How to Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Tips: 60 New Born Baby Wishes

Babies are so sweet, and everyone loves a new babe. It’s so amazing how you suddenly want to hold them just on sight. That’s why such a beautiful thing as the coming of a new baby shouldn’t be lightly esteemed. Hence, our tips on how to congratulate someone on their new baby with sweet wishes samples.

Sometimes, we’ll all experience that season in our life when we get to congratulate a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor on their new baby.

How you do this matters. To do it the right way, you’ve got to learn how to congratulate someone on their new baby. That’s why I’ve created this post. You no longer need to worry about how to do it or what to say. Just learn it here.

Do you say congratulations when someone has a baby? Yes, but no. Saying that alone is insufficient. You should rather say, ‘congratulations on your new baby boy, he’s so adorable.’ That sounds better when you say it that way. And you shouldn’t only say that you can also buy some baby stuff as gifts… it’s the best combo.

Let’s continue as we learn what to say to someone having a baby soon.

What to Say to Someone Expecting a Baby Soon

What to Say to Someone Expecting a Baby Soon

Figuring out what to say to someone expecting a baby soon can be tasking. If you’re not good with words, you may constantly experience writer’s block in your quest to craft out a beautiful congratulatory message. So what do you do? You congratulate them with the beautiful wishes below.

Whether it’s your neighbor, colleague, or distant family member that is expecting a baby soon, congratulating them is never a bad idea. But then, how do you congratulate? It’s got to be with a gift and the right mix of words to stir up excitement in them on the arrival of their new baby. This can be said in a letter or during your visit.

I’m pretty sure you’re eager to know how and what to say to someone having a baby soon. Let’s continue as we learn this.

“Whoa! I’m so glad to hear the good news. I can’t wait to see the beauty that’s coming.”

“I wish your baby Godspeed, good health, and love… Congratulations!”

“So glad to know that you’ll soon become a parent; Your baby will be lucky.”

1. Send a gift: Gifts are instruments that can be used to achieve just about anything, as well as communicate well wishes. Getting a gift for someone that’s expecting a baby soon can be relaxing. As earlier said, the gift must be with a card with beautifully crafted words of congratulations or you rather say it. Gift can range from a pregnancy pillow, yoga ball to a newborn arrival gift set or just anything that gets the mom-to-be excited. Scroll through to find the perfect blend of words.

2. Pay a surprise visit with some candies and a card: If you’ve got someone expecting a baby soon, whether it’s a niece, a co-worker, or a friend, there are so many ways to say a warm and memorial congratulation. Saying “congratulations” alone won’t give that effect; rather, you can pay a surprise visit to the expecting mother with candies and a card.

Doing the former is quite simple, but the content of the card? Not so simple. You don’t know what to wish someone who is about to have a baby? Then you’ve got to stay glued to the following lines to get some new baby wishes.

3. Say congratulations in a video: In case you’re distant from that person, they are a couple of ways you can employ to say the best congratulations to an expecting mother. You can either decide to send an animated congratulatory video or make a video yourself expressing your excitement.

If you opt-in for the latter, then your only worry is maybe what to say. Don’t be anxious, below are newborn baby wishes to father and mother that you can say in the video. I bet it’s going to leave a beautiful impression on their heart. Do this and thank me later.  Below are what to say to someone expecting a baby soon.

1.      Got the news that you’ve got a bun in the oven. Congratulations on the new baby joining your family soon. We can’t wait to see the beauty.

2.      I hear that something new is coming from within you… I can’t wait to see what this new thing is. We all are expecting, and wishing that you deliver safely and in good time.

3.      Congratulations on your soon coming baby! Don’t let the stress of lying with a huge bump keep you from seeing the joy ahead when your baby is finally in your hands. You can trust me for babysitting anytime. I got you!

4.      A new baby is coming. Congratulations mama! We got this.

5.      Congratulations as you proceed into another phase of being a mother. I can’t wait to see your little bundle of joy. I’m super excited for you as all I can imagine is the joy that’ll decorate your face when you finally deliver.

6.  You’ll soon enter into the best position any woman will ever dream of; motherhood. My excitement is on a high note. Congratulations.

7.  I felicitate with you as you expect your baby. The wait of nine-month is finally rounding off, and I can’t wait to share this experience with you. Babysitting is my flair; don’t hesitate to lend my help.

8.   It’s so glorious to know that you’ll become a mother soon. I can’t wait to hold your little bundle of joy in my arms. I wish you safe delivery. Congratulations!

9.  What a lucky child that will be to have you as a mom. All the best to you dear.

10.  I’m praying that you deliver the best baby in the world because you’re the best mom in the world. Congratulations sissy.

