Happy Birthday Messages for My Son from Mom and Dad

We get many messages for different occasions and from different people, at several times in our lives, but none is like the message from a father or mother on the birthday of their child. It is treasured more than a thousand gifts wrapped in beautiful packages because of the weight it carries in the people’s hearts.

Birthday messages from parents to children make the difference on their special days and the feeling of having parents to celebrate with can be overwhelming. And they feel so special when those messages ring their cell phones. What a beautiful feeling!

So, why won’t you as a parent put so much effort into getting the best messages to communicate parental blessings to your son on his birthday? To make this easier, I’ve got here some beautiful happy birthday messages for my son from mom and dad. So, you don’t need to do so much internet surfing. Right here, you got the best messages you can ever get. Use them.

When mothers send messages to their children, it’s because it’s very important. So, on the occasion of your birthday, my dear son, I hope you have the best year ever and more grace in your life

1. Mercy has allocated itself to your path. You are the anointed of the Lord. Congratulation! You are such a good company. Happy birthday to you, my dear son from your mother.

2. As your mother, I pronounce maternal blessings upon you as you mark another birthday today. This will be your year of a bountiful harvest. May you reap blessings and divine provision in thousand folds. May your life and home overflow with blessings and God’s provision. Happy birthday to you, my son.

3. Dear son, you are blessed among all men, go out and excel. From your mother, I say to you, happy big birthday to you.

4. May the countenance of the Lord shine upon you as you rise and face the work of the day. I wish you a splendid year my dear son. Happy birthday, from your mother.

5. With love from your mother: I looked around me and all I can see is open doors. Your door of victory is permanently opened. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

6. Keep knocking on the door of life and it shall open for you. You shall not be stranded in the race and journey of life. Happy birthday to my dear son. You make me proud as your mother.

7. All around you I see blessings. Be it right, be it left, be it forward and be it backwards; everywhere you turn to shall be for your glory. I am glad to have you as my son, happy birthday to mummy’s boy.

8. To my dear son in whom I am well pleased; you will never lack help at any point in life. Heaven and earth will combine to help you always, happy birthday to you.

9. As a mother, when I look at you I always return glory to God for giving me such a son like you. Your joy shall be full and complete; it shall not be cut short because you are precious in the Lord’s hand. Happy birthday to you.

10. The blessings of a mother is what I bring unto you today. I ask that the envelope and banner over you shall be the joy and love of the Lord. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

Messages from father are golden. You are the reflection of the young me, my dear son. On this birthday, I hope you have fun and enjoy your year. Happy birthday to you.

11. Dear son, you have always made me proud s your father. May the Lord enlarge your coast. May He be favourably disposed to you. His mighty hand will keep you from every form of evil. Happy birthday to you.

12. I don’t know what I did to make me deserve you, my dear son but I thank God for giving you to me. Before you can even call, God will answer you, while you are yet speaking, he has replied you. Never doubt that he hears your prayers and will answer them. May you have a fulfilled, blessed day. Happy birthday to you.

12. You came and brought the joy of fatherhood to my life. As you mark your birthday, I ask that your help will never delay. Your blessings will find you. The blessings of God are your portion. Happy birthday to you, son.

13. I am sending you this beautiful message as your father: The blessings of the Lord makes you rich without adding sorrow; this is your heritage. Take it for it is yours. Happy birthday to you.

14. Since the day I became your father, I have always had reasons to thank God for you. The wealth of nations belong to you, may you enjoy the blessings of good health, peace and prosperity. Happy birthday to you. dear son.

15. Dear son, as your father, I have to say that I am blessed to have you. on this occasion of your birthday, I pray that the great blessing of the Lord is yours for you shall be blessed in the morning, noon and evening. Arise and shine today, happy birthday to you.

16. Your blessings shall be more than you can quantify. I am a proud father today and I am very happy that you have been a good son. May you enjoy overflowing prosperity in all areas of your life. It is well with you. Happy birthday to you.

17. I have always known you to be a good son, and I am very proud to be called your father. I declare you unstoppable, unlimited, unmovable and unshakeable by the forces of life. You are a tree by the streams of water. Happy birthday to you, son

18. You are far above every limitation of life because you operate under the divine covers of the Almighty. I wish you a happy birthday, dear son.

