Happy 38th Birthday Prayers for 38 Years Old (2022)

Birthdays, for everyone, come once in a year and you’ll agree with me that it’s always a moment to cherish. It comes with a feeling of joy, gratitude and appreciation for the gift of life.

I know birthdays are special days. The memories of such a beautiful day wouldn’t be forgotten for days, even years later. To be very honest, the way people celebrate me on my birthdays make me wish I could celebrate my birthday every other day. I bet you wish the same too.

Although I may not have gotten as much gift as I wanted, I always got the most important things which are the birthday prayers. Now you know what I’m talking about. Yes, birthday prayers are very important because words are powerful and can be very instrumental in affecting our lives positively or the other way round. A close friend of mine once said ‘prayer is the best gift you can give’. I hope you agree with that too.

Imagine how family and friends have taken time to celebrate your birthday, with the beautiful prayers they have said on your behalf. Those words are working for you already. Now that a special celebrant of yours is 38 years old or, I urge you to check out these happy 38th birthday prayers for 38 years old. Usher him/her into the most amazing year yet in grand style with these wonderful prayers.


38th Birthday Prayers for Myself

It’s your birthday and the beginning of a new journey, make this 38th year of your life glorious by decreeing these birthday prayers to yourself.

1. Today is my special day, so, Lord I’m grateful to you for your overwhelming love towards me. I acknowledge your mercies and graces, I can boldly say I couldn’t have made it this far without you. I now declare unending peace, overflowing joy and abundant blessings into my life in Jesus name. Amen. Happy 38th birthday to me.

2. Happy 38th birthday to me. I say to myself, it’s a new year of greater achievements and glory. My light continually shines brighter. Lines shall fall unto me in pleasant places. God, who has sustained me till now, will keep me in health and wealth for many more years to come. Cheers to 38th.

3. Anytime I remember how far God has brought me, I only find every reason to be grateful for His faithfulness and unquantifiable help. I pray that He will perfect everything that concerns me on this my 38th birthday. I declare that it’s a new level of greatness, promotion, breakthrough and testimonies. This New Year, everything works together for my good. Happy birthday to me.

4. I am so excited to be celebrating my 38th birthday today. I thank you, Lord, for the gift of life, sound health and prosperity. I can never exhaust all your wonderful works in my life. I pray that your mercy will continually keep and guide me, your grace will speak for me and I will experience divine favour everywhere I go. My life is blessed in Jesus name. Amen. Happy 38th birthday to me.

5. If I begin to count my blessings, I will never be able to exhaust them. It has been 38 solid years filled with ups and downs but here I am standing strong; all glory to God. Lord, I pray that as I mark my birthday today, let the remaining days of my life be marked for signs and wonders. May your blessings continue to overflow in my life. Happy 38th birthday to me.

Birthday Prayer Messages for 38 Years Old Sister

Your sister is most likely your best pal and you cherish her so much. Make her know how happy you are to see her celebrate her 38th birthday by sending her any of these birthday prayer messages for 38 years old sister.

6. Growing up with you has been nothing more than an absolute blessing. I pray that you prosper in all your endeavours. Your strength is renewed like the horn of the unicorn and may God hear the deepest words of your heart. Happy 38th birthday, sister.

7. My sincere prayer for you today is that as you continue to rise higher in life, nothing shall limit you and the grace of God will strengthen you to overcome every obstacle that comes your way. I’ve found a best friend in you, sister. I couldn’t have asked for anyone else but you, I cherish you always. Happy 38th birthday.

Birthday Prayer Messages for 38 Years Old Brother

Brothers are big pals that make the world go round. He is 38 years old and deserves these prayer birthday messages to make his day sweet.

8. Happy 38th birthday to the most troublesome brother of all time. I pray that you shall live long and prosper. May all your beautiful dreams come to pass. May the favour of God speak for you everywhere you find yourself. I declare upward growth for you this New Year in Jesus name. I celebrate you, my lovely brother.

9. A champion I admire so much has clocked 38 today. I pray that new opportunities shall unfold for you. The sphere of your influence spreads greatly. You’ve been a blessing to the family and me especially, I pray that your light continues to shine brighter and more lives are blessed through your impact. I can’t tell you enough how much I love you but you know I do. Glow at 38th.