11.  A baby is God’s gift to trusted people. I’m glad you’ve earned God’s trust… congratulations as you welcome your new baby.

12.  I hear that an angel is coming. Congratulations on your forthcoming beautiful angel. My best wishes and love to you and your husband.

13.  I’m so excited that you and your husband’s status is changing soon. Congratulations on your forthcoming baby.

14.  A special woman like you deserves a beautiful child. I pray you get the most beautiful child as you round off your nine-month. Love and kisses.

15.  No matter what changes your body is experiencing, stay glad as you’ll be filled with so much joy in a few weeks’ time. I can’t wait to squeeze that beauty into my arms. Congratulations dear.

16.  Your kind is so rare, and that gives me much joy to write this congratulatory message right now. May the remaining weeks be clouded with the joy of expecting a little bun. Stay happy always.

RELATED: How to Raise a Grateful Child in 30 Incredibly Inspiring Ways.

17.  The biggest change is about to take place in your life as you will become a lovely mother soon. Fret not, baby. We got this!

18.  You radiate so much glamour and beauty even in your nine-month. You’re so blessed. Congratulations o
n your forthcoming baby!

19.  Don’t stop preparing for your forthcoming baby. Remember the dirty tantrums, diaper changing, and sleepless nights. Congratulations dear!

20.  You’re so sweet, and I’m certain that you’ll be a sweet mother also. I’m also glad to hear that you’re expecting a baby soon.

How to Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Twin

How to Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Twin

Having a baby twin is a beautiful thing, and most people wish for this. I wish too. So let’s talk about how to congratulate someone on their new baby twin. You’ve got to understand that it’s different from congratulating someone with a baby boy or girl.

How do you congratulate? I’d say you visit first to see the twin and the family… This is the pre-way. You can also send some beautiful new baby wishes stuck in-between a bouquet. We’ll talk about more ways as we progress.

Personally, I want a twin because I adore them. They are so beautiful. If I get one, I’ll expect everyone to be present at the hospital to see my twin, then, we take some cool photos. Do you want to learn how to congratulate someone on their new baby? Then stick with me…

4. Get them a beautiful bouquet: Saying congratulations to a colleague or family member who just had a baby twin must be spectacular, right? How do you spectacularly say congratulations? Flowers!

Just as earlier said, you can get the new parent and the twin a bouquet. If you like, get a twin bouquet. Just don’t visit without making a beautiful impression with the flowers. Flowers, as they say, symbolize birth. Remember to fix a new baby’s wishes in-between the bouquet.

5. Get twin kinds of stuff: You’ll agree with me that twin babies are adorable creatures, and they have a glamorous sight. To felicitate with the new parent, you can get some twin-baby kinds of stuff; shoes, clothes, feeders, and a lot more alongside a beautifully written congratulatory card.

The perfect time to do this is shortly after their discharge from the hospital. To make it more memorable, be the first to visit with all you got. It’s going to be the best new baby wishes they received. Don’t forget to attach a beautiful card.

6. Send your congratulations through Skype: I love Skype, do you? Well, that’s one way to send your congratulations. Oh! That sweet feeling that comes with Skype. Even if you get so busy and hooked down by activities beyond your control, sending warm regards to the twin parent shouldn’t be something impossible.

What do you say? because that matters. Are you good with your words? If not, then you just need to see what I’ve prepared below. Ensure you say it with so much excitement.

7. Assist with the discharge: People often remember those who were there in significant moments of their lives. Helping out during the discharge from the hospital is a better way to say your congratulations to the twin parent. This also allows you to see the twins firsthand and feel them.

Oh! That joy comes with seeing the twin placed side by side in the maternity ward. Do you also want to have that experience while you say congratulations? Then, do this.

8. Attend the twin christening: The christening of a child is one of the best moments in the life of the parent. Being present at an occasion like this with a handbag full of goodies for the baby alongside a congratulatory card is how to congratulate someone on their new baby twin.

You should avoid going for the christening of the twin baby without something to give to the parent. Don’t miss such a chance to be a part of their memorable moment. Continue as you see the best wishes you can cite in your card.

21.  It gladdens my heart to know that you’ve got a double bundle of joy, to hold and care for. Congratulations to your family on the arrival of the twin. I hope they stay healthy and strong, bringing much joy to the family.

23.  A big miracle just happened in your life that only a few mothers get. Congratulations on being favored by God. I wish your family a glorious and happy moment with the twin.

24.  You’ll experience so much joy when you see one cry and the other sleeping, or when one scream and the other playing. Although maybe stressful for the first few months, but these memories will be yours forever.

25.  You’ve got it; life’s one-plus-one bundle. Congratulations.

26.  Congratulations to you and your husband on your babies. It means everyone gets to get a firsthand experience of taking care of a child… if you need help, don’t hesitate. I love you! Am happy for you.

