Happy 57th Birthday to Me Wishes and Quotes

Most times, we see the need to shower our loved ones or acquaintance with birthday wishes on their birthdays. However, we forget to do the same for ourselves. Just the way others enjoy the wishes you send to them and the love you show them on their birthdays, in the same spirit, you can make yourself feel elated, encouraged, inspired with some sweet and lovely words that will further brighten your day.

It’s your 57th birthday, and it shouldn’t matter how you want to celebrate yourself to feel happy. When most people start getting older, especially when they are in their 50s, they begin to lose interest in celebrating their birthday compared to the excitement they used to have in the early years of their life. However, you can choose to make yourself happy and come alive by experiencing that same excitement in your being again. You can do that by celebrating and wishing yourself well even before others do.

Here is a collection of happy 57th birthday to me wishes and quotes you can use to wish yourself to get that feeling you used to have on your birthday when you were younger. I bet you will be renewed and happy through these happy 57th birthday to me wishes and quotes.

This birthday message is filled with gratitude for all the joy, love, peace and happiness I have enjoyed for the past years. As I celebrate my 57th birthday today, may it be the beginning of another great year for me. May the best time of my past be the worst time of my future.

1. As I celebrate my 57th birthday, may the joy and happiness I have given to others be doubled in my life this coming year. Hope to have the best birthday imaginable. Happy birthday to me.

2. On this 57th birth anniversary of my life, may I get everything I have ever wished for and I wish today will be full of sweet surprises.

3. Birthdays are a wonderful thing, so I will remove the number 57th from the occasion and just celebrate life.

4.Today is my 57th birthday, my special day to shine, let everyone else keep calm and be dull. I will enjoy myself to the fullest and have lots of fun and laughter.

5. Congratulations to me on my 57th birthday. I am going to have a smile on my face and enjoy the day to its fullest. I am not giving up on my dreams until I fulfil them all.

6. May this unique day of my 57th birthday be filled with memories that will last a lifetime and may I receive all I have ever wished for.

7. Getting older is a good thing because the wisdom we gain from every year we live is worth more than turning one year older. I am glad to be celebrating my 57th birthday today, hope this year bring me all the good things of life.

8. I know I am a special gift to my family and friends. As I mark my 57th birthday today, I hope I live up to their expectations and make them proud always.

I only get one day that is mine in the whole year. As I turn 57 years old on this special day, I am going to make it worth it and have as much fun as I can, eat lots of cake and party all day. Happy birthday to my amazing self.

9. Today at 57 years, I am grateful for who I am and all I have accomplished. I hope every day of this new year be filled with joy and happiness and to wake up with a smile on my face. Happy birthday to me.

10. As I turned 57 years old today and entered another new year of my life, I hope it comes with opportunities. I will grab them all and fulfil my dreams with them. Happy birthday to me, hope to spend a nice time with my loved ones.

11. On this special day that I turn 57 years old, I hope I get a thousand reasons to smile. May I enjoy this day to the fullest and all my best wishes come to pass this year. Happy birthday to me.

12. Happy 57 years birthday to me. May the stars shine brighter for me today and the day brings so much happiness that will fill the whole year.

13. Congratulations to me at 57. I have learnt over the years to enjoy every moment, every day and not to get cut up with day to day stuff. I have also learnt to celebrate every birthday as another glorious year.

14. As I clock this beautiful age of 57, may I find happiness and fulfilment in whatever I will do. May every day of this year put joy in my heart and a smile on my face. Happy birthday to me.

15. On this special day 57 years, no one knew how much influence I will have on their lives. May I have many more wonderful birthdays and touch more lives.

On this special day of my 57th birthday, I pray the Lord will continue to walk with me and grant me wisdom and strength to face the years ahead. May I always dwell in wellness and my heart is always filled with joy. May my best wishes come true on this day.

16. I am thankful to the Almighty for adding another year to my beautiful life. May His love, mercy and kindness never depart from my life. May He make my path easy for me and keep me safe from the evil one. Happiest 57th birthday to me.

17. May this day of my 57th birthday be an exciting one for me, may it be filled with pleasant memories. May this year bring me wonderful accomplishments and endless opportunities. May the divine light of God brighten my path always.

18. Congratulations to me on my 57th birthday. I wish the good Lord fill my heart with peace, love and joy that will last forever. May every choice I make this year result in prosperity and great happiness and may I overcome every obstacle that will come my way.

19. As the sun rises on this special day of my 57th birthday, I pray my hope and faith in God will also rise and achieve great things. May I continually be under His divine protection.

20. Dear Lord, as today marks the anniversary of my 57th year on earth, may Your countenance shine on me today and remain with me all the days of my life. Bestow on me peace and joy that knows no bounds.

21. May this unique day of my 57th birthday be filled with the awesome blessings of the Lord. May these blessings accompany me everywhere I go and cause me to find favour before men.

22. On my 57th birthday today, may God bless me, honour me and bring me under His mighty hand of protection. May this day usher in joy, peace and prosperity into my life.

23. Today I pray that the everlasting love and grace of God will overflow in my life. May His blessings be kind and gracious to me and may I have a fantastic 57th birthday celebration.

I am the awesome person I am today because I gained a lot of experience which came with time and that means I got older and better. As I celebrate my 57th birthday today, I will sit back, relax and enjoy this beautiful day that is attributed to celebrating the day of my birth. Happy birthday to me.

24. I believe in these 57 years of my life, I have gained wisdom, a better appearance, more intelligence and a great personality. I hope all of these prepares me for the years ahead. Happy birthday to me.

25. Happy birthday to my lovely self. As I celebrate my 57th birthday today, I wish the day comes with good memories and may they last throughout the year.

26. Life is sometimes too short. I wish I live long enough to see and experience all the world has to offer. Hope my 57th birthday turns out to be a wonderful one.

27. Birthdays are for the strong-minded. We are counting up doesn’t mean we are losing time, we are actually gaining memories, experience and many years with the ones we love. Heartfelt 57th birthday to me.

28. I have no control over growing old but I can choose how old to act and I choose to be young at heart. A wonderful 57th birthday to me.

29. Birthdays always come late but leave early. So today being my 57th birthday, I will enjoy myself with much fun and laughter. May I get all the best things life can offer.

30. Congratulations to me on my 57th birthday. What I want more today than wrapped gifts is the affection and blessings of the ones I love now and always.

The gift of another birthday is always heartwarming and amazing. Hope you find the perfect words in this 57th birthday wishes to use to celebrate yourself.

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