Happy 50th Birthday Poems for Friend

It is common to wish people happy birthdays on their milestone birthdays, especially when they turn 50. In that sense, a poem is a great gift, and the poems found here are meant to be shared with a friend who is turning 50 or any other person above 50 years old.

To make this 50th birthday extra special, these happy 50th birthday poems for friends should just do the trick. They capture what kind of a significant milestone reaching this age entails, plus the many friendships and bonds you have built during the last fifty years.

There are many poems written for the 50th birthday, and we have collected here the few best happy 50th birthday poems for friends. These days, people write a birthday poem for themselves and share it with friends, family or coworkers. Everyone wants to celebrate the special occasion uniquely, and writing a birthday poem is unique. There are several ways by which you can write your poem, such as it’s your half-century, you’re my 50th friend, you’re one of the best things that have happened to me.

50th birthday poems for friends are easy to write after you’ve written your first one. All you need to do is take the same format and fill in new words about another friend’s turning 50 years old. This can be a challenge because your friend might not want you to compare them to others, so that is the more reason why you should swipe down and digest the wide variety of the poems on this page. Birthday poems for someone who turns 50 are a great way to say Happy Birthday! Here are some funny, 50th birthday poems, best friend poems and sweet friend poems that a 50-year-old can relate to.

It is your golden jubilee
You are now close to half a century.
You have been my best friend for years.
You are undoubtedly going to be surrounded by
many friends, relatives and family members
Continue to remain the sweet person you are.
With these poems, I say a happy 50th birthday to you.

1. Dear best friend,
I have these happy 50th birthday poems for you.
I wish you the best and most beautiful birthday ever.
Dear friend, happy birthday to you
I hope you have a special day just as you are.
Keep glowing in pride.

2. There’s nothing better than a friend
Who is willing to look back
On your milestones along the way
And celebrate them as you move
Towards the next 50 years.
In that spirit, I say to you, happy 50th birthday.
Dear friend, you are special.

3. So you’re now 50, friend.
It’s only the beginning.
Of a whole new chapter of your life!
There are many things you are yet to do,
Places to visit and people to meet.
May you find true happiness
And enjoy life’s greatest blessings.

4. To a special friend worth more than gold
You’re looking so fifteen today
I hope today makes you feel extra special,
Because you are not just turning 50 years
You are now a golden boy.
Happy birthday to you, friend.

5. 50th birthday can be a hot time
Because in it you develop a self-assessment
Yet, I don’t want you to look at the clouds
But the sunshine.
Happy birthday to you, my dear friend.
It’s a milestone for you.

6. For the best friend ever.
You are dearly loved and appreciated.
Friends share memories on their birthdays.
Today, I smile at the past years
And to know you half a century today,
I say a big congratulation.
Happy birthday to you.

7. For your 50th birthday, dear friend
The memories of the past can be remembered.
For best friends are the ones
Who will still be close after this milestone birthday.
Thanks for these years
You are 50 years today.
I wish you a longer life. Happy birthday.

8. It’s your 50th anniversary on this planet
The relationship we share is unique
As immaculate as your brand new age
Happy 50th birthday to you.
Dearest friend, keep the flag flying.

9. Best friends aren’t worried
About who has been there longer
Or who was there last
But about being close to each other.
I wish you great success
In all that you do this time around!
Happy 50th birthday to you.

10. Not many people can say
That they have lived a remarkable life at 60
But I can say that about you, my dear friend
Being your best friend for a very long time,
I always remember having fun
Even during the littlest of times.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

11. Being your best friend for a very long time,
Makes me remember having fun
Even when things seem not to be so smooth and rosy
None other can relate to you
Than me, because of the friendship that we share.
Happy 50th birthday to you, my best friend.

12. Dear Friend,
You’re simply the best friend a person can have.
Your heart of gold is your party piece.
You are just so kind and thoughtful.
People always remember you
For being the life of the party.
I’m sure you won’t mind
If I wish you 50 hearty Hurrah!
Happy 50th birthday to you.

13. I have known you for a long time
So having a party for your 50th birthday.
Is right and fitting for someone like you
You deserve it! Happy Birthday!
To a special friend
Wishing you many more prosperous years

14. Dear friend,
Having known you for a long time
I desire to throw a party for you
To celebrate your 50th birthday
That’s what friends are for
Happy Birthday!

15. We’ve known each other since grade school.
It’s only right that we celebrate your day
It’s your 50th birthday!
You deserve it! Happy Birthday!
Dear friend, I wish you more gracious years.

