Happy 40th Birthday Brother in law Wishes and Quotes

No matter how unnecessary it feels, everyone needs to be reminded of how special they are. Your brother-in-law is definitely one of those people because great in-laws are hard to find. Your brother-in-law could be your sister’s husband or your husband’s brother. Whether you both are so close or distant, it’s only necessary that you wish your brother-in-law well on his 40th birthday.

Let him know how you feel about having him in your life. If he’s always been there, appreciate him for all he does for you. Let him know that you’re genuinely happy to celebrate him on his birthday.

This doesn’t necessarily have to come in form of gifts. You can use one of the happy 40th birthday brother in law wishes and quotes below, to express exactly how you feel, and he’s going to appreciate it. The bond between you both will never remain the same, also. So, what are you waiting for?

I have thought about so many things to do for you on your birthday, but sending you a beautiful message seems to be more reasonable. Thank you for being the best brother-in-law to me. Have a happy 40th birthday.

1. There’s no doubt that you’re the best brother-in-law ever. I honestly can’t thank you enough for always accepting me as I am. You’re so kind, and one of the amazing humans around. Thank you for loving me this much. Happy 40th birthday to you.

2. Oh wow! I can’t believe my wonderful brother-in-law is 40, today. You have been really supportive of me and your brother. I honestly can’t thank you for all you keep doing. You’re by far the best brother-in-law. I love you so much, and I hope you have enough fun on your 40th birthday.

3. Ever since I got married to your brother, there has been so much to learn from you. Now I know why my husband gathers all his amazingness. Thank you for being so sweet and inspiring to us. You’re forever loved and cherished. Happy 40th birthday to you.

4. I wish I could scream on top of my voice, just so people can know how amazing you are. Whoever doesn’t have you in his/her life, is missing a lot. I hope my marriage to your sister lasts forever because I’d also love to keep our relationship forever. Happy 40th birthday.

5. You are always there to speak to me, whenever things go bad between my wife and me. I have never seen a more supportive brother-in-law in my entire life. You’re so special and loved. On your 40th birthday, here’s wishing that you are always happy. Happy 40th birthday to you.

6. You’re the best brother-in-law ever, and I am so grateful that I met my wife through you. It’s been such an amazing journey with your family, and I’m very sure this has been where I have been longing to be. Thank you for always supporting me and my family. Happy 40th birthday, brother-in-law.

7. Your support and love for my family can never be overemphasized. In fact, you do too much for us. You’re always there to make peace reign between us while leaving your own family and job behind. May people keep standing up for you. Happy 40th birthday.

8. You’re not just my brother-in-law, but the best friend in the entire world. Trust me, I have never seen anyone like you. To me, it seems as though you’re an angel because no ordinary man will do the things you do effortlessly. I will keep taking care of your sister. Happy 40th birthday to you.

9. Dear brother-in-law, the moment I set my eyes on you, I knew you were going to be just as wonderful as your brother. Marrying my best friend from your family, is one of the greatest decisions of my life. I’m very glad that you influenced our meeting. Cheers to more amazing years. Enjoy your day.

10. I have never seen a more peaceful person. You’re always about peace, even when the situation at hand screams “war”. You have no idea how much you inspire me, daily. Thank you for adding beautiful colours to our lives. We will keep choosing you. Happy 40th birthday.

11. My brother-in-law, coming into this family to marry my husband, was never a mistake. It remains a blessing, because of people like you. You’re just an all-around amazing and sweet person. Thank you for making my stay in this family, feel like a blessing. Happy 40th birthday.

12. You sure know how to make me happy, and that’s why you’re the best brother-in-law in the world. You go all out to support each and every one of us while leaving your tight schedule behind. Honestly, you are a real man, and I’m thankful for the gift of you in our lives. Happy 40th birthday to you. Cheers to greatness.

13. I can’t possibly talk about my wife, without having to mention you a couple of times. As a matter of fact, I married my wife, because you influenced our meeting. I’m so grateful that you made yourself an available tool for God to bless me. May God keep blessing you, too. Happy 40th birthday.

14. You are a wonderful man, and I mean every word. I never knew in-laws like you exist, until I got married to your brother. You love and care for me like I am your wife. You don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand, whenever I need one. You’re just a selfless person. Here’s wishing you the best, as you clock 40.

15. Times and situations have proved over and over again, that you’re the best brother-in-law ever. I can’t possibly talk about my successful marriage, without having to mention your name. You have been there, from the very beginning. Thank you for making this easy for me. Cheers to the good life.

