Happy Birthday Wishes for My Adopted Daughter

We hear often that blood is thicker than water. And yes, this can be true. But one thing yet binds stronger than either blood or water. And that one thing is love.

Love is what makes you take a child that is not biologically yours, as one of your own. Love is what makes you set aside differences in DNA and genetic makeup, and gets you closely knitted with a child.

That lovely daughter, the one you’ve adopted and taken in as yours; it’s already that child’s birthday.

Her birthday is a good day to reaffirm your love for her. A great day to let her know that blood or not, you are her parent, and she is your child.

And what better way to do this than to spice up her day by sending nicely crafted words as birthday wishes and messages?

Here for you, are messages that reflect the state of your heart: your overwhelming love for your adopted daughter and your pleasure at having watched her grow to this present age.

Send one or more of these happy birthday wishes for my adopted daughter to her and have her swim in the depths of your love all day long and all year round.

Happy Birthday to your lovely adopted daughter!

My sweet child, blessed be that day that I took you in. You’ve brought nothing but pure joy! I love you so much and I am so proud to call you mine. My wishes for you are that you grow to be a force to reckon with and that you continually be a source of joy to everyone. Happy Birthday, my adopted daughter!

1. You have managed to get a permanent place in my heart. This entire heart is yours, my baby. Happy Birthday, daughter.

2. No matter the distance, no matter how far, you are always close to me. And I will never stop making sure you are fine. Happy Birthday, baby.

3. To my daughter, you will ever be my little one. I will never forget your little smiles and tears. Happy Birthday. I love you.

4. Whenever you need strength, whenever you need someone by your side, whenever you need someone to lift you up, I will always be there for you. Your mum is saying happy birthday to you today.

5. Life can be a tad bit frustrating, but lucky for you, you have a mother who is always here for you. Happy Birthday, my jewel.

6. You know with me, you always have a place to lay your head, to rest when you’re tired, to have whatever you need. Happy Birthday, baby.

7. From the very first time I met you, I knew we were destined to be for life. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Happy Birthday, dear daughter.

8. Your laugh, your attitude, your cute face, I never could get over it. Even though you are all grown now, I still can’t get over you. Happy Birthday, sweet baby.

9. As my daughter, there isn’t a mountain too high for me, and definitely no ocean too deep for me to cross, and I promise to never let anything happen to you. Happy Birthday, my darling.

10. On your special day, I want to express how much love I have for you. Happy Birthday, my daughter. Get ready to be blown away.

11. I pray that from today, you experience bigger blessings than you ever have, and you experience pure love. Happy Birthday, my daughter.

12. To my beloved daughter, thank you for being the most amazing, resourceful, and sincere daughter ever. Have the best birthday!

13. There will never be another you, and I am so grateful for that. You are unique in your own very way. Happy Birthday, one in 7 billion.

14. Thank you for being a thoughtful person. You are always thinking of others, and putting them first when it matters. Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter.

15. You came into my life and turned it around. You made my world a whole garden of joy. Have the most amazing birthday today!

16. My daughter, enjoy your birthday today. You are stepping into a new age, and it is so beautiful to see. Happy Birthday.

17. I have watched you grow, and with all of my heart, I am in awe of the woman you’re becoming. Grow into the most beautiful version of yourself! Happy Birthday.

18. I pray your life will continually be filled with joy, with love, with peace, and with all things good. Happy Birthday, daughter.

19. From a clueless parent, I have been guided in raising you, and I want to say thank you for making it easier for me. Thank you, baby, and happy Birthday to you.

20. Having amazing children is really a blissful thing to have. You have been the most amazing daughter, and I am so blessed to have you. Happy Birthday to you.

21. Hey, sweetie! It’s your birthday today, and I am so excited. From a baby, you have always been shining with such grace. And it’s a pleasure to watch you grow. Happy Birthday!

22. Being your parent has introduced me to a lot. I have been blessed to be able to share in your life, your pain, sorrow, joys and laughter. Truly, I have been blessed. Happy Birthday, my blessing.

23. With you, it’s like I have the closest friend. Acting tough to you for long now seems impossible. Happy birthday, my best decision.

24. Your smile, your innocent face literally melts my anger away. Now, I can’t be mad at you for more than a minute. I love you so much, my daughter. Happy Birthday.

25. To my precious daughter, I would do anything you keep a smile on your face. To make you happy. Cheers to the addition of a new year.

Just because you are the best, my lovely daughter, I’ve not had cause to regret the decision I made many years ago. I’m glad I brought you into my life. Thank you for staying with me. May all of your wishes today come to pass. Happy Birthday to the best adopted daughter there is!

26. From the first time I met you, I saw you becoming the most wonderful woman I would know. Your grace, elegance, poise, way of thinking, speech amongst others are things I love to behold about you. Happy Birthday, daughter.

