How to Apply for EU Blue Card in Germany 2020 | Processing Time and Requirement

How to Apply for EU Blue Card in Germany 2020 | Processing Time and Requirement.

EU Blue Card in Germany: This is a comprehensive guide on how to apply and get the EU Blue Card in Germany 2020. This article will roll you through the necessary requirement and guidelines involve in getting the Germany EU Blue Card. Explore.


A European Union Directive from 2009 set terms and conditions to allow certain highly qualified and skilled citizens of non-EU countries to more easily obtain residence/work permits in certain EU member countries. In August 2012 the German government finalized legislation that put this directive into practice.

The primary feature of the new law is the introduction of a new type of residence permit commonly referred to as the EU Blue Card. The legislation is designed to make emigration to Germany more appealing to qualified foreign citizens in order to fill the ever-growing number of jobs that require highly skilled workers.

Applicants interested in obtaining the EU Blue Card in Germany should initially look for a suitable job corresponding to their professional qualifications or earlier work experience through internet research on pages which upload various vacancies.

The following are the pages of German government institutions posting job vacancies:

You might also have a look at:

  • Job portals
  • Newspapers
  • Local employment agencies
  • Job fairs
  • Personnel recruitment agencies

Or, you may:

  • Self-advertise
  • Ask Acquaintances

EU Blue Card Requirement in Germany.


To obtain the EU Blue Card in Germany as a highly-qualified worker you should first find a company in Germany that is willing to bring foreign employees within their work environment and could benefit from the skills you provide. In this way, the company becomes the sponsor for the candidates’ EU Blue Card application.

If you do not find an employer while in your home country, then you can apply for a Germany Job-seeker/Employment visa. For the Job-seeker or Employment visa, you should apply in the Embassy of Germany while in your home country.

Obligatory Documents:

  • University degree
  • Sufficient funds to maintain yourself

Germany Job-seeker Visa grants you a period of 6 months in order to look for a suitable job in Germany.

In case you find a job in Germany, you do not need to leave Germany while your EU Blue Card application is being processed, which may last up to 90 days.


If you have already found a job – either while in your home country or while in Germany, then the following are the documents you need when applying:

  • For unregulated professions  – a recognized university diploma,
  • In case of the regulated profession – present the acquired certificate,
  • A work contract of at least one year in Germany,
  • Proof that your salary exceeds the average in Germany by 1.5 times or 1.2 times for professions in shortage,
  • A written declaration by your employer in Germany,
  • A valid travel document,
  • Proof of no threat to the public policy, security or health of the hosting state,
  • An application form, filled either by you or your German employer,
  • Two passport-size personal photos, not older than 6 months,
  • Proof of application fee payment,
  • Health insurance proof.

You should apply by post at the authorized  in Germany.

Who can Apply for EU Blue Card in Germany?

EU citizens do not need a visa or a residency permit to neither enter nor start working within Germany. The same applies for the citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. A valid passport or identity card is sufficient.

Citizens of the following states can enter Germany without a visa but cannot take up employment before applying for the EU Blue Card:

  1. Australia
  2. Israel
  3. Japan
  4. Canada
  5. South Korea
  6. New Zealand
  7. the United States of America

The time allowed to stay in Germany for the citizens of the aforementioned countries is approximately 3 months which is usually not sufficient to find employment therefore the request for an EU Blue Card is obligatory. You may apply during your stay in Germany.

Citizens of the following states may apply for a work and residence permit after entering Germany without a visa:

  1. Andorra
  2. Antigua and Barbuda
  3. Argentina
  4. Bahamas
  5. Barbados
  6. Brazil
  7. Brunei
  8. Darussalam
  9. Chile
  10. Costa Rica
  11. El Salvador
  12. Guatemala
  13. Honduras
  14. Macau
  15. Malaysia
  16. Mauritius
  17. Mexico
  18. Monaco
  19. Nicaragua
  20. Panama
  21. Paraguay
  22. San Marino
  23. Singapore
  24. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  25. Taiwan
  26. Uruguay
  27. the Vatican
  28. Venezuela

Non-EU citizens, on the other hand, must apply for a visa – employment visa, visit, student, or other type of visa coherent with necessity – while still in their home countries. The required documentation for application should be completed in conformity with the rules of the German Embassy in your home country. Once the visa is obtained, it is obligatory to respect the period allowed to stay.

In case you found a job before entering Germany, then you can immediately apply for the EU Blue Card while in your home country by the help of your employer.

Candidates are categorized in the groups as mentioned above:

  • Highly-qualified workers
  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Vocational Trainees
  • Seasonal Workers
  • Intra-Corporate Transferees.