19. From your father on the occasion of your birthday: your blessings shall be in geometric proportions; you will reap a bountiful harvest. Do have a beautiful birthday celebration.

20. On your birthday, my dear son, I know that you will be highly favoured by the Lord. You shall never be called barren for fruitfulness is your portion. Happy birthday to you. From your father.

On this day, you were born. Happy birthday to you, son. I give thanks to God for showing you love and care. My heartfelt message on this day is for you to keep growing in wisdom and maturity.

21. You are a special son to me and I cannot but tell how much you mean to me. Today as you celebrate today, I wish you a happy birthday, my lovely son.

22. When I looked into your eyes on the day of your birthday, I saw a young and innocent boy snugly wrapped in swaddling clothes. Today, I am proud of how you have grown. Happy birthday to you.

23. I don’t know if I was this intelligent when I was your age but I am thankful that you have become the improved version of who I was. Happy birthday to you on this glorious birthday, my lovely son.

24. My dear son, you brought to my life so great joy and happiness on the day of your arrival into this world. I pray that you get back so much more joy and happiness. Happy birthday to you.

25. Happy birthday to you, my dear son. You are so dear to my heart and I hope that everything in life will work in your favour. You will never be stranded in life.

26. On this day of your birth, I rejoice to the highest heavens that you came into my life. I don’t know how my life would have been without you. You filled the void in me. Happy birthday to you, my handsome son.

27. I don’t know what I did to God to make deserve such an amazing son as you. I will always be indebted to the Almighty for giving you to me. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

28. You are my source of inspiration. When the chips are down and I remember that I have you, the thought of it alone lifts my spirits. You mean so much to me, my ear son. Happy birthday to you.

29. There is so much happiness in me on this special day because it brings back to me beautiful memories of the past. At your birth, we had just a few things, but you came and everything changed for the better. I cherish you, dear son. Happy birthday to you.

30. I hope you have more joy than you can imagine, my dear son as you keep growing from one stage to another. Cheers to a new year to you.

When you are around, your presence brings about inspirational moments in my life. I don’t know what I would have been able to do without you, dear son. Happy birthday to you. May good messages flood your life.

31. My dear son, continue to be the best that you are because no one on earth is like you. Happy birthday to you. Your name will go higher and higher.

32. There are over 7 billion people on earth but no one has the same capacity as you have. You are unique and special. Keep the flag flying. Happy birthday to you, son.

33. No matter how far you go, always remember that the sky is your launching pad and heaven is your limit. Dear son, climb higher.

34. Dear son, have you considered the word “IMPOSSIBLE’? The word itself is re-written can be I’M POSSIBLE. Possibility is a function of your mindset. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

35. Happy birthday to you, my dear son. Of all the people on earth, you are one of your types. You are incomparable. Happy birthday to you.

36. Happy birthday to the most adorable son in the world. Every morning presents you with an opportunity to be better than yesterday. Don’t take it for granted. Go for it.

37. No matter how dark the night may be, the breaking of the day is sure. My dear son, there will always be a way out for you. Happy birthday to you.

38. At the end of the tunnel is alight because weeping may endure for the light but joy comes in the morning. Happy birthday to you, my son.

39. Go, go for gold. Go for the best because you are the best. In this new age and new year, you are starting today go for the top because that’s where you are meant to be. Happy birthday to you, my son.

40. Determination of the mind is the only weapon to destroy complacency. My dear son never confuses contentment with complacency. Aspire to be the best. Happy birthday to you.

41. Our thoughts are the fields where battles of life are either won or lost. Have a change of thought to the positive side of life. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

42. Change your thoughts and the world will change with you. So, the ball is in your courts. Continue to drive home the best in your life.

43. He who uses the tool of yesterday to do the work of today will run out of a job tomorrow. Always remember not to let the world leave you behind. Happy birthday to you, son

44. in life, there are two categories of people; first, those who are active, make things happen. Second, those are spectators; they watch things happen. Remember you should make things happen. Happy birthday to you, son

45. Your size is not a function of your brain. You are gifted, so do not let anyone look down on what you are able to do because of your size. You are great. Happy birthday to you, my lovely son.

46. There are more potentials inside of you than you can imagine. My dear son, tap into your inner strength and use it for the good of your life.

47. If you wish it to happen, your life will be decorated but it is a function of your own will. Our lives are the results of our actions and inactions.

