Happy 27th Birthday to My Son Wishes and Quotes

As one son’s birthday draws near, most parents become apprehensive about what to plan for the special day. They sometimes may want to consider if to make an elaborate party or to just get him a cake and then, have some pictures with him.

In the midst of these considerations, some may still be concerned about what to say to him in the cause of the celebration or how to idolize him and make his head swell a great deal, especially when it’s a 27th birth anniversary.

Well, the truth is, coming up with a message is not really as difficult as many think it is. What matters is you just have to be intentional and sincere about your appreciation.

Meanwhile, I have done a very good job by packaging for you 100 happy 27th birthday to my son wishes and quotes that you can gladly send across to your son on his 27th birthday.

I’m sure you will like them. Just take a look at them one after the other and make your best selections.

Anytime I look into your eyes, son, I no longer see the small boy of yesteryears. All I see is the general waiting to mount the highest top. You know what? This quote is just right here to do justice for your birthday. I’m sure you will like it as much as you experience a glorious new year altogether. Happy 27th birthday!

1. Son, I remember you today on your birthday. But beyond being your special day, I have always loved you. All my prayers will go with you as you journey through a brand new year. Happy birthday.

2. Your testimony this great year shall be greater than all the past years experienced together. This is because God has a lot in stock for you this New Year. Happy birthday.

3. It shall be a blessed year all around for you. Everything you put your hands to do will work wonders and yield greatness for you. Happy 27th birthday!

4. You are God’s heritage. For this reason, greater testimony awaits you as you mount the ladder of a big and special year. Happy birthday to you.

5. Look here, son, since your childhood days, I have always admired you and I hope you will live to be more enviable to us your parents.

6. Here is a toast to long life, peace and prosperity in good health and sound mind for you. You remain our ever-special son. We can’t stop loving you.

7. Anytime you celebrate your birthday, I also have cause to celebrate because I see myself as the queen mother of a giant man like you. Keep shinning, son. The sky is your starting point.

8. I can assure you, this is just the beginning of the many good things the Lord has started in your life. Nothing shall hinder your rising. You are a giant and a shining star. Happy 27th!

9. Ever since you started ageing, I stopped treating you as a kid. Now I choose to treat you as the man you’re truly growing to become. Happy 27th, son.

10. I know you’re old enough to be a man and make your own decisions. But be good enough to make the ones that will take your destiny to a better height.

11. My world changed so much for being a mother to an enviable son like you. I’m a proud mother and you are a great son. Happy birthday.

12. All that you need to be a man that any woman will see and respect has been deposited in you. You’re well brought up. Choose to be strong, livelier and lovable everywhere you go. Happy birthday son.

13. The older you grow the more responsibilities you face and the higher the expectations. Never throw away all you’ve been trained with and it shall be well with you. Happy birthday to you.

14. Glad to be a part of your making and becoming. You are so true and lovable, son. You have something to live for and you will surely be proud of what you do. Never disappoint us.

15. Ever since I birthed you, I raised you to be a true and strong man. So interesting to see you’re turning to become a great hero. Happy 27th birthday to you.

16. My love for you is unparalleled. My faith in you is unrestrained. You’re such a son any mother can always be proud of. Happy birthday to you.

17. The good news about you is not just about when you were birthed. The many wonderful testimonies from many about you thrill me a great deal. You’re such a son worth birthing and having all over. I love you, my sweet son.

18. Hearing from people who regard you as an intelligent and wise son makes me a fulfilled mother. It shows I did a great job raising a giant man like you.

19. Nothing can trade with the love a mother has for his son. No matter how best you choose to love your woman, know that I don’t joke with you in my heart. Happiest birthday to you.

20. Seeing you grow gladdens my heart to see how selfless you’re going to be. Your sacrificial spirit is second to none. I’m confident you will always make us proud. Happy birthday to you.

21. On this 27th birthday of yours, I know you’re going to make lots of wishes and resolutions. No matter what you intend to do, never leave God out of your plans. He knows best how to guide you.

22. Happy birthday to the man you’re growing to become year after year. Wishing you a day that is as special as you are.

23. While you’re anticipating blowing more candles especially on this special birthday, be ready to make guided choices and never trade with our counsels for any life decisions you make.

24. I have seen you as a very good and reliable son. Nothing is too big for me to sacrifice for you and mostly to celebrate your birthday with. I celebrate you, dear son. Happy birthday.

25. But for a good son like you, life would have been unbearable. Thank you for being a sweet child to count on where many are misbehaving. God bless you.

26. Here’s to cheer you on to more years of exploitation and adventure. Your resilience and zeal are so endearing and commendable. Heaven smiles on you now and always, son. Happiest birthday.

27. You are one good son that can be valued and trusted. You are incomparable to nothing in the world. I wish you the best on your birthday.

28. Even if I forget how you did offend and stressed me in your younger years, I will never forget how you’ve developed yourself to being a purposeful young man. Have a great birthday.

