Here’s how to advertise on Facebook with PPC. Although I’m a huge fan of using FREE marketing methods, I do want to share this paid method because it can be extremely effective. You simply won’t find a more targeted online advertising method.

People enter tons of personal information into their Facebook profiles. PLUS, people enter status updates all the time that talk about their lives. Facebook keeps this valuable information. For example,

FB is keenly aware that my two greatest vices are coffee and chocolate, and that my dog is a total punk. Why? Because the vast majority of my status updates are about the fact that I choose not to face the world in an uncaffeinated state of mind, how I’ve been craving chocolate since around 1977, and all of the ways in which my terrier-mix dog terrier-izes my home (it’s a good thing she’s cute). Do you think it’s any coincidence that ads for coffee,chocolate, and dog food pop upon my Facebook sidebar all the time? I think not.What I want to point out are a few strategies on how to advertise on Facebook that can help keep your costs down and your profits high.

1) Use unconventional ad copy. You need to stand out from the myriad of flashy ads and funny pictures all over people’s news feeds and walls. Be funny. Be goofy. Be catchy.

How To Advertise On Facebook

2) Use a picture that will draw attention … the right kind of attention. It’s good to select a photo with bright colors and one that evokes positive emotions … and it doesn’t have to directly relate to your business or product. Think of the polar bears and penguins in the wintertime Coke commercials. Polar bears have nothing to do with Coke really, but they’re darn cute and the white and blue colors in the commercials really compliment the red cola bottle. It’s catchy and cute … that’s how to advertise on Facebook!

3) Really zone in on one specific type of target customer and write your ad specifically to them. This is how to advertise on Facebook using PPC most effectively. Don’t be too generic or try to appeal to too wide of a range of people … you’ll end up with a really watered-down ad that simply doesn’t work.

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