Happy 27th Birthday Son Wishes and Quotes

You are blessed to have the best people around you. Your son, being one of God’s resolute blessings to you is another person you should not take for granted.

When your son has been blessed to see 365 days of another year and is preparing to begin a new year, it is best to support him in every way possible and of course, show that you are just as happy by celebrating with him.

Apart from being there for the son, it is always wise to check on him on his birthday using calls, and of course, some hearty wishes and messages. For his 27th birthday, some of the best happy 27th birthday son wishes and quotes are here for you to use. You will be very happy that you did.

There are so many things to be excited about as you become a year older, and I hope that you do everything in excitement as you continue with your journey. May this be a happy year and a great one for you. Happy 27th birthday to you, son.

1. I want this year to be happier than any other year that you have ever experienced. I believe that God knows my heart and he can make my utmost desire for this New Year come to fruition. Happy 27th birthday to the best 27-year old I know.

2. Please, go into the New Year with all the positivity that you can afford because the New Year is going to read energy. You have it in you to be happy. So I genuinely hope that the New Year brings you closer than ever before to happiness. Happy 27th birthday to you.

3. You are certainly one in a million because not many people would do all the things that you do for everyone that comes your way. Happy 27th birthday to you, my one and only son.

4. Honestly, the journey to your 27 has been a roller coaster. I have been here with you for the most part and can testify that although it has not been always easy, you have had some of the best events in the last 27 years of your life. Happy 27th birthday to you, my loving son.

5. Life is certainly not always going to be easy all through so expect to experience the stormy weather as well as the good. My prayer is that where you and your people are concerned, you always find something that gives you utmost joy.

6. At 27, I hope more than anything that you have found yourself and have learned that the best way to go about life is to be sure yourself utmost love in all the years. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dear.

7. As you advance into a new stage of your life, I want you to have learned what it means to love yourself and be extremely good to yourself because you deserve to enjoy love in its purest form. Happy 27th birthday to you my dearest son.

8. I hope that you never budge or change who you are to accommodate people that do not matter. To me, you are perfect just the way you are and I am so excited about your journey towards fulfilment. Happy 27th birthday, my darling son.

9. You have inspired me like no other has been able to do for the past twenty years. The fact that you are my son, and you are a wonderful man just puts me in such a beautiful mood. Happy 27th birthday and celebration to you.

10. You are certainly one of the biggest blessings of 2022. Not because you and I are just meeting, but for everything you have done to and for me in this year so far. I am saying that you deserve to enjoy blessing in many folds as you become a year older. Happy 27th birthday to you.

11. If there is any relationship I cherish most in the world, it is the mother-son relationship that you and I have been able to solidify over the years. It is your birthday, dearest son. I genuinely hope that you make the best of the New Year. Happy 27th birthday to you.

12. Happy 27th birthday you beauty! I am looking at you in a picture right now and I am beaming with joy and pride because my effort to raise a standard young man seems to be yielding a greater result even than my imagination. I am so proud! Happy 27th birthday to you, beautiful

13. You deserve to live a happy and prosperous life, dearest son. So, as you celebrate your 27th birthday, my utmost prayer is that you begin to bask in happiness and prosperity because you deserve nothing less. Happy 27th birthday to you, darling son.

14. There is no question in my heart about your awesomeness. I just know that whatever great thing you are doing right now, you have the essence to do even more and better. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest.

15. You continue to amaze me in ways I never thought were possible. I am a proud mother, and you have made me so. I am also hopeful that the new year you are about to step into will bring you greater joy and happiness than you have ever experienced. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

16. I hope that you never give anyone the power to rule your world more than you because when it comes down to it, you are the only one with the power to rule your world. Happy 27th birthday to you. May this be the year that you claim your power again!

17. You, of all the people I know in the world have the most beautiful heart, soul and mind. To think that you are my son even makes who you are more exciting and pleasing to me. I am definitely a blessed father among many. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

18. You have been nothing short of awesome for the past 27 years. I am convinced that the rest of your life is even going to be more awesome, and frankly, I cannot wait to start experiencing these years with you. Happy 27th birthday to you, son.

19. The world may see a 27-year-old young man. But, I know that you are more than what meets the eye. In fact, the world should not be judging you my looks because as far as I am concerned, you have one of the most beautiful souls and hearts in the world. Happy 27t birthday to you, my son.

20. Your dreams are valid – on this day, which is your 27th birthday, I just feel like reminding you that you matter and your dreams are valid. If you also believe that they are, and you work at making them come to fruition. Trust that you will laugh last. Happy birthday to you my lovely son.

21. You are still very young even at 27, and you have all these years ahead of you to fulfil your potential. Never let the world make you believe that your life is finished. For all I know, your journey to greatness has just begun, and I cannot wait to see where it goes. Happy 27th birthday to you.