16. You are 40, but you do things that are even hard for some aged people to do. You’re the overall peacemaker of this family. You make sure everyone is closely knit in love. You give us reasons to be happy, on a platter of gold. I can’t thank you enough for being so amazing. Enjoy your 40th year.

17. It’s a new year for you, and I’m sure this season will favour you in every way. You deserve all the good things of this life, and they won’t stop coming to you. Your nephews and nieces send their regards, on your 40th birthday. We all miss you, and can’t wait to see you. Have a happy birthday and enjoy yourself to the fullest.

18. If not for you, I probably wouldn’t have met my husband. We have been friends before I met your brother. And marrying your brother only makes our friendship stronger. I can’t possibly trade you for anything in this world, trust me. I hope that you keep being amazing as you always have. Happy 40th birthday.

19. For being the best brother-in-law in the world, I wish I could just gift you a very big present on your birthday, but since I can’t, I’m sure you will make do with this. I hope you know that you’re very loved. I will keep celebrating you, for as long as you remain my brother-in-law. Happy 40th birthday.

20. You have never given me a reason not to celebrate you. You love and respect me so much, that I sometimes feel like we are siblings. Trust me, you’ve done so much for me than I can pay back in years to come. On your 40th birthday, I just want to appreciate you for being all you are. Happy birthday.

21. The drums are rolling already because it’s the birthday of someone very special. Honestly, you have no idea how much you mean to us. Ever since we last saw you, we’ve never stopped talking about you; and it’s always about the good deeds you do. Happy 40th birthday to you. Have a good one.

22. You love to have fun, so I am sure today won’t be an exception. How about we talk about how amazing you’ve been all these years? Trust me, I never ever thought I would have a wonderful in-law like you. You’re the best gift of God to me, after my husband, of course. Happy 40th birthday to you.

23. If I were to pay for all you’ve done for me, I will not only go bankrupt, but I might also die while trying to pay you back because you’ve actually done a whole lot. There’s bliss in my marriage only because you always take out time to explain certain things to me. You mean so much, brother-in-law. Happy 40th birthday to you.

24. You’re like the brother I never had. I’m glad that you came as a brother-in-law. Every moment spent with you is always making me look forward to spending more time with you. You share great insight on how to live a good life, and nothing is more important, trust me. Happy 40th birthday to you. You rock!

25. On your 40th birthday, I want to appreciate you for all you’ve been doing, all these years. Not so much of all these brothers-in-law will do what you’ve been doing. You’re wonderful in all ways, and I can’t stop thanking God for how much He keeps blessing you. You deserve it and more. Happy 40th birthday.

26. We all are gathered right here today, just to celebrate you, my beloved brother-in-law. I’m not even one of your siblings, but you’ve always treated me like one. You’re so good to me, that I sometimes mistake you for my brother. In fact, you are my brother. I enjoy being both your sister and sister-in-law. Happy 40th birthday, sir.

27. True love is amongst us in this family, only because you made it so. Left for everyone else, the whole family will be in shambles. Your wisdom and knowledge are things to be studied. I’m grateful to be one of the numerous people that learn from you, on a daily basis. Thank you for being a blessing. Happy 40th birthday to you.

28. How I wish you knew how much you are loved. We can never talk about good things in this family, without having to mention your name. My children love you, and they won’t just stop talking about you. As a matter of fact, we all miss you and can’t wait to see you. Have a fabulous 40th birthday.

29. I’m so glad that God settled me in the aspect of having good in-laws. You have no idea how hard I prayed when I was about getting married to your sister. So far, the experience has been good with you and the entire family. I’m not lucky but blessed. Thanks for contributing to my growth. Happy 40th birthday to you.

30. You’re the most amazing person ever. There’s no dull moment with you because you always have something amusing to say, and this makes us all laugh out loud. Thank you for filling out lives with so many joyous moments. We hope to spend more with you. Happy 40th birthday. Enjoy yourself.

31. I honestly can’t rule out the fact that you’ve been a wonderful human, no matter how much I try. You’re just a naturally sweet person, but not sweeter than my husband. I bless the day I came into your family. Thank you for giving me the best gift ever. Happy 40th birthday to you. All my love.

32. You’re the most pleasant brother-in-law in this world. No matter how occupied you are, you always find time to come and spend some quality time with your nephews and nieces. These guys love you so much, you have no idea. Thanks for always being there for everyone. Happy 40th birthday.