How to Apply for Germany EU Blue Card.

To apply, more or less, the same criteria are important to be fulfilled by all EU Blue Card applicants:

  • A filled application form, by either you or your German employer
  • A recognized university diploma – for unrecognized professions
  • A valid work contract of at least one year in the hosting state
  • For regulated professions – the equivalent certificate or license of profession
  • Proof that your salary exceeds the average in Germany by 1.5 times or 1.2 times for professions in shortage,
  • A written declaration by your employer
  • A valid travel document
  • Not pose any threat to the public policy, security or health of the hosting state
  • Two passport-size personal photos not older than 6 months
  • Proof of application fee payment

In case of no university degree:

  • 5 years of work experience in a particular profession are required when applying for the EU Blue Card.

IMPORTANT! To prepare and gather the required documentation, such as the recognition of qualification or translation of documents and other similar documents, you will need approximately 4-6 months. Some member states may be quicker although you will need to keep this detail in mind when interested to apply.

Most of the member states require candidates to apply by setting appointments at the appropriate Embassies or Consulates in their home countries; few member states offer online applications.

The application may be filled by you, your employer or law firm.

The application fee payment for issuance is around 140€ while 100€ for renewal of the EU Blue Ca

After handing in the application, you may have to wait for a maximum of 3 months/90 days until processing is complete.

You have the right to appeal against the decision of rejection or withdrawal within three weeks of the decision’s arrival – an attorney can also appeal on your behalf.

Working in Germany.

If you have obtained the Germany EU Blue Card and you are by now working and beginning to integrate in Germany, there are a few additional components to consider.

As a legal work within the EU, except for being entitled to your salary, benefits and rights – you may wish to know more details upon taxation and social security contributions encompassing health insurance, parental benefits, and others – which will be further explained below.

Taxes in Germany.

If you find a job in Germany, you will be submitted to paying taxes since all employees are prone to paying taxes. The amount you pay depends solely on your income. You are not required to pay taxes if you work at a job that pays up to 450€ per month or 8,353€ annual earnings.
The higher the income the higher the tax you must pay – 

Depending on marital status, taxpayers are divided into different tax groups:

  • Married
  • Single
  • Divorced
  • Children or not, etc.

The tax payments are done according to the group you are part of.

The government may refund a part of your taxation money, depending on whether you have paid more than necessary for a period of one year.

Social Security in Germany.

All employees within EU member states who possess work permits are prone to taxation which then entitles you to the benefits obtained. The tax rate is shared by the employer and the employee.

There is coordination between the Member States on Social Security by agreements between companies on how the rate is paid and implemented.  This coordination has been established in order to not create worse conditions for any kind of worker within the EU. Health insurance companies and national laws institutions work together upon determining the best pathways to handle workers within the EU.

Social Security Systems in the European Union include:

  • Sickness, maternity, and equivalent paternity benefits
  • Benefits in respect of accidents at work and occupational diseases
  • Death grants
  • Invalidity benefits
  • Old-age and survivors’ pensions
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Pre-retirement benefits
  • Family benefits
  • Special non-contributory cash benefits

Must determine which member state’s social security legislation applies to you when you are involved in more than one member state. Although, usually you are subject to the member state you work in.

The social security package also includes the health insurance fund affordable at your annual income. The payment for the health insurance is incorporated on the percentage of salary deducted for social security contributions. Your employer completes the deduction and payment process to the competent health insurance provider.

If you are no longer residing in Germany, you will still get the same old-age pension as the German citizens for the time you have worked in accordance with the legitimate rules and regulations in Germany.

Health Insurance in Germany.

All employees in Germany are entitled to pensions, long-term care, accident, and unemployment insurance. Out of many statutory health insurance funds offered, you are free to choose the one which offers the best services for your needs. While deciding, be careful to consider important factors for you because the process of switch or return is not as simple. Since requirements vary depending on the individual, we suggest reading  to learn what to keep in mind when switching your insurance provider.

More or less, the general payment rate is the same, with exceptions to few funds which demand additional contributions.
Your employer registers and completes the payments intended for the health insurance by deducting the specified percentage from your income.

Health insurance most common benefits:

  • Outpatient care
  • Inpatient care
  • Emergency room services
  • Prescription medicine
  • Before and after birth care
  • Mental health, behavior, and substance abuse services
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Laboratory tests
  • Preventive medicine
  • Pediatric services
  • Dental services
  • Rehabilitative services and devices

Health insurance salary thresholds:

  • Public Health Insurance – earning less than the threshold of 54,900 € per year.
  • Private Health Insurance – earning 54,900 € per year. (i.e.  – All persons up to the age of 66 years, staying in Germany for a maximum of 5 years)

Parental Leave.

