Happy 60th Birthday Wishes for Aunt

Life has a way of trying to pull us down, discredit us and cause us to lose our true identity but in it all, we should not forget to celebrate our loved ones, especially on their birthdays. Why? They give you that confidence that you need.

Sometimes in life, odds might even be against what we desire to accomplish yet our confidence will see us through. But where will the confidence come from? Aunties are one set of people that can believe so much in your dreams and are ready to push you to accomplish them.

Aunts feel glad and happy in their hearts when they know that they have family members especially nieces and nephews. Yes, you may not be financially buoyant enough to get them your desired gift for all they’ve done for you but you can always count on these amazing happy 60th birthday wishes for aunt.

Many times, even when we are judged, left out and made unqualified by others, the assurance of the love that we get from our family is enough to put a smile on our faces. It’s time to pay your amazing aunt back too.

How can you put a smile on your aunt’s face? Here is a list of remarkable happy birthday messages, wishes and quotes you can send to her that will lift her spirit. In a bid to help you achieve your desired collection of happy 60th birthday messages for your aunt, I have come up with this lovely write-up.

You are my sweet aunty now and always. It doesn’t matter how long we have been coming; I want to let you know that every moment spent with you was worth and I appreciate every bit of the role you played in my life. This is me saying happy birthday, aunty.

1. I love the woman you have become, the brave, courageous, outstanding and high spirit woman. Happy birthday, sweet aunty.

2. To the best aunt in the world, may God continue to bless you with all the desires of your heart. Happy birthday, ma.

3. I wanna celebrate an amazing aunt clocking 60. I pray that even as you add another year today, the God of the heavens will add and bless everything that concerns you. Happy birthday, aunt.

4. I appreciate your courage even amid your shaky world. Thank you for not letting go all the while. Birthday blessings, aunty.

5. Since you clocked one, we had started counting your age by years, not in months or days. May the innocence in your eyes and the purity of your face stay forever with you aunty. Happy 60th birthday.

6. The little time spent with you has been the most special time of my life. I can only wish you a fruitful birthday. You are such a sweet aunty.

7. Watching you clock sixty despite all the odds is a pretty sight aunty. I’ll continue to love you more and more every day. Happy 60th birthday, my shining star.

8. Let go of your aunty because God’s got you this new year of yours. Happy birthday, ma.

9. May this new year be filled with good news, answered prayers, breakthroughs and all that you can ever think of. Happy birthday to you ma.

10. Being a woman is not a title, it is a responsibility and have proven to be a responsible aunty over time. Happy 60th birthday, ma’am.

11. Blessed be the name of the Lord who has not given you unto your foes as prey and has made you see your 60th birthday. May you witness many more years in good health. Happy birthday, ma.

12. It’s your 60th birthday and we are grateful to God that He has always been your help year in year out. Happy birthday, aunty.

13. Not every friend that looks like a friend is really a friend but you have proven that you are truly a friend not minding the age gap between us. I appreciate you, sweet aunty. Happy birthday, ma.

14. Thank you for answering the call to be my aunty despite my naughtiness and childishness. All your labour is not taken for granted. Happy 60th birthday, ma.

15. Your life is really an inspiration. Mere looking at the number of lives you have touched with your goodwill, I can only wish you many more years of relevance. Happy birthday, aunty.

16. May you find healing for your hurt, where you have been humiliated, may you be magnified. Happy 60th birthday, aunty.

17. Happy birthday to a friend and beautiful aunt. May the Lord bless and grant you all the desires of His heart as you gracefully age.

18. There are odds that are stacked against everyone in life. They threaten and intimidate you and you have had your share of the odds but in all, you scaled through and here you are. Happy 60th birthday, aunty.

19. Happy 60th birthday aunty. Thank you for being a strong woman all along. I love you.

20. Happy 60th birthday to you my pretty aunty. You’ve been an amazing, smart, intelligent, gist mate and playmate over the years. I cannot take for granted all that you do.

21. It’s the world best aunt’s 60th birthday. Woah! I am super excited. Aunty, with you, there is no dull moment. Even if I’m not in the mood to play, you will find something to make me smile. Thank you for your love. Happy birthday, ma.

22. My aunty is 60 and I’m super grateful to God on your behalf. My love for you is out of this world. Can’t trade you for anything aunty. Happy birthday.

23. As you are a year older today, you will live to fulfil your destiny. You will not know sorrow but joy throughout your life. Much love from me to you. Happy birthday, ma.

24. Birthday is only once a year but all I wish you is to have boundless love and happiness throughout your whole life. Happy 60th birthday.

