Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes and Quotes

Birthday is one of the most celebrated days of life. It is an important occasion for every individual to cherish the memories of their loved ones.

No family is perfect. Each family member has his own personality and it’s not possible to always get along with everyone. Even though your personalities sometimes clash, one fact that cannot be denied is that you still love each other and you’re lucky to have each other in your life.

Brothers have a special bond that nothing can replace, which is why it’s essential to take time to remind your brother that you love him on his special day. I’m sure he’d appreciate a heartfelt message from you to start the day. Feel free to send any of these happy 70th birthday brother wishes below to him.

Happy 70th Birthday, to the best brother anyone, could wish for. I wish you an awesome, happy and healthy birthday ever, may you live long in sound health and prosperity, more years ahead. Enjoy your day to the fullest.

1. I am happy to celebrate the birth of my brother. Your presence in this world has enriched my life. I do not know how I got to where I am today, had it not been for your unconditional love and support, I wish you a truly amazing 70th birthday!

2. Happy birthday brother. I’m so glad to have a brother like you. You’ve always been there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I love you so much. I couldn’t have asked for a better brother. May you have an awesome 70th birthday.

3. 70 candles for 70 years of life passed. Thank you for working tirelessly at your job and still making time for all our family to spend time together. I hope this birthday is filled with the happiness that your heart desires.

4. I enjoy celebrating your birthday with you each year because it reminds me of that time when we were small children running around the neighbourhood. Dear brother, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. May you have more prosperous years ahead. Happy 70th birthday.

5. I know things may not always have been easy for us, but even at that, I still loved and cherish you. Life is too short to hold on to grudge and dust all those precious memories we’ve shared as kids and adults. Have a Happy Birthday and hope that we can grow old together! Love you! Happy 70th birthday brother.

6. Now that you are 70 years old, I think we should make a toast to your long and wonderful life. Here’s to all the moments we’ve spent together and the new memories we’ll make in the coming years! Happy birthday lovely brother.

7. Happy 70th birthday wonderful brother! You did a lot for everyone and I salute you for it. May this be your great journey and many more to come!

8. The best things in life happen when you least expect them. I am grateful for having a brother like you who is always there with me, in good times and in bad. Today is the day when I want to let you know how thankful I am. Happier birthday bro.

9 Hey brother, I do not know what to say, on this day of your birthday, that would describe how grateful I am for having you. You have always been there for me when others have gone awry. Today should be a national holiday just because it’s your day. I love you so much! Happ70 birthday

10. Some people have a similar experience as you do, but they can’t carry on because of the fear of being alone. But the difference between you and others is that you have very strong willpower that has always driven you through difficult times. Dear brother, much love for you as you celebrate your 70 birthday.

11. Happy 70th Birthday my brother, I hope this day will make you feel young again with the fun we will be having.

12. Your birthday is the perfect opportunity to tell you that you are my brother! I love you very much and I appreciate everything that you have done for me. You are just like a father to me. Without your guidance, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I hope all your dreams come true. Happy 70 birthday, bro!

13. Dear brother, it is my fondest wish to see your life full of peace, love, joy and happiness. I hope you have a wonderful day! Happy 70th birthday.

14. Today, my wishes for you are that your days will be long in goodness and your years will be many in happiness. My prayer is that you will have all the success possible in this world and the next. A very happy 70th birthday to my loving brother!

15. Today is the special day you were born. So, please treat yourself by spending quality time with your loved ones. You are truly one good brother anyone could ask for. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a happy birthday!

16. I feel like I’m the luckiest person on this planet. To have such a brother as you are a blessing. They say “blood is thicker than water” and I truly believe that our bond is unbreakable. I wish you all the happiness in the world! Happy birthday dear brother.

17. You were always there for me and took care of me. You might have been strict at times, but you cared about me and my happiness. I am grateful for your sacrifices and hope to continue making your life meaningful and happy. I wish you a very happy 70th birthday and many more to come!

20. I love you a lot dear brother! You have been a great brother to your family and friends. Today, I wish you a happy birthday and many more years of blessings to come! love you, bro.

