Happy Birthday Wishes for 3 Year Old Boy

Sons generally have the power to become leaders built in them. They are one of the divine treasures every home should have.

As such, your boy deserves to be celebrated even at the age of 3. If you must bring out the sweetest and loveliest part of him and shower him with unique words of warmth and love, please do.

It will go a long way in helping him build his self-confidence. Needless to say that having him in your life comes with loads of happiness, joy, love, peace, and lots of fun, and that is the more reason you should celebrate your son.

Follow me as I take you on a ride through these unique happy birthday wishes for 3 year old boy.

I can make all things sweet and bright. I can choose to light the candles all day long to celebrate your special day. All for you, baby boy but none of these can fully express my love to you like sending my warm wishes. Happy 3rd birthday, boy.

1. Many things are infinite in life, one of which is the love I have for you. How can I stop loving my baby boy? You are such an epitome of love. I wish you a happy and may your days be prolonged.

2. Having you in my life means so much to me, baby boy. Day by day, your existence motivates me to believe in myself that I can be whoever and whatever I want to be. Knowing that you will become like me gives me great joy. May God bless you abundantly, baby boy. Happy birthday, dear. Enjoy your day.

3. Waoh! My baby boy is 3! Hurray! It feels like yesterday when you came into this family and lightened up the gloom on everyone’s face. Happy 3rd birthday, darling. May lines fall on you in pleasant places.

4. Your coming into my world has made life more and interesting. You are a gift from God to me, and I can never take for granted your essence. You are worth more than gold. This is your third birthday and I can only give you all the best that life can offer even as you grow into a man. Birthday Cheers!

5. Like the touch of a warm ray of sun, gently heating your soul at the first chance of a chill, like the light of a guiding star leading me into great adventures in a brand-new world, your presence has been the sun to my planet.

6. Oh, how time flies! The little boy of yesterday is fast growing into a man. Happy third birthday, my love. Thank you for being my beautiful life’s work. You are one reason my existence in life is worth it. I love you, baby boy. Happy birthday.

7. Without wings, butterflies will not be able to fly. Without gills, a fish will not swim. Without legs, bunnies will not be able to run. Without you in my life, my life will just be meaningless. Thank you for coming to wipe my tears away. Happy birthday, my baby boy.

8. I can play with you a thousand times in a day. I could throw you hugs and kisses all day long but it won’t be enough to communicate the depth of my heart to you. Darling, you are a source of joy and happiness to me. I love you: happy third birthday, my love.

9. Having you in my life made me discover parts of me that I could never have thought were there. Right now, all I can find myself doing is to love and cherish you all the days of my life. Happy 3rd birthday, sweetheart.

10. Although you are but a little boy now, I love the boy you are now and the man you will become, I love more. What more can I ask for in a son? I wish wishes were horses and I will ride you into prosperity but I wish above all things that you will prosper even as you keep growing. Happy 3rd birthday, son.

Thinking of how to celebrate your 3rd birthday and all that could come to my mind is telling you how I feel about you. What can I say about you, treasured son than to give you sparkling 3rd birthday wishes? I wish you wisdom as you grow.

11. My dearly beloved son, you are the most precious thing to me in this world. You have changed me from being selfish to being selfless. I can’t just find myself loving another son except you. Happy 3rd birthday, dear. You will not remain small.

12. My loving son, you are my firstborn, the symbol of my might, the sign of my strength. There are many sons, but you excel them all. May your days be blessed. Happy 3rd birthday, sons.

13. In honour, may you excel. In power, may you excel. Among equals, may you excel. You will be called blessed and favoured of the Lord because you are highly favoured. Happy 3rd birthday, sweetheart.

14. Turbulent as the water yet calm and peaceful. May you be praised by men. May your hand be on the neck of your enemies. May men bow down to you because you are a man of power and might. I am so proud of you! Happy birthday my darling.

