Happy Birthday Poems for Daughter from Mom & Dad

Getting the best treat for a special occasion like your daughter’s birthday could be like flipping through the pages of a hymn book. You may not be able to arrive at a conclusion because you are either overwhelmed by the options or you don’t have the best knowledge to narrow your options down to the most desirable for the occasion.

Text messages are conventional and great to celebrate your daughter’s birthday but when you want to surprise her or make it come to her in a more unique way, you will need some cute birthday poems. Poems play important roles in communicating our feelings and wishes to a very special person. So, sending some poems to your daughter on her birthday will make the day blissful and make her feel special.

In this section, I have selected several poems to express your heartfelt wishes for your beautiful daughter on her birthday, to help you make this day a special one for her.

Kindly go through the collection of happy birthday poems for daughter from mom & dad below and get one or more poems for your daughter. Enjoy them.

Your day is a beautiful day
Because you are not only beautiful
On the outside, you are great
On the inside
And I dedicate this short poem
To you as a token from your dad
Happy birthday to you, daughter.

1. My gorgeous and little daughter
You are the reason for the celebration
The skies celebrate, the earth rejoices
You are worth more than rubies
For you are more to me than many pearls
Happy birthday to you, from your dad.

2. Your birthday makes my heart rejoice
On your auspicious birthday, sweet daughter
Dad says happy birthday to you.
With long life shall you be satisfied
And filled with the glory of God

3. Your age is something worth it
And you are so sweet, my little princess
May the years of your lives become meaningful
And the future great for you
Even as you continue to be surrounded
By the world’s best humans.

4. May light fill your life
May love fill your heart
May limitations and barriers
Become a stepping stone to you
Dad says happy birthday, little daughter.

5. I watched you grow from the cradle
Behind the scenes to see you
Steadily growing under watchful eyes
You manifested all that was deposited in you
And today I am proud to be a dad
Happy birthday to you, daughter.

6. Your age is not a limitation
Because you are such a wonderful child
With you, there is a great expectation
As a little girl, you’ve mastered
The act and culture of diligence
Happy birthday to you, my lovely daughter.

7. As your dad, I watched you grow
And today it’s a dream come true
And to come to pass was my utmost prayers
That you’ll keep growing unabated
Now, you have been raised to a new status
Happy birthday to you daughter.

8. On your birthday, you are glowing
May your light continue to shine on
And may the joy of today last forever
Happy birthday to you, my daughter.
Your dad says cheers to a bigger future

9. Birthday is a special day of joy
When love reflects in the eyes
And smile radiate all over the face
And from your dad, there is a joy
For your birthday is today, daughter
In your heart is perfect purity. Happy birthday

10. As you turn a year older today, HURRAH!
Seeps through the skies for your sake
And for your celebration
Dad can scream and rejoice saying:
Happy birthday to my gorgeous daughter.
Happy birthday to you.

11. Daddy’ little girl celebrates today
A daughter to be proud of
There is a special feeling in the air
Is the best feeling I have for today
Which I will forever cherish as I hold you in my heart
Happy birthday to you, daughter.

12. Dear daughter, today is your day
And as a dad, I can go all the way
To celebrate you and express my gladness
To even scream and shout for your happy day.
Happy birthday my lovely girl.
May the heavens smile on you.

13. To be celebrated and cherished
Is the desire of everyone
And on your birthday, you deserve all the love
With the love of a sibling and that of a family
And to be loved by others is that of the heart
Like your dad is today. Happy birthday, daughter.

14. You have been a rare example of a daughter
I celebrate your new age today
Happy birthday, my little daughter.
As you keep growing, let the joy
And peace that the world cannot fathom
Overshadow you. Happy birthday

15. Your birthday is a unique one
No one can share your day with you
Except to rejoice with you.
Like a dad, I wish you all the best things
For you are a beautiful daughter and deserved
To be celebrated. Happy birthday, daughter.