21. As you have grown old, I have grown old with you. I have always thought you were my hero in every way possible. You have taught me lessons in life that I will never forget. I appreciate you forever being there for me when I needed someone most! Happiest birthday to you dear brother.

22. It is your special day, and I just want to tell you that I love you very much. Have a happy 70th birthday and many more to come!

23. Your childhood dream of becoming a Knight in shining armour turned out to be true. There is nothing more than I can say right now that will put into words how much I love and cherish you. You have always been my strength and inspiration. Thank you for making me feel special and loved always! Have a happy birthday!

24. Dear brother! You might not know this, but you have always been my inspiration. I am indebted to you for all that you have done, and as long as I live, I will never forget your sacrifices. Your life is the embodiment of the quote, “to give without retributions, is to give it all.”. You deserve a special birthday today! 70 looks good on you.

Dear brother, on this special day, I am filled with joy and happiness. Thank you for keeping me company all these years and teaching me valuable life lessons. I wish more years ahead. I love you lots! Have fun.

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

25. My brother, you are one of my closest friends. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Through thick and thin, you are always there for me! If not for you, I would have been a complete mess. Happy 70th birthday and many more to come!

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

26. I am honoured to be your brother. I am blessed to have a special brother like you. I often think of how lucky I am to have a wonderful brother who has been there for me at every step of my life. You are a blessing from God. Wishing you a very happy70th birthday!

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

27. To my amazing brother, 70 years and still so young looking and so young at heart! I thank God for giving you to us and preserving your life for 70 years. You have always been my hero and the rock that stood behind me whenever I faced challenges in life. Today, I give God all the glory, as we look back on your journey. I wish you many happy returns of the day.

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

28. To my lovely brother, On your70th birthday, I wish you all the best as you continue to make this world a better place today. May love and happiness always surround you as you celebrate this significant day. please accept my warm wishes for your 70th birthday.

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

29. Many happy returns of the day Brother. You have been my role model all my life. Your wisdom and guidance have kept me out of trouble several times, and I am proud to call you my big brother. I am proud to be able to wish you a very happy 70th birthday from the bottom of my heart!

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

30. Sending you my most heartfelt birthday wishes along with tons of love! You are the best brother in the world. I mean it! 70 looks good on you.

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

31. These 70 years of your life have been filled with adventures and achievements. I remember all you have done for me, comforting me anytime I am down. I just wanted to say you are an inspiration for me, thank you so much. Happy birthday, dear brother.

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

32. Brother! You turn 70 today and I am sure you loved it. All those years of hard work and sleep deprivation have paid off. Enjoy every moment because time never waits for anyone. I am so proud of all you have done and become.

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

33. Brother, you are the nicest person I have ever met. You made my life worth living when it was almost lost. You raised me to be a responsible man, father, son and brother. I hope that I grow up to be like you in all aspects of my life. Thanks for everything! Wishing you a very happy birthday.

Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes
Happy 70th Birthday Brother Wishes

34. You are quite an inspiration! Thank you for always being there for me, even in moments when I was not tolerant of your kindness. You are the reason I am what I am today. I wish long life in sound health.

35. To my dear brother, happy 70th birthday. I was so young when you were born, I can not even remember anything except for one thing; you are the most amazing brother in the entire world. I appreciate all the love and care you have given me, and I am grateful for God’s great blessing of such an amazing brother as you! Today I celebrate you, living a long and healthy life that is full of happiness and joy. More Calendar to destroy. Happy birthday.

36. Your birthday is a big reason to celebrate, brother! Have a great 70th birthday! Your love and support made me such a strong person. I appreciate everything you have done for me. Let’s go on another adventure soon! Love you, bro.

37. Today is my brother’s 70th birthday and it is time for me to wish him a very happy birthday. For years, you have stood beside me in times of trouble. You have never let me down when I needed your help, and for this, I am very grateful that God has sent me such a great brother like you. May God bless you with good health and happiness.

38. On your 70th birthday brother! I give you nothing but my love and wishes as you embark on a new journey of life. May this day bring to you all the happiness and success you deserve. You are a great brother and friend and I value that more than anything. I will always be there for you as well! Stay strong, my dear brother and happy birthday!

