Happy 22nd Birthday to Me Wishes and Quotes

Birthday is that day some persons wish for what they want or look at what they have achieved. Achievement or not, you need to celebrate another year of your existence on earth.

Self-celebration gives no room for sadness either from within or without. You make yourself happy, thankful and jubilate. You look back to how far you have come in life.

When it’s a special one like the age of 22, you don’t need to wait for others before you celebrate yourself. At 22, you should focus on positivity and say things you wish to achieve to yourself. Even with all of these, you still need to appreciate yourself by celebrating yourself. You can even buy yourself cakes and gifts to celebrate your birthday.

To make it easy for you, here are some mind-blowing happy 22nd birthday to me wishes and quotes you can use.

Darling me, I know that you are important to yourself and the world. Raise a glass for yourself and say that you are doing well. Happy 22nd birthday to myself.

1. It’s my happy day, so I will be glad and rejoice. Happiest 22nd birthday to my gorgeous self.

2. 22nd years of living on planet earth is a sign that I’ve come far in life. Happy birthday to me.

3. Double numbers mean double blessings. I receive this on my 22nd birthday today.

4. I’m walking towards becoming an achiever and I know I’m going to succeed. Happy birthday to my 22 years old self who is hardworking.

5. The age is double-digit. I pray to receive double blessings now and always. Happy 22nd year of living to me.

6. It is a privilege to witness another double-digit after 11. I am grateful, oh Lord. Happy 22nd birthday to me.

7. At 22 years, I hope to be one of the most successful under 25. Happy birthday to me.

8. Today is the 22nd year of my being called human. May I live to see multiple folds of my age. Happy birthday to my lovely self.

9. My heart is filled will try gratitude to the Almighty for keeping me alive for 22 years. May I never struggle in life.

10. What more could I have asked for at age 22. I have all the good things of life. I’m grateful and happy. More celebration to me.

Also read: What’s so special about wishing yourself a happy birthday?

11. For the past 22 years of my life, I’ve learnt to be independent, hardworking, loving and thankful. These are what I’m keeping to myself.

12. I realised how bold I’ve become and how determined I am for success. Happy birthday to me.

13. As I celebrate double digits, may the blessings and gifts come in double fold. Happy 22nd birthday to my cute self.

14. Looking back to how far I’ve come, I realized that it can only be God’s grace to scale through. Happy 22 years to me.

15. I am thankful to God for all the love, happiness and favour that I’ve received for the 22 years of my existence. Happy birthday to me.

16. I may not be the famous, richest or youngest person but I’m the best 22 years old today. Many more happy years to me.

17. I hope to continue to experience this happiness in my life as I clock 22 years today. Many more happy returns of the day to me.

18. Joy unspeakable, undiluted happiness and everlasting favour. These are my personal wishes for my darling self as I open the 22nd chapter of my life.

19. I have put smiles on people’s faces, so it won’t be seen as being selfish if I make myself a priority in every activity today as I clock 22 years.

19. Thank you, Lord, for a smooth ride since I embark on life’s journey 22 years ago. Happy birthday to my darling self.

20. Today being my birthday, I just want to thank God for the best gift no one could give, – Life. Happiest birthday to me.

21. My birthdays remind me of how I am loved by my Creator. Happy 22 years to me.

22. As I continue on my journey here on earth, may I not be tired or walk on rough roads. Happy 22nd birthday to my life.

23. Nations await my success and I’m going to shine brighter than the sun. Happy birthday to my 22 old self.

24. May my new age and coming ones fill with greatness and success. Happy birthday to me as I turn 22 years of age today.

25. I am God’s perfect creation. I am blessed and not cursed. I declare success into my life. 22 is the new 12. Happy birthday to me.

Sweetest self, may you love yourself more. I hope you know how valuable you are to your parents, friends, colleagues, world and finally to yourself. May this new age be glorious for me. happy 22nd birthday to myself.

26. My new age is a double-figure, may all the best things come to me. Happy 22nd birthday to me.

27. For God’s mercy, grace, peace and love, I’m forever grateful to you. Happy birthday to my darling self.

28. To be alive in good health is worth the celebration and jubilation. More blessings to my life. 22 looks awe-mazing on me.