16. The showers of love and care
Which no one can stop or query
Belongs to you on this special
May your birthday birth in you
An irrevocable joy that transcends dates and time
Happy birthday, my fabulous daughter.

17. Celebrations are unique; they are special
Everyone craves for it as it makes the heart glad
They are moments we cherish and long for
I have the joy of a dad to see you clock another age
On your birthday today, I wish you the best
Cheers, my darling daughter.

18. I know that today is going to be a great day
I wish you the blessings of the morning
Of the noon and of the evening
My dear daughter, happy birthday to you.
You are unstoppable.

19. My dear daughter, happy birthday to you
The love of a father is poured out to you
You are the cutest daughter on all the continents
This joy will last for a very long time
Your day is to be celebrated and enjoyed
Cheers, my darling girl.

20. You are amazing and special
And today is your birthday, my beautiful angel
As you grow, help will locate you
I am happy to be your dad and to see you grow
Gladdens my heart and make me happy
Happy birthday to you, sweet daughter.

Poems are not only for lovers
Daughters are worthy of it
And on your birthday, I’ve got this
From mom to you, happy birthday.

21. Happy birthday to you, my daughter
You are blessed beyond cursed
Glad is the heart of a mother
To a daughter whose birthday is today
May your days be crowned with glory
Happy birthday to you.

22. The joy of a mom to a daughter is endless
So, on this day, this poem and many more
Seek your attention and acceptance
And I want to give you this assurance
To bring you happiness on your birthday
Happy birthday to you, from your mom.

23. The most beautiful daughter I can have is you
Mommy’s little baby; you are blessed
You shine light to my heart like no one else does
You bring out the best of a mom in me.
Happy birthday to my daughter.

24. You are the desire of many families
A daughter like no other; a rare gem
Your birthday will be filled with joy
Happy birthday to you, dear daughter.

25. Like the days roll by and the night comes
So comes each year with its uniqueness
Like the season come in and goes out
So comes birthdays and many other great days
The same way our ages come in and go out
Happy birthday to mom’s daughter.

26. Like the gradual process of a plant
And in a steady growth of a seedling
So are the ages of our lives
And the desire of getting established
From your mom, happy birthday, beautiful daughter.

27. To the best daughter of the world
Belongs the best part of our hearts
May all the opportunities and privileges
For your special day be yours
Happy birthday to my darling daughter
With love from mom.

28. Our love belongs to those we cherish
For we adore those who care about us
You are cherished, my daughter
And I wish you good health.
Happy birthday to you from mom.

29. The more and more I see you
The more I am assured you’re in a brighter world
Because I know that with God, you will gain height
Happy birthday to you, my daughter.
You are beautiful and you are intelligent
From your mom.

30. Dear daughter, you are a year older
No one can stop you for you are formidable
With God by your side, you are good to go
And under his canopy is you are secured
Happy birthday, dear daughter.

31. The sweetest birthday experience
Is from a mom to a daughter
Happy birthday to my top-notch baby
Your birthday is not one to miss
Cheers to a bigger year.

32. Happy birthday to you, dear baby girl
The passing away of each year is without us
Yet in all our celebrations, we know
That God is in control of our lives
Happy birthday to you, my lovely daughter
From your mom.

33. A little girl grows big to become a lady
A lady grow to become a woman
And a woman mother.
Today, I am a proud mom
Because my little baby is growing
Happy birthday to you, daughter.

34. As we go through life, we see
That life is in phases; men in sizes, yet,
Adolescence calls daily for a girl and a call
For responsibility and well-defined action
Happy birthday to my precious daughter.
From mom.

35. Hurrah! What a year!
What a day! A day to celebrate
To determine what is best for us
When I get to take a leap from here
To celebrate you and honour you
From your mom, happy birthday, daughter.

36. it’s a time to move
A time to go from hither to thither
But with wisdom, you can fly
For you are a year older
And with focus, you will remain high
Happy birthday, my lovely daughter

37. Happy birthday to a jewel of special attention
Happy birthday to a jewel of her mom
You are a moving treasure clothed with skin
I love and cherish you, my dear little daughter
Happy birthday to you, daughter.