27.  The whole universe has become yours with one shining like the stars and the other with a beautiful blue eye like nature. Congratulations!

28.  It’s a real double deal you’ve got, double kisses, double love plus double cries. Congratulations in double.

29.  Not every parent can love and care for one, but nature selected you because you were found worthy to hold, love, and care for two. Congrats!

30.  Having twin babies is tasking but sweet. You’ll have your life turned upside down but you’ll be left with precious memories that you can’t trade.

How to Congratulate a Coworker on a New Baby

How to Congratulate a Coworker on a New Baby

Coworkers do not necessarily have a tight bond with you, but the fact that you work in the same corporation or institution and see each other almost daily is enough reason to send them a congratulatory message on the arrival of their new baby.

How do you congratulate a coworker? Well, this is quite simple. All you’ve got to do is buy some groceries, baby wears, and do some other little things. That’s how to congratulate a coworker on a new baby. For the content of your card, a good rule of thumb says that you should keep it short, heartfelt, and simple.

9. Drive them back home: To congratulate a co-worker who’s just delivered a baby, whether a twin or not, get involved in driving them back home from the hospital. This goes a long way in your art of congratulating them. Aside from the congratulatory card and other things you’ll get them, driving them home will serve as the icing on the cake.

This can also help the bond you share as co-workers, think about it.

10. Pay the bills: Giving has always been the primary and surest sign of love. Sending new baby wishes is not enough when you want to congratulate a co-worker. Pay the hospital bills, not necessarily all. Only show that you care by extending some dollars for the bills. That is something that surely won’t be forgotten easily.

Statistics have shown that the hospital rates for childbirth in countries like the U.S cost nothing less than $4000. Extending some hundreds or thousands of dollars could be the best thing you’ll do for a co-worker.  See examples of new baby wishes.

31.  Congratulations as you welcome your baby. Your life’s sweetest moment is about to start. I pray the twin grows healthy.

32.  My heartiest congratulations to you as you welcome your new child. Can’t wait to meet the big bundle of joy.

33.  Wishing
your family the best in this sweet season of care, as you share the joy the newborns brought.

34.  I’m happy those nine months are now over. The child has finally come. I pray he grows up in love with so many beautiful experiences of life and nature.

35.  You’ve been the best colleague ever, and I’m sure you’ll be a great mom too. Congratulations.

36.  Heaven joins the earth to congratulate you on your newborn. Can’t wait to see some pictures. Congratulations.

37.  Wow! What a beautiful name you got your child. I wish he enjoys the love shared, your care, and your passion for him.

38.  Dear, I was so happy when I heard the news of your newborn. We all can’t wait to see her. Sending you the best wishes and heartfelt congratulations from here.

39.  To the luckiest parent on the earth, I send my congratulations on your new role as a parent. You’re blessed and enabled to do the best for your child. Amen.

40.  It’s a new phase in your life and we understand how hectic it can be, but with beautiful experiences. We wish you a bump-free ride in your new adventure of parenting. Congratulations.

Congratulation Letter to an Employee for a Newborn Baby

Congratulation Letter to an Employee for a Newborn Baby

Did your employee just welcome a new baby, and you want to know how to say congratulation? Read till the end. As an employer with many staffs working with you, this suggests that you’ve got so much on your plate.

How then do you manage to be a good employer by sending a congratulation letter to an employee for a newborn baby, and keeping up with the demands of work? It’ll all in the ways I’ll show you below.

How do you congratulate? two things. Two things you should do as an employer for your employee who just welcomed a new baby. Pay a visit and pay incentives. Let’s see how best you can do this and still manage your schedule.

11. Pay a visit: As an employer and owner of a business, it often seems difficult to get time for things, other than the business, especially if it’s still maturing. Paying a visit to your employee who just delivered a new baby is an action that leaves an indelible mark. This doesn’t only benefit the new parent but it also increases commitment in such workers.

A fruitful relationship with your employee must be built to ensure commitment which in turn helps the company you’re building. This is why visiting is of high importance. And, yes! You can’t afford to go without a card. What should the card contain? I’ll show you. It’s all in the newborn baby wishes to father and mother below.

12. Pay incentives: As a boss visiting an employee to say congratulations on your new baby boy or baby girl, it’s important to not do that without incentives. Incentives? Yes. This can be anything profitable to the new parent and timely. This can be elongated maternity leave, health care insurance that pays the bill, gifts for the baby, a cake to say congratulations, or just anything worthy.

Research has shown the importance of incentives in helping to overcome the lack of engagement among employees and boost optimum interest at work. Do this and you’ll get the best of that employee after the maternity leave is over. See what the card should contain below.

