Happy 39th Birthday Son Wishes and Quotes

It’s a great day for your adult son! In a year, he would be hitting the big 40, which automatically makes this 39th a milestone.

Your son’s 39th birthday is one that deserves all the celebration and treats you can give. That he has conquered 39 good years and you are alive to witness it is more than enough reason to be grateful and excited.

As a father or mother, what can you do for your adult son on a blessed day like this? No matter the number of cakes, the surprise party, the awesome gifts and lots, wishing him well will make it all perfect and make the day memorable.

A good reason why you need some cute birthday wishes for him. And with the happy 39th birthday son wishes and quotes here, you can never go wrong.

All you have to do is carefully read through and pick the ones that best express your heart. Go ahead and make your darling son’s birthday memorable.

My son is 39 today and looks exactly like a 25-year-old boy. I remember how he was when he was in his teens, and now look at him – a 39er! He has grown really fast, and I am so proud to be his mom. Today, I wish him a new age filled with happiness and love. Happy birthday to you, my boy!

1. My son, you make me proud to be the mother of such a fine young man. You were my baby years and now I can see how grown up and mature you have become. I love you and hope you have a fantastic birthday.

2. Happy 39th birthday, son. I have been so proud of you for finally making it past 35! Anyways, have a fun birthday and don’t get too wild with friends who really aren’t any good for you. Your new age is blessed. I love you.

3. My little angel is turning 39 today. He has become so mature, so sensible, so understanding. It’s great to see him growing up! Last month, he became the father of a baby girl and he has totally transformed into a responsible adult. I am proud of him and know that he will be a good father. I wish him a wonderful 39th year on earth.

4. Today, I am happy that you are seeing this special day. I fail to see your 39 years and still see you as a toddler. I’m glad you have grown to be this great. I wish all your dreams come true and nothing but happiness and joy fills your life. Happy birthday, my dear son.

5. We used to celebrate your birthday together, now you have grown up so much that it’s hard to believe. I have always been proud of you but today, your achievement makes me happier. I hope you have a great time, so much fun and enjoy great moments with friends and family. This day is for you, so please, have the greatest time! Happy birthday, son!

6. I am so proud of the man you have become, dear son. I hope this year will bring great things to you and your family. Your life is certainly full of love and laughter. The best years are still ahead of you and I know you will take advantage of them and enjoy them to the fullest! Happy 39th birthday!

7. This is your 39th birthday. Just want you to know that I pray for your good health, wealth and guidance every moment of every day. I’m very proud of you and your accomplishments. Wish you the best always, dear son.

8. Dear son, I feel proud to be your father. You are a responsible man who takes care of everything that involves our family. You are very professional but soft-spoken. You are also the best son I could ever have. I am proud to see you today on your 39th birthday. To celebrate this special day, let us go out for lunch together!

9. Happy birthday to my cool son, I wish you the best today and for many many years to come. You are not just my son but also my friend, partner in crime and buddy! Happy 39th Birthday!

10. You are the best son anyone can ask for. You stood by me in my toughest times and were the pillar of strength I could always lean on. I am so proud of who you have become, and it’s no surprise to me that you have achieved so much in your life. Happy 39th birthday to the man who has always been there for me, even if sometimes he needed to run away!

11. My son, you are an inspiration for many people. You are very mature for your age and do not act like one of the people that act silly about everything. May you continue to grow in wisdom and might. Happy birthday to my talented son.

12. Dear son, I hope you are having a fantastic day. Mom and I hope that every blessing is showered on you today. We are proud of you for all the good things you have done in life. You are a great example of what a man should be like. Sons like you are rare, and we love you for that. Happy 39th birthday! It’s always my pleasure to celebrate your birthday with this beautiful cake.

13. How is it possible that you are 39 already! Time has gone by so fast that I can’t even believe it. You have grown into an amazing man, you were once my son and now you are my friend. May you always find reasons to rejoice and may you be blessed beyond measure. Happy birthday to my son!

14. Happy 39th, son! I am so glad to have a son as amazing as you. You have become an inspiration to me and our whole family. You have grown into a strong, compassionate and intelligent man. I love you, dear, and wish you greater feats.

15. Happy 39th birthday, son. You’ve grown so much the past year, and I am so proud of you. This wish is especially important to me, as you will spend your 39th birthday as an eternal boy, with no real evidence of growing older. I wish you all the best on your special day.

