Happy New Month Status (October 2022)

A new month serves as a new beginning in the measurement of time just as a new year is a new beginning in the measurement of time. We put up happy new year statuses and send happy new year messages, we can also put up happy new month statuses.

You may want to connect with your audience by posting a new month status that will generate comments or you may only want to register your online presence through a happy new month status. Whichever motive you have, you can get some to fit your motive.

In fact, there are happy new month statuses that can be used for your business pages. They will help you remind your customer of your services indirectly and they can even bring you, new customers.

Go through these thoughtful new month statuses and you can be sure that you will get those that will suit your target audience.

It’s the new month! Share these happy new month status messages with your friends, lover and loved ones. Push them through your WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram captions, or any other social media website of your choice.
Happy new month from me to you!

1. It’s a new month and it’s my prayer that God will make every second, minute, day and week in this month favour us. Happy New Month to my Facebook friends.

2. My new month simple prayer is may all that you do in this new month be productive. Retweet to claim the prayer.

3. A happy new month to you, my virtual friends. May we always have a reason to be grateful and happy all through this month.

4. Happy new month friends and family. This month shall be amazingly productive for every one of us.

5. It’s a new month. I just want to wish you a beautiful month. Happy new month dear.

6. This new month, the Lord will crown our efforts and establish us in our various field, amen. Happy new month.

7. May the Lord may us the head and not the tail. May His face shine on us this year and beyond, amen. Happy new month.

8. It is my new year prayer that our prayers will be answered and our dreams shall come true. God’s blessings shall continue to abound for us even in our new year.

9. As much as I strive to live in holiness, Lord, I ask for Your help this month and beyond. Guide my steps, light my ways. Do not let me walk in the way of perdition. Do not let me fall into temptation I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

10. Good morning to you my darling. It’s a new day as much as it’s a new month. Have a blessed month dearest.

11. It’s the dawn of a new month. A month that shall be great for me and my friends. So, you better be my friend in this space.

12. This month shall be great because we shall do great things. May our light shine brighter like the brightness of the sun. Happy new month friends.

13. To our customers, we say a happy new month. This month, you will unwrap packages of wonderful blessings every single day and your joy shall know no bounds. Have a great month.

14. Let there be light; let there be a joy; let there be peace in the new month and always, amen. Happy new month.

15. May God’s grace be abundant upon your life this month. May joy, favour and peace be yours. Happy new month.

16. For every evil the enemies have planned towards me and my family, we shall receive double joy instead. We will triumph over every enemy. Retweet to claim the prayer.

17. When I woke up in the morning and I remember that today on the first day of another month, all I can say is thank you, Lord. If you are grateful, comment: “Thank you, God”.

18. Dear Lord, as we go through this month, grant us direction. Keep us from needless errors. Let all of our ways be perfect. Happy new month.

19. The world is yet to see the least of all the amazing wonders we are capable of. This month gives us another opportunity to put our potentials to work. May we not fail our generation. Happy new month. Have a splendid month.

20. I trust in your amazing ability to create wonderful things. I see you as a gift to your generation. Yes, you. Go through this month with this consciousness and see the difference it will have on your life and business.

21. As we go through this month, may the favour of God and man envelop us. Throughout this month may blessings and honour line your path, amen. Happy new month.

22. It is my desire that I and every friend of mine become great. In this new month, may we have fresh ideas and refreshing inspiration that will catapult us into greatness. Happy new month everyone.

23. Good morning and happy new month darling. This month I pray for you that all things shall be possible for you. You shall prosper greatly. I’m always rooting for you sweetheart.

24. Last month may not have turned out as planned but that doesn’t mean this month cannot be great. May the new month ushers in great joy. May the new month be a great year for us, amen. Happy new month my darling.

25. I’m positive of great minutes, hours and days in this new month. This month is blessed. Happy new month.

26. The God of protection, I pray for me, my friend and friends reading this post that You will protect us from all forms of evil this month and beyond. May Your hand keep us from evil. May Your Spirit lead us in the way to go. May we never walk in confusion or darkness.

27. I may be speaking to someone out there. Last month may not be a good month for you. Listen, do not let the failures of the past month keep you down. It’s in the past. Here’s to an amazing month of newness and possibilities. Happy new month.

28. This month, let me keep my prayer short and simple. May every of your efforts this month count towards success, amen. Happy new month.

29. A happy new month to my loving darling, the purest of hearts. Your best is yet to come, darling. May you soar this month. Go and prosper dearest.