22. Dear son, I believe in you and your dream. To be honest, I am even as excited about my life as I am of yours. This is because I believe that you are a born star who is destined to do great things. Happy 27th birthday to the best son in the world.

23. Since I gave birth to you, you have only done beautiful and great things. you are 27 now, and my utmost prayer is that you continue on the path that you have chosen and continue to do even greater things than ever imagined. Happy 27th birthday to you, my beautiful son.

24. You are the smartest person I know in the world. And trust me, I know quite several smart people. I hope that your shine never dims and you use all your potentials for only the right things. Happy 27th birthday to you, my love.

25. Everything will be just fine. Whenever you find yourself worrying endlessly about anything in this new chapter, I want you to remind yourself that everything will be fine and of course, believe it! Happy 27th birthday to you, dearest son.

26. You will always be in my heart my dearest. No distance or any other thing would be able to tear you away from my heart. I just thought I would remind you of my love on this special day. Happy 27th birthday to the one that makes life easier for everyone. Have fun, son!

27. I am the happiest person on earth on this day because you, who is my favourite person in the whole world is celebrating a milestone on this beautiful day. Happy 27th birthday to you, my lovely and dearest, son.

28. I cannot remember where I was or what I was doing on my 27th birthday. But, I know this much, I want the best for you in all areas of your life at 27. Have the best celebration on this beautiful day and proceed to have an even better year than you have ever imagined. Happy 27th birthday to you, my son.

29. You came into my life when everything was a bit too gloomy, and brightened my life. Ever since I have not experienced sorrow. You are my good luck charm, dear son. Happy 27th birthday to you.

30. I believe in the beauty of newness, and so I think that your 27th birthday is going to bring a lot of that into your life. Hopefully, all the new introductions bring you favour and grace all year road. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

31. I hope that you continue to communicate the deepest and of course, the simplest messages to all and sundry. Trust me, it is always a great one to share yourself with the world even if it is in bits. Happy birthday to you, lovely son.

32. If you have the intention to enjoy every moment of your day, now is the time to begin because the day is a beautiful one, and it is your birthday celebration. I hope you have a great day, and a good year because you deserve all things bright and beautiful. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son.

33. May the beginning of this new journey be beautiful, and may the end of it be even more beautiful than the beginning. This is the year you enjoy God’s faithfulness beyond measures, my son. I hope you give love a chance. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest.

34. It is not difficult to celebrate on this day. Because, frankly, there are so many things to celebrate about the type you have lived so far, and I am not one to take chances on the celebration of life. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

35. I am praying that everywhere you turn and everyone you turn to this year that you are about to begin will bring you nothing more than good tidings because you deserve to enjoy all of these great things that I know the universe can give. Happy 27th birthday to you, dearest son.

36. I hope that the radiance of the New Year robs off on you and gives you the new glow that you will need as the star of your world. Have fun today which is your birthday, and enjoy the 27th year of your life.

37. I am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that this life is going to give you a lot of beautiful memories to cherish all the days of your life. Starting this moment, I want you to start looking forward to all these memories and moments. Not only that, but I also want you to start manifesting them. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

38. Since you smiles up to me the very first day I carried you in my arms, I knew you were destined only for greatness and that happiness and joy will always surround you. I am so glad that I was right about everything. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son

39. You continue to show yourself a great example to many who would love to learn from the best. From the way you carry yourself, to the way you handle everything about yourself, everything you do just commands respect. Happy 27th birthday to you my loving son.

40. The year is new, so also is the day. I believe that you deserve to get your share of newness in form of happiness and joy. May you begin to enjoy these things and may they overflow into all the other years and days of your life. Happy 27th birthday to you, my lovely son.

41. You have been a source of support to me and everyone around you. At 27, you have done so well for the family, and I could not be prouder. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son.

42 . May the New Year be the beginning of more great tidings for you? I know you already have so much goodness going on for you. But, nothing says you cannot enjoy more of these good tidings. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

43. The year is going to listen to your desires, your confessions and your energy. So, be careful so that you do not confess negative things or send the wrong energy into the world. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

44. Your life tends to become so much better than it is right now – Believe it and begin to live like your life is now as excellent as you want it to be, and your life may just turn out to be very great. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son.

45. I am yet to see anyone in my years of being on earth with so much enthusiasm and courage to do the most challenging things as you. So, trust me when I say that I am not worried about your future at all. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son.

46. You have always stood out among many, and everything that is happening right now is pointing to the fact that you are not done being extraordinary. I hope you never dim your light for anything or anyone. Happy 27th birthday to you, dearest son.

46. Since I gave birth to you, I found love in your smile, and I have watched you continue to show the world that happy part of yourself and I have fallen even more in love with your happiness. Have a wonderful birthday celebration, my happy son. Happy 27th birthday to you, love.