15. Like a lion’s club, may you always return from the prey, my son. Like a lion, no one will dare to rouse you because the sceptre will not depart from either the ruler’s staff. You will continually be relevant all the days of your life. Happy 3rd birthday, honey.

16. Darker than wine are your eyes. Whiter than milk are your teeth. May you never have cause to weep all the days of your life. Your colt will always be tethered to the choicest branch and your donkey to a vine. Happy 3rd birthday, dearest.

17. Like the Lilly by the seashore, you will prosper. Like the haven for ships, you will remain relevant. Like Sidon, you will flourish. Like a rawboned donkey, you will fierce. Your resting place will be good and pleasant. Birthday blessings.

18. Your food will be rich, like the delicacy for a king. Like a doe set free, you will enjoy liberty. You will bear beautiful fawns. May you experience endless joy. Happy 3rd birthday, dear.

19. Like a vine near a spring, you will be fruitful. Your branches will climb over a wall. Even when archers attack you with bitterness, your bow will remain steady and your strong arms will stay limber. Happy 3rd birthday, dear son. Many happy returns.

20. As you clock 3, may you enjoy the blessings of the skies above, may you enjoy the blessings of the deep springs below, may you experience the blessings of the breast and womb. Happy birthday, darling.

In my life journey, I have come to realize that how many words we leave in people’s heart matter a lot. This is why I am sending you these amazing, warm birthday wishes as you become 3 year old, son. May you enjoy life as you grow.

21. More than the blessings of the ancient mountains, more than the bounty of the age-old hills, let your father’s blessings rest upon you. Happy 3rd birthday my darling. Great shall be your testimony.

22. Like a ravenous wolf, may you devour your prey in the morning, and may you divide the loot in the evening. Happy 3rd birthday, my jewel. Grace to finish strong be given to you. Happy 3rd birthday, son.

23. While many can’t find themselves living with a growing child, some can’t themselves live without them. I am one of such that cannot live without a growing child. I cannot live without seeing you grow. As you grow into 3, may heaven’s fortune smile on you. Cheers to a new-age baby boy. Have fun.

24. I have had more than enough of family members’ antics but your presence has helped lighten the burden of stressful situations and now, I can express the love I feel for you and my family. Happy birthday, dear.

25. Despite the rough patches that arose during your birth, you scaled through. Thank you for staying strong through it all. You are my world. May you be fruitful all the days of your life. Happy third birthday my darling.

26. Family ties, they say, mean that no matter how much you might want to run from your family, you can’t. This perfectly describes us, no matter how much I want to run away from you, I just can’t. Thank you for helping me see that I’m indeed a mother. Happy 3rd birthday, son.

27. No matter how naughty and annoying you become, I won’t let you go because you are like that annoying itch I can’t scratch. For the sleepless nights, I say thank you. Happy 3rd birthday, boy.

28. You are nothing but a blessing to me. This is what I keep saying to myself each time I feel irritated by a babyish attitude. I will forever cherish these moments of our life. Happy birthday my dear son.

29. Once a mother, always a mother, goes the saying. I feel blessed to have been privileged to birth a son like you. you are worth more than ten thousand sparrows. May your days be blessed. Happy 3rd birthday my son.

30. God gave you to me because He knew I needed you. What more can I ever ask for? You are simply the best I can get. Happiest birthday to you my son. Many blessings are yours today and all the days ahead. Love you loads.

If it takes only two to make a family, then it will be you and me. One thing I so much desire is to see you grow into adulthood and become fulfilled. Then, my joy as a mother will be complete. As you turn to celebrate your 3rd birthday, my son, here are my wishes for you – peace and joy.

31. What determines the strength of a family is not the number of members. Rather, what determines the strength of a family is the amount of love given and received. Even though you are still very young, your constant show of love, concern and care in your little way has proven to me that you have come to stay as part of the family. I can only wish you a prosperous birthday as you turn 3. Happy birthday my son.