30. It’s a new day; it’s a new month. New is the hope and new is the opportunity to achieve your goals. May we utilise the opportunities this new month brings, Happy new month everyone.

31. To everyone on my friend list, this broadcast is my prayer to you this month. Your labour this month will be without a sweat. You will enjoy plentiful harvest and your soul will be satisfied.

32. May all your goals for the new month be accomplished. May the month be a great month. These are my new month prayer. Happy new month.

33. This month, excellence will be a distinguishing factor in your life. Your light will shine so bright and all will come to partake of your glory. It shall be exceedingly well with you. Happy new month everyone.

34. To every child of God, I say to you: He that is in you is greater than every challenge or situation that will come your way this month. You have all it takes to overcome. Happy new month brethren.

35. It’s the beginning of a new month. Your hands are capable of greatness so, you will do great things this month. Have a great month.

36. The word of God does not fade and it does not end with last month. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of this month and all the days of your life. No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Happy new month.

37. Dear friend, you will not lack any good thing. You will not suffer hunger. Happy new month my dear friend.

38. Jehovah Jireh, the Lord my provider, I pray that you provide for all of my needs this month. I go into this with sufficient provision. I shall not lack anything good this month and always.

39. It’s been a while friend. I use the opportunity of a new month to connect with you. Nothing you set your mind to do shall be impossible this month. Opportunities shall abound for you and favour shall line your path. Have a great month.

40. Good morning my goddaughter. There is the seed of greatness in you. May this seed of greatness sprout up this month. May the world celebrate you. Have a beautiful month ahead dears.

41. There will always be challenges out there, but know that no matter how tough it gets this month, you will surely triumph. No matter how hard it gets, you will scale through. Success will accompany your endeavours. Have a great month ahead.

42. As the spirit of excellence was in Daniel, this month, may excellence set us apart from the ordinary. We will soar with wings like Eagle. Do have a blessed month ahead.

43. This new month will be a great year for you dear. Have a happy month dear friend.

44. This new month, may you pass every test of faith, may your courage not fail you and may you have the inner strength needed to achieve your goal, amen. Have a goal-achieving month.

45. It is my desire to see you every happiness. I pray that you will never have cause to lose your smile, amen. Happy new month dearest.

46. God, You are the one who gave directions to Joshua at different points of his ministry, I pray that You give me and my family divine directions this month and all the time. Let all things be plain and clear to us. Bless us with your divine wisdom, amen.

47. This new month, the world will celebrate God’s goodness in your life. Your mouth will be filled with testimonies. Have a great month ahead.

48. I pray that God will take your worries, failures and anxieties away from you in this new month. Happy New Month, my good friend.

49. Hi love, wake up and embrace the new month with happiness because this month is our month. We are going to be husband and wife this month. I’m excited. I know that you are excited too.

50. In this new month, may you soar above every failure and disappointment. Happy new month.

51. In this new month and beyond, you shall experience joy unspeakable and abundance of happiness. Happy new month, dear.

52. May God perfect everything that needs to be perfected in your life this new month. Happy new month.

53. You will rise and shine above every shame and disappointment in this new month. You will have cause to rejoice and each of your enemies will be put to shame. Happy new month.

54. Dear Lord, this month and every day of my life let me say only what I should say and do only what I should do. Take control of my speech and actions.

55. This month, you will be a shining light in the midst of this dark world. May your brightness bring hope to the world. Happy new month.

56. I pray that this month, may your destiny helpers find you. May the breakthrough you deserve locate you. Have a great month.

57. I wish that you will have a great month and a splendid month ahead. Happy new month.

58. This month, you will surely smile. Go in your strength this month, backed by the power of the Lord. You will excel and have cause to be thankful. Happy new month.

59. New day, new week, new month, new experiences, new challenges and new goals.

60. I wish you have the best experience so far in life this month and I hope you will achieve all your goals. A happy new month to you.

61. As you step into another month today, I wish you the very best thing and hope you achieve your goals for the new month. Happy new month dear.

62. I wish that this new month will be as beautiful as you are and as beautiful as the radiance of our love. Happy New Month my dearest.

63. Cheers to another wonderful month, and I hope you will enjoy it to the fullest. Happy new month dear.

64. May you experience God’s favour and mercy upon your life this month and always. A happy new month to you.

65. This month and always, may every day bring you bliss, peace of mind and body, and prosperity. Happy new month.

66. I decree and declare that this month shall usher in pleasant surprises for me, family members and friends. May God do wonders in our lives and in our world. Happy new month

67. Dear Lord, I pray that in this new month, please do not let me or any of my friends walk in darkness. Order our steps in Your words. Grant us divine insight into all issues that pertain to my life. Give us the spirit of discernment and let us make decisions based on your leading, amen.