29. I can’t appreciate you enough, son. Thank you for being so selfless. You’re so thoughtful than I can ever imagine. Never will you be stranded on anything good in life. Enjoy your day.

30. You touched me very deep from the heart for being such a peaceful son. And this is one of the most beautiful feelings I’ve ever had as a mother. I’d love this feeling to last for eternity. Your new age is blessed.

31. I’ve found life so easy to pursue and achieve great success in my career as a mother because I have a peaceful son who gave me so much joy in my entire world.

32. The best career I chose as a mother was taking my precious years to nurture and build you. Now, I’m honoured to see you grow to celebrate your 27th today. Heaven blesses your existence.

33. You’ve got very beautiful eyes which see the very best in people. You’ve got blissful lips that speak kindly of others. You are a good son. I commend and wish you all the bliss on earth.

34. You’ve developed yourself to be an exceptional being. No wonder it’s so easy to make peace with you even after every quarrel. No one like you, son. Have a blast.

35. Anyone who comes in contact with you knows how comfortable it is to be connected to someone as great as you are. Nothing is stopping your rising. Happy birthday.

36. The aura you emit is so compelling and comforting. I see you going to greater heights and achieving all your dreams in life.

37. On this 27th year of yours, may heaven open unto you and shower you with abundant goodness and blessings. Enjoy your great year.

38. You are a significant part of my life and I cannot underrate your importance. Happy 27th anniversary, son. God bless you more and more.

39. The more I love you and show you the care of a mother, the stronger you become as a man. May your new age be abundantly blessed.

40. I know I dream a lot, but I’m glad the reality sets in with you from the moment I birthed you and I became a mother. You are my wonderful child. Wishing you more candles to blow.

41. Your coming into my world makes me feel better and complete than anything else. I know the joy of motherhood because you are a brilliant son.

42. I know you will achieve great success in life, for all it needed to grow and become great is seriously evident in you. Shine on, son.

43. With you, I came to know the real expression of love and the true definition of motherhood. My marriage wouldn’t have been this sweet without your presence, son. Thank you for making us perfect parents. Your new age is blessed.

44. Son, you are as precious as a diamond. You are as enviable as royalty. May this New Year bring a lot of awesomeness and sweet memories to you. Happy 27th!

45. I couldn’t have prayed for a better son than you. Every day, you delight my heart and make me feel so achieved as a mother. You are simply the best, son. Happy birthday!

46. Despite having many fears while bringing you up, I am glad my strictness still made you turn out well. You’re rising above every limitation in this new season of yours.

47. An angel in disguise you are, son. Everything about you speaks of life and peace. Glad you’re growing to become more successful by the day. God bless and increase you greatly. Enjoy your 27th year in gladness.

48. Son, God bless you for making yourself so irreplaceable to us your parents. I hope you’d be more successful than your father someday. Happy birthday, son.

49. I’m confident I have trained and moulded a better person out of you. God bless you in return for being proof of my good works.

50. I know you will bring greater returns as you grow older in life. The older you grow, the better you become. I celebrate you, son. Happy birthday.

I really can’t imagine what to say to you or how to appreciate you, son. It’s just so difficult to express your personality and dexterity in just a few words. Notwithstanding, this wish will help to convey how excited we really are about you and how much we wish you the very best that life has to offer for your 27th birthday. I love you, my adorable.

51. These past years have been successful and adventurous for you as you were able to scale through unhurt and unbeaten. Cheers to more prosperous years for you.

52. What an interesting fact about you having to realise you’re growing to become a great inspiration to many of your age mates. You will live longer to inspire more people.

53. I feel more special today being the mother of today’s celebrant. I sure know it’s going to be a beautiful and prosperous year for you.

54. Welcome to your 27th step. The dawn of a new chapter has been opened for you. As you journey on, it will be an exciting and fulfilled ride for you.

55. You are so treasured and lovable. Thank you for being such an incredible son. With love from me and your dad, we say happy birthday to you.

56. I’m glad you took after our faith and by extension, embraced all the godly virtues we groomed you with. May these good treasures stay with you till eternity.

57. With all I see in you, I can confidently attest that you will turn out well in life. May fortune always smile on you much more as you grow older.

58. Though your childhood years were a little challenging, never did you give us any serious challenge at your youthful age. Continue to live and prosper.

59. Growing with you from your first year till now that you’re 27 is such an interesting experience for me your mother. I pray this feeling will last for eternity.

60. The most important thing that will grow faster than you in dad and mum’s hearts is our unending love for you. We can’t stop loving you, son. Happy New Year.

61. You’ve been my very first best friend since your 1st birthday till now that you’re older. Don’t stop being our noble son. Happy birthday.

62. You’ve been my greatest companion whenever your dad is always on a business trip. Even now that you’re older, I still see you closer than the physical distance between us.

63. I never believed you could make us this proud son. Thank you for not putting the name of this family into shame. Keep being remarkable. Happy 27th anniversary to you.

64. You are a gift to us and you’ve got such a beautiful soul. It’s such a blessing to have a darling son like you. Nothing compares you to.