39. Wishing you a very happy 70th birthday! It’s hard to believe that the big day is already here. May all your wishes come true; No matter what you decide to do with the rest of your life, I will always be here to support you. I always knew there was one person who would always be there for me, now the time has come for you to know how much you mean to me.

40. Happy birthday dear brother! All my life, I have looked up to you. You are my role model, every little thing you do inspires me to be like you. Happy birthday, brother! I love you so much.

You are my brother, teacher, friend, confidant. There are no words to describe how special you are to me. I love you! Happy 70th birthday! May you enjoy God more this new year and beyond. Keep being real bro! I love you till eternity.

41. My brother, you have been a hand to hold on to in time of need. We may be miles apart now but our hearts remain united as one. You have always been a rock to me and always stood by my side even when it was hard. May you live to enjoy more years on earth.

43. Dear brother! Today is your birthday and though this piece of paper won’t make you physically present beside me, my thoughts will always be with you! Happy 70th Birthday bro!

43. To a very special brother, a born leader and a loving friend. You have been a great brother, kind and considerate throughout the years. Thanks for being there when I have needed you. To celebrate your 70th birthday today, I want to send you lots of love and warmth, my dear brother!

44. I don’t know how to express my thanks for being there for me through thick and thin. You have always been a caring brother, a true friend and a loving soul. You have always been so helpful, kind and supportive. Without you by my side, I would have been lost. I wish you a very happy 70th birthday!

45. Wishing you the very best on your 70th Birthday dear brother! May you live long and happy!

46. Brother, you are my pillar of strength and I love you so much. No matter what comes your way, you manage to fight through it. Your tenacity amazes me every time I see how hard you work. I hope you have an amazing 70th birthday.

47. Dear brother, you are one of the best people I have ever known. I hope the Lord blesses you with good health on this day of your 70th birthday.

48. Brother, today is a special day for us! You are turning 70 which is quite something. I hope you’ll still be here for your next birthday. I wish you all the best!

49. From the very inception of time to this very moment, in my heart and my eyes, you have always been and will remain the one and only brother in the world. Much younger than me in terms of years, but older than me when it comes to wisdom and knowledge. May you have the best 70th birthday, yet.

50. Toy lovely brother, may your time of celebration be filled with fun, laughter, family and friends! May this life of yours continue to bring you the joy of happiness. Happy 70th birthday bro.

51. On your big day dear brother, you deserve all the happiness this world has to offer. May you have a year filled with lots of joy and happiness! Happy 70th birthday.

52. With my greeting card, I wish you a very happy 70th birthday! Now that your birthday is finally here, I feel proud of you. I am proud that you are always there for me. No matter what happens, you are still the same brother that will do everything for me. You are my guardian angel on earth.

52. 70 and fabulous! It is a blessing to have you as my brother, and I must say, your jokes and sense of humour will be missed. Happy birthday! May you be blessed with more years ahead of you. Happy birthday.

53. Brother, today marks another year of your life lived. I know that you have always been there for me whether it is the best of times or the worst of times, you have always been my rock. I am happy to have you as my brother. On your birthday, I wish you many more happy years!

54. It is your birthday dear brother. I am grateful that you are my brother and I am sure, you must feel the same way as well. Have a cheerful birthday!

56. My brother, my best friend! I want to wish you a very happy birthday. You are my hero! I am proud of you for all the good work you have done. Happy Birthday, brother. I hope the day is as perfect as you are!

57. Happy Birthday, Brother! I’m going to keep this short and simple because I know you hate long messages. So cheers to many more years of taking care of me and being a true friend for life! Love You, big.

58. Dear brother, I cannot remember a time in my life when you have not been there for me. Thanks for always being there when I needed you the most. You have been loyal and someone I can trust, and will always have a special place in my heart.

59. Your limitless love has kept me motivated to reach my goals at all times, dear brother. I will never forget all the sacrifices you have made to see me through hard times. You are always ready to give that one word of motivation I need. Thank you for making this day extra special, I love you! Happiest birthday.