68. I speak abundant provision into this month for me and my friends. We live in the affluence of God and may He lead us by hand into good success this month and always, amen.

69. Shepherd of my soul, I’m willing to be patient as you lead and guide me today. I give you full control of my life. Lead me on to your desired point for my life.

70. This month, Lord, lead me and my family so that we do not fall into the trap of the enemy. Help us to be smarter than him and his devices, amen. Happy new month.

71. This is the month of joy and peace. For me, my family members and my friends. Happy new month everyone.

72. It’s a new month and we need God’s guidance as always. God, please do not allow us to make mistakes or fall into errors. Help us in all of our endeavours, amen. Happy new month everyone.

73. Help me this month oh Lord. Make my ways straight. Let me not walk in a maze. Be my guiding light, amen.

74. I will not walk in darkness this month. Each of my moves will be guided by divine light. I will not make mistakes in Jesus name, amen.

75. Dear Lord, I pray for everyone reading this post, help them to be discerning this month. Grant them unusual insight and understanding in Jesus’ name, amen.

76. May our mind be blessed this month. May our understanding be open. May God be gracious to us and may his excellent spirit rest upon me, amen. Happy new month.

77. Help me Lord, so that as you bless me with great ideas this month, I may be able to execute them and achieve greater success, amen. A happy new month to me.

78. Unusual inspiration, ideas that rule, bless me and my followers with these this month and always, amen.

79. In this beautiful new month, may we be celebrated. May we be promoted and may we be elevated. Happy new month, everyone.

80. Every second of this month, your heart will be filled with joy, every minute will come with gladness, every hour will usher in laughter and every day will count for success. Happy new month, big sis.

81. May this new month be your best yet. You will enjoy all-round blessing and an altogether amazing month. Happy new month.

82. The Lord goes through this month with you. No one dares stand in your way this month. You will crush them like eggshell under your feet. Happy new month.

83. The blessings of last month shall be a child’s play compared to the blessings you will receive this month. By the time this month is over, you will have every reason to be thankful because you will enjoy unprecedented blessings. Happy new month.

84. This month, you will be unstoppable. You will not be conquered and all your prayers will be answered speedily. May the new month be a great one.

85. Every second, minute and day in this new month will count towards your greatness. May all your days be awesome. Have a great month ahead.

86. The outstanding success you will experience this month will make you forget every failure and disappointment of the past. This month will surely be better. Look ahead! Look to greatness! Happy new month.

87. It is my desire to see you move ahead in the new month. Your little will count for much. You will be productive. Have a great month ahead.

88. Every day of this month and beyond, you will unwrap packages upon packages of pleasant surprises. Have a beautiful month ahead dear friend, no one deserves it more than you.

89. Be ready, because this month is your month of great harvest. This month is also your month to see the result of your hard work in the past. Have a great month ahead.

90. You have been made the light of the world. I pray that your light shall shine brightly this month. May the brightness of your glory blind your enemies. Have a super month ahead.

91. You have been loaded with God’s grace and mercy. May theses come to fore in your life. May each of your gifts shall manifest amazingly this month. Go show the world the stuff you’re made of. Happy new month.

92. This new month, may you be gifted with unusual insight, wisdom and understanding. God will grant you discernment to make the right decisions. Happy new month.

93. This month shall be a month of multiple celebrations. May you be celebrated beyond the efforts you put in this month. Have a great month ahead.

94. May all your endeavours yield good success and none of your efforts will be wasted. This is my new month prayer. Have a great month ahead.

95. This new month, you will lend to many nations and borrow from none. Your basket will overflow with goodness. It is the word of the Lord and it shall be so. Happy new month.

96. It is a new month and God is about to do great things. This new month, you will be blessed with blessings from above. The kind that will surprise your enemies. Happy new month everyone.

97. As you step into another month today, I wish you all your heart desires. Have a great month.

98. I wish that this new month shall be greater than all the months you have lived all together. Your light shall shine like the brightness of the morning. Happy new month.

99. It’s the beginning of another wonderful month, and I hope you will have every reason to be happy in it. Happy new month.

100. We had several new clients last month and we hope for more this new month. As we keep expanding, we pray that you will also go higher and higher. A happy new month from all of us.

I know that you have seen more than one post you really like. Let me tell you this: you may choose to schedule some on your media handles for the coming months. So, you will not need to worry about the new month post for subsequent months.

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