Happy 40th Birthday Sister in Law Wishes Messages and Quotes

The 40th birthday is a milestone that’s worth looking forward to. When you happen to have a loved one reach this age, blessing them with wishes and prayers would be the least to do.

What about when your sister in law is the celebrant? It’s just so beautiful how marriage creates the chance for two families to become one. This means she is one with you and she can’t be less celebrated.

The 40th birthday of your sister in law is a great time to shower her with love and appreciation. If not for anything, but for being your sister in law.

For this sole reason, the best of all happy 40th birthday sister in law wishes in 2022 have been piled up here. All that matters now is that you make her feel special on her big day and wish her well.

You don’t have to pay, they are free. Check the wishes messages and quotes below already!

I wish you a very happy 40th birthday. Let’s hope the coming year brings much comfort and happiness to you and this family. Have a memorable birthday celebration, my dear is sister-in-law. A season of laughter and peace has just begun.

1. My sister in law, on your birthday, I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary human being. You have survived all hurdles of life and kept moving ahead with great courage. I am thankful to God for blessing me with a sister in law like you. Happy 40th birthday.

2. Because of your radiant face and sunshine personality, you always get positive vibes from any person you come across. I am happy to have a sister in law like you who always makes me laugh and fill my life with joy. Wishing you a very special day and year ahead.

3. Dearly, I am wishing you a very happy birthday. When you turn 40, it becomes time to grow up. But still, your attitude towards life is similar to that of a child. It is one of the qualities I admire most in you! I wish you many years of happiness ahead.

4. From the first day of our marriage, I have been impressed with your determination and dedication to pursue a wide range of dreams. You have been able to balance three kids and a dozen of other responsibilities regularly, which makes you truly exceptional! You are celebrating your 40th birthday today, on this special occasion, I wish you all the best!

5. Sister, I am sending this card for you today to say thank you for all that you have done for me. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t there for me. I can always come to you with my problems, and you always help solve them. Thank you for being the wonderful instance of friendship I had always prayed for! Happy 40th birthday!

6. Forty years ago today, the world welcomed you, and today we celebrate forty years of your life. You have surpassed all that we thought you could become. You truly are a blessing to our family and I wish you all the good in the world. Happy birthday!

7. I am so thankful that you are in our lives. You have opened your home to me, accepted my family with open arms even when we didn’t have a place to go to. I am grateful for your presence in my life. I wish you a very happy 40th birthday!

8. Dear, you are more than just a sister-in-law… you are one of my closest friends. You have stood by me through thick and thin. Thank you for being my strength at otherwise difficult times in my life. I wish you many happy returns of the day! Happy birthday, ma

9. Today, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday and also take this opportunity to thank you for everything! You might not realize, but you and your family did so much to make my life richer and better. I am extremely grateful and wish you all the happiness in the world.

10. It has been a blast living here with you and your husband. I wish you both happy and healthy lives and may all your dreams come true. Happy 40th birthday, sister.

11. Dear sister in law, on this very special day of yours, I want to wish you all the happiness in the world! You are like a sister to me. I’ll keep your memories close to my heart until the day I die.

12. Dear sister in law, Can you believe it is already 20 years since I first saw you. A lot has changed over those years, family and loved ones have left us, yet you are still around making my life beautiful. I love you dearly and I hope to see you around for many more birthdays.

13. My sister in law, I wish you a very happy birthday. You are an amazing person, and I love you dearly. I hope this year brings you happiness and love in great abundance.

15. My sincere wishes for you on this happy day! Let us celebrate your birthday in style. People like you are rare to meet because you are altogether lovely, smart, funny and successful. I am lucky to be your in-law, and I can’t wait to see where life will take you! I wish you a very happy 40th birthday!

16. You have always been a special person in my life. To have a sister in law who has become a friend is a bonus in itself. I am sure you have had a tough life in so many ways, but your fighting spirit has taken you to great challenges. Here’s to another big year, you are amazing! Happy 40th birthday!

17. My sister in law, this is an occasion that neither you nor I would have ever expected to happen. Two decades have gone by way too fast, if I can turn back time, I would have found a way to make you stay back for at least another year or two. I guess it’s up to God to decide how long each of us should live. Wish you a very happy birthday, may your happiness reign forever!

