Happy 5th Birthday Wishes for Daughter

Birthdays are fun days. Days to celebrate our existence. Days to be happy and forget all your worries. Birthdays are days to pray for a brighter future and make plans for it.

Children are God’s gift to us. They are our priceless possession. Every child deserves love, every child deserves to be happy and every child deserves to be celebrated.

On your daughter’s birthday, it’s best to let her know how much you love her and your wishes for her. Children love to cling to their parents, let your child know how far you are willing to go for her. It doesn’t matter how young she is, let her know right from childhood.

For her 5th birthday, I have put together happy 5th birthday wishes for daughter for you to be able to convey your heartfelt message to your daughter.

Below is Happy 5th Birthday Wishes for Daughter

Hello Daughter! Today, I celebrate the five years you have spent on earth and I hope and pray that you will spend more years on earth in good health and wealth. The Lord shall abide with you and not abandon you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

1. I am so happy to be alive to celebrate your birthday with you. Happy 5th birthday, my princess. Mummy loves you.

2. You shall grow up strong, happy and bright. I am proud to be your dad. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter. We love you.

3. May the Lord bless your new age and make you a model to others. You shall live an exemplary life. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter. I love you.

4. The Lord will continue to be with you. His banner of protection shall continue to be over you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

5. You mean a lot to us. We cherish you so much. Happy 5th birthday princess. We love you.

6. Today is your day, pick up your dancing shoes. You shall have more reasons to be happy and celebrate. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

7. Today, you will eat lots of chocolates and cakes. Mention anything you want and daddy will get it for you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

8. You are our miracle and we love you so much. Happy 5th birthday, sweetheart. Keep shining!

9. I celebrate my daughter today. I can’t believe it’s been five years. I love you so much. Happy 5th birthday, princess.

10. Sometimes, when I correct you, you see it as I am harsh but the truth is I love you and I want the best for you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

Hurray! Our princess is 5. It feels like yesterday when we had you. We love you so much, honey. We will always celebrate and support you. You are our precious gift. Happy 5th birthday, our darling baby daughter.

11. I celebrate you today, my love. I pray that the Lord grant you wisdom and knowledge that will make you stand out. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

12. May God continue to be with you. You shall not die young. Happy 5th birthday, my dearest daughter.

13. I celebrate you today, tomorrow and forever. Bring your mom gives me joy. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

14. You are a source of joy to me. You will not be a source of sadness. I celebrate you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

15. Our beautiful princess is a year older. Thank you for coming my way. I love being your dad. Happy 5th birthday my daughter.

16. May the Lord perfect all that concerns you. Your life shall be full of happiness. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

17. You will go places far above your expectations. The Lord will take you higher. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

18. May the Lord make all things work for you. You shall know no sorrow. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

19. Each time I see you smile, I am happy you are my daughter. May you continue to have reasons to smile. Happy birthday, my daughter.

20. Challenges, sickness, sorrows shall not come your way. You shall not die young. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

Happy 5th birthday, sweetheart! I want you to know that I will always be your number one supporter. You are my favourite girl and I love you so much. I wish that your new age be amazing. You mean a lot to me.

21. Hurray! Today is the celebration of my daughter’s 5th birthday. Thank you for making me happy. Happy 5th birthday, princess.

22. May the Lord bless you and make you prosper. You shall succeed in life. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

23. The Lord will make everything work in your favour. Your life shall be a life full of God’s blessings and favour. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

24. The Lord is your strength. He will be your guide and protector. No evil shall befall you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

25. I cast all my care unto the Lord and I trust him to always keep my daughter safe. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

26. You are the most beautiful 5 year old I know and I am so happy that this pretty princess is my daughter. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

27. I will always be there for you. You are my precious baby and I love you with the whole of my heart. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

28. I promise to always be your number one support system. I love you so much, my daughter. Happy 5th birthday, my baby.

29. We don’t know what the future holds, I will always be here to love and support you. I am your number one cheer leader. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

30. I pray that in a few years time, we will stand with you and be proud of how far you have come in life. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

Precious daughter, I want you to know that I am always praying for you. The Lord will be with you and guide your path. Your road shall not be filled with mistakes. I will never regret giving birth to you. Happy 5th birthday, darling daughter.

31. No matter how sad I am, seeing you takes away the sadness. You are my laughter medicine. Happy 5th birthday, darling daughter.

