This is boiling the mixture of oil or (fats with caustic potash (Ash) to about 80oc




Oil (vegetable oil or fat) 1 gallon (6 bottles), caustic soda 1kg, Ash 1kg, Perfume 1rub or to your taste, Colour (to taste)


1.                 Soak the caustic soda over night with water (about 6 bottles)

2.                 On the day of production dissolve the Ash with 6 bottles of water.

3.                 Gauge the Ash caustic soda with hydrometer, 1200

4.                  Gauge the Ash 1200

5.                 Pour the both solutions in a pot with 1 gallon of oil or fat.

6.                 Place the pot on fir for cooking.

7.                 As you are boiling the mixture you will turn it, until it starts gumming.

8.                 Pour it in mole to block.

9.                 Cut and package for use or sell.

To produce a Toilet Soap in all the Process, either cold. semi-cold or Hot,  Add the following;

I.                   Glycerin and

II.                Vitamin E

To get anti-racial soap,

111.    Add phenol 2 rub to the above mixture.


1.     Caustic soda and soda Ash are EXTREMELY caustic and can cause burns if splashed on the skin. It could cause blindness if spattered in the eyes.

2.     Use caution when adding Iye (caustic soda and potash) to cold water, when stirring caustic (Iye) and when pouring the liquid soap into moles. If it is spilled on skin, wash immediately with cold water.  

3.     Wash off any caustic or green (uncured) soap spilled on furniture or counter tops.

4.     Always add caustic soda to cold water, never to hot water because the chemical action heats the cold water to the boiling point. It also produces harsh fumes which are harmful if breathed deeply. Stand back and avert the head while the caustic soda is dissolving. The use of gloves, glasses and draft vents is recommended. Because of these dangers, it is best to keep small children far from the place while soap is being produced. Avoid using aluminum containers to dissolve caustic soda. Always use rubber and plastic containers.



(Elaeis guineensis) is an edible oil derives from the kernel of the oil palm.


          An ingredient in detergent production.

2.     CAUSTIC Other names: Iye, sodium hydroxide.

Molecular formula NAOH

          Caustic is white granules.

          Caustic is soluble in water, ethanol and methanol.

Uses of caustic: In used in many industries, mostly as a strong chemical base in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, drinking water, soaps and detergents and as a drain cleaner.


Caustic soda neutralizes or adjusts the acidity of the other ingredients in soap and detergents production.

3.     POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE: Other names caustic potash, Ash and Iye.

Formula KOH

          Potassium Hydroxide forms white deliquescent crystals is usually white pellets. It dissolves readily in water, giving of much heat and forming a strong alkaline caustic solution.

Types: Light ash and hard ash.

Uses: Include pepper products, soap and detergents, etc. it allow bar soaps to harden.

4.     SODIUM SULPHATE: Is the sodium salt of sulfuric acid. It is a white crystalline solid.



          Sodium sulphate is mainly used for the manufacturing of the detergents and in the kraft process of pepper pulping. 


Sodium sulphate provides proper flow or solubility to soap. Cleans without leaving residue.

5.     HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: Is a clear liquid slightly more viscous than water.

USES: It has many function but it is mainly used in powered detergent production.

FUNCTIONS: It breakdown soaps particles  

6.      CALCIUM HYPOCHLORIDE: Other names Aqua chloro, (HTH) and chlorine used in bleach production, treating of drinking water also for cleansing.

NATURE: Solid and granules form.

7.     ANTISOL: Is a translucent, colourless brittle (when dry), flavorless solid substance.

          It is commonly used as a gelling agent.

Other names gelatin, part R. 

8.     GLYCERINE: A thick liquid substance. It serves as moisturize in facial cleaner.


(S.L.S.) A cleansing agent and effective foamer.  

10.                        SULPHONIC ACID: A brownish or blackish thinkly liquid. It serves as foaming agent.

11.                        MENTHOL: Is an organic compound made synthetically or obtained from peppermint or other mint oils. It is a waxy, crystalline substance, clear or white in colour. Solid at room temperature and melts slightly above.

12.                        INDUSTRIAL CONPHOR: A similar substance to menthol.

13.                        P.V.A. EMOTION:- It is used for production of bonds. (Gum or glue)

14.                        PHENOL: Other names, carbolic acid and phenic acid.


          It is serves as an antiseptic (germ-free) substance.

15.                        PERFUME: Other name fragrance it gives nice smell to the product.

16.                        Colours: gives colour to the products. Kinds of colours

i.                   Water colours and

ii.                 Oil colours.

17.                         FORMULINE: A colourless liquid substance. It look like water. It is commonly used as preservative.

18.                        Titan (white colour) 

19.                        CARBON COMPLEX are additives component.

It used in production of soap, paint chalk board e.t.c.

20.                        COCO DIETHANOL AMIDE (CDEA)

Foam or sud booster.

21.                        SODIUM SILICATE- A liquid substance That serve as hardening and leavening agent, prevent separation or deterioration of ingredients in liquid product.

22.                        SODIUM TRIPOLYPHOSPHATE (STPP). A chemical that gives cleansing power

23.                        ETHYLENE DIAMINE TETRAACETIC

ACID (EDTA) Sequestering agents that makes the ingredients floats, used as forming stabilizer; also to reduce hardness in water.

24.                        TERGITOL:  Binder used for powered detergent.

25.                        SODIUM PHOSPHATE: Provides the abrasive strength; remove hard water minerals and this increase the effectiveness of detergents; prevents dirty from setting back in clothes during washing

26.                        Sodium chloride or table salt: Thickening agent; provides viscosity to the soap.

27.                        Methyl and propyl pareben:  Anti-microbial preservatives.

28.                        Triethanol amine (TEA) Emulsifier used in facial cleaner.

29.                        Benzalkonium chloride: disinfectant against bacteria, fungi and yeast.

30.                        Carboxyl methy cellulose (CMC) An anti-redeposition agents that prevent dirt from setting back in clothes during washing.

31.                        Lysor

32.                        Chlorozinol

33.                        Ethanol is an alcohol.

34.                        ethanol use in production of body perfume.

35.                        Juniper                          

36.                        Pine oil   

37.                        Petroleum jelly

38.                        Perofine oil

39.                        Parafine wax

40.                        Lanoline

NOTE; JUNIPER, PINE OIL, PETROLEUM JERRY, are commonly used for the production of hair cream, Vaseline pomades balm etc.      

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