10. May all your heart desires come through. May your feet never stumble. May the labour of your hands be blessed. May you enjoy the blessings of each day of your life. May you enjoy the peace of God and His joy shall always be our strength. Happy 38th birthday, best brother. You are one in a million.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Son

I’m sure today will bring you beautiful memories of your son’s childhood; his first baby steps and maybe his first words like ‘dah dah or mama’. Now he is 38. How time flies, right? These 38th birthday prayer messages for your son will tell him how much you love him.

11. My beloved son in whom I’m well pleased has turned 38. I pray for you, son, that every time I see you or hear and read about you, you will always be a source of joy. You shall live long and fulfil your years. I call you blessed. Happy 38th birthday, son.

12. The blessing of the Lord shall come upon you this day. You shall fulfil your purpose on earth, good things will continually come your way and everything you pursue in life will come easy. Continue to enjoy long life and prosperity all the days of your life. Happy 38th birthday to you dear son.

13. Heaven knows how much joy fills my heart, to know that my little boy has turned 38 today. Glory to God for his protection and guidance. I pray that this new phase of your life shall only bring you all that makes you happy. God’s countenance will shine upon you and everything you’ve ever hoped for shall be expressly manifested this year. I am proud of you son, cheers to 38th.

14. I’m delighted to say I love the man you’ve become. You have a great career and a beautiful family. I was never in doubt of you, son. I now pray for you that you will continue to excel in all you do, this 38th year shall speak forth greatness, promotion and greater achievements. The power of God will uphold you and His wisdom will guide in all your decisions. Welcome to 38, the beginning of great things. Happy 38th birthday, son.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Daughter

The once-upon-a-time little princess of your house has turned 38. She has appreciated every gift you’ve given her. Don’t you think these 38th birthday prayers messages for your daughter will be appreciated even more? Then, try them out.

15. I have watched you grow to become a strong and beautiful young woman, selfless, humble yet influential. I pray that your years shall be fille
d with laughter and happiness. May God bless you with health, wealth and prosperity. Happy Birthday, my daughter, 38 looks good on you.

16. I am grateful to God who has kept you through all the years. Every time I reflect on what we’ve been through together and where we are now, especially how you defied all odds to rise to greatness, I give God all the praise. I pray for you that the light of the Lord will continually shine on your path and you shall not stumble. Cheers to a fruitful 38th year. Happy Birthday, daughter.

17. Happy 38th birthday to a beautiful queen. I can’t imagine life without you. I’m extremely blessed to have you as my daughter. I now pray for you that your strength is renewed like the eagle’s, you excel in all spheres of life. Keep growing in health and wealth. Your family is blessed to have you. I’m proud of you my queen, Cheers to 38.

18. Welcome to 38, darling daughter. God has really been faithful to you and your family. He has kept you in good health and blessed you with wealth. I pray that His faithfulness will continually abound to you and His will for you will be manifested. Happy 38th birthday my baby girl.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Husband/Wife

Make the day glamorous for the love of your life by sending him/her these 38th birthday prayer messages for husband/wife. Don’t also forget to add a lovely gift.

19. To my charming wife, one who brings perfection to my every imperfection; you’ve been a strong shoulder to lean on and I couldn’t have asked for anyone else but you. My prayer for you is a double portion of God’s grace, blessings and favour. Happy 38th Birthday sweetie.

20. You came into my life and brought perfection. You are the woman of my dreams and I’m glad I made that decision to take this journey with you. I still can’t believe you’re 38 because you look very much younger and more beautiful. I pray for the divine protection of God upon your life, to keep you alive for me in good health. Greater years await you. Happy birthday, darling wife.

21. To my significant half who is a year older today, the one in whom I have found true love and friendship. Nothing beats the joy of having to celebrate today with you as your partner. I wish you all the goodness, prosperity, favour and promotion that comes with being 38. Happy Birthday, sweet husband. I love you.

22. I was told to prepare for the worse, but you’ve always given me the best. When I was weak, you gave me strength. When I was sad, you brought me joy. When I felt like quitting, you pushed me on. You’ve never made me feel less of a woman. I pray for you darling, as you celebrate 38th today, your light shall shine greatly, you shall never be stranded. Every door you knock shall open unto you. It’s a new season of greater achievements. Happy 38th birthday, husband.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Nephew/Niece

Spice up your nephew or niece’s 38th birthday by sending him/her these wonderful prayer messages.

23. On this special day, I wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and all the days of your life. Have a fantastic 38th birthday celebration. Happy Birthday, nephew.