47. I hope you no longer hide or shy away from being your very best self because it is that person I and every other person who love you genuinely see. Go and soar in the New Year and prepare for better years ahead of you. Happy 27th birthday, my son.

48. I hope that every darkness holding you down will flee and every negative energy will be overturned by lightness and positivity. You deserve to have a whole life – that exactly is my wish for you on your 27th birthday. Happy birthday to you, dearest son.

49. You are a blessing to me today as you have been to me over the last 27 years and I am grateful to God that you are still around to be your awesome self. I wish that you continue to be a blessing to everyone around you, and of course, that you also enjoy the blessing that the universe has to offer. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

50. You have the best life at 27. I want to use this opportunity to tell you just how proud I am to be your mother. You are doing so well, son. Keep on keeping on and know that the world is your oyster. Happy 27th birthday to you, dearest.

You have a lot to be thankful for, my dear son, and I hope that you stand up to the occasion of your birthday party to express your gratitude to God and everyone around you. May this year be the happy one for you. Happy 27th birthday!

51. My utmost prayer is that you never fade away. Even after you leave the world, which I hope will be when you are old and grey, I want you to have lived such a remarkable life that people find it very difficult to forget you. Happy 27th birthday to you.

52. I have watched you grow for 27 years and I am going to admit right now without hesitating that the last year has been the most beautiful year for you. I hope whoever and whatever motivated you last year continue to do so. Happy 27th birthday to you.

53. I believe that the time is right to cheer and be merry because you are a year older today, and I few are keeping it a buck, you have just had one of the best years of your life. In celebration, I believe that we are also writing an open letter to the New Year to be even better in all areas. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

54. You have shown the level of maturity that I would never have expected to see in a man your age. But then, you have always been a tad bit more mature than your age mates. It just feels so good to have it play out in your favour. I look forward to enjoying that side of you as I know it will bring you even more luck and blessing. Happy 27th birthday to you.

55. I am so proud of the path you have carved especially for yourself. The fact that you never pretend to have everything figured out but will always show that you are prepared to make the best decision for yourself makes me so happy. Happy 27th to you, my darling son.

56. It is no longer news that you are my favourite person in the whole world. It is easy to make this decision because you are so easy to be around, and you are the kindest man I know, even at such a young age. You are going to be greater than ever this year my dearest. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

58. I actually do not say this enough or as much as I would like you to know; I am so proud of you and all the things that you have been able to do for yourself and the people that mean the world to you. Happy 27th birthday to you.

59. There is no one I know in the world that is more deserving of huge good news than you. I hope that you get the goodness and mercy that you deserve in many folds and that you receive the energy to enjoy them as you should. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son.

60. There won’t be a reason for you to be sorrowful or know sadness in the coming year. If you have been experiencing sorrow before now, it ends right now, at this moment. Happy 27th birthday to you my darling son.

61. You are the most amazing 27 year old I know, and it gives me an even bigger reason to smile that someone like you is my son. I look forward to seeing more of your excellence in the New Year. Happy 27th birthday to you.

62. I hope you let everything regretful go as you begin the New Year. Instead, embrace the new beginning and start the New Year with the hope that the year is going to come with wonderful things. Watch as the positive energy brings you greater joy and happiness than you have ever experienced. Happy 27th birthday to you, my lovely son.

63. In a world that takes delight in seeing people shrink, I am so glad that you are here and you are not ready to shrink to accommodate anyone who is not that important anyway. Here is your mother telling you to never be apologetic about taking up space in the world. Happy birthday to you.

64. You are at the peak of your youth my dear son, and although you have managed your life very well so far. I believe that you can do so much better to get a great life that you deserve. May the year bring you that big break that you have been looking for. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

65. You are about to have a beautiful year, my dear son. I hope that you are prepared for the goodness that the year will bring into your life because they are going to come in large volumes. Have a wonderful birthday celebration, my dear.

66. There is no one I am rooting for in this New Year more than you. I am doing this because I believe that you are due for greatness and all the happiness in the world. May these things and more come your way in this New Year. Happy birthday to you, my dearest son.

67. This is your youth, my dear son. I will be honest and admit that my utmost desire for you as you celebrate another glorious year as a youth is that you always have a reason to stay happy. You deserve nothing less than pure joy, and I hope that you get that. Happy 27th birthday to you, son.

68. You always make me feel two decades younger whenever I hang out with you. And this is why my relationship with you has always been a source of joy to me. I pray that you also continue to bask in the joy that the universe has to offer you. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son.

69. You have the right energy at 27 years old, and I must admit that I am proud of the way you have been channelling your energy. May it continue like that at a faster pace? Don’t doubt that this is your year to break through and make a big success. Happy 27th birthday to you.

70. You should learn to never apologize for your authenticity because that is truly the part of you that so many people, including me, love and would always want you to see. Happy 27th birthday to you, my loving son.

