Hermeneutics of Exousia and the Evangelical Mandate In Matthew’s Gospel:Dialectics of Socio-Political Transformation for the Church in Africa


The for hermeneutics of in the gospel of – translated to mean authority or and the need to unravel the evangelical mandate;

the exigent call to make disciples of all nations became imperative in view of inherent of power, unbridled level of corruption and blatant waste of resources seen in our African socio- political sphere.

These the researcher sees as a result of corrupt privileged political class in Africa using Nigeria as a case study.

The Church that possesses divine authority of Christ Jesus, seemed to had applied one- sided understanding and approach in carrying out  her  evangelical mandate in the given exousia (authority) and the matheteusate (make disciple) within the purview of our periscope (Matthew28:16-20);

hence the need for this dialectics. The specific objectives of the  research  include: to (i) investigate through a critical hermeneutical paradigm the evangelical mandate in Matthew;

and to (ii) chart a new course for the Church to arise and take up the mandate of discipleship of the nations dialectically for socio-political transformation.

The method applied in this research is historical  descriptive as well as hermeneutical approach.  In order to achieve the objectives of the study the tool of redaction criticism -a modern, scientific and analytical method of Biblical Studies was applied.

The thesis discovered that exousia in Matthew  Gospel  apart from its conventional meaning also denotes political as well as governmental authority to rule, and exercise control over nations and sphere of life.

The research reveals that the Church while not neglecting the ultimate task of evangelism should assume her position and exercise her God-given exousia and transform the nations socio-politically.

The thesis has also unveiled the fact that the Church as well as real Christian politicians are ‘city technocrats, transformers and builders as the real meaning of ‘politicians’ imply given the etymology of politics being “polis” (city) and “techne” (technocrats, transformers, builders, organizers).

The church is hereby called to combat the challenges of misrule resulting from spate of corruption, and collapse of socio-political values in Africa with her given exousia.


Background Of Study

Hermeneutics of a biblical concept evxousi,a-(Exousia) and the Evangelical mandate in Mathew Gospel tradition became a vital task in view of divergent positions of scholars, different Sitz im leben and the eclectic stance that trail its interpretation by translators.

Categorically, the influence of post modernism, liberalism and inherent abuse of authority as well as power; unbridled  level  of corruption and waste of human and material resources among the aristocrats as well as privileged class in Africa’s socio-political sphere;

and the need for the church in Nigeria as well as African continent as part of her evangelical mandate to arise and spearhead a sustainable socio- political change motivated this study.

After the resurrection, Christ gave the disciples these words of assurance while commissioning them saying:

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

  • Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
  • Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.(Matt 28:18-20 KJV)

The above emphatic statement of fact with special emphasis on the Matthew text is among the last words that Jesus spoke to his disciples.


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