Happy 70th Birthday Wishes and Quotes for Wife

Love doesn’t end, and like wine, it gets better with time. So, my heart swells with joy every time love is being celebrated because it is a beautiful thing and the best gift every man can have.

It’s been years of love and your beautiful wife is 70 now, you should make her feel sweet 16 with your heartfelt birthday wishes. I know she deserves the best birthday prayers on her special day.

The best birthday gift you can give to your wonderful wife is a beautiful gift of words. Your heartfelt appreciation messages and lovely birthday prayers to her over the years goes a long way to making her feel loved and special.

These beautiful happy 70th birthday wishes and quotes for wife were written for you to make your wife’s birthday memorable. Do well to celebrate her big 70 with the wishes and she would feel loved and appreciated.

Today is my wife’s 70th birthday and she deserves a beautiful message because she’s the best woman on the face of the Earth. Happy birthday to you, my darling. God bless you for me.

1. I don’t feel embarrassed in telling the nation that you are in charge of my life, you have made every day of my life with you special. Happy 70th birthday, my love.

2. You might be 70 today but you still look 17 to me. I love you till death do us part, my darling wife. Happy birthday.

3. Your age is not just a number but a reminder of how wonderful you have lived and the lives you have touched, personally you have been a source of inspiration to me and I will keep on celebrating you. Happy 70th birthday, my wife.

4. 70 years isn’t easy to attain, I thank God for keeping you till this time, I appreciate every moment spent with you, God bless your new age honey.

5. The more you grow in age, the more my love for you increases and this 70th age won’t be an exception, I love you my baby girl for life. Happy birthday.

6. I feel very lucky to have you as my wife and I pray every day to God to keep you alive and healthy. Happy birthday, my sweet wife.

7. I am proud to have a woman who I call my own and have stood by me without thinking twice, you deserve every gift and more you will get today.

8. You are a definition of proverb 31 woman, I cherish you now and forever. Happy 70th birthday my wife.

9. You are hardworking and focused, you take care of your family as best as you can, you are loving and caring, I pray this day that you will live to eat the fruit of your labour abundantly. Happy 70th birthday, my darling wife.

10. You are my life wire, you are my backbone, you are everything to me, may God keep you alive and grant you good health as you clock 70 today.

11. My best wishes for you today is that you will become younger as you grow old, you will become strong, fit and you will be blessed beyond measures. Happy birthday, my darling.

12. I promised to grow old with you, I am reassuring you that I still stick to that promise even as you clock 70 today. Happy birthday, the love of my life.

13. You are 70 today doesn’t mean the love I have for you has diminished, it keeps growing every now and then. Happy birthday, my wife.

14. You are my sweet sixteen even if you are 70 today. Happy birthday, my elegant wife. May you always be a source of joy to me and to your world.

15. My wife in whom I have always loved, cherish and trust is 70 today. May God bless your new age gracefully dear.

16. You hold the key to my heart and you have never for once since we got married shut me out, I bless the day I met you. Happy birthday, my life wire.

17. From the moment I met you, I knew you were special, no one else has captured my heart the way you have, May God bless this day for you. Happy 70th birthday, my love.

18. You have been my wife, you are my wife now and will continue to be my wife till old age. Happy 70th birthday to you, darling.

19. If I come to this world again, you will still be my wife, you are a definition of a WIFE, very submissive, loving and caring. Happy 70th birthday, sweetheart.

20. You are like a wrapper in my life, you help cover all my loopholes with your good heart, you help stand in the gap for me, you are special to me and I can’t deny this. Happy 70th birthday, my angel.

Happy 70th birthday to my sweet wife. My prayer for you is that you’d continue to live in good health and happiness all the days of your life. I love you so much, darling.

1. No matter the age you attain, you will always remain my sweet sixteen, the mother of my children and my everything. Happy 70th birthday, my love.

2. You make me happy, you challenge me to grow into a better person, just the sound of your name brightens my day and melts my heart. God bless you as you clock 70 today. Happy Birthday.

3. You are my partner, my better half, best friend, the love of my life and the centre of my world. I am sure I can’t do without you, that’s why I am here to celebrate your 70th birthday.

