How to Respond to How are you to Someone Interviewing you

– How to Respond to How are you –

How to respond to how are you? It would be simple to respond to the query with “I’m alright, thank you.” While being extremely complex, humans are also creatures of habit who frequently say one thing when they really mean another.

How to Respond to How are you

Actually, asking someone “How are you?” could be more than simply a basic question—it could be a great approach to start a lively discussion!

However, if you’re tired of hearing the same old, mediocre, half-hearted responses. Therefore, simply choose one of these responses to add some new life to your routine chats. Who knows, you might steer the topic toward something more fascinating.


How are you doing?

The question “how are you doing?” However, is one that is politely addressed to someone as a greeting or when they are being introduced.

Therefore, in order to find out how they are feeling and how their life is going. Also, in more recent years, the phrase can be used to ironically or humorously pose the same topic.

How Have you been?

Among native English speakers, the inquiry “How have you been?” is frequently asked. However, it is a question about your activities and how your life has been since a specific time.

Maybe they’re asking you how you’ve been doing since you last saw them.

How are you Today?

People frequently start a discussion with “How are you today?” in order to establish a conversation’s rhythm.

Unless the other person knows that you recently encountered an issue. Also, you are not required to lengthily respond.

However, you can provide an update on your issue and go into more detail if you recently experienced a difficulty (such as being ill).

How Was Your Day?

As the day draws to a close, your phone rings and a text asking, “How was your day?” pops up. Therefore, it may come from your best friend, your crush, or even your parents.

However, they simply want to check-in, but what should you say? Regardless of how your day has gone, we have you covered. Also, learn how to respond to anyone in the following paragraphs.

Funny Ways to Answer the Phone

Using a pre-recorded voicemail message from a well-known person or fictional characters, such as Homer Simpson or Family Guy, to answer the phone.

Other phrases include “Guess who?” or “Hey, where did you park the ice cream truck?” in a crackly, hilarious voice. They will likely perplex callers at first, but they’ll soon start making fun of you.

How to Respond to What’s up

What’s up? Or more commonly, just “sup” is a general greeting in the West Midlands of England. You can reply with phrases like “Not much,” “Nothing,” “Alright,” etc.

Therefore, in this situation, the remark merely serves as a friendly greeting or reassurance that everything is fine.

How’s Your Day Going?

Using an adjective to describe how your day is going is totally okay. However, if nothing noteworthy is happening to you, you might alternatively say “. Also, yours” to ask the other person how their day is going.

Some example adjectives:

How’s your day going?

1. Amazing

2. Great

3. Good

4. Not bad

5. Ok

6. Same old, same old

7. Terrible

8. Awful

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