16. Dearest friend,
We have been good friends for a long time.
That’s why it seems only like yesterday
When I celebrated your 40th birthday
But now you are going golden
Happy 50th birthday to you, best friend.

17. Dearest friend,
You’ve been my friend for a long time,
I’m so glad to celebrate you on this auspicious day
And to know you can have a party
To celebrate your 50th birthday!
I wish you all the best.

18. Happy birthday to the friend I have known
I know that you will never forget me.
We have had many great times together.
Your day is as special to me as it is to you
Happy 50th birthday to you!

19. Congratulations on a great year.
It’s been my pleasure knowing you,
It’s going to be a good year!
You are already half a century.
It looks like you are growing old
Yet, younger. Happy 50th birthday, friend.

20. You are a good friend
Friends like you deserve enough fun
And papering on their special day
Happy 50th birthday to you, best friend
You will always remain special to me.
My best wishes.

21. For my good friend
Celebrating a big number today
Here’s to many more birthdays!
Happy wonderful 50th birthday to you.
Can we make it 50 shouts of hurrah?

22. You are a wonderful person
An inspiration and a best friend.
You’re fifty now,
It is the perfect time to celebrate
Everything you have accomplished as a man
Both as a husband and father!
Cheers to your better years head.
Happy 50th birthday.

23. May your days be full of fun, laughter, and good friends.
Doing what you love and sharing it
With the people you love.
At 50 years, you become the arbiter of wisdom
IT’s going to be an adventure
Yes, for your years to come.
Happy 50th birthday, my lovely friend.

24. Your 50th birthday is a blast.
Because that age is a special one
We are going to party all the day
And look back at the years past
I wish you a blissful celebration
Enjoy everything that comes with it.

25. Your 50th birthday party must hit with everyone.
It’s not every day that you celebrate your 50th birthday.
So. This one must be loud.
Happy 50th birthday, ear friend.
You are climbing higher and higher.
You’re lucky to see half of a century.

You’re lucky to have a best friend like me.
Who would always celebrate your success
This year, I am coming up with poems
To celebrate you on your 50th birthday
I wish you overwhelming success
Happy birthday to you.
I’d never let a milestone
Like your 50th birthday, go without any fanfare.

26. You’re turning 50.
That’s a big deal— you are going golden
I’m lucky to be part of this celebration.
And to be a friend to you.
I wish for more wisdom.
Happy 50th birthday, my dear friend.

27. With your 50th birthday coming up,
You need all the rest and fun that is within
The perfect way to celebrate this special time
Is with a joyful heart and a cheerful mood.
You are amazing, dear friend.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

28. Let’s celebrate your big day together.
You are blessed among all men.
Continue to explore the world
You are limitless.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

29. Friendship is one of life’s greatest blessings.
I am to have a friend like you
Who knows every secret thing about me
Yet keep it as his
I celebrate this special day with you
Happy 50th birthday to you.

30. Happy birthday! It’s a special occasion,
You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
When I heard my friend was turning 50,
I couldn’t believe it.
So, enjoy all the blessings of a golden year.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

31. No matter how many candles
There are on your cake,
A best friend is always a wonderful gift to have.
You’re one of the best,
And I’m not going anywhere.
Until I celebrate you to the fullest.
Happy 50th birthday to you, dear friend.

32. Happy birthday to the best friend
Anyone could ask for!
There would be many candles on your cake
It shows that you are now so big
You’ll always be a winner in my book.
You’re one of the best,
Happy 50th birthday to you, dear friend.

33. Let me tell you something
I’m sure you already know.
You’re awesome. I appreciate you,
What really makes your birthday special?
Is the fact that you’re a good friend.
Here’s to many more birthdays together!
Happy 50th birthday to you.

34. On your birthday,
Let me be the first to tell you
Happy 50th birthday to you.
I wish you many more years.
Enjoy your birthday.

35. I’m not sure how this happened,
But somehow you’ve spent another birthday with me.
I am so grateful for your friendship
And for your support.
Here’s to many more years of celebrating together!
Happy 50th birthday, my dear friend.

36. We’re friends. Isn’t it obvious?
This friendship is so automatic.
That we don’t even need
To remind each other of our birthday.
Your day is also mine, dear friend.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

37. You’re wonderful!
I know you don’t need any candles
To remember how awesome you are.
You’re one of the best and most influential people in my life.
You’re here with me because you matter,
So let’s make this evening extra special.
Happy 50th birthday to you, dear friend.

