Happy Birthday Wishes Messages for My Friend’s Son

Nothing can be compared to the beauty of pure, unadulterated friendship where you are more than friends to someone else. In this case, you’ve transcended to having a sibling relationship with them such that you take things that happen to them personal because of the things you shared together. So, when it’s their son’s birthday, you have an obligation to take the occasion to heart because your friend’s son is also your son in a way. Sending him birthday messages to reassure him of your love and care and to let him know that you will always be there for him on his big day is a big deal.

Birthday messages come in handy when you need to show devotion, support and love to not only your friend’s son but also to your friend. By wishing their son a happy birthday, you show your friends that they have a shoulder to lean on whenever they need it. Birthdays are not just special for the celebrants only, but for everyone who shares in their joy. It is the perfect occasion to express how grateful you are for having them in your life.

Contrary to popular belief, sometimes, it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg to show your friends that you value them. Wishing their sons well on their birthdays is one of the easiest ways to keep your friendship with them because it’s a sign that you consider them as family. I believe that this is enough reason you need these thoughtful and nice happy birthday wishes messages for my friend’s son. You can either send them directly to the birthday celebrant, or to your friend if you are unable to reach their son directly.

Feel free to choose from any of these happy birthday wishes messages for my friend’s son that I have carefully put together to make your friend son happy on his birthday.

Knowing you all these years has been a huge blessing to my family and me. I love you so much that sometimes, people doubt that you’re my friend’s son, not mine. Today and always, I wish you a prosperous and fulfilled life. Happy birthday, Son.

1. Knowing your son has been a great privilege and it is already clear that he is growing up to become the ideal gentleman that everyone wishes their child to be. I wish your son a happy birthday.

2. You have one of the most amazing kids I know and believe it when I say that you’re one of the luckiest mums. On this occasion of his birthday, I wish your son all the best this new year. Happy birthday to him.

3. Words are not enough to express how happy I am to be able to partake in this birthday celebration with a wonderful child and his equally amazing parents. Let’s raise a glass to your son as he adds a year to his age today.

4. Finding children who have a beautiful rapport with their parents is rare but your son does it so effortlessly. It’s heartwarming to watch and I wish for nothing less than that when I start up my own family. I wish your son a merry birthday celebration.

5. Your little boy is so lovable, humble and adorable. Of course, all credits go to you, his wonderful parents. I wish him a fantastic birthday celebration.

6. Let me take this time out to wish your cute son a happy birthday. My wish for him as he celebrates today is that he finds lasting joy and happiness. Happy birthday to him.

7. Your son is so adorable and I wish him all the joy and happiness that life has to offer, today and forever. Happy birthday to him.

8. Today as always, I proudly join you to celebrate the birth anniversary of your little boy. I wish him a year that is full of beautiful memories and lots of fun.

9. You have done well bringing up such a brilliant and responsible child. I pray that he always gives you reasons to smile and makes you proud. Happy birthday to him.

10. I wish your son who is also my son a beautiful birthday celebration. It has been a pleasure knowing him.

11. May today and the numerous other years of your son’s life be beautiful and magical. I love him just as much as I would my own child. Who wouldn’t? He’s so cute. Say happy birthday to him.

12. You must feel really proud whenever you look at your boy. I’m glad he turned out to be everything you ever prayed for and more. May God bless him abundantly as he adds a year to his age today.

13. Witnessing the bond between you and your son brings happy tears to my eyes most of the time. He’s truly a dream come true. Happy birthday to him.

14. Who wouldn’t be proud of their son was exceptional and wonderful as yours? You have every cause to be proud of him, my dear. Please wish him well for me on this occasion of his birthday and tell him that I love him.

15. Children are precious gifts from God. Well mannered and brilliant ones are highly respected. With this boy, you have it all. Extend my regards to him and wish him a happy birthday for me.

16. Every parent wishes to have the kind of relationship you do with your son. I wish that your child’s life is filled with amazing colours and all the good things of life, today and always. Happy birthday to him.

17. Looking at my godson who is also your son, my heart can’t help but want to burst into joy. Oh! How I love him. I’m so proud of him. Happy birthday to him.