32. Despite the twists and turns accompanying our relationship, we still remain connected and we will remain connected because we are family. We have the same bloodline. No wonder, distance cannot even disconnect us. Happy 3rd birthday, son. I hope you enjoy life till grey. Happy 3rd birthday, darling.

33. I was there the day you were born, and I couldn’t control the tears from my eyes because they were tears of joy. I don’t wish to be there when you pass because I know I won’t be able to control my tears, not because they will be tears of joy but because I won’t imagine life without you. Happy 3rd birthday. I wish you long life.

34. A mother’s love never wanes. A mother’s hug never fades. A mother’s heart never forgets, yet she forgives. My love for you will last a lifetime because you mean so much to me. These few years have made me see how miserable life would have been without you. Happy birthday to my handsome bobo. Glow!

35. You shall be the joy of many nations. Nations shall come to your light and call you blessed because you will be highly favoured of God and man. I wish you all the very best in life. Happy 3rd birthday, son.

36. Three years of taking care of you have taught me that I can’t control what my family says, but I can control how much I listen and how I react to it. Thank you for the daily improvements. Happy 3rd birthday, my son.

37. There is no love greater than the love shared between us. I will always hold your heart. I will always be there to support you and honour your decisions. May you be guarded in the palm of God’s hands. Happy 3rd birthday, my son.

38. No matter what happens, I will always have your back. I promise to share with you the purest form of love and acceptance. May God hold you in the hollow of His hands. Happy 3rd birthday, my darling son.

39. Love, honesty, and connection are three important virtues cultivated in a family. You have not only displayed these virtues, but you have also shown how valuable you are to us. Happy 3rd birthday, son. I wish you many more years.

40. The reason our bond is unbreakable is simple! It is because the bond between a parent and child is unbreakable. This is why I will give you all the support you need to thrive. May you thrive in life. Happy 3rd birthday, my son.

Life is not measured by riches neither is it measured by extravagance. Instead, life is measured with the little things we think do not matter, one of which is sending across my beautiful happy 3rd birthday wish to you, my son. Lots of love from your mom.

41. On this day, three years ago, I was the happiest person in the world because my son was born. My armour, my first tree, my womb opener. I can only be grateful to God for this gift of you. May you enjoy newness. Happy 3rd birthday, sugar.

42. I will go through the stress and the hurdle of seeing you grow over and again. I want to see you grow into a toddler so you can make me smile. I want to see you grow into a teenager so I can always get worried over you. I want to see you grow into a man so I can be proud of you anytime, any day. Happy 3rd birthday, darling. May heaven’s dewfall on you.

43. I don’t just want to raise you as a boy. I want to raise you as a son. I want to treat you like a son so you can turn out to be a hero. Welcome to your best year yet. It is a big 3 for you. May you continue to wax strong. Happy birthday dear son.

44. I need no Seer to tell me that you are a gift from the Lord to me. No wonder my quiver is full of great joy and life. Your days will be filled with so many specialities with great brightness and beauty. Happy birthday my love.

45. Behold him who made me a mother! Behold him who caused my name to change! Behold the man whose presence changed everything about me. I never want to be far away from you, baby, because a second without you makes me feel my world is crumbling. Happy 3rd birthday, darling son. May you witness more life.

46. The moment I felt your existence in my womb, I couldn’t but leap for joy. When I was told that you arrived in this world, my joy knew no bounds. All along, you have continued to be a source of joy and life to me. Now that you are three, I can only wish you grow old in wisdom. Happy birthday my son.

47. It’s your 3rd birthday, my love, and I only have a few words for you. As you grow in life, you will come across different kinds of people and situations. I charge to be strong and loving. Let love and kindness be your watchword. Above all, learn to forgive. These things will make you into a strong man. Happy birthday, dear.

48. I don’t need to see a comedy before I can. I don’t need to be in the midst of friends before I can be lively. I don’t need to drink any energy booster before I can feel so much energy. With you, I can get all the fun I want, and that is because you are fun yourself. May you grow in favour with both God and man. Prosperous birthday, darling.

