How to Successfully Skip NYSC Camp 2021 – A Complete Guide

Are you looking for ways you could skip NYSC orientation camp entirely? Well, I’m sorry to tell you that isn’t entirely possible. Well, you can’t skip NYSC camp but there are some tricks in getting through them.

Skip NYSC Camp

If you are part of the ongoing three weeks compulsory orientation camp for corps members and you are looking for a way out of the stressful camp activities, then we have got you covered with seven popular excuses you can use.

Disclaimer: Try them at your own risk.

1. Fake diseases:

Show the camp officials a fake Doctors’ report, come up with some strange diseases that no one has ever heard off like some guys did a few days back.

2. Fake Medication:

Always have lots of medication with you. Wherever you are, just keep your medication somewhere within reach and keep lying on your bed. Whenever the soldiers come into your room and see you, put on a sick face (great acting skills needed) and show them your plenty drugs that of course, you are not using.

3. Asthmatic:

Tell them you are Asthmatic but you must always have inhalers with you so the officials will take you seriously.

4. Pregnancy

For the ladies, claim you are pregnant. Especially if you have got a big tummy, it’s all good for you.

5. Join Camp Clinic:

The camp clinic members are usually automatic members of the Red Cross and first aid team in camp. This gives them the leverage to stay in the clinic and evade NYSC activities as much as they want.

However, only those who studied Medical and Pharmaceutical courses are members; but then, there is always a way around it. Just get close to the clinic corners, the rest is left to them.

6. Join OBS:

Orientation Broadcasting Service (OBS) is one of the escape routes to early morning Personal Training (PT) in camp. Once you join, you are free! All the members do is wake up in the morning and make their way to the OBS room thus they don’t get to participate in the camp activities.

7. Join the Camp Band

The NYSC Band is the official music team of the NYSC and they usually get trained during the camp. The good news is that you don’t have to know how to sing or play any instrument to join them. What’s important is that you must be willing to learn. These members are often treated like gods and rarely participate in the camp activities.

NYSC Orientation Camp Code of Conduct

  1. Attend regularly, and participate, fully in all official engagements on the field, at lectures, and all places of work.
  2. Not leave orientation camp or absent yourself from any official activity without the written consent of the State Coordinator.
  3. Not gamble within the premises.
  4. Do not have firearms or ammunition.
  5. Do not smoke, chew anything whatsoever, make or answer calls, while on parade and at any other time, not smoke in a prohibited area or throw lighted cigarette butts or lighted matches about the premises carelessly.
  6. Not get drunk.
  7. Do not receive visitors in the camp except on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
  8. Wear the various uniforms provided for the activities.
  9. Do not keep pets in camp.
  10. Do not take part in mob action or steal.
  11. Not take part in or organize night parties in camp without the written permission of the State Coordinator.
  12. Do not be insubordinate or rude to camp officials.
  13. Do not own hard drugs like cocaine, Indian hemp, heroine etc.
  14. Not bring vehicles or motorcycles into the orientation camp.
  15. PCM should not bring forged documents for registration.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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