27. You have grown to be so independent, and I absolutely cannot wait for you to conquer the world. Happy Birthday, baby girl.

28. I will always be beside you, to hold you. Behind you, to support you when you fall. And ahead you to guide you. Happy Birthday, daughter.

29. I have no doubts that you will do great things in life. You will absolutely take the world by surprise. Happy Birthday, my wonder woman.

30. I do all I do so I can give you the best life; the life you absolutely deserve. Happy Birthday, daughter. Just relax!

31. When you find your prince charming, never forget that I will never stop being your knight in shining armour. Happy Birthday, princess.

32. At first, your incessant questions used to get to me. Now, I look forward to them every day. You are always seeking knowledge. Never stop, my daughter. Happy Birthday to you.

33. With you gone, the house really looks empty. Ever since you came, you have filled our lives with so much joy, and fun-filled moments. Happy Birthday, daughter.

34. With all birthdays we have had for you, I want this to be the most special. And more and more special, even as you celebrate more. Happy Birthday, queen.

35. Dear daughter, as you grow older today, remember to keep pushing in life. Keep fighting for what you believe, and never let anyone discourage you. Happy Birthday!

36. Adopting you has been a consistent source of joy for me. I am glad to have chosen you. Happy Birthday, my baby.

37. Never stay down for too long. Never let disappointments get to you. Remember that the world isn’t always nice. Happy Birthday, my daughter.

38. To call you mine is a privilege I will never take for granted. I am proud to be called your mother. Happy Birthday, my daughter.

39. When people look at us both and commend me for raising you right, I never fail to tell them of how you have been amazing and helping me in this journey. Happy Birthday, my sweet child.

40. Happy Birthday to my beloved daughter. You have always heeded instructions, and are always willing to learn. You have been simply exquisite. Happy Birthday, daughter.

41. Your day is finally here! Happy Birthday, baby. I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest. Have the best time today!

42. I woke up today being so full of joy because today is your special day. I am so thankful for you, and for your life. Happy Birthday, dear daughter.

43. I count myself as one of the luckiest people ever, and it’s all because of you. It is a special thing to have a daughter like you. Happy Birthday, darling.

44. My life is fulfilled, content, full of goodness, and at peace, all because I have a daughter that is you. Happy Birthday.

45. Watching you grow out of your old clothes is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me. Happy Birthday, my forever little baby.

46. Out of all the things you can grow out of, you can never grow out of my love for you. And that includes taking care of you. Happy Birthday, baby.

47. The entire universe says a huge thank you to you for bringing the brightest colours into it. You have made my world a beautiful place. Happy Birthday, daughter.

48. I will fight the toughest opponents just to put a smile on your face. Happy Birthday, my bundle of delight.

49. Time seems to go by so fast when you’re having the best life, doesn’t it? It seems just like yesterday when I adopted you. Now, I cannot get enough of you. Happy Birthday, baby.

50. I pray that God will remain gracious to you, and continue to bless you. He will continue to make all things concerning you beautiful. Happy Birthday, darling.

My sweet adopted child. Today, my prayer for you is that your light will shine so bright forever. You will grow to be a beacon of hope, a ray of sunshine, a blessing. Happy Birthday, my sweet child. I love you, darling. Enjoy a blessed year. Cheers!

51. I pray that as you go on in life, you will not experience evil, and only success will be yours all the day of your life. Happy Birthday, daughter. Enjoy the best of life.

52. The sky is your starting point. I want you to realize that you are special, unique, gorgeous and elegant. Happy Birthday, my dear daughter. Have a fun-filled day.

53. With your birthday here already, my weeks of preparation can finally come to an end. Enjoy your day, and the gifts. Happy, happy birthday.

54. May today be a memorable day and be filled with much happiness for you. Happy Birthday, my daughter.

55. I used to wish you would never grow up, but I guess that’s inevitable. Yet, I am proud of who you have grown up to be. Happy Birthday, dear.

56. I remember when you were going off to high school, and I didn’t have any idea how I was going to cope. It just shows how much I love you. Happy Birthday, daughter.

57. On your birthday, I wish for you that you’d go on to greater heights, and do greater things from here on. Happy Birthday, darling.

58. Hearing you talk to me about all the things you hope to achieve, on this special day of yours, I can only pray that all your dreams will be achieved. Happy birthday my cake monster.

59. Being your parent opened one of the most meaningful chapters of my life and opened my eyes to a lot. Thank you for being here. Happy Birthday, darling daughter.

60. My choices, thoughts, and plans will always revolve around you because you stole my heart a long time ago. Happy Birthday, my precious gift.

61. They say angels are the best gifts, but I think you’re even better than an angel. I pray you have the strength to overcome everything that tries to bring you down, and every obstacle on your way. Happy Birthday, dear daughter.

