Happy Birthday Wishes for Grown Son from Mom and Dad

Every parent considers their children a special part of them. So, of course, it should mean the world to any mom or dad when they get to experience the growth of their sons or daughters.

If you are a lucky mom or dad, you get to watch your son grow into a man, and also grow in other important areas of his life. In case you don’t know, this is one of the most satisfying things a parent can ever witness.

So, congratulate yourself and do not also forget to celebrate the birthday of this son that has made you proud with the best happy birthday wishes for grown son from mom and dad. If he’s been able to make you happy, he deserves the best from you on his birthday and beyond. So, why not give it?

It is your birthday, son, and as your mom, I will be doing a lot of prayers on your behalf. Also, I hope I am able to make you happy because you deserve to have the best day. Welcome to the grown-up world, son. Happy birthday!

1. Dear son, you have been a wonder since your birth and you continue to be a source of joy day and night. As you step into a new year, my wish for you is more reason to be happy and more chances to be your very best. Happy birthday to you.

2. You are easily the love of my life, dear son. There is nothing in my power I would not do for you as long as it would make you happy. So, be prepared to have a wonderful new year. Happy birthday, darling. Mom loves you.

3. Having you in our lives is one gift God has given that we would always remain very grateful for. Hopefully, you continue to make us the happiest parents as we are committed to making you the happiest child in the world. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

4. It feels exciting to be celebrating you on this beautiful day. You already know that it is always a happy time and day whenever I get the chance to celebrate you. So, trust that I am going to make this day very beautiful for you because you deserve nothing less. Happy birthday to you, dearest son.

5. It is a good day today, son. We see that you are in a very good mood as you should. The prayer is that your mood should get better with time even as you journey through the New Year. Happy birthday to you.

6. We will understand if you decide to paint the town red today because today is a special day particularly for you, and of course, for us too. We would also be doing everything on our end to celebrate the wonder that is you. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

7. Every day we get to spend with you is considered a blessing because you are the utmost blessing from God to us. So, we are happy that we get to celebrate with you on this special day of yours. Happy birthday to you.

8. We have watched you grown for years, and you have grown beautifully into this young man that we are very proud of. Happy birthday to you, dearest son and cheers to more years in good health and wealth even as you continually grow in all ramifications.

9. There is nothing you have done since we have given birth to you that we have not been immensely proud of. Trust be told, you make being your parent so easy and we cannot get tired of saying just how proud we are of you. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

10. You already know just how dear you are to us. Trust when we say that all the good things we do for you are not about to stop because you are grown because we take joy in making you happy. Happy birthday to you dear son.

11. Nothing makes us happier than seeing that our darling son is growing physically, spiritually and emotionally among all other areas. Cheers to more years on earth to grow into the man that we know you were meant to be. Happy birthday to you.

12. This is a confession. We are already so proud of how far you have come in life. But, we know deep in our hearts and are convinced beyond doubts that you still have so many potentials to unleash, and we cannot wait to start experiencing the manifestations of these things. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

13. You are easily our most prized possession. Scratch that, you are definitely our priceless jewel and we are constantly in awe of how well you hold your end. This is hoping that you continue to make us proud. Happy birthday to you.

14. We trust that you have had great and rich years that have prepared you for the journey of life. We look forward to holding your hand even as you go through the world with courage. Happy birthday to you.

15. Even though you are the son, there are so many things we have learned from you and with the way you have set to live your life, we know that we will still learn so much from you. You are an inspiration to all and sundry and we are very proud to be called your parents. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

16. There is no doubt in the world that you make us very happy parents. We hope that we have at least satisfied you as a son, and beyond anything else, we hope that we can make you just as happy as you have always made us this New Year. Happy birthday to you.

17. We are convinced beyond all reasons that this is your year. So, as the universe will agree with us, we have the hunch that you will start manifesting this thing in joy and happiness. Happy birthday to you.

18. We hope that you can tuck in your worries and focus on having a good time on this special day which is your birthday because when it comes down to it, there will always be things to worry about but a day like this only comes once in a year. Happy birthday to you, our darling son.

19. You have a beautiful aura around you and so many things surrounding you give off good energy. Therefore, there is nothing to not be extremely proud of. Happy birthday to our dear son

20. If you promise to continue in this good light, we promise to always support you as parents and in fact, commit more to make your life easy and you happier. Have a wonderful birthday celebration and a great year.

21. If anyone deserves to have 365 days of uninterrupted happiness, you surely do. You have used most part of your life, even though young to hustle and work hard. We believe it is about time you started enjoying. Have a beautiful year ahead.

22. You are the most amazing gift from us to us and we do not take you for granted. Hopefully, you continue to make us happy because we plan to always make you happy too. Happy birthday to you, my darling.

