Happy 21st Birthday Messages for Sister

Your dear sister’s Twenty-one is a milestone birthday, and not just for her. It’s also a time of independence, which means she’s an adult and is responsible for her own decisions and actions. Of course, she already knew that.

Many times, brothers and sisters fight with each other. If this applies to you, you should try to bring back the happiness in your sister’s life as she is celebrating her 21st birthday.

This event should be celebrated in a very different manner, and one of the best ways to do that is by sending her your wishes and prayers.

But to give her birthday wishes now is not so easy as she will have a lot of expectations from you as now she is all grown up and has an opinion about everything that matters to her.

It’s not easy to find the right words for your beloved sister on her 21st birthday. But don’t think about it so much, just try to relax because the best happy 21st birthday messages for sister are right here for you.

Sister, you are one of the most mature souls that I have ever met. You give me great examples to follow, and your hugs and support get me through all the tough times in my life. Thank you for everything! On this special day, I want to wish you a very happy 21st birthday!

1. In all honesty, there is no other soul on earth as pure as you! I know that a lifetime wouldn’t be enough to take care of you and your happiness. May God bless you with everything you want and your heart desires. Happy 21st birthday!

2. Today, you will be twenty-one, at least, for another year. As I look back at the journey you have made, I hope this day brings you nothing short of happiness, peace and prosperity. To my special sister, happy 21st birthday!

3. My little sister, I love you. You have been the best person I would ever know all through my life. I appreciate how you treated me as your own. Happy birthday, sis!

4. Oh, man! My sister is now twenty-one! She has grown up to be a wonderful woman. It has been an honour to watch you grow. Happy birthday, buddy!

5. Just 21! I can’t believe it! I am so proud of you, my dear sister. You have grown into a beautiful young woman that has achieved so much. On this special day, I wish you everything the world has to offer.

6. Sister, on your special day I would like to wish you a very happy birthday and a beautiful life ahead of you. You mean the world to me and I am proud to call you my sister. Happy 21st birthday!

7. I am one of the few blessed people who have a sister like you. You are like my best friend, and I am happy you are my sister. On this auspicious day, if only wishing you the best feels right, I wish you all the best in life!

8. You are the best sister I could ever have asked for. The fact that you are special to me is not enough to express how much I love you. I wish you all the best in life. Happy birthday!

9. Once upon a time, you came to me as a baby, and now, you are leaving the nest to be independent. For every single moment of your life, I wish that it would come with a blessing, just like today. Happy 21st birthday, sis.

10. Sis, I hope this message touches you and makes you feel really special. We have been through a lot together and we surely will be going through a lot as well as long as we are together as sisters. Happy birthday!

11. My sister, my best friend, my confidant! Sometimes I wondered how you knew just what to say to cheer me up; I thank God for making you, my sister!

12. It is a great blessing to have a sister like you in my life. I don’t know how it came to be, but you were there on the day I was born and I hope we spend many more years together.

13. Thank you for everything, sister. From the way you love me to the way, you fight with me. You have been an amazing sister and I am glad to have spent my life with you.

14. I remember the day we exchanged our first words. That was a day of my life I would never forget… and I thank you for making it so special and full of memories. You were always there for me.

15. I was never alone even though we grew up miles apart. Thank you for bringing happiness into my life. Happy birthday, my sweet sister.

16. Happy Birthday to my sweet, loving and kind sister. I wish you the very best on this special day. Now that you are 21, I hope that all of your dreams will come true, and the future will be filled with only happy days.

17. My sister You chose to make your own journey and I chose to be there for you every step of the way, we chose to be friends and sisters and now best friends! So, happy 21st birthday.

18. Happy birthday to my sister! When I was younger, you always used to take care of me. You made sure that my life is better than before. I will never forget how much you’ve done for me, Here’s to all the best on your twenty-first birthday!

19. You are my younger sister and I will always protect you. You make me very proud of all the work you have accomplished in life. I am grateful for having you with me to share my joys and sorrows. Have a happy birthday!

20. You are the most beautiful sister in the world and the most wonderful friend anyone could ever ask for. Happy birthday! I love you very much.

My dear sister, today is your big day, and I am overjoyed to celebrate your 21st birthday with you. For this occasion, I want to wish you lots of joy and happiness in the coming times! May this new year bring all that you wish for!