24. Dearest niece, you know how special you’re to me. I am grateful to God for how far He has brought you. I pray that songs of praise shall continually fill your mouth. Your steps are ordered by the Lord and lines fall unto you in pleasant places. This new year shall be the best yet to come. Happy 38th birthday.
25. Let every day of your life be filled the goodness of the Lord. May every effort you put into becoming successful be amplified by the grace of God. His favour shall speak for you everywhere you find yourself. You shall only know upward growth this new year of your life. Happy 38th birthday amazing niece.

26. As you clock 38 today, I pray for you that the freshness of the day shall cause all things to be fresh for you, beauty for ashes and joy for sorrow. Divine ideas for greatness shall be birthed. Happy birthday, nephew.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Cousin

Cousins have a special way of making our lives interesting and fun. Let that cousin of yours know how much you care about him/her by sending any of these 38th birthday prayer messages.

27. I may not be celebrating your special day with you in person but I want you to know that I’m thinking of you and wishing you everything that brings happiness today, tomorrow and forever. Happy 38th Birthday Cousin.

28. My prayer for you today is that God will increase you in all ramifications, He will prosper your ways, you will fulfil your purpose and your life will not be cut short. I declare that your coast is enlarged. Happy 38th birthday cousin.

29. As you go through your years on earth, remember to count your blessings not your age, count your experiences, not your mistakes, I wish you a lifetime of happiness and a boatload of big dreams coming true. Happy 38th birthday sweet cousin.
30. May the land you walk on produce blessings, the sky above you release joy. May He who raised heavens without pillars protect & sustain you. Happy 38th birthday cousin.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Aunt or Uncle

Show your Aunt or Uncle how much of a blessing they’ve been in your life by sending them any of these 38th birthday prayer messages for Aunt or Uncle.

31. I want you to know that I’ve found a big sister in you. You’ve been a great influence in my life and I will forever appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I am proud to celebrate with you as you clock 38 today. May your days be colourful as the rainbow, sweet as honey and always as beautiful as the rising sun. Happy 38th birthday Aunt.

32. You’ve been a perfect definition of a true leader, you’re really the big brother and best friend I never had. I am grateful to God for the gift of being family with you. I pray you will never fall in life and you excel in all spheres of life. Happy 38th birthday uncle.

33. You’re certainly an important part of my life and I love you so much. Thank you for the exemplary life you’ve shown. As you begin another year of your life, may you experience God’s extraordinary grace and blessing. He shall grant you answers to all your secret tears, in Jesus name. Happy 38th birthday Aunt.

34. I don’t know how you do it, you just have a way of captivating everyone with the way you talk. You perfectly model who I want to become when I grow up. I pray for you that God’s mighty hands shall release to you everything you need to achieve your dreams and become successful in your endeavours. Happy 38th birthday Uncle.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Sister-In-Law

One of the blessings of marriage is the opportunity to connect with other wonderful people who become family. Show your sister-in-law how much you care for her by sending her any of these 38th birthday prayer messages.

35. I wish you a year of happiness, success, peace, prosperity, health and wealth. May God grant you sufficient grace and favour that will make this new age a glorious one. You’ll never know a better yesterday. Happy 38th birthday Sister-in-law.

36. You are such an amazing blessing God has brought into this great family. I admire your wisdom and patience. Thank you for all you do. May the Lord grant you victory without a fight, grace for ease and all-round greatness. Cheers to 38 amazing years, happy 38th birthday, sister.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Brother-In-Law

Brothers-in-law can be a replica of your perfect sibling with their support and kindness. Celebrate his 38th birthday with him by sending these beautifully crafted prayer messages for a brother-in-law.

37. To an amazing brother-in-law, you’ve won everyone’s heart by the amazing things you do. You just find a way of putting a smile on our faces. I pray for you that the
good Lord who has made it possible for you to see today will continually watch and keep you. You will not lose your health and peace of mind. He will lift you up above your imagination. Happy 38th birthday.

38. If I had the opportunity to choose a brother before coming to this world, I would have chosen you as one of my brothers. Your care for the family is overwhelming. How you almost made sure that every problem is solved in quick time is amazing. I can’t love you less. This 38th year of your life shall launch you into greater realms of grace and favour. At every point you need help, thousands shall arise for you. The light of God overwhelms your path. Happy 38th birthday brother-in-law.

38th Birthday Prayer Messages for My Dad/Mom

Your parents are the most special persons to you and you don’t take their birthdays lightly. Now, today is your dad or mom’s birthday and you’re at a loss for words to send to them. Look no further, these 38th birthday prayer messages for Dad/Mom will help you express your love and wishes for them. Try them out!