23. There is nothing gloomy about this day. So, we hope that you do not do anything on low energy. If anything, the day is bright and fair so it deserves all the energy you can muster as you prepare to have the best year of your years on earth. Happy birthday to you.

24. We can only hope that this New Year brings you joy and happiness because, among anyone in the world that we know, we believe you are the most deserving of all the good tidings the world has to offer. Happy birthday, darling.

25. It is your day today and we want you to treat this day like it is yours. Take things in stride and brace up for the best even as you prepare to step into a new year. Happy birthday to you, darling.

26. You continue to show us new sides to you and every day, you surprise us by going just another mile to show your amazing side. We love you son and look forward to more beautiful sides to you. Happy birthday to you, son.

27. May this New Year you are about to enter bring out the very best from you because there are so many hidden treasures inside of you. Happy birthday to you, love.

28. We believe that you have so many things to give the world and we trust that as you enter into a new year, you will begin to manifest these potentials. Happy birthday to you.

29. To be completely honest, it has never been news to us that you were born to be great. It has been written in stars and the nature of your birth confirmed it as quickly as possible. Happy birthday to you, our darling son.

30. You have given us as parents the most palpable joy and the most unadulterated happiness. And the fact that you do all that you do every day just makes everything worth celebrating the more. Hopefully, we continue to stay friends and you continue in greatness. Happy birthday to you, lovely son.

31. Everything about you. From your smile to your thoughts and the way you handle situations is so worthy of admiration and emulation. To think that you are this grounded at such a tender age is even more reason to be amazed by you. Happy birthday to you, son.

32. You are so many things to so many people and entities. But, we hope you understand when we say that our favourite part of you is the one where you get to be our son. We feel like you are at your best and the most real when you are our son. Happy birthday to you.

33. You will have so many reasons to be happy in the New Year. We hope that you do not doubt your power and grace because we continue to see these things manifest in your life. Happy birthday to you, darling.

34. Yippee! It is celebration galore at this end because we believe that your birthday should be a happy day, and moreover, there are so many achievements to celebrate and be happy about. Happy birthday to you, son.

It is not every day that you celebrate your birthday so you might not be seeing this part of me often. But, I hope you never forget that you mean the world to me and I think you deserve the world on your first birthday as a grown-up. Stay happy!

35 . You continue to make us the happiest parents. So, we hope that from this New Year onward, we can do much to make you as happy as you continue to make us. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

36. We are not about to start pretending that the best gift from God is not you because it is you. You are the most beautiful thing in our lives and we have committed our lives to protect you from all kinds of harm. Happy birthday to you.

37. We hope that you know that you deserve whatever happiness has come your way so far and in fact, deserve to experience the happiness you have experienced so far in more folds. Happy birthday to you, beautiful.

38. You continue to show every side of you boldly and we are so proud to continue learning all these parts of you because they are just so beautiful. We hope that you have a beautiful day and a beautiful year this year. Happy birthday to you.

39. You have the grace unlike any other person we know so we are convinced that you are about to have yet another beautiful year. Happy birthday to our darling son.

40. Every time you smile from your heart, our hearts are happier and every time you visibly turn red from joy, the joy in our hearts expands in folds. Simply put, your happiness is our happiness. So, go through this New Year and be happy without reservations.

41. We are proud of the way you do your thing and go about life like nothing is that serious because, to be honest, nothing is that serious. So, continue being your joyful self and forget all your worries. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

42. No matter how grown you are now you are still our son. Hence, our baby boy and to be honest, we intend to still always check on you as and when necessary. Happy birthday to you.

43. We care deeply about you and care most importantly that you live a rich and full life. So, we implore you to start doing everything in your power to ensure that you live a fulfilling life. Happy birthday to you, darling.

44. We are always going to be proud of your journey – no matter how fast or slow you go, we are satisfied and proud of you as long as you are pressing forward. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

45. I hope that your eyes get illuminated and your heart prepares to receive the great things that the universe has prepared just for you. We hope that you always stay aware of the fact that we will always be rooting for you. Happy birthday to you.

46. You are a great example to so many other children your age, and we may not say it enough but we are so proud of the type of man you are gradually growing into. May this New Year you are about to begin be very kind to you because you deserve to enjoy kindness and happiness. Happy birthday to you, the most delightful son.

47. You are one of God’s most precious gifts to us. Yes! We know that we have probably told you this before. But, best believe that we will never get tired of reminding you of your importance to us and this family at large. Happy birthday to you.

