Happy Retirement Wishes for Father

Saying bye to active service is actually a big thing, a really big and happy thing for a man/woman, so it’s safe to say a big thing is happening or about to happen in your father’s life.

You send birthday wishes to him every year, right? You may only have now to send retirement wishes to him. So I think you should send a very good one or as many beautiful ones as you can. And guess what you’ll find on this page? So many creative and lovely retirement wishes and quotes.

And, yeah, getting some really beautiful retirement gifts for your dad is something I am in support of.

I see retirement, and a lot of other life events, as opportunities to spread love to your loved ones. You may want to adopt this too, and send to your father wishes and gifts that will make him feel some love. The wishes here will definitely make your father feel loved.

This is the point where I stop talking and allow you to explore this world of beautiful happy retirement wishes for father and to choose one for Him.

Clearly, you did not bring me to this world to not make me proud. And while retirement sounds beautiful, trust me, you not retiring from being my dad sounds beautiful on a different level! Retirement, please, be sweet for him. Happy retirement to the best dad in the world.

1. Note to history: you see that the best dad ever is also the cutest retiree ever? Happy retirement, dad

2. I would buy you a pair of shoes the size of that you’re leaving behind in your company as you retire, as a retirement gift, but it’s not in the market. Thanks for making us proud. Happy retirement, dad.

3. Welcome to life as my favourite person among everyone that ever retired. Happy retirement to my lovely dad.

4. How you went about your job made me happy. But what makes me happier is that you’ll never retire as my father. Happy retirement to my sweet dad.

5. Note to life after retirement: my dad is a big gift to the world, so handle him with care. Happy retirement to the best dad ever.

6. I’m glad you’re retiring from work. And I’m glad you’ll never retire from one of God’s gifts to the world. Happy retirement, my lovely dad.

7. Enjoy your day, knowing that Jesus did not die for life after retirement to not be beautiful for you. Happy retirement to my dad.

8. To me, your industry was YouTube, and you were the videos — a very important part of it. Happy retirement, daddy.

9. I want to give you a happy retirement playlist, and I want God to give you a beautiful life after retirement. Happy retirement, daddy.

10. Did you ask your industry, and it said you are not more useful to it than knobs are to doors? Happy retirement to the best dad ever.

11. Who would have thought that you’ll still be a ten over ten in cuteness at retirement? Happy retirement to my totally amazing dad.

12. And he retired a sweetheart and remained one all the days Earth saw him. Happy retirement to the loveliest dad ever.

13. Dear retirement, say hello to a man that brings pride and happiness to his family. Happy retirement, dad.

14. No one goes about life conscious of having a favourite among everyone that ever retired, but I do, and you are that favourite. Happy retirement, dad.

15. Welcome to the world you see when you look outside work’s windows, a world that couldn’t wait to have you. Happy retirement, dad.

16. Now that you’ve met retirement, tell him your children see you as a superhero. Happy retirement to my lovely dad.

17. What you are to us is similar to what you are to your industry — irreplaceable! Happy retirement to the best dad in the world.

18. Right now, I don’t care if your industry ever had any man as cute as you. I’m just glad you’ll never retire as my dad. Happy retirement.

19. You’ve left your industry with only one choice, and it’s to be proud of you. Happy retirement, dad.

20. Nothing much to see here. Just a reminder that you’re irreplaceable at home and at work. Happy retirement, daddy.

21. You’re so irreplaceable that even retirement won’t want to lose you to active service. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

22. Right now, I don’t care if you receive a literal pat on the back for being awesome at work. I’m just glad you won’t retire from fatherhood. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

23. I don’t know if you’ll spend less or more on gas from now. But I know that you’re the best dad in the world. Congratulations on your retirement, daddy.

24. What I don’t know is if you’ll watch more TV now. What I know is that you’re a man I’m proud of. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

25. Enjoy your retirement, knowing that failure is the end of any attempt to replace you. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

26. What I don’t know is if you’ll sleep more from now. What I know is that you’re irreplaceable. I’m glad you’ll never retire as my father. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

27. I haven’t seen my dream car in a long while, but I’ve seen enough to say you’re irreplaceable. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

28. Enjoy your retirement, knowing that everything is on the list of things I’ll choose you over. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

29. Picture two lists. One of the things I’ll choose you over, and another of the things that make me proud and happy. Everything is on the first, and you are on the second. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

30. Dear first year of retirement, treat my father as good as he treats me. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

31. Nothing much here. Just the son you call (insert your name) wishing that retirement will treat you as good as you treat me. Congratulations on your retirement, daddy.

32. I don’t have anything against the angel in the shape of my dad getting retired, so congratulations!

33. I have seen enough to say the population of retirees is about to have an angel added to it. Congratulations on your retirement, daddy.

34. Right now, I don’t care about the trends in your industry. I’m just glad that there’s no retirement from being my father for you. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

35. After all said and done, the population of retirees still had an angel — you — added to its population. Congratulations on your retirement, dad.