39. God has blessed me with a superman and I thank Him every day for such a wonderful gift. Thank you, daddy, for being a perfect role model. You’ve counselled, chastised, taught and helped me to become the best I can be. I love you Dad. As you celebrate 38th today, I wish you a double dose of health and happiness with loads of good fortune. Happy birthday, Dad!

40. Not all heroes wear capes. Mom, you’re my hero and I’m proud to be your child. Your commitment to the family is so amazing you deserve to get a medal of honour for the best mom in the world. I pray that you live long in good health and wealth to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Happy 38th birthday sweet mom.

41. I have always wished every father in the world could be like you, amazing, caring, selfless, strong, funny, jovial and loving. I can say of you dad that you’re faultless. Thank you for being my number one fan, always supporting my dreams. I wish you a glorious 38th year. Happy birthday sweet dad.

42. Sweet mother, you taught me and my siblings that family is everything and you have always put us first before anything. You didn’t make it difficult for us to understand that love is action as you’ve always proven your love for us in unfathomable ways. My prayer for you is that you keep going upwards and higher in life. Happy 38th birthday mom, I love you.

Birthday Prayer Messages for 38 Years Old Friend

Friends are like colours, they make our lives beautiful. Specially celebrate your 38 years old friend by sending him/her any of these birthday prayer messages

43. There’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother and I can boldly say that you are that friend to me. Words cannot really tell how amazing you are. May this new year bring you joy, peace and unending amazement. Happy 38th birthday sweet friend.

44. You are worth more than you rubies and worth more than gold. I won’t trade our friendship for anything in the world. I say you are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. On this 38th birthday, I pray it only gets better for you. Happy birthday dear friend.

45. I rarely describe anybody as perfect but you are an exception. Our friendship has brought lots of positive transformation to my life and I don’t take it for granted. I admire everything about you, your strength, focus, smile, selflessness, I could go on and on. As you celebrate 38th, may God perfect all that concerns you. Happy birthday perfect friend.

46. To a charming friend who turns thirty-eight today; your new age comes with breakthroughs and new victories. May doors of greatness be opened to you this day. The Lord will keep you and fill this year with unlimited possibilities. Happy 38th birthday.

Opening Prayers for 38th Birthday Party

Make a remarkable start to your 38th birthday party with any of these opening prayers to show gratitude to God for His mercy and grace.

47. Our Father and God, we have come together to bless you for the gift of life. You said, “teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom”. We say thank you for today which marks the 38th birthday celebration for your beloved son/daughter. We commit this party unto your hands, have your way and take total control. We pray for the celebrant that this year shall be filled with breakthroughs, divine opportunities and greater achievements. We can’t thank you enough Lord but in our little way, we say we are grateful. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen

48. Our heavenly Father, we acknowledge your goodness, faithfulness and kindness over our lives. We thank you for how far you have brought the celebrant, through the hurdles of life you’ve kept him/her standing strong. As family and friends, we are all grateful to You for the opportunity to gather and mark this 38th birthday. We pray this shall be the beginning of new testimonies for the celebrant. This party is opened in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

49. With a heart of thanksgiving have we gathered here today, to appreciate you, God, for everything you have done for us. Most especially, for keeping your son/daughter the celebrant of today for thirty-eight good years. It’s a rare privilege and we do not take it for granted. May your holy name be praised forever. As we start this party, let your presence be with us. We pray for many more years in prosperity for the celebrant and that you bless everyone that has come to felicitate with her. In Jesus name, amen.

50. Today is the day the Lord God has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it. God has been faithful to the celebrant for good 38 years. He has kept him/her from childhood up to adulthood. We acknowledge his infinite mercies and love. It is our prayer that today shall mark the birthing forth of remarkable achievements, greatness and supernatural increase. As we start this party, Lord, start with us and at the end let us have every reason to glorify your Holy name, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Every birthday is worth celebrating because tomorrow is uncertain and you should make every moment count. But have you ever wondered what the most important part of a birthday celebration is? Prayers!

There are no limits to prayers and I’m very sure that the list of happy 38th birthday prayers above rightly captures the desires of your heart for yourself or that special someone on their 38th birthday.

Feel free to also use any of these as the starting point for your message, you could also add more. I hope you never forget that prayers are the most important aspect of a birthday celebration.

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