Information Health Centre,

Free Health Development Centre,


10th December, 2022.

The Administrative Officer,

Free Health Development Centre,


I wish to refer to your query with reference No EKDC/AD/582/30 of December 7, 2022. In the query the following accusation was alleged against me.

1.   That I abandoned “night out duty” for 5 days (November, 25-29, 2022.)

2.   That I refused to hand over to my successor since August 2012 till date (December, 7, 2013).

I wish to answer as follows:

1.   It is not true that I was not on duty when I should   for five days. I was only absent from morning  duty on 25th November 2013 due to ill health of which I dully communicated my facility head by telephone. Then for rest of the days (26-29 November, 2022) in question, I performed my night duty. On November 28, 2022 I performed double shift of morning and night so need not repeat on the 29th of November as has always been the practice. I am sure that no one can produce any credible contrary to the fact I stated here.

2.   I do not understand the issue of handover to my successor since August 2022 till date as I was not involved in any transfer since August 2022 till date.

However, the facts about my transfer and handover is as follows:

(a)  My previous station was Free Health Centre.

(b)  I was transferred from Free Health  centre in a letter titled “Posting of health staff” dated November 11, 2022 which was addressed to the co-ordinator Free Health Development Centre (location) and copied the HPM and the Treasurer of the Development Centre and signed by the then Unit Head (Health) Lady (name).

(c)   My number on that list is 13

(d)  In this posting I was transferred from Free Health centre to the present Information Health Centre.

(e)  Since then I have been working in Information Health Centre so the issue of any transfer or handover since August 2022 is strange to me.

(f)   The posting letter under reference directed all involved to complete handing over on or before November 21, 2022.

(g)   I completed my handing over in writing to my successor Mr. (name) on November, 20 2022 which was one day earlier than the deadline. This query is coming 13 months after my actual transfer and handing over had been completed.

(h) This query is coming 13 months after my actual transfer and handing over had been completed.

(i)   I am sure that no credible evidence can disprove the facts stated above.


I wish to state that I am a victim of the political manipulations of the coordinator Free Health Development Centre Mr (Name) who have ceaselessly continued to indulge himself in some vices including:

1.   Interference with the management of Free Health Centre which is entirely built and run for Free Health people by Free Health people.

2.   Imposition of his political touts who are grossly incompetent and fraudulent on the Free Health Centre.

The fact of the issue include:

1.   That Free Health Centre was not built by Free Health Development centre.

2.   That the involvement of Free Health Development Centre and indeed any other supportive government Agency is the deployment of profession Health Staff.

3.   That in a well attended meeting of Free Health peoples General Assembly about three years ago a five (5)-member Management committee was elected to run the affairs of the Health Centre.

4.     That some concerned (Location) people based at home initiated petitions against the executives of Free Health development associations whose chairman and secretary also double as chairman and member respectively of Free Health Center Management Committee. They were accused of high handedness and mismanagement of the Health Centre resources.

5.   That Free Health graduates based in town facilitated a meeting of Free Health people convened at home in January 2013.

6.    That in the meeting of January 2013 Free Health people   appointed   a five member audit Committee of which my husband was the chairman to investigate the numerous accusations leveled against the then executives of Free Health Development Association and the Management Committee of Free Health Centre.

7.   That both the Executives of Free Health Development Association and the Management Committee of Free Health center were dissolved and replaced by Free Health people based on the findings and recommendations of the audit committee chaired by my husband.

8.   The co-coordinator Mr (Name) was communicated of the changes in writing   as an official partner of the Health Centre but he resisted the  change.

9.   The coordinator Mr (Name) convened a meeting of stakeholders of Free Health Development Centre including traditional rulers during which he laid comp
laints against Free Health people for dissolving and replacing the committees.

10.    That stakeholders in the meeting mandated the coordinator to appoint a committee to review the decision of (Location) people and report back findings to them.

11.    That till date I am not aware of any report to that effects or on any further information from him to the stakeholders.

12.   Let it be known that all this while the coordinator Mr (Name) refused the committee appointed by (Location) people to work rather he imposed his cronies on the Health Centre who are aimed at  ruining  the  health center  instead of  running it effectively.

13.        That in August 2022 Free Health people wrote to The Executive Chairman (Location)  Local Government Area Hon (name) to save them  from the  hands of Hon. (name).

14.        That the executive chairman had several meetings with Free Health people and Hon (name) for four different days. 

15.        That during the meetings, the executive chairman invited all the past and present staff of the Free Health Centre for interrogation which I attended. It was at this point that I showcased my pathetic encounter and the fraudulent activities of the co-coordinator political touts throughout my service there and even after. This was not in favour of the co-coordinator.

16.        That on December 6, 2022 the executive chairman Hon. (name) concluded the series of meetings  and  resolved/directed as follows:

a.      That the dissolutions made by Free Health people stands.

b.     That the casual workers engaged and deployed to Free Health Center by Hon. (name) be withdrawn.

c.      That government pay rolled Professional Health Staff will be posted to head the health centre within a short period of time.

d.     The Chairman appointed a 3 man committee to run the affairs of Free Health Centre till further notice Viz: Mr (name) , Mrs. (name)  and Hon (name).

17.        That the next day being December 7, 2022 I was served with this after thought and malicious query.

Based on the foregoing I wish to submit that I am completely Exonerated from the  allegations in the query  so  should not be  subjected to any disciplinary action.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely

(Name & Surname)


The Honourable Commissioner,

Ministry of Local Government, Chieftaincy Matters and Rural Development,

Federal Secretariat,

Dear Sir,

I.             I am copying this answer to query to you for your information and for your help to save me from the threats of Hon (name).

II.            I enclose the following documents for you guide Viz:

a.   The query.

b.   A copy of the attendance register from Information Health Centre

c.    A copy of a duty roaster from Information Health Centre and

d.   A copy of the letter to the Chairman, (Location) Local Government Area “titled cry for help” by the people of Free Health.

I count on your help.

Thank you.

Name & Surname (Mrs.)

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