“Dear retirement, how about every year of you my dad experiences lead him to a sweeter year? That’s just one of my wishes for him. Also, can you treat him more beautifully than he’s ever been treated by any phase of his life? Can you be one of my dad’s best phases? Congratulations on your retirement, dad.”

36. Here’s my congratulations. It’s for my favourite among Earth’s population of retirees, on his retirement. May your retirement wish list become a list of things you have.

37. Dear retirees, welcome this human-skinned angel to your population. Congratulations on your retirement, dad. Blissful days and lovely years are my wishes for you.

38. Who would have thought the cutest retiree ever would be the son of my grandfather? Congratulations on your retirement, the best dad alive. May your days be many and beautiful.

39. Right now, I don’t care if you’ll receive a planet every month as a pension. I’m just glad that you aren’t ever retiring as my father. Congratulations on your retirement, dad. May this phase of your life be sweet.

40. As long as you have a mirror, you can see an angel in the shape of a retiree. Congratulations on your retirement, dad. More prosperity and joy forever are my wishes for you.

41. Last time I checked, which was a minute ago, you’re still a ten over ten in cuteness and the best dad in the world. Happy retirement, dad. May retirement treat you as beautifully as you treat me.

42. You’ve heard a lot, but have you heard that you’re my favourite retiree? Happy retirement, dad. It’s my wish that retirement will be kind to you.

43. Enjoy your retirement, knowing that your blood is flowing in people that are extremely proud of you. Happy retirement, dad. It’s my wish that all the days of your retirement will be lovely.

44. Enjoy your retirement, knowing that no one will ever set eyes on a man who can replace you in my life. Happy retirement, dad. May retirement be beautiful for you.

45. Right now, I don’t care if your colleagues overrated you. I’m just glad that there’s no retirement from being my father for you. Happy retirement, dad. May retirement be sweet for you.

46. What I don’t know is how many people in your industry know your name. What I know is that you made us proud while you worked. Happy retirement, dad. May you enjoy this phase of your life.

47. This is a quick reminder that even angels in human skin can retire. It’s my dad’s retirement! Happy retirement, dad. May this phase of your life be sweet for you.

48. I don’t care if reminding you that you’re the best dad in the world will cost me all my citizenship. I’ll remind you at every chance I get. Happy retirement, the best dad in the world. May retirement be lovely for you.

49. Enjoy your retirement, knowing that you’re a part of many of my happy memories. Happy retirement, my amazing dad. My wishes for you are joy always and so much prosperity.

50. Nothing much to see here. Just a reminder that you’re in a lot of my happy memories and on my list of those who make me proud. Happy retirement, dad. May you enjoy every day you spend in retirement.

51. Note to life: if his blood flows through me, then you should only give him a sweet retirement. It’s my dad’s retirement! Happy retirement, dad. May this phase of life treat you well.

52. Look in the mirror, dad, so you can see a man who’s present in a lot of my happy memories. Happy retirement, dad. It’s my wish that every year ahead of you will treat you well.

53. Today, a creator of happy memories retires, not from creating happy memories but from active service. Happy retirement, dad. May your smiles be genuine and many.

54. Right now, I don’t care if your retirement will make the sun hotter. I’m just glad you’ve gotten something you wished for. Happy retirement, dad. May this retirement lead you into better years.

55. You’re seen more years at work than I’ve seen on Earth, and I’ve seen enough to say you’re the best dad in the world. Happy retirement, dad. May retirement be beautiful for you.

56. I’m here for the angel in the shape of my dad on his retirement. Happy retirement, dad. May retirement be more than amazing for you.

57. I haven’t seen a lot of eclipses, but I’ve seen enough to say you’re irreplaceable to me. I’m glad you can’t retire from being my dad. Happy retirement, dad. May retirement be good to you.

58. I haven’t seen a cloud shaped like a star, but I’ve seen enough to call you the best dad alive. Happy retirement, dad. May this phase of your life be made up of only beautiful days.

59. And at retirement, he was a ten over ten in cuteness. It’s my dad’s retirement! Happy retirement, dad. May your retirement wish list become a list of things you have.

60. If I say the blood of the cutest retiree ever runs in my veins, I mean it. Happy retirement, dad. May this phase of your life treat you as beautifully as you treat me.

61. The feeling of owning every brand in your industry doesn’t compare to the feeling of knowing you will never retire as my dad. Happy retirement, dad. May your retirement years be lovely for you.

62. To a man I need in my life more than rain needs gravity to fall, happy retirement. May you have a beautiful retirement experience.

63. I don’t know if you’ve seen how your retirement will look like in your dreams, but I’ve seen enough to say you deserve a beautiful retirement. Happy retirement, daddy. Beautiful days and happiness forever are my wishes for you.

64. There’s an impossibility I know of. It’s you not being missed at your office and your industry. Happy retirement, dad. Beautiful years and joy only are my wishes for you.

65. You only have one retirement, and it caught us happy with you and proud of you. Happy retirement, dad. Lovely days and so much joy are my wishes for you.

66. For me, it’s that you love me more than you love retirement. Happy retirement, dad. May retirement be very beautiful for you.