18. My dearest sister in law, I wish you a very happy birthday! Let this year be the best yet! May the next decade fly by for you and may your heart and soul enjoy all that life has to offer. Happy 40th birthday!

19. This coming year, I pray that you find greatness, and may all your wishes be granted. Enjoy it to the fullest and keep growing in spirit and wealth. Wishing you a successful year with lots of love and prosperity.

20. Sitting here with a bottle of red wine and a cake, I get to think about how time flies. y
You have turned 40! You have been through so much in your life, from being bullied in school to raising three kids. You have been through it all! I wish you a happy birthday and a happy life ahead!

21. I wish you a very happy 40th birthday! You have been my best friend, sister in law, and lasting reason for smiles in this unfair world. I appreciate you for everything you have done for me over the years. Happy birthday!

22. It is time for you to let yourself go and have some fun. You are so serious all the time, give yourself a break today, there is no stress today. 40 years is not young by anybody’s standard, but please don’t tell me that you are old.

23. Dear, I just want to say that you are one of my closest friends and I love you dearly. Thanks for always being there for me in good and bad times. I wish you the best birthday ever!

24. Happy 40th birthday! You have a nice life ahead of you. I hope, you will do well for the rest of your life.

25. I know that today is your 40th birthday, but I do not know when we will be able to celebrate it. But remember, we think of you often and we always look forward to the day we get to celebrate your birthday in person.

26. Many happy returns of the day to my adorable sister in law, I love you so much. You are a caring sister to me and for this, I thank God every day. You have taught me to be a better person, and no other person will teach me this lesson again. Ignore the naysayers, keep your head up high! I wish you happiness, luck and prosperity at forty.

27. I don’t think a lot of words can tell you what a beautiful sister-in-law you have been. For 40 years, you have been here for me and shown me how to be a wonderful parent. You have loved my children as if they were your own. My wish for your birthday is nothing but the best! Wishing you a very happy day filled with love and joy!

28. Wow, three decades have passed since you were born! May your birthday be blessed with happy smiles and a lot of love from your precious family. I am sure that your husband will also join in wishing you a great 40th birthday.

29. You have been a great inspiration to all your family. I would like to thank you for the love you have showered all of us throughout this journey of life. On your special 40th birthday, I wish you health, wealth, happiness, and success in life.

30. I hope you know by now, how deep down I have always cared for you. You are the best SISTER IN LAW anybody could have ever asked for. You are so perfect in so many ways and I am honoured to consider you my sister. Happy birthday to you!

31. 40 fantastic years of life! A person like you deserves one thousand birthdays! Wishing you a whole lot more wonderful moments ahead.

32. She has shared the same roof with me, and she is my Sister. May your good wishes come true today, and may you enjoy this day to the best of your ability.

33. I never knew that life could be so beautiful and so full of love until the day I met you. You have shown me what it means to love and to be loved. You have given me a reason to wake up every day and chase all my dreams. Today, more than ever, I am thankful to have you in my life. I hope today is the best birthday of your life, even better than the one you had last year!

34. Today is your day; you were the reason we celebrated the day we did. You and your love and friendship did more than anyone could do for any one person! On this special day, I wish you joy and happiness and hope that life will continue to be kind to you. Happy 40th birthday!

35. What a great time to reflect upon the days that have passed. I have known you just a little while, but friends like you are few and far between. I wish you a very happy birthday, and hope that your celebrations are filled with fun and laughter!

36. I may be your younger sibling, but I want to say that you have been a role model. Besides, I am not only looking up to you for guidance or support, but also I admire your courage and determination in all the decisions that you make. Happy birthday!

37. To my sister in law, on this very special day of your life, I am wishing you the best time on earth. May your birthday bring lots of happiness into your life more than you can understand. I know it is hard to believe that you are 40 years old today… you look so young! Cheers to another wonderful year ahead!

38. Wow, I cannot believe my own sister in law is forty years old. I am sure you are wondering why I bring up your age now. Well, I am not one to give out compliments easily, especially since it is my Sister. However, on your birthday I can tell you that you are beautiful inside and out. You have grown into a woman that many fear because of your beauty and brains. Now you are getting older, but nothing has changed. May God continue to bless you. Happy birthday!

