Homeschool Student Admission Requirements | University of Pennsylvania

Homeschool Student Admission Requirements for PennState encourage applicants from a growing number of homeschool students to legitimize graduation from homeschool. In this article, we’ll review the homeschool student admission requirements and other information you may need.

 Information for applicants who are participating or have participated in a homeschool student admission requirements program at PennState.

Admissions Standards

All prospective students, whether in a high school or a homeschool program, will be subject to the same admissions standards.

Homeschool Requirements

Below are the basic admission requirements for all applicants, though depending on the major you choose, you may have to fulfill additional .

  1. Academic coursework prerequisites
  2. Level of achievement ()
  3. Standardized tests ()
  4. Proof of graduation: Final high school transcript with a school administrator signature and an indication of graduation date.

Homeschool Student Admission Requirements Tips

  1. It’s important that you submit a consolidated transcript that pulls together and organizes your academic work. If the name of a course isn’t clear or needs further explanation, include a brief course description. Course listings, grading/rating scales, , lab work, reading lists, textbooks, or historical/current information help enhance our understanding of your academic program.
  2. Standardized test scores in subjects you wish to showcase may provide objective evidence and support for grades and ratings.
  3. Recommendations and viewpoints provided by instructors from outside of your home provide objective evaluations and lend additional context to your academic work.
  4. The Secondary School may be completed by a high school guidance counselor, homeschool program coordinator, curriculum advisor, or family and may include motivations for homeschooling, description of curricula, etc.

Related Read:

If you are a student, , you’ll enjoy:

  1. Small class with individualized faculty attention.
  2. Family-orientated campus environment where it’s easy to get involved in clubs, leadership activities, sports, and more!
  3. A world-class education that’s affordable, and a degree that’s respected around the globe.
  4. Emphasis on experiential opportunities, including research, , community service, and study abroad (when restrictions are lifted).

 Since some students in homeschool programs may not follow a traditional high school curriculum, we may request further detailed documentation of their high school coursework and evaluations of progress as needed.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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