33. I can’t believe that the distance isn’t allowing us to gather to celebrate you, this year. How I wish the whole family were in the same place, right now. You’re the one that has always brought us together. You mean so much to us, and here’s wishing you the best of this new year. Happy 40th birthday.

34. You’re more amazing than the word itself. I bless the day I came across you. I never knew our friendship will be about my marriage. You’ve been a blessing all-around. Thank you for choosing to be kind to me and my family. Here’s wishing you a happy 40th birthday. Enjoy yourself to the fullest.

35. In my entire life, I have never met or heard of an in-law like you. Sometimes, I have no choice but to feel like you’re an angel. Trust me, you actually are. Thank you for being so selfless, in all of these years. You have no idea how much your selflessness has contributed to my growth. Happy 40th birthday.

My wife is the best wife, while you are the best brother-in-law. You have no idea how blessed I feel to have you both in my life. On your birthday, I am sending you best wishes, because that’s what you deserve. Happy 40th birthday, brother-in-law.

36. Today, I choose to celebrate the best brother-in-law in the world. I choose to celebrate your big and little wins. I choose to celebrate your beautiful life and tenacity. Thank you for always holding it down for everyone. You do too much, and I am grateful. Happy 40th birthday to you.

37. Today, I am giving you the opportunity to ask me for anything. Don’t bother about getting it down, just ask, and it shall be done. I’m doing this because you’ve always been there for me. You’re the youngest of my brothers-in-law, but you’re also the kindest. I love you so much. Happy 40th birthday.

38. You’re the one who always made the house fun, whenever you’re brother wasn’t around. You make sure to always come bearing gifts and much more. I can’t possibly talk about my happy marriage, without talking about all you did to make it happen. I’m forever grateful. Happy 40th birthday.

39. Today, I’m celebrating the life of the most amazing brother-in-law ever. My life is exciting because I have you. You’re one of the closest people to me, and I have never regretted being close to you. Thank you for always being there for me; it really means a lot. Happy 40th birthday.

40. Over the years, I have learnt so much from you than I have from my oldest siblings. You’re a businessman who makes his life an open book for others to learn. I’m glad to have married your sister, as well. Your guys are the real deal, and the plan is to keep you, forever. Happy 40th birthday.

41. I’m grateful for the times you came by to settle the dispute between myself and my wife. You have never taken sides when doing this. Your judgment has always been fair. In all honesty, I’m now a better man, because of you. I promise, my wife will never call you to come settle anything again. Happy 40th birthday.

42. What more can I say about an amazing man like you, that you already don’t know? I’m sure other people know how amazing you are, too. I’m just glad that I caught a beautiful flower from your family. The experience has been worth it, mainly because of your words of advice. I love and appreciate you. Happy 40th birthday.

43. Today, I will make sure that you enjoy yourself to the fullest. Don’t worry, all bills are on me. You deserve this and more, but since this is what I can afford, for now, I beg you to make do with it. I hope that you have such a great and wonderful year ahead. You’re loved, dear brother-in-law.

44. I’m not even going to lie, you have been the best brother-in-law ever. You’ve loved me, even before I came to ask for your sister’s hand in marriage. You gave me a job without asking for anything in return. You’re just a selfless man who loves to lift everyone up. Thank you for being so amazing. Happy 40th birthday to you.

45. I have learnt so many things from you, I can’t begin to list them. I just know that I am grateful to God for making our paths cross. I bet I wouldn’t have met you, if not for my beautiful wife. We appreciate all you keep doing for us. You’re loved forever, dear brother-in-law. Happy 40th birthday.

46. The love you have for me is what makes me a happy woman. You don’t care about what my husband does, as long as I stay happy. You will never come around without coming with a full truck of gifts. Today, I celebrate a selfless and kind man. Thank you for everything. Happy 40th birthday.

47. I have always been celebrating you, with or without your birthday, because you deserve it. In fact, you deserve more. I don’t have much to give you, this year, but I am hoping that next year comes with so many beautiful things. I promise to fund your next birthday party. Happy 40th birthday to you, brother-in-law.

48. What’s not to love about you? In fact, whoever doesn’t like you, definitely has a mental disorder. You’re the sweetest person ever, after your brother. I thank God every day, for making me get married to such a noble family. I promise to always be a good sister-in-law to you. Happy birthday.