29. I’m officially 21 years today. Happiest birthday to me. What a huge privilege.

30. Here’s to wishing myself a fun-filled and fulfilled 22nd birthday. Love and light to my life always.

31. Today is all about being happy because it is my birthday. There’s no room for complaint or sadness. Happy birthday, dear me.

32. I’m special, I’m a year older and I’m super excited. Happy birthday to my 22 years old me. Better life ahead.

33. As I become older, I hope to increase more in wisdom and knowledge, to continue to know what’s right and wrong and never fall into problems. Happy birthday to me.

34. To a unique person who came to the world 22 years ago – ME, I wish you a happy birthday and more wealth and celebration. Happy birthday.

35. On my 22nd birthday, I wish to accomplish all that I have planned for. Welcoming myself to the double 2. Happy birthday to myself.

36. Now that I’m an adult, I hope to have the wisdom to act and think like a 22year old. Happy birthday to me.

37. This day, 22years ago, I had my first cry now all I have is my cute smile. Many happy returns to me.

38. For the 22 years of existence, I have already had happy moments. Thanks to everyone that makes my life fulfilled. Happy birthday dear me.

39. All I wish for is true happiness with peace of mind in my new age. Happy birthday to my 22 years old self.

40. A new year, new age, a new chapter, new blessings, new joy. Happy 22nd birthday to my new me.

41. Cheers to more amazing years filled with fantasy and riches. More celebration to me. Happy birthday.

42. To witness another year calls for celebration. Happy 22years birthday to me.

43. On my 22nd birthday, I wish to continue to experience unending love and peace like a river. Happy birthday to me.

44. I run my race, I believe in myself, importantly, I celebrate my new age. 22 is made for me. Happy birthday to me.

45. To the Creator, I appreciate you for keeping me alive to open a new chapter. Happy birthday dearest me.

46. As I clock 22 years today, may the world sees my potential and may I also know my value. Happy birthday to me.

47. I connect to the blessings that come with being 22. Happy birthday to myself.

48. All my life, I have always worked hard and plan my success. I hope to not get tired or discourage. Happy birthday to my 22 years old me.

49. I’m the first to wish myself a happy and glorious birthday. Many more chapters to open and more ground to break. Happiest birthday to me.

50. Happy birthday to me, I know I’m doing well and I’m proud of who I’ve become. 22 looks perfect on me.

Dear me, I wish this new year works for you and go with all that you desire as you clock a new age and come to fulfilment in your life. You deserve happiness, so, be happy. You deserve joy, so, be joyful. You deserve long life, so, live long. Happy 22nd birthday to myself.

51. I promise to make myself happy and I hope people make me happy as I celebrate my birthday today. Happy birthday to me

52. As I clock 22 years today, I wish to become wiser in my decision making and richer in my career and calmer in difficult situations. Happy birthday to me.

53. My wish is to make the best out of my life as I celebrate another year of being alive today. Happiest birthday to my dearest self.

54. May my beautiful life never turns ugly, may I see and grab opportunities that come my way. 22 is the new age for wealth. Happy birthday to me.

55. A new chapter of my journey through another 365 days, it’s going to be a great year for me and I wish to be grateful for my new age. Happy birthday sweetest self.

56. I wish the world will halt just for a minute to hear me scream “happy birthday to myself and I”. It’s going to be a great feeling. 22 years of God’s grace.

57. I hope my 22nd birthday will be the most loving birthday and may I impact the lives of others in a positive way.

58. I am so excited to celebrate my 22nd birthday today. May it be better than the previous year. Hurray to me.

59. May sorrow, sadness and bad news stay far away from me today and forever as I celebrate my 22 years of being alive. Hip!Hip!! Hip!!! Hurray to me.

60. A day is 24 hours, I wish to put smile on people’s faces for the whole 24 hours today as I celebrate my 22nd birthday.

61. I’m beautifully and wonderfully made. I’m among the chosen generation and I’m a special creation. Happy birthday to me.

.62. I’m the winner of grace, favour, blessings and joy. I am an irreplaceable 22 years old. I wish to live a wonderful and fulfilled life.

63. I’m grateful to witness another birthday. I wish to receive in multiple folds all that I’ve lost in the previous year and all I hoped for in this current year.

64. May this new age of mine be promising and worth celebrating. May I never experience depression and sadness. I know I’m hardworking, I hope it pays me hugely. Happiest birthday to me.