32. I count myself lucky in life to have you as my daughter. I love everything about you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

33. I am so proud of who you are and I pray to God that in the next few years, I will still be proud of you. Happy 5th birthday my daughter.

34. Whatever you decide to do in life. I want you to know that I will always be here to guide and support you. Happy 5th birthday my daughter.

35. I know you will go places. You shall be favoured wherever you step your foot. Happy 5th birthday, sunshine. I love you.

36. A child will always be a child in the eyes of her parents. No matter how old you are, you will always be my cute princess. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

37. I pray today, we shall not regret having you. You will continue to be a source of happiness to your mum and me. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

38. You are such an adorable daughter and we love having you in our lives. You mean a lot to us, dear. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

39. It all seemed like yesterday when I saw you smile for the first time. I forgot all the pain, the moment I held you in my arms. Happy 5th birthday, my adorable daughter.

40. Time really flies so fast. My baby girl is 5. Happy 5th birthday, my princess. I will always love you.

Happy 5th birthday to my adorable daughter. The Lord will make way for you. You shall continue to excel. You will not fall sick. You shall not become a source of sadness to us. We love you and we will keep praying for you. Best wishes!

41. You don’t know how much our lives changed for the better since we had you. We love you so much. May the Lord continue to guide and direct you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

42. May the Lord make your road easy to walk. You won’t face difficulties in life. The Lord will bless you tremendously. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

43. May the Lord perfect all that concerns you. May the Lord crown all your efforts with success. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

44. We believe in you and we know you are going places. Happy 5th birthday darling daughter. We love you.

45. Never see yourself as not good enough. Don’t allow low self-esteem to eat you up. Always believe in yourself. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

46. Thank you for giving us a reason to smile again. You are our precious little girl. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

47. We love you so much. Your dad Andi cherish you. You are the most important person in our lives. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

48. I can’t believe it is already five years that you came into our world. We will cherish every moment of your life. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

49. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into our lives. You are everything we dreamt of. Happy 5th birthday, darling daughter.

50. I pray that the Lord will give you a better tomorrow. Your tomorrow will be better than your today. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

Hello, darling daughter! I just want you to know that I love and cherish you. Your existence is the source of my happiness. If there is anything I am proud of, it is to be your mom. I will always support you and be there for you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

51. Baby girl, I want you to know that whatever choice you make in life, your dad and I will be here to support and guide you. We love you. Happy 5th birthday, darling.

52. I can’t believe I am the mother of this beautiful damsel. You are so pretty and lovely. Happy 5th birthday, darling.

53. I want you to know that you are loved and cherished. You mean a lot to us. Happy 5th birthday, sweetheart.

54. The Lord gave me a perfect gift. The gift of being your mother. I will forever be grateful to God. Happy 5th birthday, sweetheart.

55. Thank you for always making me happy. You are the happiness in our world. We love you, honey. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

My daughter, may your joy be full. You will never be sad in life. The Lord shall give you a reason to rejoice, celebrate and be happy. Your world shall be bright. I wish you will never make a deadly choice. Happy 5th birthday, sweetheart. Love from Mom.

56. It’s been 5 years of being a mother to this wonderful joy. I love you so much, my baby. Happy 5th birthday, sweetie.

57. I remember that day, just like yesterday. The day I birthed you into this world. I love you so much, honey. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

58. Thank you for bringing laughter and happiness my way. Having you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

59. The feeling of being a mom to a beautiful and intelligent girl like you is unexplainable. I love you so much. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

60. You are my world, my happiness. You will never be a source of sorrow to us. Mommy loves you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

My cute little daughter, when you fall, I will be there to carry you. I will always be by your side. I want you to know that you have a father that loves and cherish you. I am your friend and confidant. Don’t be afraid to come to me. Happy 5th birthday, darling daughter. Love from Dad

61. Happy 5th birthday to my angel. Having you is the best choice we have ever made. Dad loves you.

62. Today, I celebrate the beautiful daughter the lord has blessed me with. Happy 5th birthday to my princess. Dad loves you.

63. In my eyes, you are the prettiest, the most intelligent and I am proud you are my daughter. Happy 5th birthday, darling daughter.