4. As long as I live, I will always celebrate you as much as I can because you deserve to be happy and I won’t hesitate to give in my best. Happy 70th birthday.

5. You are so sweet to my soul and so dear to my heart. I can’t believe I get to spend every day loving you. You are an incredible woman. Happy 70th birthday, my darling.

6. I am a lucky man because I am blessed to have you in my life, my sweetheart of life. Happy 70th birthday, my dear.

7. To you my amazing wife, my precious gift, I am so happy to celebrate another year with you, may your day be filled with all the happiness, joy and love. Happy 70th year to you.

8. It is not easy to be 70, it really looks good on you, thank God for his good health and preservation. Happy 70th birthday to you, my love.

9. The happiest day of my life was not when I said “I do” but waking up every morning beside you. Happy 70th birthday, my darling.

10. Your love is like a fragrance and it fills my life with memories, I pray, may your day be as bright and beautiful, just like you. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

11. Your life is worth celebrating every day and my love keeps increasing even if you are not getting young in age. May God bless you now and forever as you turn 70 today.

12. We’ve had ups and downs in life, but you stood by me through the storms, what more can I ask of than a perfect wife like you. Happy 70th birthday, sweetheart.

13. Dance, eat, drink and party like you are just clocking sweet sixteen. I am happy to be part of your life and I pray that you grow old and prosper. Happy 70th birthday, wifey.

14. I would have wished to turn back the hands of time but I wouldn’t do that because the more I spend my life with you, the more sweet memories keep erupting. Happy 70th birthday, my baby.

15. My best wishes today is to a perfect woman in the world that chose to love an imperfect man like me. I love you always. Happy birthday, my wife.

16. A queen was born today and I enjoin everyone to come celebrate with her, she’s my wife in whom I am well pleased. Happy 70th birthday, sweetie.

17. God has been faithful from day one to this very day and we cannot deny the fact that he has been faithful, here I am celebrating the best wife ever. Happy 70th birthday, darling.

18. 70 looks good on you my wife and I pray that you continue to be fresh, loving and favoured. Happy birthday, dear.

19. You have been my treasure and I will not hesitate to take every measure to ensure that your pleasure is provided at every leisure. Happy 70 years, my sweetheart.

20. Years doesn’t determine how much we should love someone, it only determines how long we can hold on to that person. I love you before, now and forever, my darling wife, as you clock 70 today

Today is my darling wife’s birthday and I’m so glad. My wish for you today is a life of bliss and fulfilment. Good health and peace are what I pray to God for you. Have a beautiful celebration.

1. May God mercy, joy and love continue to follow you from today to all the days of your life, Happy 70th birthday, my sweet wife.

2. Sometimes I wish we can turn back the hands of time to our youthful days but I remembered the vows made that we will grow old together. Happy 70th birthday, my favourite half.

3. Your presence in my life is what has kept me through life. You gave me a shoulder to lean on and I can’t but appreciate you being a darling wife to me. Happy 70th birthday, dear.

4. May all the blessings that come with old age be your portion in Jesus name. Happy 70th birthday, my sweet wife. I love you.

5. You help me grow spiritually, physically and financially, you didn’t just stop there but you gave me beautiful children. I cannot thank you enough for making my life beautiful. Happy birthday, darling.

6. You are truly a valuable gift and I cherish every time, day, week, month and year I spend with you and I cherish this day that you are clocking 70. God bless your new age, my wife.

7. I wish you health and happiness for years to come on this very special day of yours. Happy 70th birthday, my sweetheart.

8. You have not only been my wife but my best friend, you know everything about me, the good side you help me to grow on it, the bad side you help me to stop it, thanks for all you do my darling wife. Happy birthday to you.

9. I remembered when we got married newly, I promised that I will always be by your side and always love you, I have always kept to my promise and I will continue from this year to more years to come. Happy 70th birthday, darling.

10. I thank God for all the times we have spent together and I pray God keeps us alive in good health so that we can continue to spend those wonderful times together. Happy 70th birthday, love.

11. You have been my sweetheart and as each year passes by you become sweeter, I can’t do without you that’s why I am praying to God to keep you young and healthy even if your age is increasing. Happy birthday my baby girl.