38. I still remember our first birthday together,
How excited we were in anticipation
Even though I knew about your secret cake-eating ability,
Now that you’re 50 years
I hope you’ve given up the habit.
I wish you a happy birthday!
Cheers to a better and bigger future.

39. We all know how tough it can be
To grow old, but luckily,
You have grown so perfectly
To be one of the best friends I have.
At 50 years, you deserve some accolades.
Happy 50th birthday to you, dear friend.

40. You’re a great friend,
I’m so glad to have you in my life. Happy Birthday!
I’m sure you’ve made the rounds,
But I just wanted you to know
That you’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

41. Your birthday is the perfect time
To tell you how wonderful you are.
I know I’m not always easy to get along with,
But thanks for putting up with me anyway.
I wish you abundant years in grace
Happy 50th birthday, buddy.

42. With you by my side,
The years have raced by.
Even if I make a mess,
You’d forgive me.
You’re the best friend anyone could ask for.
Happy 50th birthday to you, dear friend.

43. You are one of the best things
That has happened to me in my entire life,
I wanted you to know that I truly mean it.
A friend like you is worth a hundred birthdays.
I can’t believe it, but here I am singing for you again.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

44. Thanks a million! I can’t believe it
But here I am again teasing you like old times.
This poem is for you.
Thanks for being a great friend.
I hope we’ll be celebrating many more birthdays together.
Happy 50th birthday to you, my dear friend.

45. I love you like a hundred plus one roses.
I will put up with you for your birthday to make me sing again.
In this beautiful world filled with wonders,
It’s such a joy to have a friend like you.
I couldn’t have wished for a better friend than you.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

46. Happy Birthday to my dearest friend
There isn’t a day that will go by
When we won’t be thankful
For the memories, we have shared.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

47. Friends make it all possible.
I can only dream of living this way,
With you, forever is a stone throw.
I wish you many more years
Happy 50th birthday to you.

48. Being your friend
Is one of my greatest privileges
I can’t have enough of you.
You are so awesome.
Wishing you many more years.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

49. You’re a day to the word
And everything else is just waiting.
I love you and thank you for sticking around.
Dearest friend, you make friendship sweeter
Happy 50th birthday to you.
Cheers to a bigger future.

50. You are a star,
I’m so glad we can be together this special day.
Music means everything to me, as I know it does for you.
So, today I will be singing for you
For you deserve more than just a melody
Happy 50th birthday to you.

51. Even though we’re growing up,
Nothing can separate us.
No distance, no time – nothing.
I love you as a friend should.
As you clock 50 years today,
I wish you all the best.

52. There is a wide range of places
You can go to, for your 50th birthday party.
However, celebrating with us is the best place
Where we would chat and reminisce
You are special and so is your birthday.
Happy 50th birthday to you, dear friend.

53. It has been awesome to watch you
Grow from a hilarious teenager
To an awesome adult.
I know that our friendship will last forever,
Even if we live in different cities.
I would still celebrate you like no other
Happy 50th birthday!

54. We met in unconventional circumstances
I still remember the way you looked at the mall.
You were a funny teenager shopping.
While your dad helped you with your goods.
It was awesome watching you grow into a mature adult.
We have spent most of our lives together.
I look forward to more.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

55. Dearest friend,
Though we live in different cities,
I know that our friendship will be forever,
Even if we jump on each other every once in a while.
Happy 50th birthday!
More love.

56. Happy 50th Birthday!
Thanks for being an awesome adult
I know we will be friends forever.
I hope that this is a great year for you
Just like the 50 years before.
Happy 50th birthday to you, dear friend.

57. Dearest friend,
Happy 50th birthday!
Even though we have grown apart over the years,
It has been great to watch you mature through the years.
I hope that your special day is filled with joy and happiness.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

58. It’s been great to watch you grow up.
From a teenager to an adult,
I’m amazed at the many changes
You’ve been through!
Happy 50th birthday!
More blessing to you, dear friend.

59. It’s been great to watch you grow up.
I know that you have encountered many challenges
But I hope that this new age
Give you guidance and help you in many ways.
Dearest friend,
Happy 50th birthday to you.

60. You’ve grown up so much!
I can hardly believe that you’re 50 years old now.
Happy birthday to you!
You are an awesome friend with a big heart
I would forever cherish your company.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

61. Wishing you a very happy 50th Birthday!
I’m really proud to have been able
To watch you grow up
Into the amazing adult, you are today.
To your next 50 years, cheers
I wish you all the best.
Happy 50th birthday, dear friend.