60. Happy birthday to the funniest brother I know. You always make me laugh with your witty one-liners, and I think you are the best person in the entire universe. This is the day to share your special gifts with everyone you know by making them smile and feel happy. I wish you a very happy 70th birthday!

61. On this Happy Birthday, my dear brother let me tell you that I owe you big time. You have always watched out for me, ensuring that I never got into any trouble. I am proud to be related to you. Here’s wishing you a long life ahead with lots of successes to boast about!
Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Brother

Happy birthday to my dear brother!!! May you look back on your life and enjoy the memories laughing at all the mistakes you have made along the way. Happy 70th Birthday dear brother!!! Can’t love you less. Wishing you more life ahead.

62. On this Happy Birthday, my dear brother let me tell you that I owe you big time. You have always watched out for me, ensuring that I never got into any trouble. Here’s wishing you a long life ahead with lots of successes to boast about!

63. Happy birthday to my funny brother. I just want to let you know that no matter the distance that lies between us, we will always be connected by our love and support for each other. I am so glad that I have a brother like you and I wish you all the happiness and success in life!

64. Hey brother. If the world was about to end tomorrow, I would want you with me because you are all I need to face any challenge life throws at me. On this special day, I wish you a happy birthday!

65. Dear brother! Remember those childhood days when we used to fight, you would always win the battle. That is because you were wiser and more mature than me. You have been a great role model for me. I am glad that we have come a long way from those early days of ours. Happy 70th Birthday!

66. I hope you always enjoy your life and make the best out of any situation. You deserve all the happiness in the world for making things easier for us. You’ll always be the one I come to when I am in trouble and that’s why I love you so much! Happy Birthday!

67. A brother is a friend to the end. Happy 70th birthday big bro, wishing you all the best in your future endeavours!

68. Whether you are 30 or 70, you will always be my youngest brother. All the best to a brother who has been a great support to me through all our lives. May you have a long life ahead of you to do much good for mankind!

69. Today, I wish that this year brings you everything that you have ever wished for. I hope you stay healthy and happy for many more years. May your next seven decades be just as wonderful as your first 70 years have been.

70. Hey bro, your life seems to have passed by faster than a freight train. I guess now is a good time as ever. Love you more than ever.

71. My brother, you are one of the most talented persons I have ever come across. I know that you are not vain about your talent, It also feels great to be around you because you are interesting and everyone loves interesting people, I love you. Happy Birthday!

72. Happiest of birthdays to my favourite brother! You have given me more joy, love and laughs than stars in the sky. I am grateful to you for all the sacrifices you made to take care of me. I wish that life showers your way with success, happiness and plenty of love. More life ahead.

73. Happy birthday, my brother! I hope you do not go by this age. I know you still think you are 25. You make us all laugh; nothing can be better than that! Much love to you.

74. This may not be a big deal, but I think it is. I am always thinking about you and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy You know how much you mean to me. I hope your birthday will be filled with smiles and laughter, friends and family near you, And lots of love from me! Happy Birthday.

75. Today, as I celebrate your 70th birthday, You taught me right from wrong and you were my go-to person whenever I needed help. Now that we are older, we have come very far and we have seen many things throughout life. I thank you for being there for me, Better days ahead.

76. Birthdays are a special occasion to celebrate special people in our lives. We can never forget the great influences they have had on us and the things they have done for us. Brother, you are an amazing person who deserves all the best! Happy birthday!!

77. Brother, I am grateful for all the sacrifices you have made for me. Now that you are 70 years old, I just hope that you will look after yourself better. Thanks for everything you have done for me, I cannot repay you in any other way than to say thank you.

78. I am so happy to have you as my brother. I am grateful to God for giving me such a great and wonderful brother. Happy 70th birthday.

79. I remember the day I was born like it was yesterday. As you were holding me in your arms, I can’t help but notice how many wrinkles you had on your face. You were probably smiling then. Thank you for all you do bro! More wins ahead. Happy birthday.

80. Sweet brother, having you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Now that you are seventy – things haven’t changed much, except for some more wrinkles on your face. I love you, dear brother. Happiest birthday to you.