21. My dear sister, today is your birthday and I want to congratulate you! It is a great day as it has been for countless other humans before you. Love is all around us, so find someone who makes your heart feel warm.

22. You have been through many hard trials, but you have always been strong enough, so don’t be ashamed today! Happy birthday, my lovely sis.

23. You are my sister, my best friend. You have given me strength when I need it most. May life keep on blessing you with every little thing that you wish for! Happy Birthday.

24. On this special day I want to say that the last 21 years with you to share your life journey. I am sincerely hoping that we will continue this journey and discover much more to experience and learn about. Happy birthday!

25. Through thick and thin, my sister is always there for me. For every dream I have, you are by my side. Thank God for choosing you to be part of our family. You are a true friend and a true sister that everyone wishes to have.

26. I remember we even shared the same clothes in kindergarten and we still share our clothes in high school and in college and now in the workplace, everywhere we go we still share memories and jokes and when you need someone to support you, happy birthday, sister

27. Sis, words can’t even begin to describe how blessed I feel to have a sister like you in my life. You have changed me so much and shown me how to truly love others. I love you so much and thank you for being the special person that you are.

28. Sis, you are one of the best sisters a person could ever have asked for. I know, even though we live far from each other, I will always be there to support you in any way I can.

29. You are my best friend and I wanted to thank you for supporting me throughout my life. You made me who I am today.

30. I am sure your 21st birthday must be a great day of celebration for you. You have battled a lot and reached a milestone in your life. I could not have asked for a more amazing person as a sister

31. I remember when we were young. I used to look up to you for everything and you always did your best to make me feel important. I hope you have the most memorable 21st birthday ever!

32. My dearest sister, you were always there for me whenever I faced problems. I loved the effort you put into knitting things for me on my birthday ever since I can remember. Happy 21st Birthday! Mom and dad are very proud of you!’

33. I will never forget the day you were born. I was as happy as I had ever been. Everything seemed to be perfect, and I knew you were going to make my life whole.
Happy birthday, sis

34. Twenty-one years have passed, and now I know this for sure; I am glad God blessed me with a sister like you. Here’s to another twenty-one years together! Happy birthday!

35. Since you were born, my life has simplified and kept growing stronger. I knew that God sent you to me to show me the real meaning of life and love. I am happy to call you my sister; you are very special! Happy birthday, sweetheart!

36. My dear little sister, happy birthday to you, I wish you a lifetime of happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity. Be happy my little sis!

37. Wishing a very happy birthday to my beautiful sister! I am grateful to have a sister like you. I love you, and on your birthday, along with celebrating your age, it is also my privilege to celebrate the loving relationship that we share!

38. Wow, you are already 21! I am really proud of you. You have remained kind, no matter how difficult life’s circumstances can be. May God bless you with the wisdom to make good choices.

39. I pray for your success in everything that you do, so you can achieve all of your dreams, sister you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you.

40. You are someone that I will always love and cherish. On your special day, I wish that you get everything that makes you happy. Thank you for being my partner in crime.

Happy birthday, little sister. You have changed so much – from a calm and quiet teenager to a vibrant and energetic 21. You have made me proud through your achievements and I am very lucky to have such an amazing sister like you. Many more happy returns of the day!

41. Wishing you a wonderfully happy birthday. May God be with you every day of your life, may you have good health and more good health, may you have love and more love, may He bring you more wealth than you can ask for. May God bless you always.

42. July 27th is the day that changed my life forever. I am sure you can’t even remember, but it was 14 years ago on this very day that the nurse handed you to me for the first time�. How could I forget? I love you so much and I hope today is as wonderful as you are!

43. I was grateful for your 21st birthday messages even if the party was small. You are special and deserve all best wishes on this day.

44. There are no words to express how great it feels to have a sister like you. You mean the world to me and I am grateful for all that you do for me and my friends. You fill our lives with joy and laughter and we cannot thank you enough. Wishing you a very happy 21st birthday!

45. My dear sister, today is once again the day when I wish you good fortune and success in your life. You have helped me a lot with many things in my life, and I really do appreciate it.

46. For your 21st birthday, may you get what you want most in life! And if you want to spend some time with your mom and dad, then I would gladly take care of the house while you’re gone. ​

47. Dear Sister, words cannot describe how extremely proud I am to have you as my sister. For me to be able to celebrate your 21st birthday with you today is such a huge honour. You truly are an amazing sister and I will always cherish you in my heart. Happy birthday!