39. Wishing a very happy birthday to my sis in law! You have stood by my side and kept me going when things were tough. You have been there for my parents when they needed someone most. I am thankful for you and for your beautiful family. Have a great birthday, and keep up the good work!

40. Your warmth, generosity and kind-hearted nature have made me a better person. I am lucky to have a sister in law like you. I am grateful for all the things that you have done for me and my family. We love you! Happy 40th birthday!

My sister, you are all I can ever ask for, and so much more. You have been the best sister in law I could ever ask for. You have made me feel at home since the day we met and will always be part of my life. Thanks for everything and wish you a very happy 40th birthday! Best wishes!

41. I’ve known you for almost half of my life. It is too short a period to enjoy your presence, but a long time to miss you when you are gone. I want to thank you from the depth of my heart for being such a strong woman and helping me through the significant moments in my life. Congratulations on becoming a free bird. May your next 40 years be filled with love and peace.

42. When they say that life begins at 40, they are talking about your life! This upcoming year should be the best ever for you. I wish you all the love, laughter, joy and happiness that you deserve on this special day. Happy birthday!

43. Who would have thought your life would change so much when you started dating my brother? Today is already your special day; I believe marriage brought out the best in you two. Happy 40th birthday!

44. I hope your birthday is the best one ever. I just want you to know, that I’ll always love you and you will be one of my favourite people on the whole planet.

45. You have been a supporting hand whenever I needed you, and a wonderful friend and sister. You were there for me and my family, and we will always be grateful for that. Have a happy birthday! Best wishes!

46. I grew up admiring you, and with time, I learned to value your opinions above all others. You are brilliant, funny and, most importantly, caring. I am happy to have you in my life. Hope your birthday is filled with love and laughter!

47. A big fat happy birthday to you! Just a few months ago, my brother proposed to the love of his life. I’m so glad that you’re going to be a part of our family. I wish you all the best, my sister in law, and may all your wishes come true in this year of your big 40.

48. For your 40th birthday, I wish you only the best! It is such an honour to be by your side on this special day. We all love you and would do anything for you. Your happiness and well-being mean more than anything in this world to us.

49. Today is the best day to thank you for all that you have done for me. You are the most caring person I know who would go miles to help others. It’s time to be kind towards yourself for all the sacrifices you made. Have a wonderful birthday, happy 40th birthday!

50. I remember the day I first saw you. When you cried, it touched my heart. When you laughed, I have joined in also without even noticing it. I remember all the memories we have had living under the same roof and how it felt like a dream. You have been a great sister-in-law and a great wife to my brother. Today is a day of celebration because it is your birthday! Best wishes to you for many more happy years ahead.

51. I hope that your 40th birthday brings you many great things to look forward to in the years ahead. Happy birthday, dear sister.

52. I know it’s only after you turn 40 that people start telling you how old you are getting, so don’t let it get you down! Have a great time at the party, don’t over-eat and over-drink because you know how bad hangovers get! Happy Birthday.

53. On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday! I know that your life always revolved around me and my happiness. You have taken care of me and made me who I am today. Thank you are small words compared to all that you have done for me. Wishing you a better life ahead. Happy birthday!

54. Your birthday is a special time for you and I want to take the opportunity to show you how much I appreciate you. Your friendship is something special that I have treasured for so many years. Even though we do not see each other as often as we used to, I promise that our relationship will be as close as it was in the beginning. May you have a great birthday!

55. In our family, we have always put God first. I have been with you when the going has been the toughest, and even when my parents died. You have a special place in my heart, and I wish you a happy birthday!

56. I appreciate the beautiful friendship that you have continued to give me. I know that I will never forget how you stood by me. Today is a great day for you! I am so glad that all your dreams are coming true! Today should be an excuse for the world to celebrate you. You are amazing! All my love.

57. Sis, you are the best example for my children. Your enthusiasm and energy are outstanding. You are ambitious and successful in your job. I am glad that I was able to introduce you to my brother. Happy birthday!

58. My Sister in Law, today is your big day! You are 40, but to me, you look as young as ever. Your love and encouragement have helped me a lot to cope with life’s ups and downs. I wish you a life full of health, happiness and prosperity. May God bless you always!