16. Your 39th birthday couldn’t have arrived at a better time for us. I do not know how to account for it, but one day, you are my little sprout of joy, and the next, I am attending your college graduation. The years have flown by quickly, but I will always remember that day when you were born. Mommy loves you more than life itself! Happy birthday, son.

17. My darling son, thank you are the best child that any parent could have wanted. You are smart, beautiful, affectionate and loving. I am so proud of you. On this monumental day, I wish the best of luck to you. You have had a hard life and made the right choices along the way. I hope you find more success and follow your heart and passion and become and do whatever it is that you want to. Happy 39th birthday!

18. To my beautiful son, today is your special day. I know when you were born, the angels sang in happiness. From the moment you were born into this world, you brought much joy to your father’s life. I hope that you will continue to keep us happy for many more years to come. Happy birthday!

19. Today, my son celebrates his 39th birthday. I found you to be the best thing in my life when you were born. You are my pride, joy, happiness and sorrow. You seem to have brought out the best in everyone who met you. And on your birthday, I wish that good things come to you every day!

20. Son, today as you celebrate your 39th birthday, I look back on all the memories we have made together. You were always a considerate and loving son even as you grew up. Now as a grown-up expecting a child of your own, I am overwhelmed by joy from the realization that my son has grown into a responsible man. Wish you a happy birthday!

21. Happy birthday, my son. You are the only person who has pushed me to do my very best without any expectations from me. I know, you always had my back. Many people say that you are the greatest man they have ever known. I am lucky to call you my son. Have the best of the new year. Cheers to a new age!

22. To my son, you were born with a smile and a dimple. Today, as you celebrate, my wish is that the smile never leaves your face and the dimple stays on your cheeks till your last breath. Happy 39th birthday, my dear.

23. My son, on your special day, I wish you the fulfilment of all your dreams. I hope you are happy with the life you are living right now, life has not been easy for us, but you are still alive and happy. May God bless you for the great man that you are! Happy birthday.

24. I have been blessed with the most wonderful son a mother could hope for. On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday and may your life be filled with joy and love!

25. We have been lucky to have you as a son. My life would have been very different had you not been conceived. For as long as I live, I will be thankful each and every day for the gift of having you as a son. May all your birthday wishes come true!

26. My handsome son, my most precious jewel! Life would be pointless without you. Happy 39th birthday to you, may this year bring you much joy and happiness. I love you!

27. When I look back on what you have achieved at your age, I am filled with pride. You keep growing every passing day and am so glad that you still respect me as your mother. On this special day, I wish you all the best. Happy 39th birthday!

28. Happy birthday, my boy! The years pass and I am your biggest fan – your dad! You know that I am your biggest cheerleader and always will be! What a wonderful endeavour we embarked on – we’ve had some really challenging moments, but have persevered through it all. It wasn’t always easy. Know that I am so proud of you for dealing with whatever life has thrown at you. And just when you thought it was over, the journey continues.

29. My son, you are the best gift I could ask for. You brought so much happiness into my life. You mean more to me than any material possession. What would I do without you? On this birthday, know that your mom loves you to the moon and back! Happy 39th birthday!

30. Dear son, thank you so much for being there when I need you. You have been a wonderful son and I am grateful to have the best in the world as my son. May God bless and increase you. Happy birthday.

31. Dear son, you are an inspiration to all youthful souls out there. You showed us that this journey is not easy, but it can be positive if someone does it with honesty and integrity. With hard work comes great success, and I am proud of you. May you find more strength to achieve more. Happy 39th birthday to you.

32. Happy birthday and many more! I am beyond excited to celebrate with you on this special day. It has been five long years since we lost your father. As we grow older, we will continue to celebrate the gift of life and love more than ever before. Welcome home, my son!

33. Today is your day, but let me take a moment to thank you for being the son that you are. I am so proud of you and everything you have accomplished in your life. Happy 39th birthday to my son!

34. My dear son, you have brought so much joy and happiness to my life and I am so grateful for everything you’ve done. All your hard work and perseverance has really paid off and I wish you all the best for the future. I love you so much! Happy Birthday.

35. No matter how many years go by, I will always be proud to call you my son. To me, my son is the greatest man on Earth and the most chivalrous. You have done so much for me and I can’t wait for your 40th birthday. May this 39th year be peaceful for you. Happy Birthday!

36. Your birthday came so close to my own. On one side is my special day, planned with family and friends. On the other side is your birthday that I’d want to share with you in your cheerful moments. I remember the 39 years that have passed since you were born, and they have been wonderful years. I’m happy that God has chosen me for this journey. I have had many thoughts on what you are today, but most of them are positive. May God continue to bless you Happy birthday.

