Harvard MBA Cost for Intending Students

– Harvard MBA Cost –

Harvard is one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Getting into Harvard Business School is indeed a great achievement and earning your degree at this school is something to be extremely proud of. But the Harvard MBA cost alone may deter students from getting their degree altogether.

About Harvard Business School

Harvard Institution is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, founded in 1636. It does, however, have approximately 6,800 undergraduate and 14,000 postgraduate students.

Harvard is also the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Because of its history, influence, riches, and academic reputation, it is one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Harvard Business School, founded in 1908, is Harvard University’s graduate business school. Boston, Massachusetts is the location.

It is consistently ranked among the world’s best schools and offers a substantial full-time MBA program, management-related doctoral programs, and many executive education programs.

HBS has 2,011 student numbers. In addition, U.S. News & World Report ranked it tied for third in the country and the Financial Times ranked it first in the world (2021).

What is a Harvard MBA?

The Harvard Business School offers a variety of business programs to students who have excelled academically, persevered, and distinguished themselves from their peers.

And, of course, those who wish to pursue a career in business.

An MBA, or Master of Business Administration, is one of the academic degrees provided by Harvard Business School.

This is a “two-year, full-time residential program with a focus on real-world practice,” according to Harvard, where students can join together to harness the strength, skills, and confidence needed to battle global crises.

In the Harvard MBA program, you’ll focus on six principles that make this program — and school — stand out from others:

1. Global Intelligence

2. Learning in Practice

3. Entrepreneurship & Innovation

4. Residential Learning Community

5. Alumni Relationships

6. Publications & Resources

How to Get into Harvard Business School

offers one of the world’s most prominent MBA programs. As a result, getting into Harvard MBA requires a significant amount of effort, and it’s critical to understand what the Harvard committee looks for in applicants.

We’ll go over some steps that can help you get into Harvard Business School to help you understand.

Start Research Early

Begin your research at least a year before your application deadline. The deadline for Round 1 applications for the HBS MBA class of 2022 is September 4, while the deadline for Round 2 applications is January 6. I would recommend applying during the first round.

Well, there are 2 types of research that you’ll have to do

1. External Research

2. Internal Research

NOTE: HBS blows a very high median of 730 for its latest incoming class. Therefore, it’s really important to score above the median score for a successful HBS MBA application.

Research External Factors

HBS Website Research: Begin your external research by visiting the Harvard Business School website.

Do some research on the program you want to apply for (2- year MBA, executive program, HBX, Doctoral programs).

Examine their MBA program’s statistics and figures, alumni, research, and campus and culture.

LinkedIn Research: Examine the profiles of those who have been accepted to Harvard Business School.

There’s a chance you don’t feel as fulfilled as those people do. That’s because they’ve done a better job of displaying their profile than the majority of others.

However, even if you stumble upon profiles of extraordinary individuals, just aspire to be better than them. It’s never too late to start.

Research Internal Factors

I mean introspection when I say “researching internal elements.” You’ll have enough data to compare yourself against once you’ve completed your external study.

Work on the gaps in your application

Changeable vs. Unchangeable Evaluation Factors: Different aspects in the MBA application process may not be under your control right now (GPA/brand, employer’s for example), but the next 56 percent is – GMAT, essays, interview, and reference letters.

You should focus on putting your best foot forward as far as these aspects are concerned. Also note:

1. Analyzing gaps in your application will tell you which areas to focus on.

2. List factors as changeable and unchangeable.

3. Work on factors that you can still control. Those factors have a 56% weight in your application.

Prepare and Ace the GMAT

In your application, your GMAT score carries a 22 percent weighting (16 percent for total GMAT score + 6 percent for GMAT quant score).

To attain a 740+ score, most students will need three months of preparation time.

Also, aim for a score that is at least 20 points higher than the of your preferred B-entering school’s class.

You should aim for a GMAT score of 750 for HBS, which is around 20 points higher than the average GMAT score of last year’s class of 731.

Note: Aim for a GMAT score that is 20+ points more than the average GMAT of the last incoming batch.

For Harvard Business School, aim for a GMAT score of 750+

Apply to Harvard Business School’s (HBS) MBA Program

There are three steps of the application process which are:

Written Application

You need to prepare:

1. Transcripts

2. GMAT/GRE Score

3. TOEFL/ IELTS/ Pearson Test of English (PTE)–Make sure you get a TOEFL score higher than 109 on the iBT, an IELTS score higher than 7.5, or a PTE score higher than 75.

4. Resume

5. Acceptance of policies

6. Fee


After submitting your application, it will be reviewed, and then you may be invited for an interview

Post–Interview Reflection

Submit a written reflection through the online application system of HBS within 24 hours of your interview

How Much Does a Harvard MBA Cost?