38. My lovely daughter, greatness is in you
I pray that you will continue to climb up
And go higher till you get to where you should be.
For you deserve all the best on your day
Happy birthday to you. From your mom.

39. The time of life is divided into three
The morning, afternoon and night
You are the apple of my eyes and
The pride of mom. You are special
And just like the three divisions of the day
You are climbing to greatness.

40. While we wait for the breaking of the day
We roll along and wait for the next turn
So comes every year like a chapter in a book
I pray that as you pass through these phases
Your light will not become dim, my special daughter.
Happy birthday to daughter from mom.

I have this line for you
That your birthday belongs to you
And as a daughter, you’ll prosper
This poem is for my daughter on her birthday

41. This poem may not fully describe you
But my birthday gift for you is in it
For in it, my message for you lies.
Happy birthday to my daughter
May your joy be made complete

42. May your day be filled with splendour
And your desires grow till it reaches the sky
Dear, little daughter. Happy birthday to you
You deserve more than a day

43. My lovely daughter, with tiny eyes
And tiny form snugly wrapped in swaddling
The beautiful face I saw in you is still intact
The beautiful heart I know you to have remains
The joy that your birth brought is timeless
Happy birthday to you.

44. Glad to see you marking another birthday
This is my sweet message to you:
Demand from life what you want
My adorable daughter, happy birthday to you
Congratulations to you.

45. I have this for you on your day:
That your birthday is as sweet as you are
And you will be as amazing as ever
Happy birthday to the adorable one
Cheers to a better year.

46. I wish you blessings on your special day
My special daughter, more grace be to you
Many more bequeathed to you
And lovely life waiting for you
You are more enough
Happy birthday to my daughter.

47. As the eagle soar in the skies without limit
So shall you be lifted without restraint
Happy birthday to you, daughter.
The waters flow freely without stress
You will be highly favoured among your peers
Happy birthday to you, daughter.

48. Your birthday will give you access
Into the unlimited region of peace
Happy birthday to you, my daughter
Deep into the realm of success
Happy birthday to you, my adorable daughter.

49. There is more grace out there
From the base of a tree to the tip of it
Strength diminishes but growth increases
Dear daughter, with this birthday
Comes the best year you have ever lived
Happy birthday to my daughter.

50. As you grow in life with numbers surging
So will everything in you rise as you rise
The best of life comes albeit with more care
Happy birthday to my gorgeous daughter
You are more than enough.

51. Happy birthday to you, my lovely daughter
You can never lose your value
For you are to me, very important and precious
You are special and lovely in your own way
I cherish and adore you so much

52. I wish you all the sweet things of life
My lovely daughter on her birthday
In joy will you continually grow
In love will you continually develop
Congratulation for you are special.

53. Your birthday is a special one, my lovely daughter
Like the dripping of a wet body in rain
So are my desires for you on this day
Loaded with wishes and blessings
My prayers are for you to continue to grow
And unlimited be your advancement

54. Human beings wants are insatiable
May all your wants and desires be released
No man can be pleased in all aspects
May your life be pleasing to the eyes
And on your birthday and beyond
Happy to you, lovely daughter.

55. With an amazing life on the go
Age is just but numbers when you are going up
But on the counter clock,
It becomes more like a burden
May you not be down in your progress
Happy birthday to you, my daughter

56. Happy birthday to you, sweet daughter
And your sweet birthday is here
With all glamour and beauty
We celebrate you today, my dear daughter
Happy birthday to you.

57. Dear daughter,
On your sweet and special birthday, I wish you joy
And many more of its associates,
One that will not be hindered and cannot be stained
Happy birthday to you, my princess.
Cheers to a glorious future.

58. May all your dreams come to pass
As you live your dreams with open eyes
For no dreams is achieved on the bed
And your desires reach their peak
You are up there and never coming down
Happy birthday to you, beautiful daughter.