37. It is your birthday and you deserve all the best for this day. I care about you and love you very much. I wish you good health and a good future. happy 39th birthday, my favourite son.

38. Son, your life is a blessing to me even though it’s a struggle dealing with a son at this age. You have been my angel from Heaven and I admire you for still being the child I love so much, despite the years that have passed. May God continue blessing you and I pray he keeps his divine hand on you until the end of time! Happy birthday!

39. Son, every year when the time comes to wish you a happy birthday, I get lost for words. The years have flown by, and my eyes are always filled with tears seeing you grow up. You are an amazing human being that will continue to make this world a better place till your last day of life. You are loved! Happy 39th Birthday!

40. Today, I want to wish my son a happy birthday! You are 39, so it’s time for you to find someone who will love you forever. When you fall in love, remember your mother who brought you into the world and raised you until this age. Ok! Now go have fun!

41. Why is it that my youth is passing and yours appears to be lasting? I do not know. All I can say is you look just like a teenager! Happy 39th birthday, son!

42. Dear son, when you were born, I promised to love you with all my heart. I will walk with you till the end of time. Happy 39th birthday!

43. My son, you are turning 39 today. While you will always be my baby, I want you to remember that I am happy watching how your life unfolds. You are my pride and joy. You are not my little boy anymore, but secretly still my baby in the eyes of your mother! Have a wonderful new year!

44. Wishing you all the happiness in the world on this special day! You may or may not be 39, but I know that you are still my child. Love you son!

45. It is a very happy day because the only person who matters in my life is celebrating his anniversary. I have so many wonderful things to say about you but I don’t want this birthday message to be too long! Just know that you are my son, that I love you dearly, and that I am proud of all that you have achieved in life. Have a happy birthday!

46. 39 today? You gotta be kidding! You are still my little baby. Wish you a happy anniversary, for you’ve made me happy every second of my life. I adore you! See you, soon.

47. Happy birthday to you, my son! I am blessed to have such a wonderful and generous son to accompany me along this journey called life. You have grown into a responsible and caring man, and I thank God for that. Today, I wish you a happy 39th birthday!

48. Today, I would like to wish the greatest birthday to my son! May you continue to enjoy your favourite hobbies. May you succeed in your career. May your love life always be full of roses. Since you are already 39, I am not asking for too much. I am just hoping that you would take good care of yourself. That is what I truly want for you because I love you greatly.

49. My son, I wish you a very happy birthday! At the age of 39, you have grown up to be a caring individual who is always ready to help those in need. You have been a wonderful son and friend. On your special day, I pray that God blesses you with more strength, wisdom and prosperity!

50. On your 39th birthday, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because you have been a good son. You make me proud as a father. I love you very much and you are special to me. Happy Birthday!

39 years on earth is quite an achievement, I must say. The journey has been worth it despite the ups and downs. You have grown from a timid baby boy to a confident grown man. I am glad to have watched your beautiful unfoldment. Please, keep growing as a person and enjoy the best of the year. Happy birthday, son!

51. Thirty-nine years have gone by too quickly, my sweet son. You are now a grown man with a family of your own. That makes me the proudest father in the world. Have a blast as you rock the new age.

52. Happy new year, dear son. I hope it is one you will remember forever! You are not just my son but my friend, my confidant and someone whom I can always rely on for advice. You always had my back no matter what. I wish for your bright future ahead many more happy returns of the day.

53. My son, you grow up so fast and I want you to know that I hope this birthday will be just as special. I hope you know that although I may not say it enough, I love you. And I wish for you to be the happiest man on the earth every day of your life. Happy 39th birthday!

54. Wow! You look great! I remember the first time I bought you clothes. You used to wear small things that looked like they were for an infant. And now you are 39 years old, mature and handsome. Have a great birthday party today with your friends. Hope you have lots of fun!

55. Son, I know it may seem that I am distant or even indifferent but let me tell you this, you are still my son. Even when you grow older, what is important to me is that you are happy and healthy. I love you! Happy birthday!

56. On this 39th day of your life, I am thankful for everything. Sometimes I wish you were back with me but remember my son, never turn back, always go forward. May the Lord continually increase you and bless you with good success. Happy birthday!

57. You have taught me many things in life. I thank God for blessing me with a son like you who has made me the person that I am today. Son, I have missed you so much! Happy 39th birthday!