49. Times will come, and times will go. Nations will rise and nations will fall, but a time will come when you will be bold enough to be a man and stand on your own. I earnestly look forward to that time when you would have gone far in the scope of your life. I believe in you, my son. Keep basking in grace. Happy 3rd birthday to you. I love you.

50. You challenge me to become better than I am. How do I expect you to be successful and powerful if I am not successful? All I am doing is for you so that you can have all that it takes to be both successful and powerful when you grow. I wish you a fulfilling 3rd birthday. Have a blast.

As your dad, sending you lots of beautiful flowers will not be enough to communicate the depth of feeling in my heart as much as words will do. So, I decided to send you this unique birthday wish on your 3rd birthday. Have fun, son and grow well.

51. Willie Williams wrote, ‘No amount of money can be paid for the relationship between a father and his sons.’ This is nothing but true, as these past 3 years have proven that you mean so much to me. Happy 3rd birthday, dear son.

52. The type of love a father shows to his son cannot be described in words, but of course, my wishes for you will always be there guiding you all the way. May the Lord sustain and carry you through all the way. Happy 3rd birthday, son.

53. Our relationship is a complicated one. Yes, though tough, we however still get along. Thank you for being the beautiful soul that you are. May life bring you all the best. May the Lord be gracious to you now and forever. Happy 3rd birthday, my son.

54. In the midst of all the uncertainties, fear, hate, love, respect, worship, and disdain, I cannot but look beyond it all and see the beautiful smile on your face always. May your life continually be filled with the fragrance of the morning dew. Happy birthday, darling.

55. My love for you transcends all pain and hurt. It is more than a thousand miles. It is straight from my heart. This is because no one else deserves the best in the whole world except you, my son. I wish you a fruitful year ahead, darling son. Happy 3rd birthday.

56. Waking up to the sound of you calling my name is enough happiness, and I must have been lucky to have a fantastic son like you. May your hope never be dashed. Happy 3rd birthday, son.

57. You are not my son because you bear my name. You are not my son because you are my flesh. All of these do not even make me a father. The love we share is what makes us father and son. On your third birthday, I wish you everything beautiful in life. Happy 3rd birthday son.

58. Being my son, you have become the centre of my life and will always be the centre of my life. I wish that when you grow old, you become the rock in my life just as I am the rock in your life at the moment. Happy 3rd birthday, my son.

59. Some call their friends their sunshine while some call their side chicks their sunshine but for me, you are my sunshine because you are my ‘Sonshine’. I love you just the way you are. I wish you a happy 3rd birthday, dear son.

60. Regardless of the situation we are in now or the one we will find ourselves in later in life, I need you to know one thing that I will always be there for you. A son like you deserves to be treated with great care and much love. May you find the essence in life. Happy 3rd birthday to you, son.

I have the confidence that you are growing into a beautiful soul like me. This is why I cannot but send you my great birthday wish, son. These words will remind you of who you are even as you grow from being a son into a man. Happy 3rd-year celebration.

61. Just like the forces of nature, the connection between is so powerful. No wonder, loving you is my hobby. Little wonder always desire to be around you. As you clock 3, I wish you heaven’s best. Happy 3rd birthday, son.

62. Individually, we are both different and unique, but there is one thing we have in common which is love. This love is what binds our hearts together and that is why all I can wish you on this 3rd birthday of yours is long life and prosperity. Happy birthday, son.

63. No one is perfect and that is because we all have our unique identity that ought to be celebrated. I choose to celebrate you this day son, may you experience newness all around. Happy 3rd birthday, son.

64. No matter how big or small a gift is, what matters most is the attitude and the intention. As you turn 3, the only gift I can think of giving you is more and more love than I have given you in the last two years. Happy birthday dear son. Keep growing in grace.