49. You have your own family, but you always deem it fit to come spend quality time with us here; with the permission of your lovely wife, of course. I’m so happy that I have you, dear brother-in-law. I promise never to make your labour of love go in vain. I will always be a good girl to you and the rest of the family. Happy 40th birthday.

50. You have no idea how happy I am, right now. I’m literally jumping for joy because my second most favourite person is celebrating his birthday, today. Dear brother-in-law, you have been everything, but wicked. You always treat me like your little sister. I’m grateful for the never-ending love. Happy 40th birthday.

51. I married from the best family, and this is what I won’t stop telling anyone who cares to know. Everyone in your family has been so good to me, especially you. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your love for me, and I promise not to ever make you stop. Happy 40th birthday.

52. Ever since my sister got married to you, she’s always been glowing. I still wonder what you’ve done to her. I’m so happy that she’s in a better place. One of these days, I will come receive some lectures about how to make my wife glow, too. I hope you will be kind enough to teach me. Happy 40th birthday.

53. When my sister told me about wanting to get married to you, I immediately approved of it, because I have always known you to be a gentleman. Years down the line, you’re still the same person. Thank you for taking care of that girl. I wish you all the best for the coming year. Happy 40th birthday.

54. When it comes to making good decisions, my sister is best at it. And I’m glad this tells on her marriage. She made the right choice, not just for her, but for everyone. Because trust me, her happiness makes everyone happy. Thank you for making her happy. Have a happier 40th birthday.

55. Ever since I got married to your sister, I have always known peace and true love, unlike how I used to be before I met her. You have the best sister, and I have the best wife. It’s so amazing to see that these qualities are found in just one person. I promise to love her forever. Happy 40th birthday to you.

56. I never knew life would be so fair to me. One thing that always got me afraid, was the choice of who to marry. Thinking back, I can only thank God for bringing your sister my way, that fateful day. The decision to make her my wife has changed my life forever. Happy 40th birthday, my brother-in-law.

57. Nothing makes sense other than having good in-laws in one’s life. I’m glad that this is my reality. You’re one of the best brothers-in-law around, and I’m very grateful that you’re in my life. I won’t stop including you in everything I do, because you’re a major blessing to me. Happy 40th birthday.

58. We are all happy today, not just because it’s your 40th birthday, but because you’ve been a very good person. No one in this family will have anything bad to say about you. You are always there for everyone, no matter how fixed you are. You’re just a man who understands the concepts of a family. You’re much appreciated. Happy 40th birthday.

59. As the family man that you are, I have never stopped learning from you, on how to become a better husband and father. Trust me, learning from you has been one of the easiest things to do. I’m glad that everything I learn, comes out more beautiful, after applying them. You’re the best. Happy 40th birthday.

60. I can’t but talk about your amazingness. Sometimes, I wonder how easy it must be for my sister in your marriage. No wonder she keeps glowing and growing. You seem like a magician, though, because you’ve changed literally everything about her. You are the man. Happy 40th birthday to you.

61. My sister won’t stop telling me about how sweet you are. To be honest with you, sometimes, I feel like becoming a woman, so I can feel a little of your awesomeness. Thank you for making my sister one of the happiest women in the world; I know she feels like the happiest, though. It’s your 40th birthday, enjoy yourself!

62. With the rate of divorce right now, I never thought that you and my sister’s marriage will last this long. I don’t mean it in a bad way, but we both know that my sister doesn’t have the best behaviour. I’m glad that she got the best man by her side. Thanks for everything. Happy 40th birthday.

63. I never knew a husband’s brother could be so nice as you. Whether or not my husband is around, you’re always very nice to me. You’re one of the reasons I keep thanking God for giving me my loving husband. You’re a blessing to everyone in this family, and I feel so blessed to celebrate you on your 40th birthday. Here’s wishing that you have the best experience, this year. Enjoy!

64. Year in, year out; you remain the same person. I have always known you to be so cool, calm and collected. You are always about making peace with everyone, even though they pay you with evil. You don’t go about destroying what is good. I just wanted to appreciate you for being a good person. Happy 40th birthday to you.

65. Your love and contribution towards the happiness of my family, is something that makes me very happy. Honestly, I know I can’t say this the best way, but I am grateful for all you do. For the time and resources you keep sharing with us, we are all grateful. I wish you long life and prosperity. Amen.

66. I knew I was getting into a family where love resides when I decided to settle down with your brother. I just knew there was something about your family. Years after, it still feels the same way. But of everyone, you’re the best. God bless you for always being there. Happy 40th birthday to you.