Getting into the Harvard MBA program is unquestionably a significant achievement, but the admissions process is only one of many roadblocks that prevent students from graduating with a degree.

That’s because, like many other American higher education institutions, the Harvard alone can be prohibitive.

What exactly are the costs? Let’s break it down.


Important Annual Cost of Attendance Details

The cost of tuition for the Harvard MBA program for the 2020-2021 year is $73,440.

This does not, however, cover the other expenses that must be met in order for someone to live while attending school.

There are other costs to consider, and Harvard does a great job of examining the whole to give students a clearer picture of what they will be responsible for.


In order to be physically present for your classes while attending school (in person), you will need to live near the campus.

There are nine months of classes at Harvard, and students have the option of living on campus for those nine months.

If you live off-campus in your own apartment, though, you’ll have to pay for the extra three months when you’re not in school because most leases are for a full year (12 months).

According to Harvard, the average
monthly cost of rent and utilities is $1,570.

Though living off-campus might occasionally be more cost-effective, you’ll have to do the math to find which option is the most cost-effective.

Of course, attending school online is a simple method to reduce these expenditures (if you already have a place you call home).

Federal Student Aid and Financial Help

Receiving federal student aid is one way to help cover the costs of attending a Harvard MBA program.

Grants, work-study, scholarships, and loans are all possible options.

The qualifications for eligibility and the amount of available to a student are determined by a number of factors.

Gifts from donors and family members, as well as outside sources, are possible.

Health Insurance

Harvard students are required to have health insurance. The HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF) is $1,240 for the 2020-2021 school year, and the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is $3,922 for the 2020-2021 school year.

According to the Harvard website, the SHF is mandated for all students and may not be waived, whereas the SHIP may be waived if you have proof of comparable health coverage.

For instance, some students may still have health insurance through their parents, a spouse, or a job

Cost of Living, Food, and Other Expenses

Students will be required to pay for their living expenses while attending school.

These living expenses, which can include food, clothing, and other items, are estimated to be $15,820 on average for the nine months you’ll be in school.

This does not include the cost of school materials such as a laptop, which can run into thousands of dollars.

Additional Optional Activities

Optional activities that students may desire to take part in while at school are not included in the cost of attendance for the Harvard MBA program.

For example, if you want to travel, volunteer, attend social events or do anything else, you’ll need to figure out how much it will cost and how you’ll pay for it.

Also, keep in mind that the cost of attendance for a Harvard MBA is based on a nine-month program, not a two-year one.

Although the expenses may alter in the following school year, you may expect to pay them again — if not more — in the second year.

Executive MBA Harvard

The Executive MBA is a demanding program that requires complete dedication from its participants.

The academic qualifications, motivation, professional experience, and maturity of each applicant are all factors considered by the admissions committee.

The BI Executive MBA will help you gain a solid foothold in global markets and improve your capacity to make sound strategic decisions.

The BI Executive MBA has four specialties, allowing you to specialize in global management, digitalization, sustainability, or Chinese business.

In addition, each of the four options includes an 18-month program in which you will complete six intensive modules lasting two weeks each.

As a result, the Executive fees at Harvard are approximately $48,000, which includes digital study materials. However, it excludes travel expenses (flights and accommodation).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Does HBS offer a 100% Scholarship to Students?

Yes. It’s need-based so if you have sufficient needs, HBS covers most or all of your tuition.

2. What is the Average Salary of a Harvard MBA Graduate?

The average salary is $158,049. Harvard MBA graduates sign a contract worth an average of $158,049 when they graduate.
Harvard students earn the third-highest beginning pay in the country.

3. How Much does it cost to Pursue MBA in Ivy League University?

Cost of Attendance

Stanford vs. Harvard Cost Stanford Harvard
Tuition $73,062 $73,440
Living Allowance 32,712 15,904
Books and Supplies 1,671 N/A

4. What is the Average Tuition a student pays to study at Harvard?


5. How Much does it cost to pursue an MBA at an Ivy League University?

Ivy League Business School              Average Salary Cost
Harvard Business School $135,000 $2,25,204
Columbia Business School $135,000 $135,000
Wharton Business School $150,000 $2,23,390
Johnson College of Business $131,150               $199,520

6. Is a Harvard MBA worth the Investment?

Although Harvard has one of the highest tuition rates in the country, many students pay significantly less because of a generous financial aid program.
Data suggests that if you can afford it, a degree from this prestigious institution is a fantastic long-term investment.

7. What is the Acceptance Rate of Harvard’s Business School?


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