Happy 1st Birthday Wishes for Little Brother

In a matter of seconds or days, you get to find out that your little brother is someone you probably didn’t think you needed in your life, but you’ve come to love and adore with all your heart.

You don’t know when or how it happens, but your saviour instincts kick in, and you know that you’ll do anything for this human that is an extension of your parents. You know that you’ve got him for life and that his fights will be your fights.

You might not have it all together now; there are many fights ahead of you both, but one thing is sure, and it is that you love your brother and want the absolute best for him.

It is why we’ve created these happy 1st birthday wishes for little brother for you. Although he’s too young to understand the words, you’ll be communicating to the universe to look after him and bless him with a comfortable and beautiful life.

You’re the coolest one in our family, and I’m glad to be your big sister. As you celebrate a new year today, I wish you everything good and beautiful. Happy first birthday, little brother.

1. Watching you grow these last few months has been amazing. I hope your first birthday is beautiful
and peaceful for you, little brother. I love you.

2. I know that you are too small to read my wishes for you, but I want to say that I love you and can’t wait to see the beautiful things you’ll do when you grow up. Happy first birthday, little brother.

3. You’ve filled our home with laughter and fun. I hope your first year is filled with all these and more too. Happy first birthday, little brother.

4. There’s nothing better than having a sweet little brother like you. I can’t wait for all the fun we’ll have together when you grow older. Happy first birthday, little brother.

5. I hope you’re strong, healthy, warm, and happy in your first year. I am officially wishing you a happy first birthday, little brother.

6. Thank you for coming into our home with many blessings. May your first year be filled with blessings and love too. Happy first birthday, little brother. I love you!

7. I want to say that I’m the proudest big sister in the world. Welcome to a new chapter in your life, brother. Happy first birthday, little brother.

8. I look forward to when we can go on trips together and have fun. For today though, know that I wish you the very best and love you very much. Happy first birthday, little brother.

9. I love your smile and cheerfulness. I hope that you keep doing both as you turn one today. Happy first birthday, little brother.

10. Everything about you is special, and I know that only God’s special blessings and protection will be your portion this year. Happy first birthday, little brother.

11. We are blessed to have you with us as a family. I pray that God will bless and protect you for your first year. Happy birthday, little brother.

12. May this new year bring loads of precious gifts, just as you came with us into our family. Happy first birthday, little brother.

13. Even at your age, you don’t know how to give up. I look forward to the beautiful things you’ll do in the future. Happy first birthday, little brother.

14. I certainly look forward to the years ahead as siblings. Happy first birthday, little brother. I love you.

15. For your first year, may God watch out for you and everything that concerns you. Happy first birthday, little brother.

16. I always dreamt about having a little brother, and you’ve superseded all the expectations I had. Happy first birthday to my favourite brother.

17. May God crown your first birthday with lots of love, smiles, good health, and warmth. Happy first birthday to the sweetest baby brother ever.

18. As we mark your first birthday today, I pray that your life will be long, full, and sweet. Cheers to your first birthday, brother.

19. As you turn one today, I pray that you’ll grow up to fulfil the destiny that God has arranged for you. Happy first year birthday, baby.

20. As we’ve seen your first year, may we see many more in the future. Welcome to your first chapter, brother. I love you.

21. You’re too young to understand my message. But I want you to know that I’ve always loved you and will continue to do so. Happy first birthday, my brother.

22. You’re a perfect little brother, and I love you with all my heart. I wish you nothing but good health, comfort, and warmth for your new year. Happy first birthday, sweetheart.

23. You can be anything you want in the future, and I’ll always be here to cheer for you. Happy first birthday, sweetheart.

24. We smile more because of you. Thank you for coming into our lives, baby brother. I wish you a happy first birthday!

25. We are blessed to be able to call you one of ours. May this new year be a great one for you, my brother. I love you.

26. You’re now a big boy at one, but I still hate to see you cry. I promise to keep doing my best to look out for you. Happy one-year-old birthday, my baby brother.

27. You deserve nothing but life’s best, my brother. And I wish that God continues to bless mom and dad so they can give you the life that you deserve. Happy first birthday.

28. Thank you for making me the proudest big sister in the world. Welcome to your best year yet, baby brother. I love you.

29. Already, you’re a great son to our parents and a lovely brother to me. May your first year be an amazing one for you. Happy birthday!

30. Your smile is my favourite because it’s bright, pure, and beautiful. Welcome to your first year, love. Have a good one!

31. The past months with you have been nothing short of amazing. I hope that only amazing things will keep happening to you, little brother. Happy first birthday.

