Kingdom: – Animalia.

Phylum: – Chordeta.

Class: – Actinopterygii.

Order: – Osteoglossiforms.

Family: – Osteoglossidae.

Subfamily – Heterotinae.

Genus: – Heterotis.

Species: – H. niloticus.

Heterotis is a long-bodied fish with large scales, have long dorsal and anal fins, it’s standard lenght is 100cm(39 in)and weighs up to 10.2kg.

Heterotis have air-breathing organs on it’s branchiae, enabling them to survive in oxygen-depleted water, it is suprabranchial organ allows it to concentrate on small planktonic food particles and also has a sensory functions. Heterotis is found in Nigeria rivers and grows faster.

Spawning in captivity and parental care is also good cheracteristics of heterotis. Heterotise does well in earthen pond system and reproduce in captivity.

How to condition heterotis in order to eat formulated feed is by stocking them with tilapia which makes heterotis to feed with tilapia. Heterotis is a fast growing fish and is marketable world wild.

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