48. There is a mental picture of the future we desire in our hearts, so if you can picture it, you will feature in it. Think BIG. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

49. The grass is not greener on the other side; it is only greener where it is watered. My dear son, you have the present opportunity to make the best out of what you have. Use it.

50. A man’s gift will make room for him. With the gift of God in you, then you know you are enough for you to have all you need to make yourself a great nation. Happy birthday to my son.

I have many messages to send to my son on his glorious day of birth. Always be confident that God is with you and that’s the best message in this life. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

51. From the first day of your life, I knew you were a special child. On this birthday, I give God all the glory for that which he hath done. Happy birthday to you, son.

52. My lovely son, you were the very reason I became a parent and for this, you occupy a special place in my heart. Happy birthday to you.

53. I look forward to every of your birthday. It’s a day of joy and happiness not only for you but for everyone. Happy birthday to my darling son.

54. There is a sweetness in your life that easily spread to others around you. I hope you have this sweetness in abundance in your life. Happy birthday to you, my fabulous son.

55. you are my son, my precious heir. I adore you on this occasion of your birthday. I wish you all the beauty of your glorious future. Enjoy your day to the fullest.

56. Today is your birthday; you are free from all house chores. It’s your day. Take it to the top gear and enjoy every second of the day. Cheers.

57. For your sake, we will celebrate and have a cool day for relaxation because it’s a day of joy. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

58. Your life has brought joy not only to us as your parents or to your immediate family alone; you have spread to everyone around you. I hope that you get a return of moments of joy and happiness that you give to others. Happy birthday to you.

59. There’s love in the air; a sound of abundance and excitement. It’s all because of you. I hope you have a fantastic year and a great future ahead.;

60. The love in your life radiates with resplendence. I hope you enjoy the best of the day and have a great year ahead. Happy birthday to you, my lovely son.

You are very special to me, dear son. I have a message for you- You are chosen by the Lord, you can never be abandoned. Happy birthday to you, my son.

61. My dear son, how are you? I hope you have a beautiful year. You are highly loved and cherished. You will forever be on top and never below. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

62. I hope you will always look forward to life with hope and assurance that tomorrow will be okay. Your future will be great and unhindered. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

63. I know you are aware that I will always love you forever be it in rain or sun. You are a part of my heart and your smile is healing to my soul. Happy birthday to a wonderful son.

64. Glad to see you beaming with a smile and happiness today on your special day. It’s so hard to contain all the joy that springs from my heart sending you celebrating another birthday. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

65. My heart is full of love to you on the occasion of your birthday. You are the brightness of my life and reflection of my soul. Happy birthday to you, my fantastic son.

66. As you begin another step and phase in your life today, I hope you take it with all seriousness and hope. May your passion and determination for success not dwindle. Happy birthday to you.

67. There is no length I cannot go to make you happy. You the glucose in my blood and the reason I push ahead to become a better person. On this day, I hope more light beams upon you. Happy birthday to you, my lovely son.

68. Yes, your birthday is today and we will celebrate it without holding back because you are a jewel of the family, yet I want you to know that my love for you will be daily and not just for one day. Happy birthday to you, son.

69. You fill my life with lots of love and laughter. I wish you a life filled with unending happiness and joy. You are the one In whom I look into and see the hope of the future. Happy birthday to you, my son.

70. My life leaped, a higher leap with you into my life. I hope that you fly higher than the people of the past and you move from one higher level to another as you continue to grow older. Happy birthday to you.

On your birthdays, families and friends flood your device with several messages to celebrate with you. Today, I join them to celebrate you and hope you have a splendid year ahead. Have the best of your years manifesting.

71. You were the perfect gift that came into my life and on this day of your birthday, I am celebrating that beautiful gift given to me by the Almighty to care for and cherish. Happy birthday to you, my son.

72. This year, you are getting one over the previous year. You are very special to me. I hope that you enjoy your day to the fullest and have a beautiful year ahead of you. Happy birthday to you.

73. I hope your birthday is filled with awe and wonders that will marvel you. And I hope that you will find more love and happiness in your life. Happy birthday to you, my precious son.

