Happy Mothers Day to My Ex-Wife Quotes

Mother’s Day is important to honour the women who have helped raise you, whether your mother or even your children’s mother. But what about the woman who wasn’t there? The woman who has provided so much love and support for you as an ex-wife would?

If your ex-wife is a mother already, then Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate the mother of your children and the woman who has always been there for you. You might no longer be together, but that doesn’t mean you can’t acknowledge her on this special day.

She deserves to have a great Mother’s Day because she is a great mother. It takes a strong woman to raise children, and she has shown nothing but strength over the years. So, if you’re the type of person who can’t let go of past relationships, there is no better time than Mother’s Day to reach out and say hello.

These happy mothers day to my ex-wife quotes are perfect for wishing her a great day. The two of you may have had your differences in the past, but one thing you have in common now is that you love your kids with all of your hearts. Enjoy!

Happy mothers day to my ex-wife. The day I met you, the first moment I laid my eyes on you, was like love at first sight. But sadly, it was not meant to be. I’m glad you’re still enjoying taking care of our kids for us.

1. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife! You’ve always been there for me, your love is unconditional. It seems like we were just married and now, we’re already divorced.

2. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; your motherly ways have always lifted me. My life has bloomed with all your love; little did I realize how deeply you cared.

3. As I look at the photo of us, I can feel the sadness of what could have been, but instead, I still feel the sadness of love lost. Happy mothers day, dear.

4. Happy mother’s day to my ex-wife, I wish that we’d never got divorced, but life goes on, to better times, one that I wish for.

5. Happy mothers day to my ex-wife. Though you’re no longer here with me, you’ve been with me always, and I’ll always be thinking of how you’ve cared for our kids.

6. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; you were the best thing that ever happened to me. You taught me true happiness and showed me how to live.

7. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife, for breaking my heart, but most of all, for making me the man I am today.

8. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife for everything you have been to me. Your love, your friendship, and your forgiveness, even though you are the reason I’m divorced.

9. Happy Mother’s day to you, even though you left my life. I still cherish the years we spent together and look forward to many more in the future through our kids.

10. Happy Mother’s day; I deeply regret the day you left us behind. You stole my once happy life and took my heart. I long to see you again, but I know I’ll never see you again.

11. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; wherever she is, I send my love, hoping she is happy, I gave her my heart, and today, it’s her turn!

12. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; your smile and personality made me fall in love with you. But your ambitions were the reason that our divorce happened.

13. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife. May your love for me never die, although you were once in my life, now you will never be.

15. Happy Mother’s Day to my ex-wife; I wish you that your days will be filled with love, happiness, and peace.

16. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; please don’t think that our paths won’t cross ever again; I know for a fact that you’ll always be missed.

17. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife. You were my whole world. We had our ups and downs, and our marriage didn’t last, but our love did.

18. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; you’ve shown me what love is with your undying devotion. You’ve taught me what true love is, and I miss the excitement that your love has brought me.

19. Happy Mother’s Day to my ex-wife. I wish you were here with me and wish you could have known how great I was as a husband instead of taking me for granted.

20. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. So please take a moment to remember all of the joys and strife that brought us to today.

21. They say time heals all wounds, yet I still feel the same pain. Happy mothers day to my ex-wife; I only wish I could visit your face to hug you for how well you’ve raised our kids.

22. You have left me, but in my heart, I will always have an undying love for you and your wonderful memories. Thanks for being an amazing mother though.

23. Happy Mother’s Day to my ex-wife; you needed a divorce, and now you’re remarried and have a new child.

24. Happy Mother’s day to the woman who ruined our marriage. Why you had to go, I never understood.

25. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife, I know you’re a mom now, but I’m happy that you’re not mine.

26. It’s that time of year again, the day we split though you’ll never agree that I’m meant to be with you. I wish you were still here. But I know this pain that I’ve carried alone.

27. You gave my heart a little pain, but you gave my life a greater joy, thank you, dear, for being the perfect ex-wife.

28. I hope you’re having a fine day, seeing the flowers bloom and the warm sun setting behind, just thinking of you, makes me smile. Happy Mother’s day.

29. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; today, I’m thinking of you. You are still in my life and have more love in my heart than I have had in my entire life.

30. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife, may your day be filled with peace and love. Wishing you a wonderful day.

31. Ex-wife, the sweetest woman that I have ever known. You were always my rock, my support, my everything in life. I wish you a happy Mother’s day.

32. To my ex-wife, happy Mother’s day. May this day be filled with joy, thank you for always being there.

33. Dear ex-wife, happy Mother’s day to you; this has been the hardest day for me since you left me.

34. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; a smile comes to your face, and a tear comes to my eyes. Knowing you are safe and at peace, we are happily apart.

35. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; if I still owned you, I would still marry you. You made me the happiest man alive.

36. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; I loved you with all I had; did I tell you how much I loved you? You have taught me the meaning of friendship and warmth from my heart. Thank you for everything you’ve done.

37. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife, I hope you have a wonderful day because it’s time to forget the past.

38. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife. Happy mother’s day to my ex-wife, happy mother’s day to my ex-wife, happy mother’s day to my ex-wife, happy mother’s day to my ex-wife.

39. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; 20 years have passed; you are such a sweet person, always there with a smile; wishing you were here by my side,

40. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; you gave me something I can never repay, the love that shone through your eyes. A love that makes me cherish every moment more than I’ll ever be able to say.

41. I used to love my wife; now she’s gone, and I know she’s angry, but I can’t help it. Happy Mother’s day, dear.

42. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; your beauty is still as bright as ever. Love only grows with distance, but memories last forever.

43. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife. I love you so much. Happy mother’s day, may your joy never fade.

44. Happy Mother’s Day to my ex-wife, my dear one; I wish you were here to wash my tears away, I wish you were here to make my pain go away, but you’re not.

45. Happy Mother’s Day to my ex-wife; you gave me an adorable son, a gorgeous daughter and a loving husband.

46. My ex-wife, your beauty shines so brightly, the eyes that I once saw are no longer mine, so I wish you a happy Mother’s day.

47. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife; so happy you’ve left me to be, now forever someone else without you my heart would never know.

48. Happy Mother’s Day to my ex-wife, for it was you who taught me what love meant. I love you for the memories we’ve shared.

49. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife. I hope you are smiling, and we’ll do this again next year.

50. Happy Mother’s day to my ex-wife. Your love was so strong and yet, so brief.

In conclusion, Mother’s day is a special time to show appreciation for your mother, but it’s also a good time for you to get in touch with your ex-wife, which might be healthy for you and your ex-wife.

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