59. My special and little daughter
I’ll be loving you forever
And with you dear daughter like a clever
Little one that you are
That’s the best to do and to wish you
A beautiful birthday.

60. I wish you more abundance in your endeavours
May your days be replenished like the fresh morn
And your nights are sparkling like the stars in the sky
I wish you success in all ramifications
Happy sweet birthday to you.

It’s funny how the day comes
Slowly but time waits for no one
And with this birthday, my dear daughter
This poem is for you.
Happy birthday to you.

61. Your heart is special and your love is very true.
That makes you very unique
You are wonderful in the way you are
Keep being yourself, dear daughter
I wish you a blessing that you cannot fathom
Happy birthday to you.

62. Your new age is to the best of your life
Sweet years are ahead of you
And I hope it will launch you into a deeper level
Happy birthday to you, my dear daughter.

63. I wish you the very best of the day
To the end of the earth and back from it
Your success will be seen and adored
Dear princess, happy birthday
You are the best.
Happy birthday to you, sweet daughter

64. The more you grow, the higher you will be
Your glory, like the sun, will never be hidden
Like the sun, may your best radiate
And your beams penetrate
Happy birthday to you.
This birthday is to your prosperity.

65. The best of our days is in the days of celebration
Today is yours, my dear daughter
I wish you superabundant days of rejoicing
And many years in comfort and peace
May all the best of your life show forth
Happy birthday to you, daughter.

66. Just like that, another year is here
Year by year, may you get better
Till you become the best
Happy birthday to you, my dear daughter
Enjoy the best of your day and years.

67. Good better best
Please, don’t ever rest
Until your good is better
And your better best
Happy birthday to you, my daughter
Enjoy your new age.

68. Happy birthday to you, my sweet daughter
There is a glory upon you
Your age is adorned with beauty and glory
And your life made glorious
The splendour all around you is great
Happy birthday to you, dear daughter

69. The best of your life is yet to be revealed
Happy birthday to you, my special daughter
That you will be great is not a doubt
Keep climbing the hill of honour
Your days of glory are extended.
Happy birthday to you.

70. Life comes at us in bits
Little by little, we grow and our lives shine
Day by day, we grow and we aspire
To be the best we have in all that we do.
Today, you are a year older
Happy birthday to you, my daughter

71. I wish you a successful life as you grow
For you are a jewel in the hands of God
And may your years continue to glow
And your glory sine in resplendent beauty
Happy birthday to you, lovely daughter.

72. Your life is full of the beauty of love
Everywhere you go, the testimony abounds
You have been an encouragement to us
You will always be loved and cherished
Happy birthday to you, my dear daughter.

73. To love is to live, to live is to cherish
Is the oath of the newly wedded
I reiterate the same for you today, my daughter
As you celebrate your birthday
I wish you a prosperous year in all you do
Happy birthday to you, my gorgeous daughter.

74. I celebrate you on your birthday
With good health, you will always be
As you rejoice today, I wish you greatness
You have grown to a level of personal development
Keep shining, my dear daughter.
Happy birthday to you.

75. My prayer for you is more success
I wish you good health as you mark another birthday
Sparkling is the colour of your eyes
Those eyes that shine forth beauty
Happy birthday to you, my lovely daughter.

76. Love is sacrifice ad continuous giving
I wish you a prosperous year and a good life
May you never be put to shame
And may your hand will success in all you do
Happy birthday to you.

77. It’s your birthday, my dear daughter
Enjoy it to the fullest, dear daughter
For you deserve to be showered with love and care.
Competition is quashed for your sake today
Happy birthday to you.

78. Life starts when you are about to recognize things
My angel, you are here today bigger than yesterday
Happy birthday to you from the deepest parts
Life is more beautiful as we grow
It becomes better when you are able to decide
And decipher that your birthday is today.

79. The best of life is about to be released
Unto you as you celebrate another age
Grab it with all your strength, my special daughter
Enjoy the flow.
Happy birthday to you.