Greetings to you on this special occasion of your birthday, I want to let you know how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I’ve watched you grow over the years and it’s been an amazing journey. I’m glad that you’re my friend’s son and by extension, my son. Happy birthday to you, Boy.

18. Here’s to wishing your son all the excitement and joy that comes with birthday celebrations.

19. It is a day of joy for you as well as myself as OUR son adds a year to his age. I’m proud of the upbringing you gave to him. And I’m proud of him for being receptive to good teachings. Wish him a happy birthday for me.

20. May this special day bring so much love and fun to your amazing little boy as he celebrates his birthday today. Please send him my love.

21. Having such a brilliant and wonderful heir like yours is the dream of every father. Happy birthday to your little one.

22. You are a different child; it’s evident in all that you do and that’s why you had no difficulties becoming my favourite child. You’re my friend’s son, but it doesn’t make you any less of mine. Happy birthday, Son.

23. Here’s to wishing your son a fun-filled birthday celebration. My wish for him is that all his aspirations and dreams will always be within his reach.

24. Greatness lies in your son; he’ll achieve great things in the future. Let’s raise a glass to your prodigy to wish him a very spectacular birthday.

25. Dear champ, I want to wish you a happy birthday. I love you just as much as your parents do and I’ll always be here for you. Make sure you have fun today.

26. You’re so blessed to have a son as wonderful as this. I am proud of you and I’m even more proud of your little boy. I’m wishing him a very blessed and happy birthday today.

27. May this special occasion of your son’s birthday bring you a moment that is worth cherishing for a father and his son. I hope your boy has an absolutely delightful birthday today.

28. A son is significant. An astounding son is special. And I’m glad our son is astounding. Here’s to wishing my friend’s son a happy birthday.

29. I’m so glad that your son is turning a year older today. I wish him all the best in life and hope that he has all the fun he can get today.

30. Dear son, it’s yet another year but this time around, with renewed spirit, grace and heart. You are a son to me too, even if your biological parents are my friends. Happy birthday!

31. You don’t know how lucky I am to know you in this life. You’re going to be great and go places. I’m super proud of you. Happy birthday, my friend’s son.

32. It’s with a heart filled with joy that I celebrate your birthday with you. The gifts are really not anything close to what you’re really worth. Happy birthday, Kiddo.

33. You always stand out positively among your peers. Your parents have really done a good job raising you. Happy Birthday to you my friend’s son.

34. Today and always, I pray that your son brings you joy, happiness and blessings. May God bless and keep him. Happy birthday to him.

Dear Son, I hope my message meets you well. You have come this far and nothing will stop you from going higher. I pray that the Lord will bless, keep and preserve you all the days of your life. Happy birthday, Boy.

35. Things will come to you at their appointed time. You’re a precious child. Happy birthday to you, my friend’s son. May God bless and keep you.

36. Birthdays come only once a year. Make this one count because it’ll definitely be better than all your past birthdays. Have fun today, Son.

37. My prayer for you today is that the angel that has been looking after you all these years will continue to do so without much ado. You’re a special child, my friend’s son. Have yourself a happy birthday.

38. You are so much like your dad when he was your age. You’re just a reflection of his spirit and heart. Have a wonderful birthday celebration, Son.

39. Your father and I have come a long way together. I hope the same thing goes for my son and yourself. You’re my son just as much as he is. Happy birthday, my friend’s son.

40. Happy birthday, Son. The good Lord will preserve your life and keep you in His grace. Amen.

41. A man is made of strength, truth and admirable traits. You have shown all of these and I’m so proud of you. Happy birthday to you, my friend’s son.

42. On this day, may you be reminded to always count your blessings. Have a grateful birthday that’s heavily laden with good things.

43. I pray that this occasion of your birthday becomes a blessing to your life and to the life of everyone around you. Happy birthday!

44. I knew we’d be close pals the moment I took you in my arms. You’re my son as well as my second best friend. Don’t forget to make a wish as you blow out the candles on your birthday cake. Happy birthday!

45. You’re an answered prayer, a special gift from God. My prayer for you today is that you’ll fulfil all that you’ve been destined for. Happy birthday, my friend’s son.

46. Happy Birthday to this charming and well-behaved son of my bosom friend. May God bless you with long life and prosperity. You are blessed.

