Hello bloggers (both blog owners and guest post authors), a very good day to you and thank you for stopping by. If you landed on this page then you must have searched for how to split a blog post either in Blogger or WordPress. Without wasting your precious time, let’s go to the point of discussion.

Personally, I have seriously searched for how to split my blog posts using every search engine you can ever think of but I couldn’t find a clear answer to what I was looking for but finally found out that you can just use a plugin to split your posts on WordPress which is very easy but it doesn’t apply to Blogger because everything in the HTML tags are just codes. I saw from different websites, blogs and forum talking about pages and blog post so I decided to share their views and mine to get solutions.
How to put posts on different pages in blogger
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How do i split a long post in to multiple pages
How to make every Blogger post appear on a separate page
How to put put Posts into your Pages in Blogger

See more Search Results

    How to put put Posts into your Pages in Blogger | Blogger ……/how-to-put-put-posts-into-your-…
    Mar 4, 2014 – How to set up your blog so that your posts appear on separate web-pages.
    How to make every Blogger post appear on a separate page ……/making-every-post-appear-on-se…
    Oct 12, 2011 – However I try not to use that word, because the Pages feature in Blogger is quite different. See “The Difference between pages and posts” for …
    How do i split a long post in to multiple pages – Google Product …
    Apr 6, 2012 – 9 posts – ‎6 authors
    I don’t recommend splitting an article into 4 pages, but what you can do is separate … Blogger’s jump break will let you segment your post once.
    How to Split WordPress Posts into Multiple Pages

Now, why do we really want to split our post? It’s got a very simple answer which is because we got an article which is very voluminous and we want them to be displaced in briefs and shared into pages so that we readers can click on the page numbers, next or previous button option for the complete article.

Like in Blogger platform where blog “jump break” will let you segment your post once. It’s almost certainly not what you are looking for, and is primarily useful for starting a post on the main page and continuing it on its post page, but it is very simple to use and generates its own “read more” link. See what someone said in a forum:

I was actually just looking for the same option and think I have a bit of a work around. With the new blogger “pages” feature you could simply create multiple pages and add the extra content there. You’ll have to keep the pages as “hidden” so they won’t show up in the pages bar but you should be able to link to them and have users find them just fine. This isn’t going to be ideal for SEO but it’s about the only option I’ve come across that would work.

I saw many other suggestions by other SEO experts but I think to achieve the effect they illustrated, it would involve several linked posts or static pages, with the linking (and page numbering). I think this is would be a lot of work for no purpose.

I practically applied one of the procedures on the forum but if you began on a post page and continued to one of more static pages, for instance, only the beginning would appear on the main page. You could use the jump break on the first entry (blog post) if you like.

I also saw this procedures and codes that are used for setting up blog pages from the HTML tag of a Blogger blog. You can decide to change the names of the pages to suite what you want.

Page 1 text

Then create a navigation that toggles all of them to display: none, and toggles the div you want to display as display: block.

Previously, I wrote an article on the site showing you how to increase page views and reduce bounce rate in WordPress. One of the tips we mentioned was splitting long posts into multiple pages. You can see an example of how we split our posts into two pages or even into five pages. After writing that article, we got a lot of inquiries from people asking us multiple questions. How do you split the posts into multiple pages? I put the tag, but no pagination shows up. Well worry not. In this article, we will show you how to split WordPress posts into multiple pages.

On most well-coded themes, all you have to do is paste this code: wherever you want the next page to start. The pagination will automatically show up. Note: make sure that you are using the Text view rather than Visual view in your post editor.

If for some reason, pagination is not showing up after you have pasted the next page tags, then you would need to add the more codes in your single.php loop. You can do more research to find it.

To be sincere to you, nobody knows it all, feel free to drop your suggestions on how to split posts on blogger and WordPress. You might be helping someone somewhere. More articles are found below…. Keep blogging from my tips…………… Click next for more

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