48. If I had to choose between not living and living, I would choose the latter just for knowing that I have a sister like you. Happy 21st birthday!

49. I am honoured to have you with me at my birthday party. I couldn’t put in words all the emotions running in my heart right now. You were always there for me in times of need, for this I will always be grateful. Enjoy your very special day!

50. Happy 21st birthday, my love! May you always feel loved and never underestimated. I miss our childhood days when we were silly and happy all the time. I hope you will be happier now in your early adult life.

51. Happy birthday to my little sis! You have grown into a full-fledged wonderful lady who is gracious and kind. Your sweetheart nature has put the sunshine in every single family member’s life.

52. On this special day, I pray that God showers you with blessings and happiness beyond human imagination.

53. Mama, you are the best sister anyone could ask for. We’ve been there for each other during the good and bad times. Happy birthday, sis!

54. You have always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and that has meant so much to me. I love you very much, I hope your birthday is filled with nothing but joy!

55. You are my biggest fan and I know your whole life revolves around mine. You always provide me with the support I need, even if it means you have to sacrifice your own needs for me! Thank you for being my support system and inspiration.

56. On this special day, I want to wish you a very happy 21st birthday! And I can’t wait till you are back home. Life seems incomplete without you, my sister. I pray that God gives you eternal happiness and joy on your special day.

57. I feel so lucky to have you as my sister. You are the best. On this important day, I would like to wish you a very happy 21st birthday!

58. It has been an amazing journey being with you all these years, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.
To you, my precious sister and friend, I wish you a very happy 21st birthday!

59. You always gave me strength and fought like a warrior. Even though we might fight sometimes, it’s because we want each other to do well and be a happy birthday, sis.

60. I will always love you, and we’ll never be separated again.
On your 21st birthday, you have achieved a status in life. You are no longer my little sister but rather a grown-up young lady.

Happy birthday, beautiful sister! I want to thank you for all the love and understanding you have given me ever since we were kids. You remind me of an angel and will always be my guardian angel. I love you and celebrate you as you are turning 21!

61. I am sure you will be so happy and excited about adulthood. But also understand that with this comes more responsibility. So, keep me in your thoughts when making decisions since I care so much about you!

62. I cannot believe that my little sister is now an adult. You’ve been a great source of inspiration for me and I would never be where I am today were it not for your influence on me. Happy 21st birthday.

63. You are both my guardian angel and my best friend. I love you with all my heart. Happy 21st birthday!

64. On your 21st birthday, I want to tell you that I am blessed to have you as a sister. You always care, love and help me in difficult times. It not only shows you are my sister, but also my best friend.

65. On your special day, I just want you to know that I have always considered you as someone really special in my life. As the years have passed by, you have blossomed into a beautiful woman with a brilliant mind and a heart of gold.

66. I wish you all the best for your 21st birthday! I love you and I am really glad that we got to share this life together. You have made my life better and I will always cherish the care and affectionate pangs that you showered upon me.

67. Live happily, stay healthy and always remember how much your sister loves you. May your birthday bring you many blessings and happiness. I am so proud of the person you have turned out to be.

68. You have a heart of gold and a loving soul. My prayer for you is that God gives you guidance, protection, love and wisdom as you begin this new chapter in your life.

69. With your birthday coming up, I want to take this opportunity to tell you how grateful I am to have you as my sister. I love you with all my heart. All the love and care you’ve given has made me who I am today! Happy Birthday, big sis!

70. Sister, I honestly do not know how I would have managed my life without you it was always you who kept me company. You are my role model and the most important person in my life. On this special day, I want to say thank you for all that you have done for me.

71. You are my constant source of inspiration. Today is your special day and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your love and affection. You brought out the best in me and made me grow as a person.

72. You were always there when I needed you, and now it’s my turn to return the favour. Time may pass, but you will remain my idol throughout life. Happy birthday!

73. Wow! My dearest sister turns twenty-one today. You are no longer a teenager and an adult now. I wish you could understand how much you mean to me and how valuable your presence in my life is.

74. Sister, you have always been there for me. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. That’s why on your 21st birthday, I want to say a big thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you and happy birthday!