41.  I can’t wait to see the newest member of your family. Am happy you’re healthy as well as the baby. Congratulations.

42.  Best wishes of happiness, love, and health for your newborn. Make sure to send pictures.

43.  Families are the best thing that can happen to anyone. Congratulations on the addition to your family.

44.  Wishing you all the best, and I’m also sending my congratulations to your family. Enjoy everything this season has to offer.

45.   God’s blessings, favor, and abundance will rest on your new child. Amen. Congratulations from all of us.

How to Congratulate a Boss on a New Baby

How to Congratulate a Boss on a New Baby

Sociology has made us understand that you treat relationships differently. Your relationship with your boss is entirely different from the one you have with your mom or step-mom.

In this case, you need to know how to congratulate a boss on a new baby. Doing this correctly will earn you certain closeness with your boss, and this, I’m sure means much to you.

Do you say congratulations when someone has a baby? Certainly, that’s a part of it. It’s generally accepted especially when you say it through a card. Thinking of what to write as regards your boss can bring a headache. This is why I’ve saved you such stress by providing a list of what you can write to say congratulations better. Just sit comfortably and continue scrolling to see what I’ve prepared.

13. Make it grand style: Saying congratulations to your boss shouldn’t make you feel uneasy. All you’ve got to do is to ensure it’s unique. Something in grand style… For instance, you can organize the staff members to do something spectacular, like visiting with a band of singers saying congratulations or with gifts.

In addition to this, a handwritten congratulatory note can be stuck between bouquets to compliment the gesture.

This has a positive impact on the relationship between your boss and yourself. Ensure its grand style, something out of the ordinary.

14. Organize the sip and see shower: A sip and see is the way to introduce a newborn to family and friends by holding a party. This is usually done by the parents. Whether a day or days or even weeks after the birth of the child, a sip and see shower can still be done. When you organize this event for your boss and save them the worry, you get more credits.

Now, don’t get me wrong. The intention is to congratulate, nevertheless, the effect is the credit you get. When organizing this, you send out invitations to as many and prepare for their arrival.

Nothing out of the normal, just coffee, champagne, and some cookies will do. The baby is the main attraction of a sip and see-shower. Try this and you’d have said the best congratulations to your boss. See some of the best samples of what to write to congratulate your boss on a new baby.

46.  Dear boss, I want to be the first to say a big congratulation on the arrival of your new baby. I can’t wait to see him.

47.  With so much excitement, we all at the office extend our congratulations to your family on welcoming a newborn. May the newborn grow beautifully.

48.  To my boss, heartfelt wishes for your baby. We hope he grows so big, strong, and loving. We can’t wait to come for the sip and see-shower.

49.  To the best boss in the world, may your new bundle of joy bring you endless joy and peace.

50.  All of the best wishes on the occasion of your new baby. I hope you enjoy every moment of this new adventure.

Newborn Baby Wishes to Father and Mother

Newborn Baby Wishes to Father and Mother

Whether the parent of t
he newborn is a neighbor down the street or a family relation, you should send your new baby wishes. The way you do this matters, in addition to the card.  Newborn baby wishes to father and mother are not as hard as you may see it. It only needs to have some sincere emotion showing your congratulations. In this article, I’ve prepared the finest combination of words to use.

How do you congratulate? Let me suggest that you send a frame of the child’s picture alongside your card. Sounds like something you can do? Then do it. What then do you write on the card? Well, sip your coffee while you scroll down to see what I’ve prepared.

15. Send a picture frame: Picture frames are symbolic to help us get connected to the one in the frame. When you send a frame alongside your card to say congratulations to a new parent, they’ll sincerely appreciate it. Saying congratulations to the mother and father of a newborn is not hectic at all.

You can pay a visit during the baby shower with the beautifully designed card and the picture frame. This is how to congratulate someone on their new baby girl or boy.

51.  Congratulation on the new arrival. I’ll be willing to help with the new baby.

52.  No other parent could be more deserving of this great package of joy than you. My heartiest wishes for the new baby.

53.  Words won’t be enough to qualify the joy that welled up in me when I heard of your newborn. All the best to your family.

54.  The baby is so lucky to have come into your family because I know how you express your undying love. Best wishes to the baby.

55.  I pray that your newborn grows up smiling, never knowing hardship and struggles.

56.  I’m so glad that your family has become complete with the occasion of the newborn. Congratulations. Sending loads of love and kisses.

57.  May the newest arrival of your child bring you happiness.

58.  Congratulations on your new role of being a papa and mama.

59.  Congratulations! I hope the baby and mother are great

60.  Best wishes to your baby. I’m available for babysitting.

Beautiful How to Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby, right? You can leave a comment to ascertain that and please don’t forget to share it on your social media with family and friends.

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