25. May you be strong enough to face all the obstacles and sorrows in your life with a smile on your face and love in your aunty even as you grow older. Happy birthday, ma.

26. Happy 60th birthday to the best aunty. May God make your life full of satisfaction, love and faith.

27. Happy birthday to you my lovely aunty, my gold, the one who understands my tears and my smiles. I can only wish you all the best that life can give. Enjoy your day!

28. You have taught me that everyone can’t hate and everyone can’t love you. Moreover, those who love you are more than those who hate you no matter what you do or don’t do. This lesson has stayed with me for years and it has helped my mental capacity. How can I now let a day special to you pass by without me sending you some wishes? Happy birthday aunty. May you find rest on every side.

29. May God cause a sequence of events to bless you this new year of yours. Happy 60th birthday.

30. There is still hope as much as there is still breath in the nostril. This is not the end for you aunty, you can rise again. Happy birthday, ma, may the coming years be better off.

31. As you clock 60, a new and beautiful you is emerging. May you not spend the rest of your life in sickness debt. Happy birthday, ma.

32. A tree that has been cut down can still come back to life and sprout. As you are a year older, you will experience the dawn of a new day and God will turn to freedom your captivity and even restore your fortune. Happy birthday.

33. God makes everything beautiful at the right time. May it the be right time for God to make your life beautiful. Happy 60th birthday, aunty.

34. Knowing the right thing and saying the right thing doesn’t matter most. What matters most is doing the right thing that you know and speak. Aunty, you do not only know and speak, but you also do. Your life is really an inspiration. Happy 60th birthday, ma.

35. It’s somebody’s birthday and the person is so special. She needs to be celebrated. Why? Because she is somebody’s heartthrob and advisor to many. Happy 60th birthday ma’am. As you have always helped lives, may you be helped.

36. Today is your day and I can go on to list how much of a giver, comforter and mother you are and have been to me. I am grateful I have you as an aunty. Happy birthday, ma’am.

37. Aunty, let me say this to you today: you are too beautiful to be managed and that is why I value you so much. Happy birthday, ma.

38. God blesses us with His life and His people. You are one of the people God has blessed me with in life. Happy birthday, ma.

39. Happy birthday aunty. More fruitful and favour filled years in good health, wealth and sound mind.

40. It is so nice knowing how much love you have for us even right from childhood. We want to thank you for being a wonderful aunty. Happy birthday aunty. We love you.

41. I feel good to know that today is your birthday because you are such an amazing person and your impact on my life cannot be underestimated. May you enjoy life to the fullest. Happy 60th birthday.

42. You are a shining star and a blessing to generations, a leader with many capacities and a difference. Happy birthday, ma’am.

43. You are a rare gem and a divine gift, very vast in knowledge, a great source of encouragement, wisdom, an epitome of beauty as a caregiver. Happy 60th birthday, aunty.

44. As you celebrate your 60th birthday today, may Almighty usher in for you huge blessings, unlimited joy and all-around fulfilment in your career and all that you do. Happy birthday, ma.

45. Birthday wishes to you, aunty. May all your innate heart desires be granted and may you live long in sound health and God’s wisdom. Thanks for all you do. Cheers, dearest aunty.

46. I want to use this medium to appreciate you for all you have done for me in life. You are really a wonderful person. May all prayers be answered. Happy birthday, ma.

47. The way you have honoured, valued and loved me, may you also experience love everywhere you get to. I celebrate you greatly aunty. Happy birthday, ma.

48. You taught me to know that, as humans, we are interdependent and that no one is an island. I am grateful for the gift of you from God because, without you, I don’t know what my life would have been.

49. You are such a dutiful, skilful, circumspect, full of prospect, graceful, elegant, unique and dynamic being. Thank you for all you do. I love you, aunty. Happy birthday, ma.

50. It is not usually about how rough and tough the journey is, it is most times about the smooth satisfaction that comes at the end. Happy 60th birthday, aunty. Enjoy your day.

51. Life is dynamic and demanding. Things change almost daily and man is constantly filled with the need to keep moving. May you be endowed with the needed energy to move in life. Happy birthday, aunty.

52. The key to progress is simply to keep doing more than you have done yesterday. May your new age bring progress to your path. Happy birthday, ma.

53. Celebrating a beautiful soul at 60. 60 years of wonderful encounters. 60 years of sweet experiences. It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes. Happy birthday Aunty. Grow in grace.

54. Sixty and still standing. May you be proud of your achievements. Your children will thrive and you live long and prosper. Happy birthday, ma.