62. As you approach a milestone birthday,
I want you to know how proud I am
To be your friend I can’t believe it’s been 50 years;
The years have just flown by!
Happy 50th birthday!
Dearest friend.

63. Happy 50th birthday, dear friend.
Though you’re 50 today,
It’s amazing how much you have grown
You’re no longer the same kid
Everyone knew around the neighbourhood.
It’s fun to share my childhood with you.
I hope you keep doing everything that makes you happy in life!

64. While the world may see you
As a full-fledged adult,
To me, you’re always going to be
That spirited young person I know.
Happy 50th birthday!
I wish you more strength as you grow.

65. While I celebrate you today at 50 years
I am happy to grow up with you
In the same neighbourhood and community.
I am glad to see how much you’ve changed.
And it’s just the beginning.
Wishing you more years.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

66. I only get to see you every once in a while,
But I’m always delighted when I do!
Happy 50th birthday!
Dearest friend, I am very happy to be in your life
Here’s to your better years.

67. Happy birthday!
It’s hard to believe your fiftieth birthday
Is around the corner.
You were so funny as a teenager
And now you’re funnier.
We can’t wait to spend this special day together.
Love always, dear friend.

68. Dear, It is amazing to see you reach 50.
I can’t believe how fast time is going by.
But you are still the same happy guy
We were friends with those years ago!
Love you always.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

69. Dear friend,
Fifty is the new thirty.
Happy 50th birthday!
I can’t wait to celebrate with you. Love
You are getting better by each year.

70. Dear friend, happy 50th birthday,
I can’t believe how quickly time has passed!
You never cease to amaze me.
With your wry sense of humour
Your dedication to the things that matter most
Amazes me the most.
Please accept my hearty congratulations.

You’ve come so far since your 40th birthday.
I’m really proud of the way you’re turning out!
To celebrate your 50th birthday.
I’ve written these verses for you.
Dear friend, continue to shine.
The sky is your starting point.
Glow with pride.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

71. I can’t believe how fast you are turning 50!
You aren’t ageing at all.
You still look so much like that teenage
Growing up with you was fun.
I can’t wait to celebrate your 100th birthday with you!
Happy 50th birthday to you.
Love always, my friend.

72. You’re turning 50!
How amazing is that!
You were such a funny teenager,
You really haven’t changed too much.
I will always treasure our times together.
Happy 50th birthday to you.
Love always, dear friend.

73. I can’t believe you’re almost 50!
It’s amazing how fast you’re growing.
Dear friend, thanks for all the good times.
To your next 50 years,
Hurrah! Happy 50th birthday to you.

74. Dear friend,
I have everything to share with you today
But we are all going to celebrate
Because it’s your 50th birthday.
I can’t believe how fast you are turning 50!
I can’t wait to celebrate more years with you.
Love always.

75. Friend,
Thanks for all the memories.
Thanks for letting me in your life.
50 years! You’re the coolest friend,
It’s been a blast getting older with you.
Congratulations on your big day,
And many more to come!
Happy 50th birthday to you.

76. It’s your 50th birthday, friend!
I can’t believe how much time has past
And how quickly you have grown.
You have always been funny.
And you have done a good job
Of keeping up with your responsibilities.
I am so happy to be able to celebrate
With you on your 50th birthday. Love always.

77. Yes, it’s your 50th birthday,
And it’s been great!
It’s hard to believe that you’re 50
When you look so young.
I love getting older with you,
And seeing the world change,
Since we were just kids ourselves.
Cheers, buddy.

78. We’ve been together from the start,
So, I want to celebrate your 50th birthday
As special as it should be
With an extra-special gift.
And a bit of melody.
Dearest friend, happy 50th birthday to you
May your life be seasoned with grace.

79. Turning 50? Wow! Fifty years?
You must be the coolest friend on the list.
For fifty years, you have been the king of cool.
Congratulations, and here’s to 50 more years!
Glow with pride, dear friend
Relish in prosperity
The day is yours.

80. It’s a wonderful feeling
Celebrating an important date with a friend.
Today is your day, dear friend
You’re the star! Enjoy it.
Happy 50th birthday.

81. As many birthdays come and go,
You have proven to us that friendship
Can last a lifetime.
On your 50th birthday,
I celebrate God’s grace upon you
To more years t come
I toast in love and goodness
Happy birthday to you, friend.