65. Family is the only group of people that can love you unconditionally even with your flaws. Through the ups and the downs, the family will stick by you. as you clock 3 and keep growing, do not forget your family for they will always be there for you come what may. Happy birthday, son. May you enjoy love.

66. As you clock 3, may you always have a safe place to grow and develop into that person you are meant to be. May you discover purpose and find fulfilment in life. Happy 3rd birthday to you, son.

67. There is only one love that is powerful than that of lovers, it is the love a parent feels for their child. No doubt, you have seen this play out in the last two years of raising you and now that you are clocking 3, I will continue to love and cherish you. Happy birthday my darling son. May you find love.

68. Life is not a bed of roses and not all humans can be trusted. As you grow be wise in who you choose to be by your side and love unconditionally. May your soul find rest. Happy third birthday, sweet son.

69. To express a mother’s love for her child is an attempt to define complexity. I have determined in my heart to love you forever. May the Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace. Happy third birthday, son.

70. No matter what life brings your way, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel; keep this at heart as you grow. Happy birthday, my dear son, I love you from here to the moon.

As the little boy that you are, you deserve all the best that life can bring your way. Flowers and gifts are not enough, and because it is your 3rd birthday, I have special happy 3rd birthday wishes for you, little boy. You will grow well.

71. The bond of love found between us is hard to replicate and deny. Like a flowing river, the river of love between us flows deep. I celebrate you today and beyond my darling. Happy birthday little boy.

72. You are my heart, no wonder I feel you with every beat. Our love is such an unbreakable bond that cannot be shattered. On this day, I wish you fruitfulness in life. Happy 3rd birthday, little boy.

73. As you grow through life, may you never be stranded. When you are lost in the darkness, the love of God will become the light that guides you through. Happy 3rd birthday, little boy.

74. May you find love like a rock that will hold steady during the storms of life. May fortune smile on you even as you clock 3. May your years be full of many blessings. Happy 3rd birthday, little boy.

75. Like a blanket, may you enjoy the love of the father hugging you no matter the distance. May you never know a better yesterday. The years of your life shall be many. Happy birthday, dear.

76. Love, chaos, and hugs make life complete. May you always find happiness in life and may your dreams come true. Happy birthday my little angel in human form. Grow from grace to grace.

77. Greater grace like that of the sun, I ask for you. Greater comfort like that of the moon, I pray for you. May you continually be relevant on the surface of the earth. Happy 3rd birthday, sweet little boy.

78. Every individual looks a little different. It’s that uniqueness that makes each one special. May God continually hold you up and cause you to shine. God bless you now and always. Cheers to a big 3.

79. You are still my sugar plum boy. I can’t forget so soon those days of sleeping on the same bed with you while singing a lullaby for you to sleep. You have become a part of me, and it isn’t easy to let you go. Happy 3rd birthday, little boy. May you excel above measures.

80. Little boy, my only advice for you as clock 3 is simple: trust in the Lord always with all your heart and never rely on what you think you know. May the Lord always come through for you. Happy 3rd birthday. Long shall be your life.

You are such a unique and special personality and I so much cherish your growth. Yes, you may not understand the depth of my words now because you are still 3, but as you grow, you will come into the reality of those words. I wish you beautiful experiences in life. Happy birthday, my son.

81. What do I say? How do I say it? But maybe it’s okay if I just pray…dear son, I wish you many years of fulfilment, joy and happiness on earth. Happy 3rd birthday my son. Welcome to your new age baby boy.

82. In the last three years, you have always been with me, never leaving me, I’d rather starve than watch you go hungry. Nursing and caring for you has been worth the while. Happy birthday my son. I wish you not only a long life but also prosperity, not only sound health but also happiness, not only joy but also peace of mind.

83. Dear son, I pray the day will come when all the pain is gone and the time of harvest has come. Only then will my joy come, and I will be fulfilled. Happy 3rd birthday, my darling. I love you.