65. I celebrate the teenager I’d been and the adult I’m growing to become. May I not experience the ugliness of last year again. Congratulations to the 22 years old me.

66. I’m destined for something huge, great and nothing but the best. I hope to have a perfect year for a 22-year-old like me. More celebration to me.

67. A sweetest birthday to a 22-year-old sweetest girl whose life has been filled with sweet experiences. I won’t trade these blessings for anything. Happy birthday, sweetest me.

68. I’m wishing myself constant progress in everything I lay my hands on. May I enjoy the goodness of being a celebrant. Happy birthday to me.

69. Dear self, you are a great person, a loving soul, your type is rare and I am so grateful to have you in my body. Double greatness to you as you celebrate 22 years on earth.

70. Turning a year means more wisdom in decision making, more time to explore the world and grab the unseen opportunities. Wishing myself to see beyond the present. Happy birthday to me.

71. I wish to grow old, matured and experienced. By doing this, I’m staying alive. More enjoyment to this beautiful life of mine. Happy birthday.

72. My new year begins today as I turn 22. May it comes with positive vibes and success. Happy birthday, dear me.

73. I am here wishing myself a happy 22 years of being called human. May I not regret the new age in this new year of mine. More celebration.

74. May my brain open doors of opportunities for me, may my smile heal a broken heart and may my life be peaceful and inspires people.

Also, read; Why you shouldn’t celebrate your 22nd birthday

75. I’m a wonderful gift, the world can’t finish unwrapping because I’m embedded in grace, wealth and blessings. Happy birthday to me

Precious self, I pray that all that you requested from God publicly or silently comes to manifestation. These prayers are what will keep you going in life. Happy 22nd birthday to myself.

76. I pray for longer life to be more groundbreaking and to have more love to give. Happy 22nd birthday to me.

77. May I seat with kings and queens and always be relevant to the world. 22 is the new age to success.

78. For all that I have prayed for, hoped for and worked for. May I see positive results. Happiest birthday to my 22 years old self.

79. On this wonderful day of mine, I pray to continue to leave a violence-free life and love myself more. Happy 22nd birthday to me.

80. As I clocked 22 years today, may I be proud of my past, smile to my present and have a bright future. Many more years to me.

81. May the goodness of he who created me dwell in my life. Abundance blessings from above upon me in chapter 22. Happy birthday, darling self.

82. Dear Lord, I’m grateful for the doors of opportunities you have opened to me and I’m forever grateful for an additional ng a new age for me. Happy 22years of God’s grace to me.

83. Happy double digits to myself, may I never stumble in life. Live and light always. Happy birthday to my 22 years old self.

84. I’m the most favoured human right now. For celebrating 22 today, I’m excited. Many more wins and celebration will come my way. Hip!Hip!!Hip!!! Hurray.

85. May this special day marks the beginning of precious things in my life. Happy birthday to my special self.

86. One thing I pray for today is to be a motivation to those around me and the world at large. Happy 22nd birthday to myself.

87. Just because I’ve accomplished so much more at 22, I pray not to be full of myself and may I have enough love to share around. Many happy returns to me.

88. As I clock 22 this year, may my blessings come in double fold. Happiest birthday to me.

89. Here’s to a great life, more celebration and more joy in my life as I stepped into chapter 22 of my forever book. Happy birthday to me.

90. As I celebrate my new age today, may I continue to be a living testimony to all. 22 looks magnificent on me.

91. My prayer is to be among the top 5 greatest men/women on earth as of 22. Happy birthday to my cute self.

92. At 22, may I be honoured, respected and be an inspiration to many. Happy birthday to myself and me.

93. On my big 22, may my life be sweeter than honey. Happy birthday to us.

94. I’m a year older, wiser and I pray to be a year richer and wiser. Happy birthday, my sweet 22-year-old self.

95. Success can only be enjoyed them shared around, I pray to be this successful. Happy birthday my dear self.

96. As today is special to me, may I receive special grace today and forever. Happy celebration to my 22-year-old self.

97. As I grow older, I pray for more wisdom and patience to stand the test of time. 22 is the latest age.

98. May I not fall into temptation as I journey into this beautiful life. Happy 22nd birthday to me.

99. May I be surrounded by many opportunities and be a book to behold by all. Happy birthday to me in my 22 years in life.

100. My life for the past 22 years has been filled with happiness and joy. Many happy returns to me.

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