65. Your children will be proud of the great man I groomed to be their father as much as your wife will enjoy your responsiveness as a good husband.

66. One of the best things I ever experienced in life is having you as my son. I pray the Lord supplies you with the needed strength for the years ahead.

67. As you increase in age, may you continually grow in wisdom and intelligence. Happiest birthday to you. Do have a special day.

68. I dare not look down on you for being my own son. You’re a young man of great knowledge and understanding. For making us proud always, may happiness be your portion.

69. You are a bright son any young lady will be crazy to have as her man. You greatly possess great potentials that will endear any lady to you any day any time.

70. Since you were little, I’ve been learning wonderful lessons from you. Never will I underrate your intelligence and ingenuity. Happy birthday to you, son.

71. It’s a great feeling to tell you that I found a lovely and promising son in you. Your future is so bright and I know you will never disappoint us. Shine on, son!

72. Son, you deserve so much respect and adulation today. It’s not only your birthday but it’s also your Masters Graduation day. What a double blessing and joy for us. Happy celebration!

73. This year will be such that you will behold and always remember for good. Happy birthday to you my beloved son.

74. I’m endeared towards your kind of son for I love your teachable spirit. For always listening to corrections, your children will also hearken unto you all their lives. Happy birthday to you.

75. Since you came into our lives, our world has been so beautiful and colourful. Stay blessed and do have a colourful birthday.

76. Nothing in this world can take away the affection and admiration I already developed for you. You remain my adorable son.

77. I can’t ignore the fact that life is so beautiful with a great son like you. On this special day of yours, may heaven be opened and fall upon you morning dews.

78. This New Year will surely be a remarkable year for you. Never will you lack anything good in life. As you call upon God, you will get a quick response.

79. You are just the exact son I always pray to have. You are brave, brilliant and smart. I have no doubt that your future will be great. Enjoy all the bliss that comes with your new age.

80. From your cradle, I’ve kept keen watch over you for you’ve been a special son. The more you make us happy, the more joy and fulfilment you will also experience in life. Happy 27th, son.

81. Just as you’re celebrating the 27th year today, it will never be the last. The next year will be a greater and more promising celebration for you. Have a blast!

82. You came to us in an unexpected way and ever since, you have been the adorable child we strongly desired and appreciated. May you have cause to smile all your days. Happy birthday!

83. I must confess son. Of all your siblings, you stood out amongst all. I tried hard to dissuade this, but you have in many ways proven to be unique and valuable.

84. When I almost lost hope in giving birth, you came through and became the source of my hope and strength. May I not weep over you. Have a good one.

85. In case I haven’t expressed this to you before, I consider this day as the best time to let you know that I truly love and appreciate you, son. A fruitful and remarkable birthday it shall be for you.

86. 27 years is just too small for you to experience and manifest all the great things the Lord has in stock for you. It’s a great year, son. Happy birthday!

87. This New Year shall be the reality of all the signs and wonders God promised to manifest in your life. Have a great year.

88. Never will I take your birthday for granted for you were my source of courage and strength from my youthful years. I celebrate you. Happiest birthday to you.

89. Your plainness and approach to life are so estimable and worth imitating. This is just to let you know that I really feel your impact as a dear son. Happy birthday to you.

90. Nothing in the world can compare to the love and admiration I have for you son. Congratulations and hearty cheers to your brand new year.

91. I cannot stop thanking God on your behalf for your awesome personality. May you continue to know joy and peace all year round.

92. Thank you for yielding to God’s way from your early years. You are a champion indeed. May you know no sorrow all your days. Happy birthday.

93. Thank you son for making life so easy in training and bringing you up, even in ways we never thought it would be.

94. Congratulations son, for marking your 27th today. Deep down in my heart, I appreciate everything about you. I pray the Lord to bless and increase you more.

95. The best gift of God to us is the gift of you and the best day on earth is often your birthday. Happy birthday to you, son.

96. Today is always that distinct day to remind us of the huge privilege we have to birth a favoured son like you. And it’s a day to remind God to bless you more than you can ever ask for.

97. Happy birthday, son. Each year I see you grow older, I become more proud of what I’m seeing in you and the great future that lies ahead for you. Age with massive grace.

98. As you journey into a new year, I pray you to come closer to the fulfilment of your divine destiny in life. Happy birthday to you.

99. There might have been times of struggles and quarrels. But trust me, I can’t deny the fact that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me in life. I can’t but wish you the very best of the new year, son. Happy birthday.

100. Son, I call you blessed today for you are a true son of your father. The more you make us proud, the more chances you get to have big parties on your birthdays.

With this list of messages, I hope I have been able to serve you well to have got your desirable quotes and wishes for your son on his birthday.

Now that you know what to write on his birthday card for his 27th birthday, feel free to use any and make your son enjoy true love and also feel the bond of a father/mother. You’ll be glad you did.

I’d love to read from you, make use of the comment box for great remarks. Thanks!

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