47. It’s good to have someone like you around to help out with most of the tough projects your dad and I have to work on. We are grateful for your impact, and we love you. Happy birthday!

48. The stars will shine a little bit brighter today all because it’s your birthday. Happy birthday, Son. You’re an amazing kid.

49. You never cease to amaze me with your wealth of knowledge. Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. God bless you abundantly. Happy birthday, my friend’s son.

50. I’m happy about the bond between our families. The relationship between my son and yourself remind me so much of your dad and myself. Thanks for bringing back old memories. Happy birthday!

51. It’s always a delight to watch your display of brilliance and I’m proud that you’re my friend’s son. Happy birthday, Kiddo.

I want to remind you today, just as always, that you are special, exceptional, enough, amazing, wonderful and intelligent. Even though you’re my friend’s son, you’re my son also. I’m sending you lots of love and wishes on this occasion of your birthday. Have a great birthday celebration.

52. Remember that memories last forever even when days fade away. Ensure that this day is filled with the most pleasant memories to last you for a lifetime. Happy birthday!

53. I might not be the richest person on the block, but there’s nothing that I won’t do for you. You’re my son too and I want nothing but the best for you. Have a happy birthday celebration, my friend’s son.

54. I’m privileged to hold you in my arms and watch you grow into this great young man that you are now. You’re a star, my friend’s son, and all you’ll do henceforth is shine. Happy birthday!

55. Happy Birthday to my son who has an outstanding attitude and an excellent spirit. You’ll soar in life, higher than your imaginations. Have a beautiful day.

56. You’re a particularly bright boy, and I wish that the doors of opportunities to help you harness the best form of your gifts open up to you. Happy Birthday to you, my friend’s son. Enjoy your day.

57. Dear son, I wish you well today and always. Happy birthday to you.

58. Having you in my life is a blessing that I never want to take for granted. I wish you a memorable birthday celebration today, my friend’s son.

59. It’s the birthday of my friend’s son and so, only the best is permitted to happen today. Here’s to wishing you all the best things that life has to offer. Happy birthday!

60. In this present society where lack of good character and attitude is the norm, you’ve proven yourself to be a good individual. Keep it up, Son. I’m proud of you. Happy birthday!

61. The event of this day is helping us to spend a great time with a special boy like you. You’ll live long to see many more years. Happy Birthday to you, my friend’s son.

62. Congratulations on the occasion of your birthday, Kiddo. I hope you have a good one.

63. You’re so hungry for success. You’re such a delight to watch. Happy birthday to my friend’s son whose presence always warms my heart.

64. Anyone who knows you should feel very lucky because you are one of a kind. I am happy to be sharing the joy of your birthday. Happy birthday, Kid.

65. You have a lot of potential in you and I hope you make very good use of it, my friend’s son. Happy birthday!

66. I think you’re a very brave boy who stands up to his fears and challenges instead of cowering before them. Keep it up, Kid. Happy birthday!

67. Who wouldn’t love to associate with you? You’re bright, outspoken and outstanding. Happy birthday to you, my friend’s son.

68. You’re an exceptional child. Everyone has something good to say about you. I hope you remain focused. Happy birthday, Kiddo.

My greatest birthday wish for you on this occasion of your birthday is that you experience a life that’s filled with great memories, good people and love. Happy birthday, my best friend’s son.

69. You are a perfect ambassador of love and humanity is in appreciation of your good deeds. I wish you a memorable birthday celebration. Happy birthday!

70. Birthdays are the opportunities we get to celebrate young achievers such as you. It is your time turn to be extraordinary and you’re doing it just well. Happy birthday, Son.

71. There are a thousand and one reasons why I am happy to witness yet another birthday of yours. Your type is rare and I appreciate you. Happy birthday, my friend’s son.

72. My friend and I are delighted that you are turning a year older today because you are a reliable source of happiness. You are worth celebrating. Happy birthday to my friend’s son.

73. I am grateful to God for blessing my friend with such a brilliant and amazing son. Congratulations on adding another year today.

74. You constantly raise the bar and set the standard for other male children. Thank you for being a good son to my friend. Happy birthday!