64. I just want you to know that daddy will always love you and you will always be my favourite daughter. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

65. You are beautiful, you are gorgeous. You look so much like your mother. Happy to have you both in my life. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

Hurray! 5 years ago, a princess was born. Her first tears, her first smile were so beautiful. Each time I look at you, I tell myself my daughter is beautiful and she is a beauty. I am so proud to have you. I will always love and cherish you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

66. We celebrate our damsel today. May the Lord take you to greater heights. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

67. You shall always move forward. The Lord will grant you the wisdom to excel in life. Happy 5th birthday my daughter.

68. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding shall be yours. You will be the head and not the tail. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

69. Favor will locate you. When people see you, they will see favour. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

70. Don’t ever think you can’t do anything. Always try, no matter how difficult. Always do your best. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

My daughter, wherever you go, favour will locate you, wealth will be at your command. You shall live a beautiful and comfortable life. You will never suffer. The joy of the Lord shall abide with you. May God make you greater than we, your parents. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

71. It is another beautiful time to celebrate a rare gem. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter. You are going places.

72. Keep believing in yourself. The Lord will bless you and all that concerns. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

73. You shall continue to grow in the lord strength. You will not die young. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter

74. May the Lord make you a blessed child. You shall lead generations. Happy 5th birthday, my precious daughter.

75. Every time I look at you, I see the lord’s glory. You are the epitome of beauty. Happy 5th birthday, my precious daughter.

Happy birthday, my daughter! Today is your day, pick up your dancing shoes. Celebrate, rejoice, dance because this new age shall be filled with lots of celebration. You shall have so many reasons to smile and rejoice. I love you, my baby. best wishes!

76. Today is your day, I pray that you shall live the rest of your life in happiness. You will not live a sorrowful life. Happy birthday dearest daughter.

77. This is the beginning of greater things to come. The Lord shall order your steps. Happy 5th birthday, precious daughter.

78. I pray that the Lord makes you a blessed child. You shall live a life of fulfilment. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

79. When you need God, he will surely be there for you. The Lord shall not abandon you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

80. The Lord will make you great. You will always make us proud. Happy 5th birthday, our precious baby.

Honey, whatever you do in life, listen to God and let him direct you. The Lord will make your journey easier. I want you to be watchful and prayerful. You mean a lot to me and I will always adore you. Happy 5th birthday, my precious daughter.

81. Our world feels much better with you in it. We love having you in our lives. Happy 5th birthday, darling daughter.

82. Blessed be the day you came into our world. Thank you for filling our world with so much happiness. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

83. You shall experience more beautiful years on earth. Your world shall be filled with so much joy and happiness. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

84. You are the reason behind our smiles. We love you more every day. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

85. I just want you to know that Mom loves you and she will always root for you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter. Love for Mom.

86. I want you to know that you are will always be special to us. Happy birthday my daughter. We love you.

87. As you celebrate a new age today, you shall have lots of reasons to be smile this year. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

88. I know you will be a great woman and I will forever be proud to be your mum. Happy 5th birthday, little princess. Love from Mom.

89. May the Lord make you the joy of many nations. You shall be the hope to many. Happy 5th birthday, my princess.

90. I want you to know that you can be anything in life as long as you have faith in yourself. Never give up. Your future will be bright. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter

Hurray! My daughter is 5 today. Just tell Daddy what you want and it will be yours. We love and adore you. Your life shall be a beautiful one. You shall not die young. The Lord will make everything work in your favour. Happy 5th birthday, darling daughter.

91. Today, I celebrate my world, my precious daughter as she turns 5 today. Mommy loves you so much. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

92. 5 years ago, you came into our lives and it changed for the better. We love you, sweetheart. Happy birthday, my daughter.

93. We just want you to know that you are our precious little girl and no matter how much you grow, you will always be our baby. Happy birthday, my daughter.

94. It is a day to celebrate and be happy. My daughter is 5. Happy birthday, honey. Loads of love from dad.

95. Favor will locate you, prosperity shall be associated with your name. Happy 5th birthday, darling daughter.

96. Watching you grow as the days pass gives me so much joy. I can’t believe I birth this little angel. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

97. Our bundle of joy is a year older. I really hope you enjoy today and all that comes with it. Happy 5th birthday, baby girl.

98. Each time I hear you call me daddy with your soft little voice, my heart melts with joy. Daddy has lots of gifts for you today. Happy 5th birthday my daughter. Love from Dad.

99. It is the celebration of the birth of my amazing little girl. We feel lucky to have you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

100. Thank you for making us parents. We promise to give you the best that we can. We will always support you. Happy 5th birthday, my daughter.

Here are the best happy 5th birthday wishes for daughter you can use to celebrate your daughter’s 5th birthday.

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