How to Capture Customer Attention on Facebook with Ease in 2022

– Customer Attention on Facebook –

Capturing customers’ attention on Facebook is necessary, especially if you are placing an advert for your career. Although videos on Facebook are muted by default, which means that a majority of users might hear nothing spoken in your ads, hence the need to get their attention is important.

Some studies claim that upwards of 85 percent of Facebook users watch videos without the sound turned up. People who are at school or work often have to keep the sound down so they don’t draw attention to themselves.

The same goes for those who use phones and tablets while on public transportation. Perhaps a majority, however, are simply not in the habit of changing defaults at all.

Regardless of the reasons, you have to expect that anything you put in your video’s audio track won’t be heard by very many.

There are two ways to go about rectifying this problem. On one hand, you could reduce the amount of spoken information and use on-screen infographics to deliver the majority of your pitch.

You might even consider replacing any speech with a royalty-free piece of music.

The second way is to think of this as an opportunity to go after a captive tech-savvy audience you already know you have.

Catering to Technophiles on Facebook

For years, Flickr has embedded a somewhat secret job ad inside of the comments section of their endpoint server code. Anybody who uses the code viewer in their browser can read this message, but few people do. Flickr’s management was banking on the fact that people who do read it are more technically inclined than the general population.

Creative advertisers might take advantage of Facebook’s unusual dilemma to tell people that if they’re listening, they might have the skills needed to fill certain jobs.

They might be told that they’re the kind of customers who might appreciate some good or service that few people would have need.

Server marketers and those who provide certain services might find this very appealing. They could then provide a slightly hidden button and tell users to click here when they want to learn more about what’s being offered.

Regardless of what method you take, your ads still need to grip the user within the first few seconds of them coming into contact with it.

Capturing Someone’s Attention in a Second

Social media is conditioning people to make decisions within less than a second of first coming into contact with an ad. If you can’t grip your viewer’s attention that quickly, then you won’t have much of a chance of influencing their buying decisions.

Pose a question and hint that your viewers are missing out on an unbelievable opportunity. Don’t sound insincere, but make sure that you’re playing off of the idea that they’ll be too afraid of missing out to look away.

Whiteboard videos became popular a few years back because they often focused on what people stood to lose if they didn’t stay glued to their screen.

Emotional states almost always override rational thinking when it comes to making purchasing decisions. Once you’re able to capitalize on this fact, you’ll be in a better position to promote your brand on Facebook and everywhere else you share the video.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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