32. I love your cheery laughter and lively spirit. May they remain strong in your first year. Happy birthday to you.

33. I hope you can feel just how much we love you. Have an amazing first year birthday, brother. I love you.

34. Here’s sending you nothing but best wishes on your special day. Welcome to your first birthday, my brother. I love you.

35. I can’t wait to see what you become when you grow up. Whatever it is, I do know that I love you and will always be proud of you. Happy one-year-old birthday, little brother.

36. The same way we received you with joy and love in our hearts, may your path always cross with people that feel the same for you. Happy first birthday, little brother.

37. I trust that God will protect you and cause you to have an amazing life as you grow older. Happy first birthday, my brother.

38. I want to say again that I’m glad you’re in my life and can’t wait to share your journey with me. Happy first birthday, sweetheart. I love you loads.

39. You have a special place in my heart, little brother, and I hope that your first year is a good one. Happy birthday, baby.

40. You’re the most adorable brother in the world, and I feel blessed to be your elder sibling. May God bless and protect you this year. Happy first birthday, little brother.

41. I see the energy and fire in your eyes, and I don’t need a soothsayer to tell me that your life will be beautiful and adventurous. Happy first birthday, little brother.

42. I wish you success, happiness, and good health with my whole heart. Happy birthday, my brother. I love you so much.

43. I love that you’re a happy child, and I hope that you’ll always be one. Happy first birthday, pumpkin. I love you now and always.

44. You’re just the best, little brother. I used to think that I was the coolest in this family, but now I know that it’s you. Happy birthday, dear. I wish you well.

45. You might be the youngest and most vulnerable of us, but there’s also no doubt that you’re smart. Happy first birthday, my baby brother. You’ll do big things!

It happened way before his 1st birthday, but you know with all your heart that there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to make your little brother happy and comfortable.

46. Brothers are the bundles of joy you probably didn’t expect to love so much. Birthdays, especially the 1st one, provide the perfect opportunity to wish them well in life.

47. If you’re getting extra sweet things on your birthday, it’s because you’re extra sweet. Happy 1st birthday, little brother.

48. 1st birthdays are milestones and proof of growth. And your good wishes to your little brother is an acknowledgement of this.

49. Having a brother like you is like opening presents every day. I hope that you have an amazing 1st birthday, little brother.

50. It’s not been the smoothest of journeys, but there’s nothing about my little brother I’ll change. Happy 1st birthday, pumpkin.

51. I count it double honours to be your older brother, and I’m looking forward to holding your hands on this journey. Happy 1st birthday, love.

52. Beyond the gifts you’ll get today, you’ll not lack love from any of us. Happy 1st birthday, little brother.

53. Your tantrums are about to get as big as your age, but I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. Happy 1st birthday, little brother.

54. You’ve handled the past months like a pro, so I know you’ll do even better with year one. Happy birthday, little brother.

55. Dear little brother, your 1st birthday acknowledges your growth as well as mine. I’m here for your magic, and I wish you well in life.

I knew ours would be a forever love story from the moment I held you. I hope that your new year will be a blessed and beautiful one. Happy first birthday, my little brother. I love you loads!

56. Just so you know, in another life, I’ll still choose to be your big sister. Happy first birthday, my little brother. There’s nothing I won’t do for you, and I’ll always have your back.

57. You’re too young to make wishes, so I’ll be doing them on your behalf today. I hope that you grow up happy, healthy, and filled with many special treats today and always. Happy first birthday, my little brother.

58. I promised that you wouldn’t doubt that I love you, and I intend to keep that promise every day of my life. Cheers on your first birthday, kiddo. I love you.

59. You made all our dreams come through with your birth. So, I’m hoping that the universe makes all your dreams come through when it’s time. Happy first birthday, my little brother.

60. I hope that today and the days ahead are filled with happy moments for you. Thank you for filling my life with joy and happiness. Happy 1st birthday, my little brother.

61. Happy first birthday, my little brother. I hope that you have an amazing and happy year ahead. I love you.

62. From the bottom of my heart, I hope that your new year is a beautiful and colour-filled one for you. Happy 1st birthday, brother.

63. We have loads of wishes for you today and hope that each one comes to pass in your life. Happy birthday, my sweet brother.

64. I know that the Lord has only good plans for you, and I trust him to perfect all of them in your life. Happy first birthday, little brother.

65. You’re dear to all our hearts, and there’s no surprise there as you’re the sweetest and cutest human ever. Happy birthday, brother. Live long!

66. You’ve been our not-so-little miracle and blessing, and we’re grateful for you. Welcome to your official first birthday, sweetheart. You’ll live long and take great strides in life.