12. You weren’t created incidentally, you were created to add meaning to my life and people around and I thank God for giving me a rare gift like you. Happy birthday, my angel.

13. Words fail me to adequately express how happy I am to wish you a happy 70th birthday but one thing I am sure of is that you will live long and prosper. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

14. Your birthday is always a special day to celebrate because you are special to me, Happy 70th birthday to you, my world’s best wife.

15. I hope all your wishes come to pass and give you so much happiness as you have given me over the years. best 70th wishes, my darling.

16. Being 70 and looking as good, strong and beautiful as you are is worth celebrating let alone including all the sweet and beautiful things you do for everyone around you. Happy birthday, my love.

17. You are an inspiration to me, a mother to all, a kindhearted human and a beautiful mother, may God bless this day and more to come. Happy 70th birthday.

18. As you celebrate your birthday today, know that you can count on me no matter how old you become. Happy 70th birthday, my sweet wife.

19. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing by me, for caring for me and for loving me unconditionally. Happy 70th birthday, darling.

20. I ask nothing but God’s divine blessing and grace in your life my love, may you be blessed beyond your imagination sweetheart as you celebrate an important milestone today.

Happy 70th birthday to my beautiful wife. You’re the best gift life gave to me and I’m so blessed to have you, darling. Many more fruitful years ahead. Best wishes, my love.

1. Happy glorious 70th birthday to my pillar of support. I am so proud of you call you my wife, long life and prosperity darling.

2. I can never wish for another wife in my next life, your love, strength and wisdom have made our world. Beautiful, I wish you many more years of wisdom, good health and long life. Happy 70th birthday, my, darling wife.

3. You have been wonderful and supportive to me throughout the years, I am delighted to have you as my wife, may God bless you, grant you grace in sufficiency, favour you and prosper you in this new age. Happy 70th birthday, my love.

4. You are 70 today, and I’m so blessed to have you as my wife. I pray God manifests his love, grace, joy and long life for you as we celebrate you today. May God bless you abundantly.

5. May your remaining days on Earth be filled with lots of love, peace and joy unspeakable, Happy birthday, my darling wife.

6. You don’t even look your age, you look young and beautiful every day in my eyes, forget that you are 70 today, you still remain that queen I chose some years back.

7. As the stars and moon are important so you are important to me my wife, I wish you greater continuity of life. Happy 70th birthday.

8. Today, as you mark your 70th birthday on earth, I wish you a fabulous birthday full of gifts, joy and blessings. Happy 70th birthday, my big baby.

9. I am sending lots of love to you my Darling wife and best friend, I wish you a very long life so you can enjoy all the blessings of God. Happy 70th birthday, sweetheart.

10. You made fatherhood interesting and fun with your support at all times and that has been one of the things that keep me going, today is your birthday, u wish you all your heart desires and God’s blessings on this special day. Happy birthday, my favourite person.

11. My heart has been for you and it will continue to be, the whole of my love is what I give to you, age will never be a barrier for us, I will continue to love you. Happy 70th birthday, my favourite.

12. Every I spend with you is a special day but the day you were born is super special because if you weren’t born I wouldn’t have met such a darling being in my life. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

13. I celebrate God’s grace, faithfulness and love in your life, the journey hasn’t been easy but it was worth it Happy 70th birthday, my love.

14. God’s grace will be sufficient for you, his love will always encompass you, his joy will never cease in your life, this and more is my prayer for you as you complete the 7th decade on earth my love.

15. Joy overflow in my heart because I have been given a rare gift as a wife by God, you are everyone’s dream wife and I thank God I have you. Happy 70th birthday, my darling wife.

16. As you grow in age, my love for you increases, I doubt if I can stay a day without hearing or seeing you, God bless your 70th age on earth, my love.

17. The thought of you being my wife, my friend, my companion and the mother of my children gives me great relief and prove to me how much God has blessed me. Happy birthday to you, my wife.

18. You are not getting old, you are getting better, financially, spiritually, in health and in everything good you do, I cherish you now and tomorrow. Happy birthday my, darling wife.