67. How can you be the dad I know and not be my favourite retiree? Happy retirement, daddy. May retirement be kind to you.

68. What’s funny is the idea of having a favourite retiree. What’s true is that you’re mine. Happy retirement, daddy. It’s my wish that retirement will be blissful for you.

69. My retirement gift to you is a rent-free space on my mind because you’re always there. Happy retirement, dad. May all the days of this phase of your life be beautiful.

70. To a man who God has in his hands and who I have in many of my happy memories, happy retirement. It’s my wish that retirement will treat you far better than you ever treated anybody.

“Retirement said, “come to papa,” and you did. I hope it takes a look at your wish list and gives you everything you wish for. My wishes for you are many more years, good health, and happiness forever. Happy retirement, papa.”

71. You did not get through many years of active service to not be my favourite retiree. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. May your retirement wishes become things you have.

72. If I could tell every retiree one thing, I’d tell them that an angel in human skin has just been added to their population. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. May your retirement years be sweeter than your years of active service.

73. You made your choice to retire from work. You’re without a choice in retiring from being on my mind. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. It’s my wish that you’ll enjoy all your retirement years.

74. I remember your years of active service as years you spent being a ten over ten in awesomeness. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. Beautiful years and happiness forever are two of my wishes for you.

75. After your journey through active service, you’re now my favourite retiree. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. It’s my wish that retirement will be beautiful for you.

76. If you were not a ten over ten in awesomeness while in active service, then why am I so proud right now? Congratulations on your retirement, papa. May your retirement not bring a less than beautiful year to you.

77. Here’s a thank you. It’s for not allowing work to stop you from being a big part of my life. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. It’s my wish that your retirement wishes will become things you have.

78. You won’t be in your office, but I’m sure you will be in the happy memories of a good number of your colleagues. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. May you keep making yourself proud.

79. Right now, I don’t care if your office makes a statue of you. I’m just glad you have gotten something you wished for. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. Prosperity and joy forever are two of my wishes for you.

80. Right now, I don’t care if anything in your industry was named after you. I’m just glad that you won’t retire as my dad. Congratulations on your retirement, papa. May all your retirement years be beautiful.

81. I have never seen a UFO, but I’ve seen enough to say you deserve a beautiful retirement. Happy retirement, papa. May all your retirement years be lovely for you.

82. If you decide to spend the first year of your retirement taking selfies in different time zones, fine. I’m just glad you won’t retire from being my papa. Happy retirement, papa. May all your retirement days be happy ones.

83. Time asked you to become a retiree. You became my favourite retiree. Happy retirement, papa. It’s my wish that retirement will be a beautiful phase for you.

84. It’s a win for retirement. Its population just increased by one irreplaceable human. Happy retirement, papa. May all your retirement years be lovely for you.

85. Dear retirement, say hi to a man that’s irreplaceable at home and at work. Happy retirement, papa. May you enjoy your retirement period.

86. Did you look at retirement statistics, and it said the population of retirees did not just increase by one amazing father? Happy retirement, papa.

87. I’m glad you had a good job. I’m also glad you were good at your job. Happy retirement, papa.

88. I’m not trading my voice today. I need it to tell you I’m among those who believe you were good at what you did. Happy retirement, papa.

89. The day God stops deserving our respect is the day you stop deserving a beautiful retirement. Happy retirement, papa.

90. If I could only say things as I see them, I’ll still say you’re irreplaceable to everyone you worked with and your family. Happy retirement, papa.

91. I could sing that you’re my favourite retiree all day. Try me. Happy retirement, papa.

92. Ask everyone who agrees that you were good at your job for a dollar, and you’ll receive some from heaven. Happy retirement, papa.

93. God will definitely send a dollar if everyone you made proud while working was to send a dollar. Happy retirement, papa.

94. At work, you were a cake of awesomeness, iced with human skin. At home, you were the same. Happy retirement, papa.

95. You were not dull at work or at home. Maybe a doll of cute human skin stuffed with awesomeness, but not dull. Happy retirement, papa.

96. You know what they say about stars coming and going? Your industry just experienced it. Happy retirement, papa.

97. It’s cool that your years of active service are gone. What’s cooler is that your years of being our father are still many. Happy retirement, papa.

98. Want to get a dollar from me and from heaven? Ask everyone that’s proud of you to send you one. Happy retirement, papa.

99. I can’t tell which stars no longer appear in the sky, but I can tell which ones will no longer appear at work anymore, and you are one of them. Happy retirement, papa.

100. Five is not my favourite number. Stars are not my favourite shapes. But if you ask me to rate how good you were at your job, I’ll give you five stars. Happy retirement.

I’m sure you’re like David now, with a note, your phone, or a retirement card as your sling and these wishes and quotes as your stones. Go on and shoot your preferred stones at your father. I’m happy I could provide you with these.

There’s a good chance you’ll save yourself some time surfing around the internet for the best of content similar to this if you’ll just surf around this blog a little. There’s a lot in here for you.

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