67. As you turn one today, may your star shine bright and big, and may you record uncountable successes in life. Happy first birthday, my darling brother.

68. Welcome to your first year, darling brother. This year, may your joy come every second of the day. Happy birthday, sweetie.

69. I hope that every day of this new year is filled with glitters and fanfare for you. Welcome to your first year, little brother.

70. Watching you grow and discover things makes me happy. This year, I hope that the excitement carries on for you. Happy first birthday, my little brother.

71. You remind me of everything sweet and pure in life, and I’m glad to see the world again through your eyes. Keep enjoying life, darling. Happy first birthday!

72. Happy first birthday, darling brother. I hope that all the good things in life come for you. I love you dearly, darling.

73. I know it’s too early for you to remember today, but I hope that the warmth and love we feel for you will never leave your consciousness. Happy first birthday, little brother.

74. You’re an extension of our gratitude to God, little brother, and we love you so much. Welcome to one of your best years, baby. Happy birthday!

75. I hope this year is as sweet, bright, and happy as you are. Happy birthday, my little brother. I love you now and always.

76. I hope that this year will be filled with your favourite things, whether they be toys or socks, as you’re attracted to those. Happy first birthday, little brother.

77. I’m eager to see you try out new things this year. So, I’m wishing you good health and strength, my brother. Happy 1st birthday.

78. Thank you for making me a happy big sister. I’m already proud of you and can’t wait for the good things ahead of you. Happy first birthday, dear.

79. May this year find you brimming with good health, vitality, energy, love, and joy. Happy 1st birthday, little brother.

80. You might be one year old, but you’ve done a lot for me with your presence. Happy birthday, little brother. May God’s hands rest on you always.

81. Time does go by fast when you’re having fun. Thanks for all you do for us, baby brother. May the Lord bless and protect you this year. Happy first birthday.

82. You’re the cutest toddler ever, and I’m blessed to be your big sister. Have fun this year, sweetheart. I love you loads!

83. You’ve grown so much, and it’s been my pleasure looking after you. May God keep you long for us, little brother. Happy first birthday.

84. I’m over myself with excitement about the many things you’ll do this year and beyond. I love you, little man, and I’m excited to be your big sister. Happy first birthday.

85. You have got to be the cutest one-year-old ever! Thank you for the unfiltered entertainment. It’s been a pleasure watching you grow so far, and I can’t wait for the magic ahead of you. Happy birthday, little brother.

86. Your presence in our lives has taught us so much, and we couldn’t be more grateful to have you with us. Happy first birthday, my little brother.

87. I love that you’re curious, thoughtful, and imaginative with your environment. And I believe that your future will be a bright one. Happy birthday, little brother.

88. As your big sister, I promise that I’ll always do my best to love and look after you. I also hope that you do right by me. Happy first birthday, little man.

89. Having you in our lives has given us paradise on earth. I hope that the Lord blesses and looks after you this year. Happy first birthday, my brother.

90. If I’m a proud big sister, it’s because I have a cool brother like you. Welcome to one of the best years of your life, my darling. Happy birthday.

91. I have my family around me, and my adorable brother is celebrating one year. Life couldn’t be more perfect! I wish you nothing but blessings and growth today, baby brother.

92. It’s our birthday as it’s officially my first year as your big sister! I hope that you have a warm and beautiful year ahead. Happy 1st birthday, my brother.

93. Just like that, and you’re already stringing sentences, walking, and keeping us on our toes. I adore you and wish you a great year ahead. Happy first birthday, my little brother.

94. Sniffing your baby smell is one of my favourite things, but I’m also happy you’re growing past the baby stage. Happy first birthday, brother. May you do big things in life!

95. From the first time I set my eyes on you, it’s been the love for me. As you celebrate your first year today, I hope that the universe looks out for you and yours. Happy birthday, baby brother.

96. Congratulations on making it to this stage, little man. I have zero doubts that you’ll make it to greater strides. Happy first birthday to you.

97. Your life will be a beautiful one, and nothing and no one will be able to stop it. As your big sister, I bless you from the bottom of my heart. Happy first birthday, my little brother.

98. It’s my responsibility to look out for you. While I do my duties as your big sister, I also hope that the universe watches over you. Happy first birthday, dear.

99. I want to wish you a happy birthday today and reiterate my promise always to ensure that you’re well cared for and loved. I love you, little brother.

100. Watching you respond to new things fills me with joy, wonder, and thankfulness. I hope you have an exciting year for your first year. Happy birthday, little brother.

You have your happy 1st birthday wishes for your little brother. What’s next? Use as many of them as you’d like!

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