75. You deserve all the spotlight and attention of today because it is your birthday and you have worked very hard to get here. Happy Birthday to you, my friend’s son.

76. You have grown into our answered prayer; all that we ever prayed for you to become. Words can’t express how proud my friend and I are of you. Happy birthday, Son.

77. As you add another year to your age today, may all your expectations never be cut short. All your good heart desires will be made manifest. You keep making your Dad, my friend proud. Happy birthday!

78. I hope you grow up to be far greater than your parents. Happy birthday to you, my friend’s son.

79. I foresee a brighter future for you if you learn to be content with what you have. Happy birthday, Kiddo.

80. Right from the time of your birth till now, you have constantly been a source of joy to us. Thank you for being a good son to my friend, and to me too. Happy birthday, Son.

81. Happy Birthday to you, my dear friend’s son. I owe you the responsibility of a co-parent if not for anything else, but because your mum is my close friend. Have a good celebration.

82. Everyone can see that your mum handed down the attributes of a good leader to you. It’s already manifesting in the little things you do. Keep winning, champ. Happy birthday!

83. You’ll be a father someday, and then, you’ll understand why your parents are so elated on this special occasion of your birthday. You’re a big blessing to us. Happy birthday!

84. You’re a great man. Great people aren’t just born, they are made. Happy birthday to you, my friend’s son.

85. Here’s to the beginning of a new chapter of your life that’s about to be lived well. Hearty cheers on your birthday, my friend’s son who is also my son.

The Lord will bless you on the occasion of your birthday today, and all the days of your life. May you find comfort in His presence and stick to the path of His shining light always. Wishing you all the best in life. Happy birthday, my friend’s son.

86. You may be just one person to the world but to us, you’re the world. We are privileged to be celebrating this special day of yours with you today. Happy birthday, Kiddo.

87. You came into this world and stole not just the hearts of your parents, but also our hearts. You’re too cute and adorable to be ignored. Happy birthday, Son.

88. Happy birthday to my friend’s son who I love just like my own. Your hugs are warm, and you have a sweet smile.

89. I’m humbled by the opportunity to witness the beginning of a great man. Happy birthday to a great man in the making. I know you will do exploits.

90. They say that we learn every day. I hope that each new day gives you a lesson that’s profitable to you. Happy birthday, Son.

91. I adore your very existence. You are loved and appreciated beyond your imaginations. Have yourself a happy birthday, the son of my dear friend.

92. Once the strength to go for them is available, all your wishes and dreams can come true. I wish you great strength to turn your dreams into reality. Happy birthday!

93. Birthdays come only once every year. None of your past years will be better than this new age. Forward ever is the slogan. Happy birthday!

94. A wise man once said that wisdom is measured not by the number of years but by the number of knowledge and experience acquired and applied. You are wise in every sense of the word. Happy birthday, boy.

95. It’s yet another time to close your eyes, make a wish and blow out the candles on your birthday cake. Make it count. Happy birthday, my friend’s son.

96. When you are diligent in your ways, you shall stand before kings. Apply this in your daily endeavours and you’ll be on your way to greatness. Happy birthday, Kid.

97. You have always been a valuable child, impacting value wherever you go. Keep it up, Son. Happy birthday!

98. You are unique. Savour this moment because you are the youngest you’ll ever be and the oldest you’ve ever been. Happy birthday to you, my friend’s son.

99. You have brought so much goodwill into our lives and we value you. I wish you have the best birthday celebration today. Happy birthday!

100. You’re so lovable and adorable. What’s there not to love about you? Happy birthday to you, my friend’s son.

A good way of showing people that you love and care for them is by remembering them and appreciating them on their birthdays. Your friends who have sons are not exceptions to this rule. I’m sure that you care for their sons as though they were yours. It’s important to know that it counts to celebrate their birthdays with them.

One of the better ways to do that is by sending them nice birthday messages apart from other gifts that you can shower on them. Sending messages have always proven to be a good way to express yourself. In addition, your words are mostly not lost out on the recipients of the messages.

So, it doesn’t matter the age of your friend’s son. Spice up his birthday with one or more of the happy birthday wishes messages for my friend’s son above and you will not regret it. Do not forget to share with your friends and please, leave a comment below.

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