cheers, my dear!

52. Friendship is like wine, it gets better with age- unless it’s bad. Here’s to many more years of good friendship. Cheers. Happy 19th birthday.

53. I’ve been keeping a record of what I owe you- including borrowed clothes I never returned. But have that happy birthday, I’ll be picking up the tab tonight. Happy womb escape.

54. It gives me great joy to wish you a happy birthday and even greater joy to call you a friend on this day. Thanks for everything. Happy birthday!

55. Birthdays come once in a year, but friendship like ours comes once in a lifetime. Happy birthday to you!

56. You always give 100%, no matter what it cost you. A principled and smart worker. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. Happy birthday!

57. Special people are like rare gems. You are the rarest of rare gems. Happy birthday to you, dearest friend!

58. Today, you will be locked up in your house, as usual, celebrating in sober reflection. So, happy sober reflection day, dear friend. We’ll celebrate the day after. Cheers!

59. I didn’t know you when you were little, but I sure bless the day you were born. Thanks for being a part of my life. I really appreciate you.

60. I make a solemn promise on this day to change your entire wardrobe with your money, of course. Happy 19th birthday, sweetheart!

61. My life is boring when you’re not around- so is your life when I’m not there. Come around let’s make it a wonderful day! Happy birthday, dear.

62. You can never have too many friends, so they say. But I’m grateful that you’re always there even though you have a lot of friends. Thanks and have a lovely birthday!

63. I am privileged to spend one more birthday with you. Happy birthday! You understand me as no one else does. Thank you.

64. May the lines always fall for you in beautiful places. Here’s to a great life filled with greater exploits. Happy 19th birthday!

65. Here’s to another year of bliss. Here’s to another year of meticulous planning to take over the world. Happy birthday, brother!

66. If you could see yourself through my eyes, you’ll understand why I always call you a role model. Charismatic, smart, and achiever. Happy birthday to you sincerely. I cherish you.

67. We cannot re-live our childhood experiences, but I’m glad you were there for every one of mine. Thank you for never leaving me throughout those years. I’m lucky to be your wingman. Happy birthday dear friend.

68. Because you offered a hand of friendship, I took it. Since then it has been one wonderful ride and I’m grateful for you. Happy 19th birthday!

69. The way you anticipate your birthday and make elaborate plans for it is heart-warming. May every bit of your day be as lovely as you expect. Happy birthday.

70. Hey, best man; your birthday is my birthday. So happy birthday to us. I wish us long life and even more prosperity. Cheers to us.

71. Happy birthday, party animal. Live long and loud Never have a dull moment. Happy birthday!

72. This is the perfect day to make a resolution and do it. Happy birthday, dear. Smash those goals this new year.

73. I have nothing that I can give to express my gratitude to you, so I’m promising my friendship to you as long as you want it. I cherish you, happy birthday.

74. Never change who you are for anyone. Keep living the life you were called to live, for therein lies your prosperity. Happy birthday, dear.

75. Happy cake day! Just don’t have too much sugar. Love you, dear.

76. A smile that brightens lives. Keep smiling and never let anyone or anything take it away. Happy 19th birthday, dear!

77. You have always wanted to take the world by storm. It is my birthday wish for you to achieve that. Celebrate!

78. Wishing you a prospering and fulfilling year ahead. Happy birthday to you, dearest friend.

79. To a humanitarian, who works tirelessly to put smiles on the faces of humanity: I’m glad that you’re putting that smile on your face too. Happy birthday, we will not forget what you do for us. Thank you. God bless you.

80. Happy birthday! I was thinking of what to give you, and then I remembered you have me. Happy big day, love. Have a great day!

81. Happy Birthday to a gorgeous, caring and faithful soul. I wish for you, the best things you can ever have in this life. Thanks for everything you have done for me. God bless you.

82. It’ll be rude of me to ask you for a favour on your birthday, but please do me a favour, have a Blast today. Happy 19th birthday!

83. I’m grateful to God your last year was filled with tremendous achievements. I’m getting ready to see something I have never seen in your life! I can’t wait for this year to bring more achievements. Cheers!

84. It is exciting to see someone with a life of purpose such as yours. Making great strides throughout the years. Have the best birthday ever! I love and celebrate you!

85. No one understands just how much I love you. You have been more than a friend, you have been family when even family bailed on me. Thanks and God bless you for the wonderful things you have been doing.

86. Finally, you’re legal. Let’s go have the best celebration we can! Lots of love on your birthday!

87. I wish that as the years add, you would continue to grow in wisdom and in favour of God and man. Happy birthday to a dear friend.

88. You, my man, have to have some sense in this new year. Happy new year. Much more sense to you. Amen.

89. You are lucky to receive countless good wishes from friends and family alike. Have that in mind as you cut the cake today. I celebrate you. Happy 19th birthday, friend.

90. Friends are a source of happiness and strength. You are even more- you are family. Thanks for being the best one I could ever ask for. I love you. Happy birthday!

91. I know you’re on a diet, but lets’ ruin it a little. Happy birthday and let’s go through this sugary day together. I love you, dear.

92. Happy 19th birthday to you, dear (insert name), with you by my side, I feel invincible. Have the best year yet.

93. You deserve the best life has to offer, and that is what I wish for you this new year. Happy birthday.

94. Today is the beginning of another adventure. Bon Voyage, my good friend. Let’s meet again to count milestones made. Cheers!

95. You are a good person. Most times, I want to pinch myself to be certain I’m not dreaming that my friend is this good. But I’m grateful to have you as a friend. Happy 19th birthday, dearie!

96. I wish you a lovely day filled with chocolate, spice and everything nice. Happy birthday, dear.

97. You have worked so hard all your life to make everything beautiful around you. It’s time for everything to work to make you beautiful. Have a wonderful celebration.

98. On this anniversary of your birth, I pray that you will always have cause to rejoice and that strength will never depart from you when you most need it. Blessings on you, my friend. Happy birthday!

99. I bless the day you were born. God will continually increase you and all that concerns you. Happy 19th birthday!

100. May your day be as wonderful and joyful as it can ever get. Happy cake day!

I hope you were able to find one or more from these happy 19th birthday wishes and messages for best of friends up there that you can use to celebrate that your best of friends. Please, share with friends and families.

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