55. Happy birthday, ma. May God continue to empower you and may you experience God in another dimension this new year.

Sweet aunt, you are nothing but an object of God’s supernatural grace and unfailing love. I cannot but celebrate your 61st birthday with you in my own little way. My best wishes are with you.

56. Dear aunty, you are dignified, full of strength and worth. You are a fruitful vine amid your husband’s house and may you continue to be fruitful. Happy 61st birthday, ma.

57. You’ve really touched my life unknowingly. When I fell, you raided me up. Thanks, aunty, I so much appreciate you. I love the woman you’ve become, you are such a woman with a great IQ. I love you, aunty. Happy 61st birthday.

58. Purpose is what brings bearing to a life. May your purpose not be diluted? Happy birthday, momma.

59. Happy 61st birthday to you aunty. I join the world and the angels to celebrate you today because you also an angel. Enjoy.

60. Just when I thought no one understands me when I thought I am in a world of my own and can’t come out into the general playground where everyone meets and just when I thought it was over, you came around and helped me up. You are indeed a beautiful soul. Thank you for raising me. Happy birthday, aunty.

You are a jewel, a treasured possession worth more than rubies. Your teachable, correctable, approachable, and lovable spirit is what has kept me close to you. Thank you for all you. This is a way of me wishing you a happy 62nd birthday, dearest aunt.

61. Your teachable, bendable, correctable, approachable, lovable and valuable lifestyle is what kept stuck to you. Happy birthday, ma. May it be your best year ever.

62. Happy 62nd birthday aunty. Welcome to newness.

63. Birthday blessings dear aunty. Keep growing, glowing, and increasing in both wisdom and understanding.

64. Happy 62nd birthday aunty. Best wishes for the new year. God bless you.

65. You are an object of God’s supernatural grace and unfailing love. Daily, you will experience and walk in the fullness of God’s manifestation for your life. Happiest birthday, ma.

Starting a new year with hopes high to experience freshness and better results is not a bad idea. This is why I am wishing you the best of hopes and dreams. My best wishes are always with you. Happy 63rd birthday, Aunt.

66. May you experience God’s unprecedented favour and manifold blessings in your home, job, health and finances in this new year. Happy birthday, ma.

67. There are some people I can’t forget in my life. Aunty, you are one of them. I love your kind, lovely and accommodative heart. Happy 63rd birthday, ma.

68. As you add a year to your years today, the heaven of good things will begin to open for you, divine help will locate you and all yours. Happy birthday to you ma.

69. May your new age comes with progressive labour. Move unto greatness. Happy birthday, ma.

70. As you clock 63, may you go deeper, better, faster, smarter, wiser and above all, fuller. Happy birthday, ma.

Aunties are supposed to be treasurably guarded because of the role they play in one’s life. I am not taking you for granted, Aunt. This is why I’m sending you these wishes of sweetness and everlasting joy. Happy 64th birthday!

71. The love you have shown me over the years is immeasurable. Thank you for being a shoulder to lean on. I really do appreciate it. Happy 64th birthday ma.

72. How can I forget so soon how, out of your tight schedule, you will still make out time to shower love and care on me. It is not of a person like you that I will forget her birthday. Happy 64th birthday aunty. May you be celebrated in life.

73. Thank you aunty for your sacrificial love, concern and care. Words are not enough to describe your heart. Happy birthday, sweet aunty.

74. I remember the first time mum introduced you to us as her sister, I thought you were not going to be a good person but I was wrong. I later experienced how your arms were open when we needed a hug and you understood us when we needed a friend. Happy birthday, aunty. You are loved.

75. No matter how much I try, I can never put in words what you mean to me. You showed me the way when I was stuck in life. Thank you for your kindness. I can only wish you a beautiful experience in this new age of yours. Happy birthday, ma.

Aunty, you are my knight in shining amour, you have instilled your positive thoughts in my life since I met you and if I do not thank you for all you do, then, I am an ingrate. These are my wishes for you on your 65th birthday.

76. As you begin a new year in your life, I wish you never-ending happiness, good health and most importantly, success in everything you do. Happy 65th birthday, ma.

77. You mean so much to me that it is difficult to express my feelings in this message. All I want to say is that every moment of your life will be filled with goodness.

78. If there was anyone on this planet who could make my world complete as an aunt, it has to be you and only you is the most loving aunty ever. Happy 65th birthday, aunty.

79. It’s your day and I wish you a year full of success and glory. Happy birthday, ma.

80. With faith, courage and dedication, no dream is too big for you to fulfil. As you add another year, may your efforts be crowned with great success. A very happy birthday, aunty.

