Happy New Month Messages to Bae for October 2022

Have you ever wondered why some persons find it difficult to rejoice on special occasions like a new month and the likes? One of the factors could be because their loved ones are in some sorts of situation. Whatever happens to our loved ones has a long way to go in determining our happiness.

If the situations of our loved ones could affect our joy, what more the special one we have emotional feelings for. Seeing a new month is a thing of joy, but the joy becomes complete when we see our Bae happy in the new month. A Bae is simply the one that is Before anyone else in your life which could be your husband, wife, fiancé, fiancée, boyfriend and girlfriend.

What a feeling to wake up to a new month with the hope of having pleasant moments with them in good health and a sound mind. This is the type of feeling a lover is entitled to every new month.

One of the things this feeling does is to trigger you to make the month beautiful for your Bae. You would want to express your feelings to them a new and wish them the very best just as you are about to do now, but you don’t need to rack your brain to do this. Here is the sweetest collection of happy new month messages to bae for you to freely copy and paste.

Be the first to use these happy new months for your Bae in October 2022 and beyond.

Let your lover start the new month with the best of feelings there is with these happy new month messages and wishes for bae. Your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, needs these inspiring happy new month wishes, messages, greetings, blessings quotes and prayers for Bae.

1. As Seconds progress to Hours, Hours to Days, Days to Weeks, Weeks to a Month, I realise I don’t need to search for the perfect words to usher you into this new dawn because, with you, everything becomes perfect. Happy New Month, my Bae.

2. Everything in me becomes elated when I see my beautiful wife becomes more appealing as days go by. Welcome to a new month, my Bae like no other.

3. Every moment of joy I have is not as a result of any other thing, but the fact that I have an unending spring of Joy, as you. I can’t heart you less, my pain killer. Happy New Month to you, blessed Bae.

4. Today is a day God has made for me to reassure you of how much I love you. I promise to be your soothing shoulders every day of this month. Have a splendid New Month, my Bae.

5. Being with a priceless gem like you every day of this month is a rare privilege I will forever treasure. Let’s make this a sweet memory, Hubby. Happy New Month to you, Bae.

6. Is there one thing I cherish most? Yes! It’s waking up in your alms every morning. Thank you for making it to this peculiar month, Wifie. I wish you the best of this Month, Bae.

7. Here is my to-do list for this month: I want to hold you; I want to kiss you; I want to make you happier than ever. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

8. No matter how frequent time changes, there is one thing that won’t change, that is my allegiance to love you. Enjoy much love this new month, my Bae.

9. Some people say love is a scam, but you have proven them wrong by showing me the true definition of love. I am proud to call you my boyfriend. Welcome to a new month, Bae.

10. Why would I go left when you are my, “Right”? Why would I go down when you are my, ” up”? With you, I feel complete. Let’s stroll this new month together, my forever Bae.

11. All thanks to God we are in this new month together. May we never find negative reasons to be apart. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

12. I need not bother myself about this month being good because having you in my life is the best thing this month can offer me. Welcome to a new month Bae.

13. Silver and Gold, I have not; all I have is a rare treasure who is my source of inspiration, and that is you, my perfect mate. I usher you into this beautiful new month, Bae.

14. Nothing can change the fact that the heavens have chosen you, not just as my girlfriend, but as everything I need to be joyous this new month. Happy New Month, my Bae.

15. I am happy, not for many reasons, but one reason, which is you being with me again in this new month. You are just the perfect match for me. Have a glorious day, Bae.

16. Knowing you is a course I don’t want to finish because the more I know you, the more I know peace in its true essence. I know, with you, this month will be super peaceful. Happy New Month, my Bae.

17. My heart rubber, it is my prayer today that God bless you and cause you to find multiple ways where it seems there is no way. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

18. My sweetheart, I want you to know today that there are three persons I can’t do without this new month; they are You, You, and Yourself. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

19. Have you seen a King without a kingdom? He is not different from a commoner. That is what I am without you this month. I miss you so much. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

20. My joy knows no bound because I am spending this month with my PPA. Want to know what it means? Perfect Partner Forever, that’s who you are, Hubby. Welcome to a new month, Bae.