71. There is no need to deny that you still have a lot of learning to do. Moreover, you are 27 now and there is always a lot to learn at this youthful, and useful age. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son. I hope you find joy to continue moving

72. On this day which is your birthday, I have decided to make all good things about you and about your growth my propriety as the year progresses. I hope you can join me on the journey, Happy 27th birthday to the best son in the world.

73. I want to let you know that I am as committed more than ever before to ensure that your growth cuts across the physical, spiritual, mental and psychological parts of yourself. I honestly cannot wait to start experiencing your maturity across all these stages. Happy birthday to you, my dearest son.

74. Every step you take towards will not be painful and full of struggle. Quicker than your imagination, I pray that you get to achieve all of your dreams and aspirations. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

75. You are a shooting star, my love. I am convinced now, more than ever before that you are going to be very great. I personally look forward to seeing how the universe wants that to play out for you. Happy 27th birthday to you, my beautiful baby boy.

76. I am thinking about the years we have shared together so far, and I am reminded that I am at my happiest and my best when you are happy too. So, all I want for the New Year is for you to be genuinely happy. Happy 27th birthday to you.

77. It is so groundbreaking that as a parent, I get to witness the progress of my son from being mediocre to being awesome, great and happy. I wish you a wonderful birthday celebration and a better year than all the years you have had in the past.

78. I would not trade the type of relationship you and I have established for anything in the world. I love you, son and I wish you nothing but the very best for the New Year and beyond. Happy 27th birthday to you.

79. You continue to inspire and teach us what true love feels like, looks like and behaves like. Although you are my son, I will admit that I have never learned from anyone as much as I have learned from you. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dear son.

80. Show your excitement as much as you want and do not be shy to scream or whistle if you have to. You have earned everything that you are enjoying right now. In fact, I believe that you deserve more. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

81. It is a perfect time to let you know just how much I love you and how impactful your presence in the family is. I look forward to seeing that side of you more and more in the new year. Happy 27th birthday to you.

82. It had been an amazing journey for us all indeed. So, I look forward to having more meaningful years together because there are so many opportunities we are yet to explore. Happy 27th birthday to you, son.

83. All that you have been for the last 25 years have been nothing short of excellence and beauty. This is how I know that the next decades of your life is going to be filled with greatness. Happy 27th birthday to you.

84. You’re the most beautiful human I know. Even at 27, you have so many good things going for you. I hope you have a wonderful 27th year because you deserve it. Happy birthday to you, dearest son.

85. The beauty of the new year is already looking radiant. So, I am glad that you have that going for you already. Have a wonderful 27th year celebration, my son. Happy birthday to you.

86. I want you to know that you have what it takes to make your life as beautiful as you have imagined it over the years. Happy 27th birthday to you, my darling son.

87. This new year and the journey you are about to begin will be the best year yet. Believe it and it so! Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son.

88. You have been dear to me and precious to me in so many ways, my dear son. I want this year to be a beautiful one for you because you deserve good things. Happy 27th birthday.

89. You are the brightest star in the room today, and I am not even surprised because you have always been outstanding. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest.

90. You always make me want to be the best version of myself. With what you have been able to achieve at 27 and the things you will still achieve, I feel like you are just beginning. Happy 27th birthday to you.

91. You are a great person, having an amazing year. and I love that for you. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest son.

92. You are going to have a glorious year and a beautiful birthday celebration as long as you open your heart to the concept of a new beginning. Happy 27th birthday to you, son.

93. The day is bright, fair, and perfect for a new beginning. I hope that it is all worth it at the end of it all. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dear.

94. You are a force to reckon with, and I love that you do not back down because of your age or shy away from anything. Happy 27th birthday to you, my dearest.

95. Everything we have been able to achieve so far has been down to God’s infinite mercies and grace. I hope that you will continue to enjoy that. Happy 27th birthday to you, son.

96. God has indeed been faithful to you over the years and I believe that he is not done with you. Happy 27th birthday to you dear. I pray that this is the year that you enjoy God’s a bundt grace in greater dimensions. Happy 27th birthday to you.

97. You should be happy that you are alive and in good health on your 27th birthday. Everything looks like it is going smoothly for you, and I am so happy. Happy 27th birthday to you, son.

98. This year you are about to begin will be a beautiful one for you, and you will enjoy God’s blessings because it is going to come down on you in folds. Happy 27th birthday to you.

99. Let’s have a glorious birthday celebration on your behalf today and enjoy even a better year together. Happy 27th birthday to you, my son.

100. There is nothing to worry about right now because he has everything working in your favour. I’ll implore you to enjoy the goodness as you look forward to more. Happy 27th birthday to you.

If you have been wondering about or looking for some birthday wishes for your son, you have come to the right place. Go through these happy 27th birthday messages and make your own pick.

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