19. Cheers to this wonderful and beautiful woman who has made my life sweet, I pray that you will never know a better yesterday, your life will continue to elevate as you climb the ladder of a new phase. Happy birthday, darling.

20. Happy and wonderful birthday to you my wife, as you journey into another 365 days of your life, I pray your hands will be blessed and you will carry your grandchildren. Enjoy your day.

Dear wife, I am blessed to have you in my life. You’re the best thing that happened to me. As you celebrate your 70th birthday, may God bless you, my angel. Happy birthday!

1. On your special day, I wish you many more years of graceful ageing in peace, Joy, love, health and prosperity. Happy 70th birthday, my beautiful wife.

2. I thank God for your life, it has been a wonderful journey thus far, I wish you more energy to drive your dreams and visions to their destinations. Happy 70th birthday, sweetheart.

3. It has been 70years of God’s grace and care over your life, I am grateful to God that he kept you alive for me from day one on earth till this time, may God continue to strengthen you and guard you all the days of your life. Happy birthday, my love.

4. Thank you for impacting wonderfully in my life, wonderful impact in my life. As you mark another decade on earth, I wish you nothing but the sweetest things in life. Happy birthday, my love.

5. May all your dreams and goals in life never play hide and seek with you, May happiness not be far from you as you turn a year older today. Happy 70th birthday, my sweet angel.

6. I hope you have a very glorious birthday today. May you continue to age with grace from 70 and above, thanks for being a mother, wife and best mom to our children. Happy birthday, my love.

7. Today starts with another 365days of your life that you are clocking 70, all things needed to live life to the fullest in this year will be granted unto you my Darling. Happy birthday, my wife.

8. So many years ago, a bright star was born and people predicted that it will make the world shine, this is very true, your existence has made everybody you come in contact with shine and I am inclusive, may your light continue to shine baby even at old age. Happy birthday, my sweet wife.

9. I wish you a year full of success and glory with faith, courage and dedication, may you know peace and may joy be yours.

10. Happy 70th birthday, sweet wifey. I just want you to keep up with your efforts, staying oblivious to the results and you will definitely get what you desire, I wish you are fruitful 70th year, my love.

11. Whenever I count my blessings I count you twice, you are an angel sent from above for me, you are my strength and shield, and may God bless this new age for you. Happy birthday, lovely wife.

12. I kneel down every morning, praying to God to bless and keep you safe because you are my everything, I can’t afford to lose you and God has been answering this prayer. Happy 70th birthday to my everything.

13. I was given a very valuable gift by God, an awesome person, a loving and caring individual, I am not just lucky but blessed to have you as my wife. Happy birthday, my gorgeous young queen.

14. To my oxygen, my joy, my friend, my love, my queen and the mother of my kids, I say a big and colossal congratulations to you as you clocked your 7th decade today. Happy birthday, my darling wife.

15. What would I be doing if I don’t take out time to wish the best thing that has ever happened to me a happy 70th birthday. Happy birthday, darling wife. I love you.

16. I am not ashamed neither am I shy to call you my very own, you have been a blessing from day till this day, I cannot be tired of having you beside me, I celebrate your 70th year on earth with you sweet wife.

17. God has a purpose for every man and he gives them the match that can walk and work with them in fulfilling purpose. I am thankful to God for giving me you. You are forever loved my one and only. Happy 70th birthday to you.

18. I know what I have and I won’t trade it for anything. I have a beautiful, hospitable, patient, tolerant and God-fearing woman as my wife. I will keep celebrating your birthdays for you till my last breath. Happy 70th birthday, my love.

19. You made me know the difference between a wedding and a marriage, our union wasn’t perfect but you always gave it your best shot for everything to work, you are my superhero Darling. Happy 70th birthday, world best wife.

20. As you grow old, you won’t grow weary, as you step into the 7th decade, you won’t step into health challenges, you will be strong, you will be healthy, God’s grace will be sufficient for you. Happy 70th birthday, sweet wife.

Getting married and living with the love of your life till she’s 70 is really a wonderful thing. She deserves to be celebrated and the best way to do it is to appreciate her and honour her for the years past, and these happy 70th birthday wishes and quotes for wife will do just that for you.

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