Dear Aunt, you are especially special and I am always amazed at how you respect and mentor people without offence. Your life is truly an inspiration to me and I feel this is an opportunity for me to express my wishes and gratitude on your 66th birthday.

81. Happy birthday to a sweet aunt. You deserve the very best out of life because you are one of the very best gifts I have. May you enjoy grace.

82. Happy birthday to an angel in form of a man. Thank you for bringing light to my life. I am so grateful that I have you. I love you so much, aunt. Happy 66th birthday.

83. Aunty, undeniable is my connection with, unbelievable is how much I love and unbreakable is the bond that ties us together. You have shaped my life in such a way that all I see is a bright future. I can only wish that you enjoy life in this new year of yours. Happy birthday aunty.

84. Aunty, when I knew you, I was only a little boy but now, you have helped me grown into a man and I am happy about it. Thank you for being instrumental in my growth. Birthday blessings ma.

85. I really do not know what I did right to deserve an aunt like you. You are just a beautiful being with a big heart. May you find joy unending in life. Happy birthday, ma.

It is expedient of me to thank you for being part of my life. Allowing yourself to be known with me as my aunt is worth more than gold and I should not let your 67th birthday pass by without saying sending you some wishes.

86. You go about filling people’s life with colour and beauty not minding if yours was wasting away but little did I know that the more you beautify people’s life, the more fulfilled you become. This is a great lesson I have learnt from you. Happy 67th birthday dear aunt, may your life continually be beautiful.

87. I am really glad that today is your 67th birthday and I get to celebrate with you. You are such a gorgeous aunt. I cherish each of our memories together. Today, I wish I could be around to put a smile on your face but studies won’t allow but my mind is forever with you. I’m trying my best to do you proud here, please have a fun-filled birthday aunty. Happy birthday, ma.

88. I wish to say many things but there aren’t many words for me to qualify how I feel. Your birthday is so special to me because it is a commemoration of the day of your birth and our lives would have been empty without you as our aunt in it. Happy birthday, ma. May you reap the fruits of your labour.

89. Jingle bell! Celebration! To a blooming party of yours, aunty, you are lifted in all ways. Happy birthday, ma. Enjoy.

90. May you grow in stature, wisdom and favour with both God and man even as you clock 67. Happy birthday ma’am.

Your words of encouragement and counsel are two things I will forever cherish in my heart because as my aunt, you have proven to be more concerned about my life than I am. Turning 68, you deserve some 68 birthday wishes.

91. Happy birthday, aunt! I just want to wish you a lifetime of joy, happiness and love. Age gracefully and peacefully.

92. You are the cutest and most adorable aunt I have ever seen. Thank you for your heart-warming words of encouragement at all times. May you never lose your wonder. Happy birthday, ma.

93. Thank you aunty for making the world a better place to live in for us. I love you and I’ll always love you. Blessed birthday ma.

94. You are one expensive treasure I can’t joke with. Nothing in heaven and earth can pay for your price, not even silver and gold because you are costly. I can only wish that you will find peace in life. Happy 68th birthday, aunty.

95. Someone said “you need motivation every day. More than getting it from anyone, you need to give it to yourself.” But I can say that you give me more motivation than I can ever give myself and that is why I cherish you so much. Happy birthday, aunt.

Aunty, you are an embodiment of love, kindness, grace, mercy and everything good. You are a treasure that is worth keeping until the end of time. I love you till eternity and here is to send you some awesome 69th birthday wishes.

96. Someone wrote: “count it for joy if you find people who don’t give up on you or people who believe in you more than you believe in yourself.” You are that one person who won’t give up on me no matter how naughty I become. Thank you for holding up. I love you, aunty. I wish you a birthday full of blessings.

97. I wish that on this occasion of your 69th birthday, the windows of heaven be open to you and grant you blessings in abundance. Happy birthday, ma.

98. Aunty, the love I have for you is immeasurable. Words are not even enough to express how you mean to me. I wish you long life in sound health, peace of mind and wealth in Jesus name. Happy birthday, aunt.

99. People who motivate us are special gifts from God and they are to be treasured. Aunty, your motivation has pushed me to see the best of myself over the years and I cannot but treasure you. So, I wish you a birthday full of grace and mercy. Happy birthday, aunty.

100. By this time next year, aunty you will be 70. I pray that by the time to look back and consider all you have experienced in the last year, your joy will be full. Happy last birthday in your sixties.

Special people deserve special accolades and attention. Aunties are motivators and should be celebrated. The above wishes are what you can send within a split second to appreciate and celebrate your aunt on her birthday.

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