When a child is born, employed parents are entitled to a 3-year leave in order to provide good care for the child. In the meantime, their jobs are kept secure. Both parents can take leave, either at the same time or consecutively.

Furthermore, the leave may be taken separately – 2 years at once while the last year of the leave can be taken before the child reaches the age of 6-8.

If the couple is divorced, the leave belongs only to the parent that is living with the child.

With your employer’s consent, you may legally work up to 30 hours a week while on parental leave, if you need more money for support.

Parental Benefits – Financial Support.

Another benefit provided for workers is the special financial support known as the Parental Benefit which parents that are unable to work or in need of a reduction of their working-hours may use during the first 14 months of a child’s birth.

Around 300 to 1,800 € per month is given as a means of support to parents. To families with lower income, earning less than 1,000 € per month, as well as families that have more than one small child, like twins or triplets – additional financial aid is given.

Both parents are entitled to 12 monthly payments – either simultaneously or consecutively – or 7 equal payments for each parent.

Family Reunification.

Another very important benefit gained by obtaining the EU Blue Card is the right to bring your family members in the hosting state where you work and reside.

You can bring:

  • Your spouse
  • Children (under 16 years of age since other rules apply for children above 16)
  • Partner
  • Children of your spouse or
  • Other relatives dependent on you

You are the sponsor for your family member’s permit, by providing:

  • Sufficient  financial resources
  • Suitable accommodation (sufficient space for all family members)
  • Health insurance

Their documents must be prepared according to the adequate Embassy or Consulate requirements.

Once you have applied at the authorized institution and your family is granted the permit, upon arrival they will have access to the same rights as the rest of the citizens – education, working, and living rights.

You can invite your family to accompany you in a hosting EU state whether you are an EU Blue Card or Permanent Residency Permit holder.

For more detailed information on Family Reunification, .

Other rules apply for EU citizens trying to bring their non-EU family members to the residing EU state.

Non-EU family members of EU citizens are required:

  • A valid passport
  • Registration certificate or proof of your residence
  • Proof of family relationship (marriage or birth certificate, depending on the relationship)
  • For children or grandchildren – proof of being under 21 or dependent on you
  • For
    parents or grandparents – proof of dependency on you
  • For other family members – proof of dependency on you, health conditions, etc.
  • Unmarried partners – proof of long-term relationship with you

If obtained, the residency permit is valid for up to 5 years.

EU Blue Card holders are free to move with their families within other EU member states by notifying the authorities either primarily or within one month of arrival in the new member state.

Family members are not required to speak the language prior to moving to the hosting EU state although faster access to employment is enjoyed by the ones who do speak the language, especially the B1 level.

In order to integrate faster, your family can consult various integration contact points and channels within Germany.

Another way to make integration easier is by starting to  and feeling comfortable around the language and the new environment in general.


  • Spouses under 21 years of age may be refused the permit
  • Family members considered hazardous to the public policy, health and security


Your family can easily integrate in Germany by the help of the integration points and channels which create an adequate network allowing for information and experience exchange between EU member states with the purpose of finding successful solutions and EU initiatives coherent with the national policy.

Integration Points:

  • The European Integration Forum
  • The European Website on Integration
  • A Handbook on Integration
  • The European Integration Fund

Check further  on this matter.

Addresses of foreigner’s authorities in important German cities:

Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten
Ausländerbehörde (Abteilung IV)
Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24
13353 Berlin

Rebstöcker Straße 4
60326 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (0)69 212 42485
Telefax: +49 (0)69 212 42216

Ausländer- und Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht
Amt für öffentliche Ordnung
Eberhardstraße 39
70173 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 711 216-91856
+49 711 216-91857
Fax: +49 711 216-7974

Landeshauptstadt München
– Ausländerbehörde –
Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR)
Hauptabteilung II Einwohnerwesen Ausländerangelegenheiten
Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München
Tel.: 0049 89 233 96010

Stadt Düsseldorf
– Ausländerbehörde –
Willi-Becker-Allee 7
40200 Düsseldorf
Telefon 0049 211 89-21020
Telefax 0049 211 89-29036

Stadt Dresden
Theaterstr. 13
01001 Dresden
Telefon 0049 351 4886300
Fax 0049 351 4886446

Stadt Hamburg
Amsinckstraße 28+34
20097 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40 42839-2298
Fax: +49 40 42839-3508.

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