59. It is your 40th birthday today and I am celebrating it with you. You are my sister in law, out of all the people, you stand out the most. You are resilient, self-dependent and always ready to help others. You are a wonderful mother too. Truly, happy birthday!

60. Happy birthday to my sister in law! Now you are 40, couldn’t believe it! You are ageing well, I am happy about that, wish you happiness and joy at the onset of your yet another new year.

61. To my lovely sister in law, on your 40th birthday, I pray that God gives you a long life to live and reign with the crown of glory. My prayer for you is that God grants you a long and healthy life on earth and a divine crown in heaven. Happy birthday!

62. To my wonderful sister in law – I want to say that it has been a pleasure to know you. Thank you for having shared your life with us, and hope that you had the most amazing birthday ever!

63. Every day, I wanted to be like you growing up. You are always so kind and generous. I am happy to have you as my sister in law. Today is your special day, so I want to take this time to show you just how much I appreciate your love and support that has made me the woman I am today.

64. May the coming year be the happiest and most successful for you. On your special day, I wish you long life, happiness and good health as you grow old.

65. Sister, you have always been there for me, not only on the good days but also on the bad ones. I would never be able to pay you back for all these. Today, I pray that all your wishes come true and you live a happy life. Happy birthday!”

66. I always admired your positive attitude toward life. I hope this birthday brings all the good things you wished for. Wishing you another amazing year!

67. On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday! I know that your life always revolved around me and my happiness. You have taken care of me and made me who I am today. Thank you are small words compared to all that you have done for me.

68. Dear, I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful person my brother is. We have been through a lot together and yet we have always come out on top. I hope you have a great birthday and many more to come!

69. Sister in Law, on your 40th birthday, I want you to know how lucky I am to have a lovely sister in law like you. You have been good support for me and a wonderful source of advice. You have been a great sister in law, wife and mother. I am blessed to have you as my sister in Law on this special day. I wish you all the happiness of the world ahead!

70. Today’s your 40th birthday, which is a big deal for all of us. It’s an accomplishment, it’s another year closer to your retirement and the promise of relaxation you have longed for. The words don’t do justice to tell you that I am very proud to be your brother-in-law. All I want for you today is happiness and joy, so much so that you will never forget this day. I love you so much, so happy birthday!

On your special day, I just want to tell you that you are my best friend. I hope that your 40th birthday will be the start of an amazing year ahead. You deserve everything that’s coming your way, not because you are my sister-in-law but also because you are one amazing lady. Happy birthday!

71. I wish you many birthdays to come, filled with love, joy and happiness. You helped me through my difficult times, stood by me in my good ones, but I have always wondered how I could repay you for all these. Happy 40th birthday, sister!

72. On your big day, I want to wish you the best! It is no brainer that you are one of the most beautiful ladies I have ever met. You are very supportive, get along with everyone without problems and are the best role model for me. Wish your 40th year is filled with all the happiness in the world! Cheers!

73. My dearest sister in law, you are such a wonderful woman and I really mean it. The role of a sister in law is indeed crucial as we should be the ones to bring cheer and love to our brother’s life who can love no other person as much as her. I hope you have all the happiness that you deserve on this special day and throughout the year. Wishes for a very happy and successful birthday!

74. Happy 40th birthday, sister in law, you have been a source of motivation for me, I know that I can never take your place but I hope that sometime in this lifetime, I get the chance to really do something special for you.

75. I am so glad that my brother has someone like you in his life! You have made every moment of his days happier, and have eased his pain. Your friendship with him has made life easier for me too. Wish you a very happy birthday.

76. I know you are the outgoing soul of the family. You have introduced so many new moonshines into our lives. I hope you will never stop being you because you are the coolest person I have ever met. I am glad I have an awesome sister-in-law! Thanks for doing what you do best – being my big sister.

77. Family members may fight with each other at times, but they still know that in the end, they share a bond that cannot be broken. You are such a person… Happy 40th birthday.

78. Dear sister, on this amazing day God has given you, I am praying that he will bless you abundantly more than anyone else.

