Happy Birthday to My One and Only Son Wishes and Quotes

Every parent looks forward to their son’s birthday especially if he happens to be an only child. Each year is often remarkable as it gives you an opportunity to make your child realise why being an only child is awesome especially when the child is a son.

Hence, his birth date is often considered important, and beyond making the days memorable, you may want to consider things to say to make him feel not being the only one. Besides, you may also think of sharing words that convey your deepest emotions for him.

No matter how you desire to celebrate him, you’ve also got to learn how not to spoil him because he’s the only son.

For this, so much dedication has been put into this compilation in order to give you the best you can ever ask for.

You can add some personal effects to this list while you make do with this happy birthday to my one and only son wishes and quotes.

It’s your birthday, my only son, I want to flood my timeline with pictures of you and usher you with these beautiful wishes for your birthday. Hope you’ll stay graceful for this birthday promises to be a happy one for you. I can’t love you less.

1. With you, I had the title of ‘mother’. Motherhood is sweet and joyful because I birthed a lovely son. I can’t but celebrate your birthday and wish you a joyful year.

2. For the womb you slept in for nine months and the breasts you suck for two years, I bless your day and wish you the blessings of the womb and the breasts. Enjoy your day, my son.

3. The miracle I’ve always looked out for comes with your birth. So, I’ve learnt to always look at you anytime I aspire for more wonders. May great wonders follow you as well and mostly on your birthdays, son.

4. Beholding you every morning brings along the joy of being a fulfilled mother. God bless you with more success and breakthroughs in all endeavours. Happy birthday my only son.

5. My blessings are always with you for you’ve been a child of blessing and greatness. Nothing will stop your uprising. Happy birthday to you.

6. I can but give you my eternal blessings. You delight us and give us peace of mind. Son, the host of the angels will surround you all about. Hearty cheers to a blissful new year.

7. It’s your special day, son. And I pray for you today. I tell you, may you not be stranded in the journey of life. You are an enviable son and all my heart blesses you this day.

8. Your selflessness is so contagious. A good trait from your father you’ve got I must confess. No matter how difficult it might seem at the elms of breakthrough, you will never lack help in life.

9. Because I birthed you, no longer is my land desolate, but fruitfulness has filled my barn. Your life will also attract bountiful blessings because it’s my only son’s birthday.

10. Despite being an only child, your birth came along with so many blessings of having many children at once. God bless your new age, son.

11. Your birth is a blessing in disguise, son. You are one in ten men: brilliant, energetic, purposeful and resilient. How you manage to maintain all these still amazes me. Keep shining son.

12. You can be an only child, but that wouldn’t make me indulge you for whatever reason. I love you and desire you to come out well trained and disciplined in life. Happy birthday, son.

13. It’s never been difficult to love you, being an only child. Though the task of raising you up as the one only one is limited. But trust me, it’s been worthwhile.

14. I will never spare the rod and see you get spoilt, son. Never see my correction as a form of hatred. It’s because I love you and want the best for you.

15. You may not like being seen or regarded as mummy’s boy. But no matter what, you remain my only son and I will always treat you like one.

16. I’d love it that you make a promise to me on this birthday of yours. Never to relent on your oars, but to keep aspiring for new heights. And you’ll be shocked at the success that comes afterwards.

17. Looking at you sometimes, I wonder if you were the little boy of yesteryears. Glad to see the man you’re growing to become. Happy birthday my darling.

18. I have always loved you; not just for being an only son, but for being a wonderful one. This new year will be an amazing one for you, son.

19. Now I know the joy of motherhood. Not only do I have a son I could call my very own, but I also have a sweet son I can always pride in. God bless you on this special day my son.

20. I know the joy that resonates in the heart of a mother as she beholds her only son. From your birth till now, you have been a bundle of joy to us. May the Lord continually bless you for us. Happy birthday.

21. Happy birthday to you, son. God bless and enlarge you beyond bounds this new year and always. It’s a new season and total victory for you. Cheers!

22. I cried unto God and He hearkened to my voice. He answered my prayers. And delivered you unto me. The gift of you is so priceless, son. May this day bring manifold success for you. Happy birthday!

23. You are an answer to my long time prayers. I’m glad you came and you stayed. Your new age is blessed forever.

24. I couldn’t stop asking God for a child. Grateful He gave me more than I asked for. You are a gift of many packages. Enjoy your day.