21. One person I need more this month is you because I was diagnosed of over-happiness, and the remedy is to get more happiness. Welcome to a new Month, my Happiness.

22. I love you, I need you, I want you, I cherish you, I heart you; words have failed to express my feelings because what I feel for you is far beyond words. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

23. The stage is set; colourful lights, dazzling ribbons, a floor tarred with gold, an atmosphere filled with breathe taking perfume. This is what happens in my heart when I see us together every month. Happy New Month, my Bae.

24. No matter how hopeful a month seems to be, if you are not with me, I will be hopeless. Thanks for being here, Wifie. Happy New Month, Bae.

25. Another time has come for me to specially tell you how much something right inside of me beats helplessly for you. It’s a new moon, Angel! Happy New Month, Bae.

26. It’s quite unfortunately fortunate that I found you; unfortunate in the sense that strange women have lost me, fortunate in the sense that I am with you, the most amazing wife in the world. Welcome to this new month with me, Bae.

27. All I have achieved today is not as a result of my abilities; it’s because I have a great success trigger as you in my life. I am sure of more breakthrough with you this month. Happy New Month, my Bae.

28. People asked me the reason behind my glow, and I kept wondering why I wouldn’t glow when I have a Morning light as my husband. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

29. My treasure, I am so addicted to you that I want to be with you every second, and I am so glad because I will have you to myself this month. Welcome to a beautiful new month, Bae.

30. Happy New Month to you, my everyday husband! The thought of you coming home this month has left nothing but an unspeakable joy in my heart. I can’t wait to enjoy every day of this month with you. Love you, Bae.

31. These are my sincere prayers for myself this month: I pray that I will love you more; I pray that I will do everything to make you happy. So help me God. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

32. This new month, an Angel offered me wealth, but I rejected it and begged him to keep you in good health and a sound mind because when I have you, I have wealth. Here is an awesome month for you, Bae.

33. I woke up with an indescribable Joy. I wondered what it’s all about, and then remembered it’s a new month, the month of our anniversary. Thank God we are alive to witness this. Welcome to our month of blessing, Bae.

34. My best before anyone else, it’s my pleasure to seize this opportunity to let you know how much I cherish the moments we share. Boyfriend with no rival. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

35. Happy New Month, my Bae. May you be singled out for good this month. It’s your month of abundance. Go ahead and prosper!

36. “Let’s talk about love”… It’s not just a song to me, but a reality because I get loads of love from you every month, and this month is not going to be an exemption. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

37. My pretty girlfriend, I pray that our love rekindles as this new month sets in. Heart you big, dear. Happy New Month, my Bae.

38. Babe, I want us to make new and sweet memories as we journey into this month together. It’s gonna be fulfilled. It’s a happy new month, Bae.

39. One job I am applying for this month is the position of a Guardian Angel for just one person, that is you. I want to protect your heart all through the days of this month. Happy New Month, my Bae.

40. I am so addicted to you because I have drunk of your strong wine of love. The only way I can be free is to get more into you. That is my priority this new month. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

41. This new month, I pray for you as your husband. May God bless you with more wisdom, and grant you more grace to be the best wife in the world. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

42. What a blessed month it is! The month I am going to tie the knot with my blessed babe. It’s gonna be a remarkable month for us. Happy New Month to us, Bae.

43. Yeah! It’s a month of double blessings. You have got the new month blessings and your birthday blessings. Let the fun begin, sweetheart. Happy Birthday to you, and Welcome to a new month, Bae.

44. I sent a prayer request to heaven this morning. The first thing on my request is that God should bless you more than ever before in this month. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

45. In this month, we are going to draw Ten Thousand folds of blessings because we are together; one shall draw a Thousand, and two shall draw Ten Thousand. Happy New Month to us, Bae.

