How to get a job at Google from the Comfort of Your Home

How to get a job at Google from the Comfort of Your Home.

How to get a job: If you are wondering how robust is it to get a job at Google, I am going to share what I know based on my experience as a tech recruiter. All you have to do is to focus on this page and read this article to the end.

Landing any job at Google is tough because they hire the best of the best, and they receive a TON of applicants. (This is the main reason it’s so hard to get a job at Google).

But it can be done. And if you want to get hired by Google, make sure you read until the end because I’m also going to share my top tips for how you can get a job at Google. (It’s not easy, but you can overcome the odds by taking a few specific steps).

But first, here is exactly how hard it is to get a job at Google…

How hard is it to get a job at Google?

It is difficult to get a job at Google because of their quality standards and the high number of applications they receive per year. For example, INC reported that Google receives 2 million job applications per year, which means it’s more competitive to get into than Harvard University. However, several thousand people do get hired by Google each year, so it can be done!

(In the second half of this article I’ll share how to get a job at Google, so keep reading).

Applying to a Job at Google

The first step to landing your dream job at Google is finding the perfect position for which you should apply. You’ll find Google’s open positions on its Glassdoor profile, complete with job descriptions and salary estimates, where they’re available. When you find the right job, you can also apply through Glassdoor by clicking on the “Apply Now” button on the job listing page. 

Google encourages applicants to “match your skills and interests to jobs you’re excited about and the problems you want to solve,” according to . That said, if you feel your skills make you a perfect fit for multiple jobs, you can apply for more than one job at a time.

“You can apply for more than one role at once, though we recommend narrowing your choices down to a few jobs that truly match your skills, experience, and interests,” according to . “We’ll review your resume/CV—and transcript for interns and new graduates—to determine the best fit.” 

Get a Job at Google with Ease

If you want to become a (Google’s term for a new employee), the bottom line is that there is no straight path or pre-defined formula. That said, here are some tips to stand out from the pack with hopes of counting yourself among the elite at this tech giant:

1. Demonstrate leadership

It’s time to dust up your LinkedIn profile.

It may be common sense, but your resume is the first information source that Google may learn about you. Google views your resume as an ideal place to highlight your achievements.

For example, if you’ve held a leadership position, Google wants to know about it. What was your role? How did you lead and influence others? How did you measure success?

2. Ace the Phone / Google Hangout interview

Phone or Google Hangout interviews can last from 30-60 minutes and are an opportunity for you to speak with a potential manager or colleague.

If you’re  for a software engineer role, be prepared to discuss algorithms and data structures. You’ll likely be asked to write 20-30 lines of code.

During the interview, remember these four key steps when asked an open-ended question:

  • Ask clarifying questions.
  • Explain your response in an algorithm.
  • Convert it to a workable code. Consider corner cases and edge cases.
  • Test. Find bugs.

If you’re not a software engineer, you should expect to answer behavioral, hypothetical, or case-based questions.

3. Master the on-site interview

While there’s no predicting exactly how your interviews will go, here is some advice to help you prepare:

  • Write down potential questions and answers you could receive. You can likely predict the most common interview questions. (If not, Google it).
  • Show how you think.
  • Explain how you make decisions.
  • Demonstrate how you approach and solve problems.
  • It’s ok to ask clarifying questions to make sure you understand what is being asked.
  • Support your claims with evidence and data.

If you’re applying for a technical role, here is some advice to help you prepare:

  • Know at least one programming language well.
  • Focus on conceptual understanding (rather than memorization).
  • Approach the problem with .
  • Understand sorting and data structures.
  • Expect potential math problems.

4. Have Googlyness

Yes, that’s a real word.

(Watch the movie The Internship with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson for more information).

Googlyness incorporates various intangible attributes, which may include passion, drive, entrepreneurship, creativity, persistence, and grit – as well as an inherent belief that technology can make the world a better place.

If you’re a Googler, you may have your own, better definition.

You’re not required to have Googlyness during the interview, but consider it an added bonus.

Writing Your Resume for the Job

Google to hire you begins with a stellar resume and cover letter. Because Google favors candidates who are energetic, innovative, and willing to learn, your resume and cover letter must convey how you’ve shown initiative, ideas you’ve brought to fruition, and your continued education.

But don’t toot your own horn too much: Google also values intellectual humility, or an ability to acknowledge when you’re wrong and adjust your ideas accordingly. 

What’s the best way to convey all this information? Show what you’ve accomplished on your resume and cover letter, quantifying any results, and sharing details that go beyond simple job descriptions. Here’s what that looks like: Imagine that one of your tasks at your current job is writing up software documentation.

But rather than listing that as a duty on your resume, think about the results of your efforts. Your documentation makes it easier for customers to use the software your company creates—and that’s what you should write about on these documents. 

And because , use evidence to support any claims you make. For example, don’t just say that you improved customer experience.

Instead, use any available numbers to show it. That might look something like this: “After the release of the new documentation, customer complaints were reduced by more than 25 percent in just one month.” 

Finally, your path will begin to follow in the footsteps of Larry, Sergey, Eric, Sundar, and so many other visionaries. Since each interview experience may be , there’s no secret formula or special playbook to get hired at Google.

While it’s not easy to get hired at , this four-point plan may help bring you closer to your dream job. And if you forget this advice come interview time, just Google it. Reach out to your friends by sharing this with them on their timeline on social media.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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