25. You are the first child. You are the last child as well. No one is competing with you. You have all it takes to enjoy life to the fullest. Enjoy the bliss and blessings that come with your birthday.

26. It took me years of pain, anxiety and worry to have you. Now that I have you, I know what it means to treasure a child. You are the apple of my eyes, son. Nothing compares to you. Happy birthday.

27. I’ve faced lots of mockery from friends and foes alike. But you are my miracle baby; your birth was an auspicious one. God did it when we least expected it. You’re seriously growing better and stronger. Best birthday I wish you.

28. Your growth is so fast and promising. This makes me believe that your birth, though delayed, but is purposeful. Thank you for coming into my world, son. Enjoy your birthday with love and abundance.

29. Happy birthday son. God bless you with His choicest blessings this new year. We love and celebrate you permanently.

30. Since your birth, life has been so adventurous for me. So much I’ve learnt as a mother. Here I am showing gratitude to God for your life and wishing you all the lucks on earth for your new age.

31. The bond between us is that shared between a mother and her only son. It can’t be explained, but it’s so real and powerful. The older you grow, the more fearful I become that you’ll soon stay far from me.

32. Son, since the very first day of your birth, you almost took my attention away from your dad. All because your presence is so special to us.

33. To my little prince on his birthday, you’ll soon grow to become a king like me while you rule your dynasty and get treated like the king that you are.

34. In whatever you do son, always remember God has a good plan for you. While you rest on this promise, always look forwards to a glorious year and never compromise your standards.

35. Being stuck for a while doesn’t mean you’re stuck for life. God has your best interest at heart and He’s promised to see you through every one of your challenges. Just brace up and trust Him continually. Happy birthday!

A thousand words may not be sufficient to describe the beauty you brought into my life and the family at large. You are the one and the only son of this family, and so, your birthday is usually a big one for me to celebrate with good wishes. May your days be stimulating and peaceful as ever.

36. Happy birthday son. Your dad was somewhat jealous at a point that you’ve drawn all my affection from him towards you. This is what your birth has done to us. But we realise how gracious your birth was. We can’t stop loving you, son.

37. Happy birthday, son. You are the joy of my heart and even one of the happiest things that ever happened to me in the whole world. May the dew of heaven rain upon you.

38. You are my only child. I give you the best priority for you mean so much to me. When you need any support, feel free to beckon on me and you’ll be fine truly. Happy birthday to you.

39. For being an important part of my life, nothing but goodness and riches is permitted to come your way. Your work is blessed. Enjoy your new year and do have a blissful life.

40. To my womb opener, you gave me the joy of safe delivery and deep security. With your gracious presence, mockery became a thing of the past in my life. Thank you for brightening my world with your presence. Happy birthday.

41. We’ve given you our total love. Never to make you feel insecure no matter what. You are the oldest and youngest child we’ve got. So, we hope you stay this loveable for life.

42. I never knew I’ve got this much strength until I birthed you. I see great reasons to be confident about life and I’m hoping to have more pleasant children like you. Happy birthday to you my darling.

43. When I asked God for a child, He blessed me more than I imagine, Your birth is an amazing one – so pleasant, comforting, and prideful. May happiness surround you all your days, son.

44. Today’s birthday isn’t just like the usual one. It’s special because of the significant age and delightful because you’re an only child. Loads of love and kisses for you this day, son.

45. Congratulations son for gracing another beautiful year in the land of the living. I pray you experience greater height as you mount the ladder of a new year.

46. May the strength for a new year be released unto you. The wisdom to attain great height be your portion. And the grace to enjoy all the bliss of your work be your inheritance. Your new age is massively blessed.

47. As you see a new year, embrace life fully and make every second you spend count. Nothing will stop your rising for the grace of the Lord has been made sufficient for you.

48. For you’re my only child, I’ve given you the best that you deserve and could offer. I promise to do more so long you stay focus and purposeful. You’re blessed beyond bounds. Have fun today.

49. Being a mother is a great privilege. Birthing a promising son like you is a blessing. Seeing you bubbling with life is a special grace. I won’t stop thanking God for you. Enjoy the best that this birthday brings for you.

50. Today is an extraordinary birthday. The son of a blessed mother is celebrating his good life. Keep prospering and making us proud, son. You are unstoppable!