46. Happy New Month, my Bae! To me, the only thing that makes a month happy is when I am with you.

47. This piece is for you, the great man behind my smile. The one who is my wedded husband. I will see you prosper in this new month. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

48. Surprise! A new month has come to us with a lot of goodies. We are going to be together as a family, and that guarantees a blessed month for me because you are my blessing. Welcome to a new month, Bae.

49. As I woke up, I thought of what I would do if I have a million mouths. I would use them sing to the world of how much I love you. Much love to you in this new month, Bae.

50. In massive addy to my baby! It’s your Birthday month, sweetheart. As you step into this unique month, may you find favour from God and enjoy every good thing of life. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

51. I always anticipate new months because the more months unfold, the more you reveal different levels of your beauty. Happy New Month to you, Bae.

52. Hope you have got different dance steps. You have to, babe because we are going to have different reasons to jubilate in this month. Here is to a joyous New Month, Bae.

53. I don’t know how people see this month, but all I see are glory days. The least you will become this month is greatness. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

54. Wow! Just like yesterday, and now we are here, the month you are saying goodbye to lecture theatres. Your convocation is going to be a boom! Welcome to a new month, Bae.

55. As I woke up to this new month, what I saw was the breathe taking the figure of a woman walking towards me with a contagious smile. I can’t wait your home coming, sweet wife. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

56. Many months passed by and made no meaning to me because my heart was already set towards this month just because it’s a month I will find the privilege to hold you in my alms again. I miss you, my Husband. Happy New Month, Bae.

57. The uniqueness of a new month always makes me remember how you uniquely caught my heart the first day I met you. I don’t want you to be just my girlfriend, but the great grandmother of my great-grandchildren. Happy New Month, my Bae.

58. It’s a new month, honey. I don’t mind spending every day of this month pleading your forgiveness. Only you can make this month special for me, if only you find a place in your heart to forgive me. Come back to me, dear. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

59. My love, I want you to know that God has decided to take you to greater heights this month, and I am ready to be your ladder. Happy New Month, my forever Bae.

60. My treasured jewel, I may not have many talents, but one talent I am sure I have is loving you and keeping my promises to you. I welcome you into this awesome month, my Bae.

61. Sweetheart, if all men are like you, there wouldn’t be poor people on earth. I am proud to be the wife of an industrious man. I pray that God prospers the work of your hands this month. Happy New Month, my Bae.

62. The best choice I have made in this life is choosing you. I have never regretted it, and I know I won’t find any reason to. Welcome to a beautiful month, Bae.

63. I am happy it’s a new month because everything about us is coming out a new. Happy New Month, special Bae.

64. Babe, enlarge your coast; you are going to have more celebrators this month. God will rain on you blessings that can not be hidden. Blessed month to you, Bae.

65. Here comes another chance for us to step up our love and make things better for us. Happy New Month to us, Bae.

66. It’s another month, another dawn, another opportunity to demonstrate my undying love to you. A lovely month to you, Bae.

67. How I wish I am a good singer, I would sing your name as my lyrics. That is how much I am into you, Sweet. Happy New Month to you my bae

68. Anytime I see you, I get illuminated within because you are the sunshine that has been chosen to lighten my life. I know with you, this month will be brighter. HNM, Bae.

69. My treasure, in this new month, if there is anything you must lose, it would be, “Failure
“, may you not lose anything dear to your heart. Have a successful New Month, Bae.

70. There is one food I eat and never get tired, that is you, my joy. I just can’t get enough of you. I am happy we are going to be together all the days of this month. Happy New Month to us, Bae.

71. To you, an awesome bae, filled with love and compassion, ever caring and beautiful, I shout out a Happy New Month. Enjoy every moment of this month. I love you.

72. Ask me my name and my response will be, I love you. Ask me again, I will say, I cherish you. Again and again, I will say, I want you. You are all I want this month. Happy New Month to you, Bae.