48. I guess it is a perfect time to thank you for being very easy to raise and nurture. To be honest, so far, you have made parenting an enjoyable thing for us. Thanks and have a great birthday celebration as you become an adult today. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

49. We hope that you do not chase shadows this year. Instead of going after things that will waste your time, we hope that you find the things that are of the essence and can add value to your life. Happy birthday to our dearest son.

50. Happy birthday to you, beautiful son. You have just begun the journey of adulthood and we are so proud of how far you have come, and sincerely cannot wait to experience the magic we are sure you will make of this new chapter of your life.

51. The world is definitely not ready for the magic you are going to create in the coming year, dearest son. But, whether or not the world is ready, we hope that you create your magic anyway and take the world by surprise. Happy birthday to you dearest.

52. We want you to go into the new year with all the joy and energy you can muster because you may be needing a lot of energy to get into the events in the next few months. Something tells us that you are going to be having a lot of celebrations to do this New Year. We hope that you don’t doubt it. Happy birthday to you, dearest.

53. You continue to inspire us even as our child. So, it is only okay that we blow your trumpet on special days like this. Have a wonderful celebration with your loved ones and do not shy away from being your most authentic self in the year. Happy birthday to you, the most gracious son.

54. May the New Year bring more light to your path and clarity to everything that is currently confusing for you? As long as you enter into the New Year with an open mind, we pray that you find that thing that will make you truly joyous.

55. You have just begun a new chapter of your life. There is nothing we want for you more than more success stories and more excellent news to share. So, yes! These are the things we wish you would be talking about this New Year. Happy birthday to you, dearest.

56. You are God’s most resolute blessing to us and we are so proud to call you ours anywhere and everywhere we find ourselves. Hopefully, you stand in your power this year and start manifesting the goodness of your strength and power. Happy birthday to you, dearest.

57.May you not have any reason to worry in this New Year that you are about to enter. Hopefully, every event of the New Year turns into a reason to celebrate for you. Have a great celebration dearest son and enjoy the coming year to the fullest.

58. We just want to let you know that whatever desires you feel right now, you are right to feel them and of course, there is a God that can answer to them. So, believe this God and your year is about to take a turnaround for the best. Happy birthday to you, son.

59 . This is the beginning of great tidings for you darling son. As you go into a new year, we hope that you begin with great tidings until the year is saddled with good tidings from every corner. Happy birthday to you, lovely son.

60. Hurray! We are in a celebratory mood for you and we are ready to do all the youthful things for this day just to make you the happiest as you celebrate a milestone. Have a wonderful birthday celebration and a good year ahead.

61. You are one thing we both agree is the dearest to us and none of us is ashamed to admit this fact. It has been like this since your birth and it will continue to be until aeons. Happy birthday to you dearest son.

62. We are so glad to have another opportunity to let you know just how proud we are of you. The rate at which you are going, we are convinced that success is imminent for you. We hope that you have fun on this special day and have a fulfilled year ahead.

63. One thing is for sure, you fill our hearts with joy with the way you carry yourself and ensure that your life is a worthy example to friends and family. The fact that you are such a model child at such a young age is even more surprising. Happy birthday you, dearest son.

64 . We would be lying if we said that you do not make us feel so proud among other parents. The fact is you add so much to our esteem and make talking among our friends so easy. Have a great birthday celebration loving son.

65 . Ever since you began the journey towards your emotional and spiritual growth, it has been from one good news to another in this house. We are so proud to be celebrating your growth in all areas on this special day. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

66 . Get up on this day and appreciate the beauty of nature among other things and you will see that you have so much to be grateful for. We are so proud of you, dear son. Happy birthday to you.

67. You are so young yet the concept of love, grace and care is so clear to you. Sometimes, you leave us wondering about so much. We are always proud of you, dear. Happy birthday to you.

68.You are a beauty to behold, dearest son and although you may not hear this enough, you are the most beautiful thing in our lives right now, as you have been since your birth. Happy birthday to you, son.

69. We hope that you find time out of your busy schedule on this special day of yours to read our messages because you will find a lot of love in them. Happy birthday to you, son.

I hope you know that you mean everything to me, and even though you are grown, I will always be around to support you as long as it is within my reach. Have a good birthday and remember my wishes are true. Happy birthday, son.

70. You have shown us in more ways than we can count that you are ready to take on the world. So, we are using this moment and day to give our blessings on all your endeavours. Happy birthday to you.

71. Dear son, you have given us some of the best moments in life. You have been beautiful in the past, and you are currently being the best version of yourself. We have no doubt that the future holds even greater moments for you and everyone around you. Best birthday wishes from mom and dad.

72. We are both excited to see what you do for yourself in years to come. One thing you should know, however, is that we are very proud of all the things you have been able to achieve so far. We hope that you have a beautiful birthday celebration and a wonderful year ahead.