62. Happy birthday to the true boss lady. May all your wishes be granted. Cheers to a great year for you, baby!

63. Raising you will always be a highlight of my life. Raising such a perfect daughter, I don’t know how I did it. Happy Birthday, darling.

64. Sometimes, I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you because you have been the most encouraging daughter ever. Happy Birthday to you today.

65. Your smile can melt all the sadness in the world away. Keep that smile on, baby girl. You will have more reasons to smile. Happy Birthday, dear.

66. Today is cheers to more adventures, even though I might not be able to go on all with you. Happy Birthday to my daughter with the energy.

67. Today is one of the many days you can make any request you want to make. Make sure to make the best of it. Happy Birthday, darling.

68. Happy Birthday, princess! Today, you can have as much cake as you want. Eat as much as you want to. It’s your day.

69. As my daughter, I am more than confident that you will do better and greater things than I have done. Thank you for taking an example. Happy Birthday.

70. I know you’d never want today to end, so don’t worry, princess. You can enjoy your birthday for as long as you want. Happy Birthday.

71. I remember when you used to come to me to complain about the things happening to you in school. Now, you’re really grown, and I want it to be like that forever. Happy Birthday, my daughter.

72. Oh, if I could stand on the top of a mountain and let the whole world know what an amazing daughter you are. Happy Birthday to the best in the world.

73. As you grow older, may you always meet things, people and situations that make you smile. Happy Birthday, diamond.

74. Your toys, dolls, and after-effects of your creations are still keeping the house warm and lively for you. Happy Birthday, sunshine.

75. You have made our house into a home with your blissful presence, and we are ever grateful. Happy Birthday to you, sweet daughter.

You are so much more than an adopted daughter to me. You are my daughter, true and through. Happy Birthday, my child. Your future is so bright, I feel almost blinded by it. I can’t wait for the world to see you becoming. Happy Birthday, baby.

76. Your heart is so pure and full of good vibes; no person deserves the best life has to offer more than you. Happy Birthday, Queen.

77. I feel really ecstatic today, and it is all for my daughter’s special day. I relish all our memories together. Happy Birthday to you.

78. I join the entire world to wish you a happy birthday, dear daughter. Enjoy this ocean of love and well wishes.

79. I wish you perfect health and better opportunities in life. Happy Birthday, daughter.

80. What amazes me the most is that with how awesome you have grown to be, you aren’t still the best version of yourself. Be the best version of yourself, and never let anyone intimidate you. Happy Birthday, and grow stronger.

81. I have the best gift for you, and it’s still a surprise. Although, it can never compare to you being a gift to me. Happy Birthday, baby.

82. You are a positive influence to me, and everyone around you. Happy Birthday, and enjoy your celebration.

83. My darling daughter, you radiate so much beauty. Like a flower, you will blossom for all to see. Happy Birthday.

84. It is my prayer for you today that you will make a lot of progress in life. You will go forward ever, and never backwards. Happy Birthday.

85. Happy Birthday to the most talented daughter ever. I love you and will always support you.

86. Dear daughter, I hope you are safe and well. Know that I am very proud of you. Happy Birthday.

87. Happy Birthday to our first love. May God bless you richly. Have a great one, my darling!

88. I hope you have a blast on your special day. You are a source of inspiration to me. Happy Birthday, my muse.

89. I hope one day, the world will get to discover, and experience the enormous talent in you, my daughter. Happy Birthday to you.

90. Just keep on being you and having fun. You know I will always be here to support and push you forward. Happy Birthday, daughter.

91. Happy Birthday, daughter. I pray you stand out and more distinguished this new age.

92. I cannot fully express all the love I have for you, but I hope that on this day, you truly enjoy all that you desire. I love you, my daughter. Happy Birthday.

93. Some people are blessed with beauty and some with brains. I am proud to have a daughter who is blessed exceedingly with both. Happy Birthday.

94. When you get this message, I hope it puts the widest smile on your face. I cannot wait to see you overcome the world. Happy Birthday, darling.

95. When you need help with anything or have an issue in life, I want you to remember that you always have people you can run back to. Happy Birthday, daughter.

96. Happy Birthday, the apple of my eyes. I pray our bond grows stronger and stronger. Cheers to your

97. I don’t need a reason or excuse to love you. My love for you is sincere. Happy Birthday, my daughter.

98. To be part of your life, and for accepting me in yours, these are things I will never underrate. Happy Birthday. I bless the day I met you.

99. To put a smile on my face and make me happy is something you effortlessly do. Happy Birthday, mi amor.

100. On this day, I pray you continue to shine brighter and brighter. Happy Birthday, sweetness. God bless you.

Lovely messages we’ve got right here, uh?

Send one or more of these amazing happy birthday wishes for my adopted daughter to your lovely, sweet adopted child.

This is one child who needs to how much you love and cherish her.
She deserves all the love, wishes and quotes you can give to her, especially on a day as special as her birthday.

I wish you both a lasting parent-child relationship!

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