82. Today is an important day,
Gather everyone you love
And enjoy every moment.
Happy 50th birthday, dear friend.
It’s hard to believe
You’ve been around this long.
Happy 50th birthday to you
You look great!

83. Congratulations!
You are an amazing person!
You have grown a lot over the past 50 years,
I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
I know that you will accomplish great things
Because you are success-driven, intelligent and capable.
I will always be here for you
If you need my help.
Happy 50th birthday, my friend.

84. It has been such a pleasure
To watch you mature from a curious child
That we were, back in the days
To an insightful adult.
I look forward to spending many more days together,
As we embark on new journeys in our lives.
Happy 50th birthday, dear friend.

85. Happy 50th birthday
To my favourite friend ever!
I hope you have the best day ever.
On the occasion of your 50th birthday
I love you!
Happy birthday to you.

86. 50 years? Who knew you were old enough
When you won’t age a day
Happy 50th birthday, friend!
It’s awesome to see you smiling
Your strength has not waned
In any way.
Cheers to more years.

87. I can never forget all the good times
We had together,
Whether it was for celebrations
Or just for us to let loose.
As your friend,
I can honestly say
We meant so much to each other.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

88. Today is your birthday,
Celebrating with you is the fun
Although we talked on the phone a lot,
It’s still nice to see you in person.
I always appreciate your presence,
And I’m glad we’re still friends
After all these years.
Happy 50th birthday to you, dear friend.89. While celebrating the big 5-0
Is a major milestone,
It doesn’t mean you have to
Hang up those dancing shoes.
In fact, it’s just the opposite!
With a party at our club,
You can experience the feeling
Of being young again.
Happy 50th birthday to you, friend.

90. A 50th birthday is a milestone
In a best friend’s life and,
A party is the best way to celebrate.
Reconnecting with each other
Is the beauty of the day
Wishing you all the best, dear friend.

91. People give their best friend
A card for a special birthday occasion.
But as for you, I’m writing to you verses.
Because you are so dear to me.
Best friends are the ones who
Always stay close to the birthday man or woman.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

92. A friend with a big birthday
Is special because she was there
To share the best day of your life
And will be there to share this
Huge moment as well.
The best types of friends
Are the ones who will always remain close.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

93. To celebrate the 50th birthday,
People might want to throw a party
For their friend along with their family and friends.
A best friend is always present
During such special occasions.
Here is to the next 50 years.
Happy 50th birthday to you.

94. From the moment you and I met,
We became fast friends.
We immediately clicked,
And since then, it has been history.
And now here we are on your 50th birthday,
Still just being our goofy selves
And talking about how great
It was to get to know each other.
Happy birthday to you, dear friend.

95. It’s your 50th birthday
And your good friends want to celebrate
Every year that you have lived.
They’ll always be there for you.
And will remember everything.
Like those old times.
Happy 50th birthday to you, buddy.

96. 50th birthday is a time
For old friends to reconnect
And celebrate the woman you have become.
Dearest friend, I am glad to see you
Grow into a woman of excellence
Just like the old times,
Your smile still radiates with a glow
Continue to be joyful.
Happy 50th to you.

97. As your 50th birthday approaches,
I think back to your best memories
With you as your best friend.
And I remember how it used to be
Times have really passed
But the friendship is still as strong.
Today, you become golden.
Happy 50th birthday to you, friend.

98. Happy 50th birthday, dear friend!
You’re the most charming.
And daring person I know.
You’ve always been on my side,
No matter what.
Such a kind of loyalty is really rare
To find in this world.
Enjoy your new age.

99. You’ve been my true friend
For over fifty years and
I can tell you that we have always
Grown-up together and that
Our friendship will last forever.
Happy 50th anniversary!

100. It was an amazing 50 years!
Time really flies,
So make sure you acknowledge that fact
Your friendship has been a treasure to me
Over these past many years,
So, I say thank you in more than words.
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays
On the world’s special day!
Happy 50th birthday to you, darling friend.

I remember the day my best friend clocked 18. We celebrated as if that was the only birthday that we would ever celebrate together, but today, we can recall many years in the past. So, with these Happy 50th birthday poems for friends, you can celebrate and still enjoy the fun of your past days. Make sure that your friend feels like a 30-year old this day with your verses and see the reaction of the joy in them. From here, we want to say happy birthday to the person who lights your world up every day with fun and laughter. Please, share with as many friends as possible.

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