Heart Touching Good Morning Love Letters for Him – Boyfriend in 2022

With these Good Morning Love Letters, you can make your boyfriend have the best of his day, today and always. So read through the Good Morning Love Letters and pick the best to send to him.

1. I Am With You, My Love

I know how it feels to have been going through this lot, my dear.
I’ve seen your trials and pains. I’ve seen how you are struggling to get out of this. I feel the agony and the helplessness when I put myself in your shoes.

It hasn’t been easy, even my shadow can tell. And a lot of energy has gone into this.

I feel your pain, my love. And I can see how much you’re trying to get over this.

You have thought me to be strong. I have learned perseverance from you, too. We have been through a lot together and we are fine still.

Then I am here to assure you that I will be there for you. No matter what happens… I know all will be well.

I love you. I really do, beyond this present moment. Good morning from me to you.

2. Just When You Came

Love is sweeter than they say. A heart beats faster than I have learned. And Life is good when it’s spent in the embrace of the one who cares for you endlessly.

I have a story:

Yes, before you came, nothing in the world met my eyes. Nothing in my immediate environment made me happy for a moment.

And, yes, my life was really upside down like I was continuously going up hill with no sign of relief.

I battled heartbreaks and dined with dejection. I lost a great deal of the sense for joy and everything was nothing to write home about.

So I thought I had hit the end of the road. I resorted to dejection and self pity…

But just when I thought I would completely go haywire…
An angel came to save the day.
Not in my dreams… Not from a strange land…

He came in form of a man and got me off the tide. He helped weather the storm.

And here I am with undeterred hope for the future… Just because you came.

Thank you for coming into my Life. I love you. good morning and do have a great day.

3. The Antidote

Life has never been fair on me when it comes to love, and I never for once could have envisaged there will be a moment of U-turn in my life.

It was as if I would never get out of the circus race as each new relationship seems like an updated version of the former.

I get knocked down, emotionally drained and physically exhausted to the extent I don’t feel any pain when someone calls it quit with me. Rejection and dejection are my two best friends as I go from one heartbreak to another.

And when I thought all was lost, and I’d had my own share of life already and there’s nothing like “true love”, you came right on time into my life.

You gave me a reason to live again and showed me what it meant to be loved by someone and you lead on the path of real love with the way you care, support, respect and love me.

Your attention and love for me heals all the wound, pain and ache in my heart from failed relationship. You were the antidote my heart needed to recover from the poison of being unloved and dejected.

No doubt about it, you’re my healer.

I love you beyond words, my dear.

So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

4. We’re in This Together

Trials and challenges are what makes us stronger; disagreement helps us to respect our differences, while quarrels and resentment remind us that we are human beings with blood and water running through our veins.

Even in the face of the uncertainty of life, we are waxing stronger than ever; soaring higher like an eagle over the waves of tribulation.

No matter how hard the storm may hit us again and again, we’ll not give in nor tap out my love.

We’ve been through a lot of difficult situations in the past, yet none has broken us apart. We’ve survived one battle to another together.

I’ve learned to be calm, stand tall, stay strong and be positive when everything seems gloomy in the tunnel of life from you, my dear.

I want you to know that we’re in this together, no matter what obstacles life may throw at us. I’ll always be here for you, my love.

I love you more than love itself.

Good Morning from me to you.

5. My Warrior In Shining Armour

Once upon a time in a faraway city where folks seem not to care much about one another; a city full of dishonesty and betrayal; immorality and prejudice; injustice and mediocrity is the order of the day.

A young and beautiful lady was held hostage in this forlorn and crappy town, hoping that someday somewhere some saviour will come along and rescue her from this circumstance.

Every of her attempt to escape from the anguish which hunts her feelings day and night seems to be fruitless.

On the night before she was to be executed, something she could never have imagined happened.

Can it be that I’m dreaming? Is it for real? Here’s my imaginary saviour standing in front of me in flesh.

You came and rescued me from the hands of my villain. Indeed, you’re my warrior in shining armour.

I love you so much. Good Morning and have a great day.

6. Lost Without You

One lovely and sunny day, I was alone sitting on a couch outside pondering about life and I found myself lost in a very deep thought.

The fresh and cool breeze and the fragrance of the flowers from the garden which I was feeling in my lung suddenly turned sour and it was choking me to death.