73. Here is my pledge to you this new dawn: everything I do to you will be deeper. I will love you deeper and kiss you deeper because I am deeply in love with you. Welcome to a month of deeper love, Bae.

74. Another name I wish to call you this month is, “my thought”. Babe, you are every component of my thought. I don’t plan to think about you, it just happens naturally. Happy New Month, my Bae.

75. My prince charming, I trust you to decide our steps this month because you are an epitome of wisdom. You are just a perfect soul mate. Happy New Month to us, Bae.

76. May the God who brought us into the new month keep us safe, and strengthen the bond of love between us. Happy New month to us, Bae.

77. I am so glad about the fact that we are ageing together in love, none of us is lost. I thank God for us. Here is to a Happy New Month, my Bae.

78. My playmate, nature has given us another 31 days to explore our love. Let’s enjoy every bit of it. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

79. My one after none, this is another opportunity to thank you for everything you have done for me, for your time and commitment to our love. I can’t thank you enough. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

80. Ever since I let you in my life, I have never felt lonely in my heart. It has been from one ocean of love to another. Thanks for loving me, Bae. A happier new month to you.

81. A beautiful new month to you, Bae. May you live every day of this month with no pains, no worries, no fears and no sickness. Enjoy a perfect heath, dear.

82. My dear, May the failures in the past months be a stepping stone to success this new month. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

83. I have learnt to do many things, but I find it difficult to learn to do without you. Let’s rock this month together. Happy New Month, my Bae.

84. Happy New Month from this side, Bae. As you set out this month, may God guide you and grant you safe trips in all your journeys. I love you big.

85. My sweetheart, I pray for you this day, may God do something remarkable in your life that would make you not forget this month in a jiffy. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

86. Babe, I may not have a full grasp of what is ahead of us this new month, but I am sure God is with us because where there is Love, there is God. Happy New Month to us, Bae

87. Blessed New Month to you, Bae. As the days of this month count upwards, not downwards, may your blessings increase and not decrease. Much love!

88. My dearest, may every of your investment this month be likened to a tree planted by the river side. You will prosper more than ever. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

89. My love for you is deeper than anything deep. It’s going to get deeper even as we set into this month. I wish you a lovely new month, Bae.

90. Never look back to your horrible past because you are going to forget them totally this month as God gives you a sweet present. I wish you a blissful new month, Bae.

91. This new dawn, the sun will shine upon every darkened part of your life, the stars will glow every dim part, and the moon will honour you with its magnificent light because a gem has made it to a new month. Welcome abroad, Bae.

92. If the only thing I can achieve this month is to make you smile, I am of all men most fulfilled. A toast to a new month, Bae.

93. Super wife, you are likened to sight correcting glasses. Without you, I can’t see well. Do me a favour of flexing this month with me. Happy New Month, Bae.

94. Calling you my anchor is an understatement, you are more than what every average husband would be. I heart you big. Happy New Month to you, Bae.

95. Love, as you walk in this new month, may every form of obstacle be levelled before you. Enjoy a peaceful new month, Bae.

96. Bae, may the good Lord bless you with good things this month. Your name shall be mistaken for “blessing’. A blessed new month to you, sweetheart.

97. It is a new month, so will you sing a new song, not alone, but with me. It’s our month of victory. Happy New Month to us, Bae.

98. My dear, it’s the first day of this month. It’s obviously the first day of your success, breakthrough and victory. So shall it be till the end of this month. Have a glorious month ahead, Bae.

99. Most people find it hard to trust. That is not the case with us. I trust you more than I trust myself. I award you the most faithful partner in the universe. Happy New Month to you, my Bae.

100. My perfect match, do you know when I look at you I don’t see wrinkles? I see a beautiful woman. No matter what age does to our appearance, it will never change how my heart sees you. Thanks for ageing with me. Happy New Month, my Bae.

I believe it has been beautiful all the way, and I hope this piece met your expectations. You are free to leave your comments in the comment box. Thanks.

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