58. Son, no matter what you achieved in life; you were always my little boy. You drove me crazy when you were younger; but every time I look at you now, I am reminded of how cute and innocent you were. May God bless you with more wisdom, knowledge and strength to face life’s challenges. Happy birthday!

59. Dear son, growing up with you was difficult at times. You were such a difficult kid and made life much more complicated than it should have been. Your arguments were repetitive and prolonged, but I remained patient because I knew someday, you’d be all grown up and wiser. Thank God for who you are today. I wish you happiness and good fortune in the future! Happy birthday.

60. I can never find enough words to describe how much I love you. From the day you were born, your father and I knew that even with all the odds against us, we will make sure you achieve every goal you set for yourself in life. You are an awesome person, full of life and character. I hope you realize how lucky I am to be your mother. Happy birthday!

61. Happy birthday to my son! I pray that God will bless and help you in the coming year. May there be peace and prosperity in all your endeavours. You are a great kid and I am proud that you are my son.

62. Today is a special day for it marks your 39th birthday. Happy Birthday! You have been such a good son. I want to thank you so much for all the sacrifices you made for me, and remain grateful for accepting me as your father. I believe whatever comes out of my love is pure and true. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.

63. Son, I remember when you were born. The first thing I did was count your fingers and toes to make sure everything came outright. You were so perfect. Now that you are 39 years old, I wish you perfection in all you do. Happy birthday!

64. My son, you are an absolute miracle created by God! You have not only made me proud but the entire family. I always wanted a son like you and your success brought immense happiness to our lives. On the day of your birthday and beyond, I wish you and happy outings and enjoy life to the fullest.

65. 39 years were over in the blink of the eye. I hope you will not feel old in this day to come with all the challenges you are facing. I wish you more strength in the next 39. What I love about you is your determination to achieve your goals with God’s help. Keep pushing, son!

66. You are growing up, and I know it is not easy to let go of your childhood. I used to carry you in my arms until you grew too big for that, but something in me refuses to let go of the old memories. I still get choked up when I see you play your favourite game or hear your old favourite song. You are still my baby, and I hope you will always feel the same way about me. Thank you for making my life wonderful! Happy birthday!

67. I am thankful for having a son like you. I know that some parents are left wondering if they made the right decisions while raising their children, but not me! You have grown up to be a wonderful person and I want you to know how much your life means to me. I wish you all the best in life. Happy 39th birthday!

68. Happy 39th birthday to my son. I know you fought long and hard to achieve your goals in life, but I never imagined that today would be the day you achieve it all, your 39th birthday. More milestones, dear!

69. Happy birthday to my wonderful son. I hope you live a life like no other. I pray for your happiness and prosperity always. Enjoy your day!

70. On your 39th birthday, I want to thank you for the sacrifices you have made for us. Although today is your special day, I’d like to have you know that nobody has ever loved or cared for me more than you. I wish this day brings you happiness and joy! Happy birthday.

71. I want to take this opportunity to wish you a happy 39th birthday. You are, by far, one of the most selfless persons that I have ever known in my life. There are no words that could express my gratitude for you. Therefore, I simply want to say “I love you”!

72. Today, you are 39. It’s a milestone I never thought I’d see, but here we are. I hope this day is a blast for you. You deserve it. Happy birthday.

73. These last few years have been special, and I’m looking forward to many more with you, son. Happy 39th birthday to you.

74. Today is a special day for you. You were made by God to be special! May life give you more happiness than pain, more friends than enemies, more smiles than tears, and may God grant you a long life. I wish all these for you on your 39th birthday.

75. Today is your day. I remember the good old days when we used to argue by who would read me stories at night. Since you were the eldest, you always got the privilege. But now you are all grown up and heading for 40. Life has changed but our bond has not. My son, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday!

76. Happy 39th birthday to my son. I wish you long life, good health and overall goodness. You are the best son, ever. I love you with all my heart! Congratulations on your birthday…may you never age!

77. My son, you are 39 today. As I reflect on our life together, I never thought I’d get to celebrate this moment with you. I am so proud of who you have become. I share this cake with you because it represents the love and happiness we had. Happy birthday.

78. Every day of your life has been a surprise to me and every year of your life has had its unique shape and destiny. I’ve always enjoyed watching you grow, get better at everything you do. I am so glad that today is the day of your 39th birthday. I am so proud of you and I want to congratulate you on this very special day. I will be waiting for you to come and visit us. Happy birthday!

79. Happy birthday to my good-looking and brave son! I am proud of every milestone in your life and your journey towards manhood and maturity. May you live a life full of happiness and joy, and may we celebrate many more birthdays together in the years to come!