73. We are wishing you a sound mind and the courage that you need to grow stronger, happier, and better even as you continue to grow older. Happy birthday to you, darling son. Mom and Dad are proud of you.

74. When you were yet to be conceived, we loved you. After you were conceived we loved you. Since your birth, we have done nothing but show just how much love we have for you. Trust that the coming year is another opportunity for us to show you that you mean the world to us. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

75. We knew the day would come when we would be able to call you a grown man and we are glad that the day is here. Although, you will always be our little boy. we are so proud to be you grow into a man and we are grateful for the grace to witness every step of your growth. We look forward to more. Happy Birthday to you, son.

76. You have been preparing very hard for this day. So, we are proud that you are here. We want you to know that we will be supporting you every step of the way, and as long as you will have us. Happy birthday to you.

77. Time has flown so fast, dearest. But, we have been able to savour every moment that we have shared with you, and we look forward to enjoying more moments with you now that you are grown. Happy birthday to you, son.

78. There is no doubt that this year is worth looking forward to because, with the things you have lined up, there would be so many success stories to tell. So, we look forward to living in these moments with you. Happy birthday to you, dearest son.

79. You make everything so easy. You have been such a blessing to us in all ways so it is no longer surprising that blessings continue to find you. In fact, we hope more of that locates you in the new year. Happy birthday to our darling son.

80. One thing that we can never forget is that the world is not ready for the peak of your success. It is coming soon, and the world is going to be shaken by the news of your greatness. Happy birthday to you.

81. There is nothing ordinary about the celebration of one’s birthday so better get used to us making a big deal out of this special day because it is a big deal. Happy birthday dearest son

82. We hope that the joy and love we currently harbour in our hearts locate you and hold onto you for the great of the year. Happy birthday to our son.

83. More than anything, We never want you to live in the fear of tomorrow. We hope that instead of that, you find your courage to forge on in life. Happy birthday to you dearest.

84. We consider ourselves the luckiest duo in the world because we have the most precious gift from God; YOU. Happy birthday to our precious baby.

85. We are very aware that you have crossed the line into adulthood now and we should no longer treat you as a baby. The truth is, you will always be our baby. So, don’t expect us to neglect you. We promise to always respect you, though. Happy birthday to you.

86. We hope that over the years we have been able to communicate grace, love and empathy to you, and now that you are grown and ready to take the world, you never forget everything good you have picked from us. Happy birthday to you.

87. We want you to enjoy every good part of this day, and of course, laugh and smile with reckless abandon because you deserve uninterrupted moments of happiness. Happy birthday to you, son

88. It is going to be a very beautiful year for you as long as you believe and are ready to put in the work to make the best of it. Have a fantastic celebration today.

89. We hope that you have a good time celebrating a milestone today because you deserve a good time after such a tough year. Have a beautiful celebration, son.

89. Everything you have worked so hard for will come together in real-time to make you so happy that you would not be able to do anything other than sharing your testimony. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

90. Dearest son, it is that time of the year again. Please, celebrate as much as possible but remember that safe fun is the best type of fun. Happy birthday to you.

91. You continue to make and break records, and then you remake new records. To think you do all these things at such a tender age is something very big to be very proud of, and trust us when we say your parents are so proud of you. Happy birthday dear son.

92. You are going to have a great year no matter what. So, I want you to find your energy and enthusiasm for the new year because you will be needing them. Happy birthday to you.

93. We hope that you know today is a special day so you are allowed to be free and allowed to exercise your energy as much as you would like to. Happy birthday to you.

94. We hope the day has been exceptional for you so far, our dear son. If there is anyone that deserves to have that type of day, you definitely do! Happy birthday to you, son.

95.You surely stand out in a good way among your peers so it is very easy to point out our pride in you and the list of things we are proud of. Happy birthday to you, dear.

96. You may enjoy your day as you please but never forget that we(mom and dad) always like to celebrate a new year with you, and adulthood is not about to change that. Happy birthday to you, dear.

97. We are convinced beyond reasonable doubts that as you have been favoured in the past, the favour will also locate you in this year. Happy birthday to you, dearest son.

98. It is a no-brainer that we are better of with you in our lives so better believe that every year we get to celebrate you is an already made year for us. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

99. You are a wonderful human being, son and an even amazing son. We are proud of you and we hope that you are proud of yourself too. Happy birthday to you, dearest.

100 . Rise up from slumber dearest son, it is that time of the year to shine and bring out your beauty. Happy birthday to you, darling son.

The beauty of being able to correctly search for things is that you get to find the best things. in this case, you get to find the best happy birthday wishes for your grown son.

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