Fulfillment of love


For the solemnization of holy matrimony


Josephine Stephen Azogor


Julius Enyah Ikpabi


Church of Christ Anong Ezeke Ekureku

Abi L. G. A. Cross River State

On Saturday 22nd December, 2012


10:00am prompt

venue: Ekureku Community Secondary School Anong

Officiating ministers

Pastor Solution Boniface Emeh

Pastor Clement Idor 

Order of Service

1.                  opening prayer

2.                  procession of the groom, little groom, best

3.                  procession of the bride, little bride, chief bride maid

4.                  introduction of the officiating ministers/preacher

5.                  opening hymn

6.                  brief sermon

7.                  advice on marriage to the couples

8.                  second hymn

9.                  exhortation, change and declaration

10.              joining and blessing

11.              prayer for the couples

12.              hymn/chorus/offering

13.              closing prayer

14.              marching out of couples for photograph

15.              reception follows immediately

hymn 1

how great thou art

o lord my God! When I in awesome wonder

consider all the works thy hands hath made

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder

Thy pow’r thro’out the universe displayed

Then sings soul, my saviour God to thee

How great thou art, how great thou art!

When through the woods and forest glades I wander

And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees

When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur

And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation,

And take me home, what ho shall fill my heart!

Then I shall bow in humble adoration

And there proclaim, my God, how great thou art!

Hymn 2

Its so sweet to trust in Jesus

Its so sweet to trust in Jesus

Just to take him at his word;

Just to rest upon his promise

Just to know thus saith the lord

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him

How I’ve proved him o’er and o’er

Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!

O for grace to trust him more!

O how sweet to trust in Jesus

Just to trust his cleansing blood

Just in simple faith to plunge me

Neath the healing, cleansing flood

I’m so glad I learned to trust thee

Precious Jesus, saviour, friend

And I know that thou art with me

Wilt be with me to the end

Hymn 3

To God be the Glory

To God be the glory, great things he hath done

So loved he the world that he gave us his son,

Who yielded his life an atonement for sin

And opened the life gate tah all may go in

Praise the lord, praise the lord

Let the earth hear his voice

Praise the lord, praise the lord

Let the people rejoice

O come to the father through Jesus the son

And give him the glory, great things he hath done

O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood

To every believer the promise of God

The vilest offender who truly believes

That moment from Jesus a pardon receives

Great thing he hath taught us, great things he hath done

And great our rejoicing though Jesus the son

But purer, and higher, and greater will be

Our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see

The joining and blessing

Minister  who gives the woman, Josephine Stephen a to be married to this man Julius

Bride father yes I will

The minister receives the bride at her father’s hand and shall cause the groom with his right hard to take the bride by her right hand. The groom facing the bride shall say after the minister

Marriage covenant

I Julius Enyah Ikpabi, will you have this woman to be your wedded wife to live together after God’s ordinance of marriages will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health and forsaking all others. Keep yourself only for her as long as you live

Yes I will

I Josephine Stephen Azogor, will you have this man to be you wedded husband to live together after God’s ordinance of marriages? Will you love him, comfort him honor and keep him in sickness and in health? And forsaking all others, keep yourself only for him as long as you live?

Yes I will

The minister say

What do your give in commemoration of this pledge.

The minister receive the rings and blesses them

The minister then delivers the ring to the groom to put it on the fourth finger of the bride’s left hand, the groom holding the ring shall say

Minister: the wedding ring is a symbols of marriage in at least two ways; the purity of good symbolizes the purity of love for each other. And unending circle symbolizes, the unending love for each other. As a token of your vows, you will give and re
ceive the rings

The groom: I Julius enyah ikpabi, with this ring I wed you, to show my love and endure with you, in the name of father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The bride: I Josephine Stephen azogor with this ring I will you, to show my love and to endure with you, in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(the couple turns to the congregation and the minister presents them)

ladies and gentlemen, it is now my privilege to declare to you mr. Julius enyah ikpabi, and Josephine Stephen azogor husband and wife.


Josephine Stephen azogor

Chief bride maid

Cordelia francis e.

Best man

Thomas evalsam Ikpabi

Flower girls

Divine l. abonor

Patience bassey

Favour joseph ele

Gituda l. abonor

Godgift Dermot abonor

Grace ben okor

Patience linus nkata

Edith Mathew William

Bridal train

Cordelia bassey

Mary Stephen

Mirable john ikpabi

Chinwe b. okor

Committee of friends

Age grade

Little bride maid

Young sarah Julius enyah

Heart hilary bassey

Little groom

David henry ije

Spenser l. abonor

Make-up artist

Emilia moses


Julius enyah ikpabi

Groom men

Moses ele emeh

Michael ele bassey

Evai john

Godwin g. abonor

Rolarnd bassey

Moses ebong igwe

Egbonyi Stephen azogor

Ekpe simon

John bassey imong

Victor imong enyah

Felix egbe ele

Groom toast

Alian simon

Bride toast

Joy peter isong

Order of photograph

1.                  couple with officiating ministers

2.                  couple alone

3.                  bride alone

4.                  groom alone

5.                  couple with chief bride maid/best man

6.                  couple with both parent

7.                  couple with groom family

8.                  couple with bride family

9.                  couple with the church of Christ members

10.              couple with committee of friends

11.              couple with groom men

12.              couple with bride age grade

13.              couple with flower girls

14.              couple with little bride

15.              couple with acsse 2005

16.              couple with acsse 2001

17.              couple with all friends

18.              couple with usher/bridal train

19.              miscellaneous 

Reception of the wedding

1.                  arrival of guest & chairman by mc

2.                  arrival of the couple

3.                  opening prayer

4.                  opening speech by the chairman

5.                  unveiling blessing

6.                  presentation of the cake by the designer

7.                  cutting of cake

8.                  toast of bride & groom

9.                  feeding of the couple

10.              step dance

11.              couple dance

12.              presentation of gifts

13.              vote of thanks by the couple

14.              chairman’s closing remark

15.              closing prayer

16.              departure


mr./mrs. David bassey

mother’s of the day

mrs. Gloria Stephen

mrs. Josephine john enyah

mrs. Comfort bassey eleng

mrs. Grace laz abonor

elder (mrs.) kate david agbang

mrs. Flourance ewokor

mrs. Felicia emmanuel asebe

elder. Mathia alike

mrs. Justina felix

mrs. Anthonia henry ije

mrs. Bridget ben. Abonor

mrs. Sarah david nkata

father’s of the day

mr. john enyah ikpabi

pst. Bassey e. bassey

hon. Lazarus b. abonor

mr. felix ejang

mr. joseph ele asebe

mr. moses nkasi

pst. Benjamin abonor

mr. david nkasi

engr. John enyah

mr. cosmos okorie

mr. ferdinard ewokor

mr. henry ije

mr. Justus imong

bar. Bassey agbong

mr. charlse igiri

mr. moigan egbe

Mathew ewokor elepast  

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