67. I already know how you feel, right now. How I wish the whole family were at your place, just to celebrate you. You are a blessing to us, and we won’t let this day go, without wishing you well. As usual, distance has nothing to do with sending you wishes. Happy 40th birthday to you. I wish you all you’ve always wanted.

68. What more can I ask from God, after giving me the best in-laws? Out of all my in-laws, you are the best. You always call to check on me and your nephews. Those guys can’t wait to see you again. Thanks for being the best uncle to them. Thanks for the labour of love. Happy 40th birthday to you. From all of us.

69. You have sacrificed so much for my family. When it was bad for my husband and me, you were the only one who stood by us. You literally left all you were doing, just to help find a lasting solution to our problems. May God in His infinite mercies keep blessing you. Happy 40th birthday to you.

70. Today is a perfect day to appreciate you for how amazing you’ve been over the years. You’re also a married man, and you face challenges, but you’ve deemed it necessary to always stand by us. We are so blessed to have you in our lives, you have no idea. Here’s wishing you a happy 40th birthday.

You have been the best husband to my sister, and I am always grateful for that. At this point, a quote won’t really do anything. You are a good man, and I hope you know that. As a wonderful brother-in-law, I join the whole world to wish you the best for your new year. Happy 40th birthday to you.

71. You are one of the priceless gifts of God to me, and I always thank God for you, whenever the opportunity comes. Today is another day to thank God for this same cause. It’s your 40th birthday, and we’re all happy to be around you, just to make it a good day. I hope you enjoy yourself, as you should.

72. You’re the only brother my wife has, and you’ve never stopped being there for her, even after she got married to me. I have never seen a more selfless brother in my life. Even after promising to take good care of her, you still do your part as a good brother. Thanks for everything. Happy 40th birthday.

73. Now I know why my wife won’t stop calling you the best brother in the world. Right now, I feel like having you as my own brother, too. You’re just too supportive of her, not minding if she has a husband or not. On behalf of my wife and everyone in this family, I am wishing you a fantastic and happy 40th birthday.

74. I don’t even know how to start appreciating you for all you keep doing. You’re so loving and down to earth. What did I ever do to deserve such an amazing brother-in-law? Whatever it is, I would love to continue doing it forever. Happy 40th birthday to the best brother-in-law ever. You’re loved.

75. As I promised, I will never stop loving your sister. She means the world to me, and I know she does to you, too. So, she needs us both to take good care of her. Thank you for all you do, even though she’s your sister. Happy 40th birthday to you, my dear brother-in-law.

76. Even after my wife got married, your love for her only increased. You have never left her alone, ever since. I’m appreciating you on her behalf, today. I just wanted to say that you are the best thing that happened to my wife. Happy 40th birthday to you.

77. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to my sister. As a matter of fact, whenever she talks about you, she blushes so hard. I can tell that she’s very happy in the marriage. It’s your 40th birthday, and I hope you have a wonderful one. It’s been great getting to know you over the years.

78. I have never regretted having you as my brother-in-law. As old as you are, you still play with me like I am a baby. You always ask if everything is okay. You make sure to scold my husband whenever he does something wrong. I’m happy to have you. Happy 40th birthday.

79. It’s your birthday, dear brother-in-law. Knowing you has been a huge blessing, I can’t deny it. You have done so much for me and my family that I can start listing. I hope your day is filled with so much love and laughter because that’s exactly what you deserve. Happy 40th birthday to you.

80. It has never been easy for you, but you always find a way to reach out to us. I mean, even when you’re faced with major problems, you still deem it necessary to check on us. If this is not love then I wonder what is. Thank you for always keeping in touch. You’re always in our prayers. Happy 40th birthday to you.

81. You have been a blessing since time immemorial. The easiest thing for you is to give to people and love them unconditionally. I’m glad to be a partaker of your beautiful love. May you continue to be a blessing to others. May you have a long and peaceful life. Happy 40th birthday.

82. Years come and go, but you remain the same person who keeps being there, no matter the time and season. The love you have for my family is so great. Thank you for being a true friend, brother-in-law and brother. Here’s wishing you the best. Happy 40th birthday.

83. You always call me over to have some deep conversations with me. I have never felt like I wasted a second with you. My business is only booming because I have a brother-in-law who is so supportive of my dreams. Thank you for being a true friend and motivation. Happy 40th birthday to you.