51. Son, the past achievement is nothing compared to the great medals waiting ahead for you. Do not rest on your oars. Aim for more. I trust your guts.

52. I have always anticipated your coming, but my love for you grew from the very day you were born. Now, it delights me to see you growing and bouncing as each year rolls by. I wish you boundless joy, son.

53. You know what son, your childhood memories still feels fresh in my mind. It’s good to watch you grow and see you lively. I can’t stop loving you. You remain our pride.

54. I never knew I have so deep love in my heart for you until I look deep into your eyes and see you beam with a wide smile any time I throw you up. You are an adorable child.

55. Never leave any stone unturned. Strive your best to reach for the sky. You will surely hit your goals for there is neither boundary nor limitation of any kind for you. Have a fantastic celebration.

56. Each time your birthday draws near, it gives me an opportunity to forget the pains of the year and focus on the joy of your presence. So much illumination you’ve brought to us. May your path be successful and your way is prosperous. Enjoy!

57. Son, I understand life can be pretty difficult sometimes, but you’ve got to rise beyond challenges. Desire and strive to attain far above we did. And you will surely get there.

58. Congratulations to you, son. Your ability to develop great ideas and maintain a great personality is so enriching. The more you grow, the better your light shines. I celebrate you always.

59. May the good health you need to fight and surmount battles of life never leave you. Keep fighting and winning, son. Here is a toast to pleasant surprises for the new year.

60. You’ve grown to become my very special friend and confidant. I really hope your future wife will not snatch your attention away from me completely. You have made yourself invaluable. Keep living son. I celebrate your next level.

61. I’m beginning to feel jealous of your future wife. Nothing feels as good as having your ingenuity and contribution always in the house. Wish you can live with us for life but I’m confident your wife will enjoy every bit of your presence. Enjoy all round bliss, son.

62. As you age, be reminded you will soon be as old as we are and your children will also be around to celebrate the great father they’ve got. May success and goodness will not let go of your grip.

63. I’m glad we never enforce our opinions on you. You’ve proved yourself beyond reasonable doubt that your choices and decisions are wise enough to bring you success. Outstanding success will be your everlasting portion. Happy birthday.

64. As you embark on the journey of a new year, may abundant love never leave your heart, may riches never depart from your life, and may joy never elude your mind. Age with grace, sweet son.

65. Happy birthday to my one and only son. No matter how tough life may seem to be for you, know that you have us here to run to. We’ll surely give you the best that you deserve.

66. You are all we’ve got. And we’ve promised to give you all the support and encouragement you need for all pursuits. This should energise you more never to relent on your dreams. I love you son. Happy birthday to you.

67. Son, from the very moment you came into our world, you changed our lives for good. Life without you is unimaginable. God bless you as you age with bliss.

68. Nothing stops you from being a child no matter how old you grow. I will continue to treat you like a baby for you’re all we’ve got.

69. You are our pride and strength. You remain our joy and hope for continuity. Your birth brought light to our world and took away our long term shame. God bless and keep you more, son.

70. You have always been such a sweet boy right from birth. Even till now that you’re a little grown you still maintain your sweetness. All-round success shall be yours, my only son.

One of the best ways to express my happiness and pride in you as our only son is to make the world know it’s your birthday. With that, I’d also consider the best quotes that will help me express my truest feelings and appreciation of you. In our heart you’ll forever stay, son. Happy birthday to you!

71. Never do I desire to see my only son suffer in life. I love to give you the best life offers and hope you get prosperous as each year rolls by. Happy birthday to you.

72. My son, never live a regretful life. Be concerned about how you live for today and aim for a better life for tomorrow. You will be dazed at how life will eventually turn out for you. I love you, son.

73. I’d like you to know that nothing feels bad about being an only child. There’s so much to enjoy for all the benefits and affection that would have been shared with your siblings is lavished only on you. Enjoy all the goodies but ensure not to get spoilt.

74. A whole lot of stress and work are reduced for me for you’re the only one I have. I’d chosen to give you my unreserved love and undiluted attention. You deserve it all, son. Enjoy it all and have fun on your birthday.

75. God has decided to bless us with only you because He knows we have all it takes to bring out the best in you. It’s a huge blessing raising an enviable son like you.

76. Against all presumptions that you’d be spoiled for being an only child, you beat against them all. And you truly prove yourself to be the most exciting son one could ever pray for.