74. Life comes with different challenges; I hope you get the strength and courage to see it through and sail through the ocean of life. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

75. My phenomenal son, you are a true star that shines brighter and brighter. Men will come to your light because you will so much shine. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

76. No matter how many birthdays you celebrate, every year will always come with its own uniqueness. I will keep celebrating you not just once a year but every day. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

77. You have made parenthood an easy one for me because you are the most awesome son in the world. Happy birthday to you, my son.

78. Dear son, I must tell you that you are a special breed to the world. I thank God daily for giving you to me. Continue to explore the world to the fullest. You are unstoppable. Happy birthday to you.

79. I drool when I gaze upon you and consider your intellectual capacity. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

80. My son, you bring me so much joy and happiness. You are the apple of my eyes. Continue to soar high in glory. Happy birthday to you, my son.

On your birthday, I wish to write you a birthday card to express my love for you in sweet messages that befits who you are to me. You are awesome and wonderful, my dear son. Happy birthday to you.

81. May the Lord provide all of your needs according to His riches in glory. May doors of ceaseless provision open for you. Your barn will never be empty. Happy birthday to you, my son.

82. Before you call on the Lord today, He will answer you and fill you to the brim. Everything around you will enjoy His bountiful provision. Happy birthday to you, my fabulous son.

83. Dear son, you are the honey in my life. The journey of your life continues has started, divine favour shall locate you always. Happy birthday to you.

84. I celebrate you today, my dear son. Happy birthday to you. You will be like a river planted by the sides of the river yielding forth its harvest in due season. Because you put your trust in the Lord, your soul shall be thoroughly satisfied.

85. Dear son, as you celebrate your birthday today, may men and women go out of their way to help you today. May doors of a provision be opened unto you. May all your needs be satisfied. Happy birthday to you.

86. Your birthday is another great day for you and for every one of us in the family. The Lord will be a shield unto you and your everlasting salvation. He will protect you from every dart and arrow of the enemy. You will go out and come back home in safety. Happy birthday to you.

87. Happy birthday to my lovely son. The Lord will be a shield around about you and no weapon of the enemy fashioned against you shall prosper. It shall be well with you all the days of your life.

88. Dear son, I adore you on this day of your birthday and as you mark this birthday, I ask that you will continue to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. May He keep you and all yours in peace. Go and be blessed.

89. With each step you take in this new age and year, you shall be like Mount Zion that cannot be shaken. You will withstand all the attacks of the enemy. Happy birthday to my son.

90. HURRAH! My son is a year older. His banner over you will always be love. Relish and rejoice for you are blessed among men. Happy birthday to you, my son.

It’s your birthday my lovely son. You are so lucky to have this message on this day. You are young and you still have teeth to chew meat. Take life easy and enjoy all its funny moments. Happy birthday to you.

91. Today is your birthday, my dear son. I hope you enjoy the gift I sent to you; it’s a bill of the food you have ever eaten, the rent, school fees and the bill for water. This is just for a start. You will receive another one next year. Happy birthday to you.

92. Happy birthday to you, my dear son. I’m not taking chance with this birthday so I have called the fire service on standby. So, it’s safe to say you can now blow the candles on your cake. Happy birthday to you.

93. This year, you have grown so big, now it’s time to accept the responsibility that comes along with age. I hope you are ready. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

94. Why don’t I ever forget your birthday? Maybe because your cake is always succulent. Happy birthday to you.

95. You should be happy this year; I didn’t wish you a belated birthday. Happy birthday to you, my lovely son. You are always on my mind.

96. The government says every birthday celebrating has been suspended till further notice…so, dear son…you see, we tried…..but It’s your birthday. Let’s celebrate! Enjoy your day, son.

97. Happy birthday to you, my lovely son. Be careful on how you chew your meat, if anyone pulls out, you may not enjoy the meat next year.

98. Since I was born, and now I am getting older, I have never seen a son ask for a bible gift for his birthday. Dear son, have you seen it? Happy birthday to you.

99. My lovely son, happy birthday to you. If we make your cake the number of your age, can you eat it all alone? Hmnn… you have so big. Happy birthday to you.

100. I ask that on your birthday rain will fall only on you and exempt every other person to make you stand out. Happy birthday to you.

No celebration is complete until when parents send their own birthday wishes and messages, so with these happy birthday messages for son from mom and dad above, your son would be made to feel very special. There is joy in celebrating our children. Please, share with others.

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