84. I always feel attacked whenever you get your wife things. It’s not like I don’t do the same for my wife, not it has never been as much as you do. At this point, I think I need to come take some lessons from you. I really want to be the best for your sister. You’ve been helpful, nonetheless. Happy 40th birthday.

85. Your constant support and encouragement show how much you love me as a brother, and not necessarily a brother-in-law. You have given me so many contracts that I can start mentioning. I owe you a lot, I hope you know that. Cheers to a greater future. Happy 40th birthday.

86. No matter how old we both grow, we still have so much to do together. If anything, I will love to work with you, one day. I want to know what it feels like to have an outstanding man on my team. I can’t wait for that to happen. Happy 40th birthday, great man.

87. If only you know how highly I have always placed you. The fact that you love and take good care of my sister, is enough reason to. She keeps confirming that you are the best. Thank you for making a marital life the most experience beautiful for her. Happy 40th birthday.

88. I still feel like you deserve a medal of honour for the best husband of the century. I know I am a husband too, but you do much more than me. Honestly, I have been secretly taking lessons from you. I can’t wait to give you feedback. Happy 40th birthday.

89. We all feel blessed to have you in our family, dear brother-in-law. You being an addition to the family, has brought more joy, love and unity amongst everyone. You’re a wonderful man, and I’m glad you’re my sister’s husband. I wish you the best things in life. Happy 40th birthday.

90. You have no idea what the 40th year looks like. I could’ve told you to come for some lessons, but you arrived the year, already. Just make sure you take it slowly. Live each day as it comes, and be thankful for everything that happens to you; good or bad. Happy 40th birthday. I’m so proud of you.

91. My sister is undoubtedly the happiest woman now, because she has you, by her side. Trust me, she has never been this happy, ever since I have known her. I’m glad that she’s comfortable in her space. Please, don’t stop making her happy, because her happiness determines ours. Happy 40th birthday to you.

92. I have always wished you well, even before my sister got married to you because I have always known you to be a good person. Today is one of those occasions when I get to celebrate and appreciate you for being the absolute love of my sister’s life. You are doing very well, trust me. Happy 40th birthday to you.

93. I know that life can be unfair, even to the best of us, but no matter how bad the situation is, we only keep moving. Things haven’t been too rosy between you and my sister, but you keep managing the situation. You are a very good man, and I thank God for your life. This year, things will only get better. Happy 40th birthday.

94. I am glad I found your brother. He’s been everything to me. You, on the other hand, are the best brother-in-law anyone could ever ask for. You love and pamper me very much. Y’all are a blessing to me, and I will keep thanking God for you. Happy 40th birthday, my brother-in-law. How are we celebrating?

95. Love lives in your family, and that’s why I quickly made my mind to be with your brother. The experience has been great, so far. I keep learning, unlearning and relearning. Thank you for not getting tired of me, even though I’m not the best sister-in-law. I love you so much. Happy 40th birthday.

96. I respect you for not taking sides, whenever there’s a conflict between your sister and me. You always try as much as possible to make sure everything dies down without having to revisit the issue again. I’m grateful for a wise brother-in-law like you. Thank you for everything. Happy 40th birthday.

97. You’re as good as my blood brother, trust me. In fact, I prefer you to my brother, because you’re the best in every way. There’s nothing I haven’t learned from you, including being a good husband and father. You’re a blessing to us all. Do have a happy 40th birthday.

98. You’re my sister’s husband, and that’s why I should celebrate you for being by her side, all these years. Whenever she talks to me about you, I always feel genuinely happy for her. She’s been through so many heartbreaks before you guys met. I’m glad she’s in a happy place. Happy 40th birthday, good man.

99. Today, I want to thank you for being the best brother to my beautiful wife. I have never regretted being your brother-in-law, as well. You took me in as your own, and this has only made me realize how much I am loved. I just wanted to appreciate you for all you do. Happy 40th birthday.

100. I wish there’s something unusual I could do for you, right now. You’re the most supportive brother and brother-in-law of the century. The way you love me and my wife is so cute. I’m not just lucky but blessed. I just hope I never disappoint you. Happy 40th birthday, brother-in-law.

Hello, dear. I’m sure the happy 40th birthday brother in law wishes and quotes up there got you speechless as you were going through them. Trust me, they are the best you can get. I hope it serves its purpose as expected. Please, endeavour to drop your comment(s), so I can know how you feel about them. Thank you.

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