80. I still think the day you were born was one of life’s greatest moments. God gave me a precious gift that day, and I will never stop being thankful to him. You are my son, my whole life. May you have a great birthday celebration today!”

81. I am forever indebted to you for the happiness you brought into my life. I am looking forward to spending this birthday with you, celebrating it together. I love you, son!

82. Yes! Today, you become 39 years old! I wish we were there to celebrate this day with you. We miss you and love you very much. This is our annual message to let you know our heart is with you. Although we can not be there with you, we will always be here for you. Happy birthday, my beautiful son!

83. You have been my son for as long as I can remember. In the last 39 years, your life has been a roller coaster ride. May you have a happy journey of the 40th decade, and enjoy this celebration with all your loved ones. A special thanks to you on this special occasion!

84. My son, my friend, my companion in life, I invite you to a celebration which you deserve. Welcome to the joyous celebration of life which you have always brought to my life. May you be surrounded with love and contentment, your changing years you bring. Happy birthday!

85. I love you, my son. You made it! You are now 39 and that is a huge accomplishment. I knew you would make it because you have a strong will, a positive attitude and a healthy determination to succeed no matter the odds. May the coming year be prosperous for you, your family and your friends. Love you, son, always have, always will!

86. This year, I have been blessed to have another year with my son. I wish you a very happy birthday and hope that you have a great time today as well as in the future.

87. It’s not possible to find the words to describe you. You are a special person who has touched my heart in a way that no one else has done before. I am glad that I have a son like you. I wish only the best for you! Happy birthday.

88. Son, you are my pride and joy. It is not just because of who you are, but also your achievements in life so far. I have always been by your side to give you the guidance you need to be successful in life. You have made me so proud of you! Happy birthday.

89. Your birth was certainly a blessing to the world. I am smiling from ear to ear as you have brought so much joy to my life. This is a day of celebration, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Happy birthday and may God bless you abundantly.

90. Hey, happy 39th birthday to my son, the real dreamer! I just want to say how proud I am of you. People always talk about your sincerity, honesty and simplicity. Here’s a toast to your good health and prosperity forever.

91. 39!! I almost can’t believe it – you are now a mature man. It’s a pity that you’re getting older – a part of me still sees the little boy who came into this world, but you’re moving away from home and becoming your person. I wish you luck in whatever you do in life and hope that those next years will lead you to success, fulfilment and happiness. Happy birthday my son!

92. Today’s your birthday, my son. I’m proud you’ve grown such a big boy and such a big man. I’m proud of all the achievements you’ve made in your life and I wish you nothing but success in the future. Happy birthday.

93. What a son I have! You have always been the best. I just want to let you know that I have always loved you very much and today, I wish you a happy 39th birthday. May you continue to progress in life and all your endeavours.

94. We were blessed with a long and wonderful life together. I wish you live for 100 years and longer. Know that ‘I Love You’ and don’t ever forget it! Bon Voyage, my son! Hope you have a wonderful 39th birthday party.

95. My darling, I can tell how glad your dad is for having you in his life. He thinks the world of you and he always tells me how proud of you he is. It is tough for him, but I am sure he will make it through without too much trouble. I send you love and hugs on this beautiful occasion.

96. dear son, you are growing older every year, but I love you right from when you were born. I would have loved to be there when you turned 39, but know that I am always loving you no matter where I am. Happy birthday.

97. Happy 39th birthday, son! I am proud of the way you have turned out to be a responsible person now. You have worked very hard to bring this up from your childhood. I know you will make a great husband and a great father for your children. have a wonderful new year.

98. Happy birthday to the best son anyone could ever have. You are an amazing man, husband, father and brother. May you have all you need to be happy in life. Enjoy!

99. Dear son, there is a time and place for everything and this is the perfect time and place to say ‘I love you.’ Happy birthday! Without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Happy birthday indeed! Your new year is blessed.

100. Well, the marbles have fallen out of the bottle. You’ve made it to 39 now. A quarter of a century on this planet is a milestone in anyone’s life. It is a milestone for which you should be proud because you have made a positive impact on this world! Now that your birthday is here, I want to wish you the best in all you do. Happy birthday!

The best wishes should go to the best 39-year-old celebrant, and that’s your son. I hope you make this a reality for him by celebrating him with one or more of the birthday messages and quotes above.

Be that parent who would make his son smile all through the year. His joy is your joy after all.

Thank you for taking the time to do this for him. I wish your son a happy 39th birthday as well.

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