What’s going on with me? Where on earth am I? How did I get here? Can it be that I’m having a nightmare even though it’s still daytime? Am I daydreaming or what?

I was lying helplessly on the ground as I can’t hear my heart beating for a while, and when I finally regain consciousness, it dawn on me I was in an unknown place.

A place filled with unloved, broken hearted, hopeless and dejected people. And as I was taking a walk down this dark valley, I wondered if I will ever solve this puzzle.

Then you walk into my life and provide the missing piece I needed to solve the riddle.

You guide and lead me to a world I could only have fantasize, where there’s fullness of joy, happiness, laughter, peace and love.

You’re the compass I need to always point me in the right path and stay on course whenever I’m astray, as I’ll be lost without you, my dear.

I love you dearly.

Good morning from me to you.

7. Lamp To My Feet

On a trip down the road to the land of no return where my mind, body, soul and spirit and heart will no longer be a haunted house anymore.

Yesterday was gone in the wind of the night, today is passing away in the mist of the morning dew, while tomorrow is yet even more skeptical than I thought.

Many people have been there, many are still there, many have negative thoughts, feelings and reports about it, yet some has opposite opinion on it.

Which category do I belong? Which do I long for?

Such is the state of mind that I found myself, a crossed road where each path leads to nowhere yet to somewhere at the same time.

As I walk down the aisle of the thick dark valley on a very steep hill, across a very deep ocean flowing through the path of uncertainty.

I journeyed down carelessly on a pilgrimage, seeking a life of fulfilment; a life of joy; a life of happiness; a life of peace, and a life of real and true love.

And when I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it through the night, as my lamp gets dimmer each passing moment, you came to my aid.

I will not stumbled nor hit my foot against stones, as your love is a lamp to my feet.

Now, I’ve no reason to be afraid anymore, my dear, because the way you honor, cherish and love me has lighten up my life.

I love you to the moon and back, my love.

So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

8. Thanks for Everything

I was at the edge of a breakthrough, yet I couldn’t see the light which shines brighter and brighter ahead of me.

How do I begin? What can I say? Where do I start from? These are questions popping up in my heart.

I could only have fantasized the feeling of being cherished and loved by someone as handsome, caring and honoring like you.

And I wouldn’t have envisioned it going to be like this with you, experiencing heavenly bliss while on earth with the way you valued and loved me.

I’m grateful to God for making our path crossed, for bringing you to me as you’re indeed a blessing in disguise to me.

I couldn’t have wished for any other, I’m delighted to have you in my world, heart, soul, mind and life.

Thanks for everything as words will fail me now if I start to mention, and I’m blessed because you loved me, my dear.

Thank you so much my love for being real. You know that I love you right? Well I do.

Good morning from me to you.

9. A Life With You

You gave me a reason to want and crave for much more out of life, to be live and not rather than just existing.

Nobody does it better like you do, no one else does it the way you do, and no two persons care and love me unconditionally like you do, my dear.

Even when I felt all hope was lost, that I can’t really be loved and I wanted to give up on life, you gave me a reason to love even deeper and live again.

I don’t need to freaked out about what the future holds or has in store for me anymore.

Having you in my life now, I care less about what tomorrow brings, because I’m certain it’s going to be glorious and awesome with you all the way.

Though it has not been easy and rosy between us from the start. I’m glad not just because we’re not where we used to be, but we’re still on the right track to where we hope to be.

If I ever get a chance to come back to this planet in another generation, I wouldn’t want to live a day without you in it.

I love you beyond words, my dear.

Good morning from me to you.

10 Here For You

In the journey of life and finding out what life itself entails, we sometimes find ourselves in places we lest expected to be.

The wind of uncertainty blows our minds to and fro, challenges and trials hit us back to back, worries of the future wears us out daily.

Each phase of it opens up to another level of new experiences and expectations, which we ourselves sometimes are not ready for.

We might not be responsible for the circumstances life throw at us, but we can choose how we respond back to them.

I’ve mastered the art of being positive and stay strong when everything seems dreary in the storm of life from you, my dear.

And I’ll always be here for you, through thick and thin, even when I don’t seems to understand everything that’s going on, I know you do, my love.

I love you to the moon and back, my love.

So I wish you have a great day. Good morning.

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