Okorie (1984), examination malpractice is one of the causes of poor performance of students in (SSCE). It has affected the educational system deeply that one time in 1977, the federal Military Government of Nigeria set-up the justice subgenre, tribunal to handle all causes of examination malpractice identifying the causes, and make recommendation to the government. The said examination malpractices do appear in different form.

For example, cheating in examination hall, impersonation, going in search of paper from WACE officials, bringing inside the hall materials relating to examination to be taken, this will be in

turn deviate their mind from reading their books and based their attention and minds on examination malpractice.

This go a long way inhabiting their performance in (SSCE), because, at times, WACE officials might be strike on bringing out the question paper for the student, in that process they will all fall. Examination malpractices in secondary schools has assumed alarming proposition in recent times. Students no longer study their books but rely on examination malpractices to pass their exam to a large extent it has become a societal problem that has defile solution. This is become almost all the stakeholders are in one way or the other involved in this trend. This means that the students, the teachers, the parents are all involved. This is why it has become almost impossible to stop examination malpractices in secondary schools, for instance there are cases where some parents purchase examination question papers for their wards. This may sound incredible but that is the stark reality of our times. In the same vein there are cases where some principal even organize massive examination malpractices during external examination the SSCE or NECO for their students. There are also some cases where teachers are bribed by either the student or the parents to indulge examination malpractice.

This has consistently remained a bane of Nigerian educational system. Most foreigners say that the academic certificates being issued to graduates in Nigeria are no more valuable than the pieces of paper on which they are printed.

The major causes of examination malpractices are laziness of students, a situation where seriousness is thrown to the wind by many students. Most of them have little time for their studies while spend their time attending parties and forming groups who engage in mischievous activities. There is large population of students in many schools but the few who do very well may be promoted into higher class. Students cheat therefore to excel over their mates. Many students are desperate thinking that passing the examination is a do or die affair. They want to excel by all means. Some want promises from parents fulfilled other wanted to be on TV or newspaper as the best in one form of examination of the other.

Syllabus in many subjects such as physics, chemistry etc is wide and difficult for teachers to cover and the school period is shortened by holidays, shift system and late resumption by students, inadequate preparation for exams. In a number of schools the teacher are few and specialized ones are fewer so students are not adequately prepared for the examination.

Lastly there is a general trend in our society towards cheating and this is encouraged by almost all members of the population. The evil effects of examination malpractices cannot be over emphasized, crating and resourcefulness are hampered. It wreaks great havoc on the social, religious, economic and political lives of Nigerian. Employees are engaged in job they are not suited for since the certificate they claim to possess are not merited.

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