77. After several attempts at getting a child, you finally came and became the only one we could ever need. We could have failed severally, but you came to prove us right and we are so proud of you. Happy birthday to the one that brought great joy to our souls.

78. You are so lively and lovely, and never for once lonely for being the only one. For this, raising you has become so interesting and exciting for me.

79. We’ve given you the best upbringing being an only son. And we could see the high measure of respect you have for people. Many have testified about this a whole lot. Couldn’t imagine how birthing you alone could turn to be a blessing in disguise for me.

80. As your mother, I grew up in a very large environment. But birthing you and having you as the only child to relate with has helped me grow great intimacy with you. You will always remain my adorable son. Happy birthday I wish you.

81. We’ve been your best friends since birth for you always have us around to play and hang out with. Never feel insecure for any reason. You’ve got the best friends and parents you can ever seek for. Happy birthday.

82. Glad you have what every other child has or desires. Never did you lack anything and still hoping you don’t lack any good thing in the world. You’re all that matters to us, son.

83. Never should you lose hope come what may in life. Know that each phase you grow into in life has its own huddles but which can be surmounted. So, the older you get, the more experienced you become.

84. It delights me to see you growing into a big man every year. I wish you never experience the pains and hardships I went through in life. Everything will work out well for you. So is my prayer.

85. Sweet son, supplying you with every need is not intended to get you spoilt. It’s just to show you how much we love you and desire to see you live a struggle-free life.

86. Hello son, I am already living in the future you’re crazily dreaming to get into and I can tell you little about life. Don’t be too anxious about anything. Just live one day at a time and only walk your way into the future.

87. I have already decided to let you live like the grown man you’ve always wanted to be. I’m sure you will gain maturity from life experiences, but hope you will live to learn only the right way. Happy birthday.

88. Happy birthday to my precious son. After your mum, you are the next thing I look out for, and I sometimes wonder if I am not already trading my wife’s love for you. That’s how invaluable you’ve become to me.

89. I have so greatly invested in you and I’m glad to see you learning so fast. While you become fruitful, remember to bring me great returns for all my sacrifices and investments in you.

90. Looking at how tall you’ve grown often makes me wonder if you’re the same boy I birthed just a few years ago. The taller you grow, the longer you shall live, and the brighter you will shine.

91. You became a part of our life and then made us realise we could still allow a son like you to steal our hearts beyond the love we have for each other. Thank you for being a big part of us. We celebrate you most especially on your birthday.

92. Happy birthday to the one and only baby of the house. Never for once did you make us have the feeling that you’re an only child. You’re just like a ten child in one. I wish you an unforgettable experience on this special day of yours.

93. The miracles we’ve long expected didn’t come in the form of riches or possessions. It rather came with the birth of you and we know the riches and possessions we desire will follow for you have been a great blessing to us.

94. Happy is the day I gave birth to you. Blessed is the day you stepped into the home, and prosperous is the years you will yet live to witness in the land of the living. Happy birthday to you our dear son.

95. Your success is our greatest desire. We long to see you in the future and declare to the world how proud you’ve made us been. All the lucks on earth shall be your portion.

96. Whatever you set your mind to achieve, follow it religiously. Wherever you set your mind to go, don’t be limited by any impending challenge. Enjoy the life you’ve been gifted to live to the fullest. Happy birthday.

97. No day passes by without having to appreciate God for the gift of a glorious son like you. With your presence, I became the best parents I can ever be. Thank you for granting me this privilege with you.

98. Just the way you’ve made me feel a great all-embracing joy, love and warmth, so I wish you experience the same all through the years you’d live on earth. Happy birthday to you.

99. My heart will never be far away from you no matter the distance that may be between us. You are a child no mother will ever forget. We could disagree sometimes, but we choose to stay knitted forever.

100. You never have cause to feel being alone. We’ve always been there for you through thin and thick. Keep being amazing for your birthday promises to bring you more wonders ad testimonies.

I strongly hope these are the best wishes and quotes of happy birthday to my one and only son you can ever make use of. And I hope they are able to serve you more than you expect.

You can’t but bring a wide smile to his adorable face once your only son reads these good messages from you as his father or mother.

Use the comment box to add up more quotes you like or to tell me how you feel about the ones I’ve shared.

Meanwhile, feel free to choose and use any of these messages and endeavour to like and share with your friends.

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