75..I want to express my gratitude for always sharing your wisdom with me and my newfound friends. It’s been an uphill battle ever since we were kids, but I can honestly say you’ve been there for me through thick and thin.

76 . I appreciate the memories we shared and the great moments we will continue to share as we grow old together. Wishing you a very happy 21st birthday!

77. My dearest sister and best friend, may all your wishes and dreams come true! I could never thank you enough for putting up with my nonsense. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you have a beautiful birthday!

78. Sister, thank you for being there for me all the time. I don’t know where I will be without you. You have supported me through thick and thin. The first big step in my life was because of your encouragement. Happy birthday!

79. I managed to clear my exams. On this day you are celebrating your 21st birthday, I just want to say thank you. I love you, sis.

80. Happy Birthday, sis, I wish you so much happiness, more love and joy. May life bring you everything you have dreamed of all the years! Your brothers are here to celebrate your birthday with you!

May all your wishes come true! 21st Birthday is the time for you to make all your dreams come true. Take out all the old stuff from your room because today is the day you are going to be reborn. Happy birthday, my lovely and funny sister.

81. Sister, I’m glad you are the reason why all the girls are jealous of me! Thank you for being my best friend, my soulmate. I know you have my back in every situation. With so much love in this world, let’s make sure not to lose it by keeping in touch frequently with each other. Today is your 21st birthday and I want you to be happy all your life.

82. Even though, I found you irritatingly annoying to the core, but deep down, I love you so much! On your 21st birthday, you are turning one year older, yet there are times when I feel like you are still an infant. Hope you enjoy being 21!

83. To my wonderful and smart sister: You were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, so you did not become a spoilt brat. Even though you did not have everything on a platter, I am glad you had the IQ to get the best education and raw talent for chasing your dreams. Today is just another day that I wish had more hours in it so that I could embrace every bit of it. I cherish each second that we spend together and look forward to many more.

84. On your birthday, I wish you many many more years! You deserve every happiness that life has to offer. Since I was little, you’ve always thought about others. You’ve sacrificed everything just to make me happy, and today I want to thank you for all the love and care you’ve given me. Happy Birthday!

85. Sisters are a little bit like a mosquito net you never wanted it but now you really need it!!! Happy 21st birthday to my little sis.

Hey, girl! 21 years is a big deal for anyone to survive and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have a sister like you in my life. All the previous 21 years of your life have been meaningful. And all the coming years will be special both of us being in it together. Happy birthday, sis! Best wishes!

86. Happy 21st birthday, sister. I know we will never lose touch and we will remain friends throughout our lives.
Thank you for the many sacrifices and countless hours spent in my support.

87. My dearest sister, you made me feel like a princess when I was growing up. I loved playing with you and seeing the happiness that my presents brought to your face.

88. I am proud to call you my sister, and I wish you a very happy 21st birthday. Love you, little sister!

89. I feel like my life is fulfilled and worth living because of your care and support. I will always love you, big sister. Happy birthday, sister!

90. Today as you move into the new chapter of your life, I wish that happiness surrounds you and that love is always on your side. Happy birthday, love.

91. My dear sister you are always there whenever I face problems. Thanks for your effort towards my life, I love you, baby

92. Who knew that these two different people will grow into a best sister and friend, Happy 21st birthday, my love.

93. I am sure that your 21st birthday must be a great day of celebration for you, enjoy your day big sis loves you!

94. You are the best sister in the world, thanks for all you do sis, mom and dad are proud of you. Happy birthday, sis.

95. There are no words to express how great it feels to have you as a sister, you are the sweetest person I have ever seen and I wish you the best. Happy birthday, sis!

96. For me to be able to celebrate your 21st birthday with you is a great honour. Happy birthday, Lil sis!

97. You are truly an amazing sis and I will always cherish you in my heart. Happy happy, sister.

98. You filled my life with joy and laughter I cannot thank you enough. Happy birthday, sister!

99. Dear sister, today is that day I wish you good fortune and success in life, grow old and excel. I love you!

100. Happy birthday, my love. May you be loved and never underestimated. I miss our childhood days happy birthday once again.

Your sister’s 21st birthday gives you the opportunity to show her some love in a special way, and making use of the messages here would do just that.

Make the day a whole lot super for your younger sister or older sister with more than one of the messages.

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