84. Darling, you are one of the beautiful things that happened in my life. I will keep loving you, never leaving you. you deserve all and more. May you experience growth, love, joy and peace. Happy birthday my darling son. Enjoy your day.

85. You are truly a definition of a son. I am always happy that you came into my life. You are a real blessing to my life. I celebrate you, son. Happy birthday, dear. The Lord will grant you the riches of His kingdom and make your path shine in this new year of yours. Happy 3rd birthday, little boy.

86. Over the years, I’ve had a moment of tears and weeping, moments of pain and shame. Little did I know that those were preparing me to be a mother good enough for you. I bless the day you came into this world. You are blessed today and beyond. Happy birthday, dear. Long life and prosperity.

87. May the Lord break your yoke from off your neck and burst our bonds. For the Lord will save you from afar and your children from the nations of the earth. Just take solace in the Lord and have your rest even as you grow through life. Happy 3rd birthday my son.

88. May your life be enriched in every way. May you never know lack. You shall continually live in surplus. I wish you the best in this new year of yours. Doors of blessing and favour will be open unto you. Have a blast this new season. Happy third birthday, my son.

89. May you always find the wings to fly above the darkness and find the light. Like a hug that can cross oceans, may you receive the strength to cross oceans of adversity in life. Happy 3rd birthday, my son.

90. In your sad moments and darkest days, you will always find the voice that will wrap around you like a soothing hug. May you find that invisible hand holding you up. Happy 3rd birthday, my sweetheart.

Can I ever ask for another son? Definitely not! Neither can I pretend as if your day is not special. You are nothing but a bundle of joy. I can choose to keep staring into your eyes all day, but that won’t be enough with this exceptional happy third birthday wish for you, my son.

91. When the winds of time are creating chaos, may you find that anchor that will hold you steady, may you find that strength like a superpower that will help you overcome mountains of doubt. Happy birthday my son.

92. My inner strength comes from knowing that I have you. You are not just the most important thing to me, you are everything to me. I promise to be there to help you through your dark times. May your day will be filled with happiness, love, and joy. Happy 3rd birthday my love.

93. Like a life jacket in a stormy sea, may you always find solace in the stormy sea of life. May you be tenderly guided by the gentle hand of the Lord, and may you know peace. Happy 3rd birthday.

94. Happy 3rd birthday dear son! As you grow, every day of your life, may you never lack someone to take care of you and may you continually be upheld by the Lord. Blessed birthday, dear.

95. As you grow older, may you be safely guided by the Lord. The Lord will bless and keep you. He will make His face shine upon you. His countenance will continually shine on you. happy birthday my dear son.

96. I am eternally grateful to God for bringing you into my life. May your days be filled with joy, love and peace that surpasses all understanding. May you enjoy a long life in good health and a sound mind. Happy 3rd birthday, my sweetheart.

97. Every man created on earth, has a purpose and you are not an exemption. When God created you, He had a purpose in mind for your life. As you turn 3 and keep growing, I wish you will find purpose and discover destiny on earth. Welcome to a new year of fulfilment. Happy birthday, son.

98. Your days have been planned by the Lord. The number of your years is planned before Him. Your name is boldly written upon the palm of His ends which means you are truly a special breed. Live in this assurance as you continue to enjoy many more years on earth. Happy birthday, darling.

99. May the presence of the Lord abide with you, working in you and upholding you. May your life be filled with the wonder and glory of the Lord. His unfailing love will be your guidance. Welcome to newness. Happy 3rd birthday, my son.

100. Your birthday is a remembrance of joy for me. The day you were born not only gave me joy but every day with you has brought me much more happiness, laughter, and wisdom than I can ever imagine. Accept my best wishes for your 3rd birthday as this is the only way I can show my gratitude. Happy birthday my son. Much love!

Rather than searching through the pages of hundreds of books in search of quotes or memes for your son as he clocks 3, why not shower him with these words of love and acceptance? Feel free to use any of the above. Giving it a personalized touch won’t be a bad idea too.

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