How Do I Make A Book Report Writing 2022 Update

– How do I Make a Report Writing –

A Book Report Writing: Are you wondering how to write a report? Unlike an essay, which sets out to defend a writer’s view about a topic and does not have to feature headings, a report discusses a topic in a structured, easy-to-follow format. You can read how to make such a book report here.

Reading literature is important, but it is even more important that you also understand what you are reading.

You can show that in a book report writing. Most students will have to write at least a few notes on report writing during their school career.

Easy Steps to Make a Book Report Writing

Below are the easy steps to make a book report writing

Read the Book

Before making a book report writing, you must have read the book carefully. Then you know what the main lines are and you can quickly find things.

Read the book, not just the Categories summaries. For a good grade, you need to know the details and you’ll only find them if you read the entire book yourself.


Write Down General Information

A book report writing always starts with some general information. Usually, it concerns the following data:

1. Title

2. Writer

3. Number of pages

4. Publisher

5. Year of first publication

Have you received a manual for writing book reports? Then check whether you have taken all the points. This information is almost always found on the first few pages of the book.


Who, What, Where, When

Then you give a short introduction. Explain what kind of story it is, who the main character (or main characters) is, which other people play an important role, where the story takes place and when the story takes place.

Try to keep this story compact, but don’t limit yourself to the dry facts. It is nice to give some background information here.

Is your book set in the Middle Ages and is it about class differences? For example, mention here that live in the Middle Ages was difficult for everyone and that there were tensions between the rich and the poor.

Such a small addition shows that you have delved into the book and provides context for the story.

Explain the Title

The title of the book usually tells more than just what the story is about. Take Tim Krabbé’s ‘The Golden Egg’, for example.

That book is not about a golden egg, but the egg refers to a dream of one of the main characters and the end of the story.

Explain the title and not only look at the most obvious explanation but also try to think a little further. Sometimes a title has multiple explanations.

Write everything you can think of and substantiate. This way you can show that you have read the book well and that you can understand literature at a deeper level.

Does the book also have a subtitle? Explain them accordingly.

Summarize the Story

Now summarize the story. Start with the beginning of the story and also mention how the story ends. Try to have a clear structure in the text. Try to keep a summary of about 500 words.

Making a summary is easier if you first point down the important events in the book. You can do this when you read the book.

Then you filter the really important events that are the common thread for the book. Based on that, you write the summary.

Give your Opinion

An important part of your book report writing is giving your opinion. This is not a phrase with ‘I thought it was a nice book’, but a clear substantiation of what you think and why. A few questions you can ask yourself to come to a well-founded opinion:

1. Did the story live up to your expectations? And why or not?

2. Would you recommend the book to others? And why or not?

3. Did the book make you think and what about it?

4. Do you think the characters are well described?

5. Is the book structured properly?

6. Try to use at least 250 words for your opinion.


Make a Neat report Writing

The presentation of a book report writing is also important. Now that you have all the information together, check whether everything is there.

Also, check the text for spelling and grammar errors. Then print the report, cover it with your name, the subject and your class, and hand it in in a fastener.

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