80. Loving you is a lifetime purpose
It’s a daily affair and not just for a day
Cherishing you is not just on your birthday
You are special daily, and every other day
Happy birthday to my daughter.

No matter how short the day is
You deserve to be celebrated on your birthday
But even at that, you deserve all the praise
Happy birthday, my dearest daughter.81. Beautiful faces are cherished by all
No wonder yours is a centre of attraction
But only the beautiful heart endures the season
My special daughter and beautiful daughter
Happy birthday to you.

82. The beauty of life is in the product of the heart
I am grateful for such a daughter like you
You are too wonderful to be omitted
Your birthday is today, we rejoice with you
Happy birthday to you
May your day be filled with gladness.

83. Happy birthday to my amazing daughter
The length of your days will be filled with energy
Such that will match your age
And never wane become of old age
And your years seasoned with grace to pass through

84. Everything that comes your way
Keep flourishing, my dear daughter.
Because you are not just a daughter
You are extraordinary
You are unique
And we say a big happy birthday to you.

85. As the light of the sun come to the earth
And the clouds can do nothing to it
And even through many barriers yet unhindered
So shall you like a hot knife pass through butter
Happy birthday to you, sweet daughter

86. Slice through life without stress, my daughter
For you are light that shines through the darkness
And darkness cannot comprehend it
My fabulous daughter
Happy birthday to you.

87. The best people on earth are here
You top that list.
And with you, the beautiful ones have been born
Happy birthday to you, my daughter
Thanks for blessing us with your presence.

88. You are a special breed on the planet
And on your birthday, we celebrate a life
Of your release to us from heaven.
Happy birthday, daughter.
You are worth more than gold.

89. Happy birthday to you, my lovely daughter
Greater feats lie await for you
You cannot be stopped or hindered
Brace up for the exploration of the best
For grace will lead you through and all you
Happy birthday, my daughter.

90. You will always be at the top and above
No one will be able to stand on your way
From height to height you will scale
Like a gazelle on the hills without hindrance
Your birthday is a propeller into the future
Happy birthday to you fabulous daughter.

91. It is lovely is it to celebrate your birthday
The day is yours and you have to take it
No one can share this with you.
Enjoy it to the fullest because it’s yours
Happy birthday to my daughter.

92. And as we shake our bodies
In celebration and merriment
Remember that life is just appearing
And that you have more to get from life
Happy birthday to you, dear daughter.

93. Your beautiful light will shine through
Even in the dimness of a room
Because when are stars born, orders are given
The day you were born; heaven smiled
Behold, the joy was full and unquantifiable
Happy birthday to my daughter.

94. I have always asked the Lord to spare you
For your celebration is sacrosanct
And your life will be made to glow with pride
To the wishes I asked for.
Happy birthday, daughter.

95. You have been a wonderful daughter
For you do things beyond your age
Which make me wonder in awe
No wonder you are specially referred to
As the apple of my eyes
Happy birthday to my daughter.

96. Today is your birthday, my daughter
I am glad and I know you will be happy
And that’s why you are a special daughter to me
I ask for wisdom for navigation in this world
Upon you. Happy birthday, daughter.

97. There’s a hill far way in a strange land
On which man must assemble one day
Yet, we number our days and mark them
For we know that soon, the best will come
Happy birthday to you, my daughter.

98. Where the best people dwell and send their wishes
Lies in the deepest of their hearts
Today, all target is your place
Happy birthday to you, daughter
On this glorious birthday of yours.

99. The places where our hearts are
Are the places we journey to for prayers
I have decided to shower on you for your birthday
That birthday will announce you
And we all sing happy birthday, lovely daughter.

100. On your birthday, heaven rejoices
Earth rejoices and the trees sway in gladness
The birds sing and chatter in consonance
Because you are so special, my dear daughter
Happy birthday to a pretty lady.

With these happy birthday poems for daughter from mom & dad, your daughter would be thrilled at the length you could go to make her happy. Keep celebrating your daughters.

Please, share with other parents.

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