79. Birthday wishes for my sister in law. A warm greeting on your birthday, I wish you get everything you wish for on your birthday

80. Just like the brightest star in the sky, you are the life of our family’s world! I wish you a very happy 40th birthday and many more to come. I am grateful for all the love, care and attention you have given me, especially when it comes to my kids.

81. Although I married your brother, you are my sister. I am so proud of the woman you have become. May your life be filled with wonderful moments and happiness. Wishing you all the best for your 40th birthday!

82. Wishing you a very happy birthday, my dear sister in law. You are the kindest and sweetest person that I know. There is no end to your niceness. You deserve all the happiness and success. Have a great and exciting life ahead of you!

83. It has been almost 40 years since I was blessed with the most beautiful sister in the world. You are my simple joy; you make each day of my life complete. Happy birthday!

84. I cannot believe you’re 40 already! You look so young and radiant as always! Hope this day brings you everything you have been waiting for. Have a great day, dear!

85. May you mature as you age! Always caring, always helping others around you. I believe you have made the world a better place over the years. A friend who stands by your side even in your darkest hour, a mother to three beautiful children, a wife as beautiful as her heart, a woman as beautiful as her soul. Happy birthday, my sister!

86. May your birthday be filled with loads of happiness and loads of love! You make me realize, life isn’t about how rich you are or how big your house is, but what you do and how you make life wonderful for others around you. I am grateful we connect in such a beautiful bond. I wish you all the best in the next decades of your life.

87. I wish you a happy birthday and good health for the coming year. I wish you nothing but all the best and I will always be here for you. You are family and I love you.

88. Though it has been over a decade since we last met, you remain the darling of my life. Time might have separated us, but I can never forget those happy memories of our childhood. I love you and wish you a very happy birthday!

89. For one who is turning something, I say you must be having some magical power. Unbelievable!!! Yet, I am happy about this fact. I pray that your days ahead are filled with joy and pleasure. Happy 40th birthday!

90. Happy 40th birthday, sis! I remember when you told me that you would never want to be forty because you thought it was too old. Today, the day of your big day has dawned and you are still young at heart. You seem so old on the inside but on the outside, you’re more beautiful than ever before.

91. Happy 40th birthday to you!!! I’m thankful that God gave me the chance to meet the most loving and caring person on this planet. God blessed me with an angel, not just a sister in law, but an angel!

92. My sister in law, you are an amazing woman. You have done so much for me and my family. I know the sacrifices you have made to see us happy. I wish you had an amazing year ahead filled with joy and laughter! Happy birthday!

93. On your 40th birthday, I want to express my deepest love and respect for you. You are the most selfless person I know, always ready to help in times of need. Your great insight into life is something everyone should learn. I wish you many more years of living in peace and happiness!

94. My sister in law, I could never thank you enough for supporting me all through my life. Thank you for your presence in my life, which has made life meaningful and beautiful. Today is your special day. I am sharing it with you, and sharing it makes it even more special.

95. I have always thought taking care of me is your responsibility. On your 40th birthday, I want to thank you for giving me the chance to be independent. I may not call you often, but I treasure every moment that we are together. I wish you a very happy birthday!

96. You know I love you more than words can describe. You are my sister in every sense of the world. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a very happy 40th birthday.

97. Though I am no fan of social networking, now I am ready to shower you with love. Congratulations on turning 40!

98. 40 candles are burning on your cake. They are already the symbol of the time you have spent with me, but also about being so young. You have many beautiful days ahead of you, full of laughter and good memories. Happy birthday!

99. One day when I was down, you inspired me to keep my eyes on the prize. You encouraged me to just keep going for it. It is because of your support that I am who I am today. Heartical welcome to the 40’s club!

100. My Sister in Law, you have been a great friend all along. You have made me the man I am today, and for this, I owe you so much. I love you and wish you a wonderful 40th birthday!

The occasion of your sister-in-law’s 40th birthday could be that opportunity you need to secure a special place in her heart. You wouldn’t want to miss that!

With the wishes up there, you will not only get her attention but you will also make her feel loved and appreciated. Go ahead and hit her with one of the beautiful wishes.

I would like to inform you that you can share this post with friends to reach their sisters-in-law too. You are also very free to let me know how much of help this post is, kindly use the comments box. Thank you!

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