To the most amazing brother ever, I wish you a lovely birthday. Keep growing from strength to strength this new year, goodness and mercy will follow you. Thanks for all you do. I couldn’t have asked for a better brother than you. 70 looks good on you. Happy birthday.

81. Hey bro! How are you doing? I am sure you must be celebrating your 70th birthday today, right? Here are my joyous greetings to you. You are very special to me. I am proud to have a brother like you. Wish you a very happy birthday. May you live long with all happiness.

82. I promised myself that I will celebrate your 70th birthday in the most memorable way you could imagine. I can’t wait to see you happy and excited about your big day, which is tomorrow. I love you so much, brother!

83. With so much joy today, I want to wish my brother a very Happy 70th Birthday! You have been the best brother in the world, and I know I’m not exaggerating. You have provided me with great support and encouragement. I love you forever!

84. Sending you greetings on your 70th birthday! The gift that you have given me is the gift of life, and I know it is something extremely dear to your heart. While we may not be able to see eye to eye on everything, I love you and wish you a long and happy life!

85. Many happy returns of the day to my lovable brother! I would like to remember all the moments we spent together and cherish them in my heart forever. May you live long and continue to shine like a million suns. Happy Birthday, Brother!

86. Happy 70th Birthday to my handsome brother, I wish you a very happy birthday. You have been a great brother to me, not only that you have been a wonderful dad too. I just want you to know that your words and advice have shaped me into the man I am today! Jokes apart, I hope your day goes as planned. I love you, brother!

87. My brother, we had our share of ups and downs; we fought many battles together and also helped each other. I wish you a very happy birthday! This special day should be dedicated to the appreciation of those who have made this world a better place. Happy birthday to you, brother.

89. We both share the same birth date. Therefore, I cannot imagine my life without you. I wish you a very happy birthday because being an elder brother is never easy. But, you have carried the responsibilities of being an older sibling with grace and compassion. On this special day, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you have done for me. You are indeed one in a million. Happy birthday, dear.

90. Dear brother, you are getting older but younger at heart. And I mean this because you are still kind, considerate, caring and generous. I wish nothing but joy happiness to you along the way. Have an enjoyable life! Happy birthday.

91. You were just special and we shared special moments that we will always hold onto.

92. Happy birthday dear brother! I hope wherever I am and whatever I do, I hope our friendship and love for each other will always be plastered on my heart and mind so that you can feel all the happiness of life through me!

93. I look up to you for courage and strength, sweet brother, thank you for standing by my side always and for making this day easy for me. May this be a celebration of remembering.

94. May God continue to bless you on this special day, I am so proud to have you as my brother. You are kind, generous, understanding and resourceful. You are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready for any situation. Your sense of humour also helped us to get through some difficult days.

96. I just wanted to say, happy 70th birthday brother! When I was a kid, you were my hero. Now that I am older, I really appreciate all you have done for me. It means a lot to get a few words from you online. Take care of yourself and enjoy the day! Age gracefully.

96. I wish you a very happy birthday brother!. You have been there when I needed someone to lean on for support. I am so glad you followed me through this journey of life and today, here we are celebrating your 70th birthday. I love you very much, dear brother!

97. Dear one, I am so lucky to have a brother like you. From my childhood days to now, you have been the most dependable person in my life. Without any hesitation, I can say that you are the best brother a girl could ever have. I wish you a very happy 70th birthday. May Almighty bless you with all the happiness and success in your life!

98. To my lovely brother, You have been my role model for so many years. I have seen the best qualities in you, your commitment to hard work and determination has been a source of inspiration for me. In fact, others look up to you as a man of strong character. I wish you a really happy birthday brother!

99. My brother, you are my best friend and I would like to let you know how much I appreciate the memories we have shared. Your brotherly love has helped me through times of difficulties. Wishing you a very happy birthday.

100. Just want to let you know how much I appreciate the joyful relationship we share. From our childhood days to now, I always loved having you as my brother. Again, happy birthday to you!

Hi there! hope you like and have selected your choice from this beautifully written happy 70th birthday brother wishes and quotes. Make your brother’s birthday count by sending as many as you like to him.

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